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Robert Bruce's Possession

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I agree Tyciol, it does sound like Schizophrenia, but there are differences, however they are hard to detect.  With a mental illness, everything comes from the person and psychic defense shouldn't work, right (unless it acts as a sort of therapy to the person).  When I was fighting off a neg attack, I was questioning my sanity, wondering if I was Schizophrenic, but then upon finding that cleansing my house and setting up psychic barriers around my home helped to get rid of them, I thought that that's not how insanity would work.  I would still think I was being attacked in spite of the psychic defense work, right? I'll admit, one can be confused for the other, and you have a point Tyciol, but my findings are that both neg attacks and mental illness exist and are separate (although one may lead to another).

I'd like to point out to Kaili and anyone else who reads this that our astral bodies exist in the astral at all times(they're just not "separated" and that's not where our consciousness is located, usually).  For instance, I've been able to switch over to astral sight during meditation while remaining in my physical body (it was odd, and I was rather surprised to see what entities were floating around my living space).  Anyway, so my point is that everyone "is in the jungle" because it is part of our existance, we as beings, exist on many planes at once, and the negs get to us by attacking our astral bodies even if our consciousness is located in the physical.


Quote from: TyciolIt's a difficult thing to believe, spirits sound like Schizophrenia to me. *is a tad into psychology*

If the idea of spirits is schizophrenia, why are you hanging out at Robert Bruce's "psychic self defense" threads?  He certainly doesn't believe he's schizophrenic, nor do the majority of people here who have had experiences with the non physical world.

Tyciol--why not hang out where you resonate?  Perhaps you want someone to convince you spirits are real?  Perhaps you are afraid?
For whatever reason you are posting in a thread that clashes with your belief systems, maybe you would be best served finding one that does.

Nobody here will be able to convince you of anything you haven't experienced, nor does anyone want to try.


QuoteI'd like to point out to Kaili and anyone else who reads this that our astral bodies exist in the astral at all times(they're just not "separated" and that's not where our consciousness is located, usually).

Thank you, Einstein.  

Next time I have an experience with a projected hologram, a non physical entity, or energy of unknown origin, I will be sure to consult you.  I know you have all the answers.  I know you will be able to explain and analyze all my experiences, from both a psychological and scientific perspective, because you are just so knowledgeable, and omniscient.

We are so lucky to have you in our midst.



Hi all,
Let me quote McArthur, " My neg trouble is easing precisely because I am now doing energy work, working on shielding, and also accepting help from others. The thing with having the attention from negs is that one can't just get rid of them in one day and everything is then fine. One has to then do the shielding and energy work daily and work on oneself spiritually in order to be able to reach and stay at a place where negs no longer have any effect."

This person is right on the money !   He has worked out for himself that healing and preventing Neg attacks is about working at strengthening your Self.  During the process Mc Arthur will find that he is much more powerful than he previously thought and will also remember the tool for the most effective way of dealing with negs.

This ably illustrates what I have been saying here for the past 18 months or so....  about helping yourself instead of being totally reliant upon others to do it all for you.  Which seems to be the problem with many attackees, who seek assistance but refuse to do anything to actually help them self.

Lastly, there are a small number of people who post in the psychic self-defense section who are extremely arrogant, downright abusive at times, and always appear as if they are suffering through no cause of their own....  and, usually become very agitated when informed that it was themselves who allowed and arranged to experience the attacks they write about here.   How long before these people stop shooting down the real helpers and actually get off their own bums and do something positive for themselves ?

A few months ago I wrote about how I most effectively deal with Attacks in the physical, astral and soul levels.  Some people just threw crap on me and what I was offering them... you know who you are... so there is no need to name names.  Some people are starting to use this advice and finding out for themselves just how powerful a tool it really is.

For example, daem0n has recently been working in realms far beyond anything most of you will ever experience... I know this as fact because I have helped out when the occasion was needed in higher realms than I had opened up to prior to that.

Last night he was attacked by an entity that we could call an ancient god, and since this being was extremely powerful, as a god would be, daem0n used the golden light of the Love vibration to stun and work on the Entity before severing it's cord/connection to the hosts.  Today he is successful  in that confrontation.

When I add this to my own success rate with using this Loving method, anything these detractors can think up is paled into insignificance!  So much for too many OBE's makes Johnny an air head ....thanks K !

So for those of you who seek real help with your problems, I suggest you steer away from those who do nothing for themselves except complain and abuse/attack others because they themselves have no real understanding of their own problem nor their own Self...especially when it is most probably the attackers who are in control of them.

Glad to have gotten that off my chest, LOL



I think a large source of the arguements here in the psychic self defense forum is partly due to sometimes not realizing how our posts come across to others.  Also, a differentiation needs to be made between run of the mill neg attacks and attacks which are the equivalent of mental rape.

Tayesin, I'm certain that your are trying to help, and its sounds like the Golden Light method you describe has been succesful.   However, I wish to show how your post might come across to Kaili and others.  I an going to change certain words slightly in order to demonstrate this:

QuoteThis person is right on the money ! He has worked out for himself that healing and preventing mental rape is about working at strengthening your Self. During the process Mc Arthur will find that he is much more powerful than he previously thought and will also remember the tool for the most effective way of dealing with rapists.

This ably illustrates what I have been saying here for the past 18 months or so.... about helping yourself instead of being totally reliant upon others to do it all for you. Which seems to be the problem with many victims of mental rape, who seek assistance but refuse to do anything to actually help them self.

Lastly, there are a small number of rape victims who post in the psychic self-defense section who are extremely arrogant, downright abusive at times, and always appear as if they are suffering through no cause of their own.... and, usually become very agitated when informed that it was themselves who allowed and arranged to experience the mental rape they write about here. How long before these rape victims stop shooting down the real helpers and actually get off their own bums and do something positive for themselves ?

A few months ago I wrote about how I most effectively deal with Attacks in the physical, astral and soul levels. Some rape victims just threw crap on me and what I was offering them... you know who you are... so there is no need to name names. Some people are starting to use this advice and finding out for themselves just how powerful a tool it really is.

For example, daem0n has recently been working in realms far beyond anything most of you will ever experience... I know this as fact because I have helped out when the occasion was needed in higher realms than I had opened up to prior to that.

Last night he was attacked by an entity that we could call an ancient god, and since this being was extremely powerful, as a god would be, daem0n used the golden light of the Love vibration to stun and work on the Entity before severing it's cord/connection to the hosts. Today he is successful in that confrontation.

When I add this to my own success rate with using this Loving method, anything these detractors can think up is paled into insignificance! So much for too many OBE's makes Johnny an air head ....thanks K !

So for those of you who seek real help with your problems, I suggest you steer away from those victims of mental rape who do nothing for themselves except complain and abuse/attack others because they themselves have no real understanding of their own problems nor their own Self...especially when it is most probably the rapists who are in control of them.

Please do not take this as an attack, I simply wish to show you how this post might come across to others.  Also:

QuoteLastly, there are a small number of people who post in the psychic self-defense section who are extremely arrogant, downright abusive at times, and always appear as if they are suffering through no cause of their own.... and, usually become very agitated when informed that it was themselves who allowed and arranged to experience the attacks they write about here.

Many of those who have experienced the worst attacks cannot astral project, or have been spiritually blocked, and as such, have no present means of proving to themselves whether or not this is true.  Do you have another means of providing irrefutable proof that they have indeed choosen/pre-destined every painful detail of their lives beforehand?  If not, then I think using this as a guideline is unfair to the victims.  I feel that even when helping others, it is good to always keep the counter-arguements for our experiences in mind, no matter how much we may have proven it to ourselves.

Also, as I pointed out above, consider for a moment what would be said when trying to help someone who was raped against their will.  Are we REALLY going to tell them that they choose this before birth, and that they thus partly caused it?  Of course not.  Only if they were well on their way to projecting and had healed themselves of their pain would I mention such.


Hiya Bunnies,
Thanks.  I do understand how easily things can be misunderstood, it has been one of the things I learned this year from these discussions.

While I understand your brilliant thoughts on the difference between those who are projectors and those who currently aren't, in relation to understanding the higher implications of their situation, I am still more likely to inform people about the Choice aspect of their every experience.

What I need to find is the way to word it so that those people will not perceive it as me saying they 'deserved it', it is their fault, etc.  Which is unfortunately how it is taken and has been taken in the past.  For some reason people associate Soul Choice with Victimhood and having deserved it..  which of course it does not, it only means that the magnificent Soul they are has chosen to experience this and therefore provide the Source with the experience of themselves having these experiences.

I think it important to the people experiencing attack to know that they have made Soul choices to experience exactly what they are experiencing, because that should indicate to them a path to free themselves from their attacks.  And, to deal effectively with attacks one must find the strength from within themselves, and not from outside sources that can become relied upon, because that way does not help them to be self-empowered.  But this does not mean I am against people receiving outside help, as it is one of the steps towards self-empowerment if the person is then able to let go of the safety rope and walk on their own two feet again.

What needs to change is the concept of "Victim".  The victim mind-set is what keeps attacks happening, because the person has already given their power away to the attacker, and so they see themselves as the victim of these attacks and not as the co-creator of them.

We do not have attacks that are completely one sided, in fact nothing we experience is.  So if people could start to think to themselves, "Okay, since I have helped create this even though I was not aware of it, how then can I change that."    This will be the first self-empowered step these people will take, and from that small point of clarity they will slowly begin to find their own power within themselves.  It is there, inside them, waiting for them to find it and use it to grow out of the attack experience as the Soul they are chose for this life.

Thanks again Bunnies, you put the perspective across to me in a way that has not been so clearly put in the past.



Also what about the Greys?  Often they will capture people astrally and physically without their consent.

Part of this thread discussed positive emotions as a tool of defense.  I hope this isn't being too nitpicky but I've learned that positive emotions is simply a side effect from Love since emotions emanate from the Astral body and Love emanates from the Soul.  As example it's kind of like how tears flow from the physical body.  It's not the physical that originated the emotions.  Rather, the physical tears are simply an end result or side effect.  The reason I mentioned this is because IMHO emotions are to be controlled rather than letting emotions control you.  After all, it is the love from the Soul and Spirit that we are interested in.
NOTE: I believe a moderator may have edited some of my posts on mysticism. I will no longer post here until users can know when moderators edit their posts.

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Well said Paul, very well said.

I tend to think that what we call abductions are also part and parcel of the choices we made for these lives.  The reason for this concept began about 8 years ago when searching out ways to help an old man dying from what appeared to be a stroke, although he never had a stroke.  

In the journey that followed I was speaking with two different groups of 'aliens' who helped me to understand that this human had actually agreed to provide the body to be implanted with a symbiotic-device that would fail so that they could record the results.

Since they had no previous data on such a happening within the human body, they sought out volunteers and were rewarded with this amazing man, who's Soul agreed to provide this for them.

I know it sound totally crazy.  Yet, when we think on a level above that of human awareness, and add the fact that all things really are connected no matter whether we are human incarnates or alien incarnates, it begins to make some sense that we are a part of the larger picture and do play certain roles for the betterment of others/ourselves.



It's true, putting up little barriers and charms normally doesn't do away with insanity... but the fact that you knew about them decreases their credibility. If someone else put them up, you didn't know, and yet suddenly started acting normally, then a psychological fixation on ritual mythology wouldn't be an explanation, which is one possible thing I think with the occult.


you entered the jungle out of your own will (remember? i do)
enter your soul (soul is not high self) through the crown, white tube of light if you prefer
then gather info, you will know what to do
this will work, even if you tried it before and failed


don't give explanations, give the means, explanations later
closing access points (working on mental and emotional body), being equivalent of brick wall, is valid, and easy to accept
the fact that the rapist is your friend from another lifetime who agreed to help you experience this is not easy to accept (this is example)
(nor is thinking above human awareness, especially when you haven't experienced it, to each, his own)
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Quote from: daem0nkaili
you entered the jungle out of your own will (remember? i do)
enter your soul (soul is not high self) through the crown, white tube of light if you prefer
then gather info, you will know what to do
this will work, even if you tried it before and failed

I am curious how you can say your soul is not your higher self when the soul is the entirety of your being?


i wanted to make a distinction for a few reasons that i cannot share without consent of the participant
soul is not the form, nor it is entirety of my being
higher self is soul-like, but not of soul, it is higher part of the form
by form i mean physical body along with subtle bodies and other
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Tayesin, you said:

QuoteI tend to think that what we call abductions are also part and parcel of the choices we made for these lives. The reason for this concept began about 8 years ago when searching out ways to help an old man dying from what appeared to be a stroke, although he never had a stroke.

In the journey that followed I was speaking with two different groups of 'aliens' who helped me to understand that this human had actually agreed to provide the body to be implanted with a symbiotic-device that would fail so that they could record the results.

Since they had no previous data on such a happening within the human body, they sought out volunteers and were rewarded with this amazing man, who's Soul agreed to provide this for them.

I know it sound totally crazy. Yet, when we think on a level above that of human awareness, and add the fact that all things really are connected no matter whether we are human incarnates or alien incarnates, it begins to make some sense that we are a part of the larger picture and do play certain roles for the betterment of others/ourselves.

Number one: the greys are not spiritually superior to humanity--we are spiritually superior to them.  They just have better technology.

In America, consider the Sioux Nation---when the elders knew the white man would come, and keep coming, and their life as they knew it would change forever, they did not make the assumption that this would happen because it was "God's will" or their "soul's will" or that the white man was spiritually superior.  They accepted the truth with the tears and tragedy it deserved--and their eyes wide open.

The others, the false prophets (which many here at this webboard would have been in good company), claimed that the Indians had special powers and that the white man's bullets would go right through them...which of course, turned out to be untrue.  The Indians were defeated, they were sent away to live in reservations because in this 3D world MIGHT MAKES RIGHT.  

Well, guess what?  As above, so below.  

In the absence of facts, you turn to Spirit.  Only Spirit isn't what you think.  When you wake up, and you realize just who these beings are, you are going to cry.  The truth when looked at with open eyes, is not always neat and pretty and is often tragic.  Life lesson 101.

I find it ironic that the true warriors of humanity will not be any of you, any of the so called Lightworkers, or New Age Shamans.  They will be the common man and woman who think the idea of giving their power away to aliens is ludicrous.  The average person on the street would think the idea that the person who believes that someone "gave  permission for this alien experiement" in order to learn some lesson, only it was an unconscious one", is the person with the victim mentality--not the one that says "unless you get my conscious free will permission, you don't have it, period".  Those will be the empowered humans, the awake humans-- the free humans.

We are all making a choice right now.  Consider carefully what you are choosing.

Those of you who think it's okay to let aliens experiement on you because unbeknownst to you, your soul gave your permission (come ON!!), will be the ones who find that they were the ones who gave their power away.

Paul made a good point (though he would hate me saying it), when he talked about the tears being the voice of the soul.  They are.  And they cry for good reason.  Why cry if this is what the soul wants?

That's all I've got to say.


Quote from: daem0ni wanted to make a distinction for a few reasons that i cannot share without consent of the participant
soul is not the form, nor it is entirety of my being
higher self is soul-like, but not of soul, it is higher part of the form
by form i mean physical body along with subtle bodies and other

By it's very definition, the soul is the entirety of your being. Are you thinking of Spirit?


HI Kaili,
Which group of Grays are you referring to ?  One group/genetic line are very aware of their own spirituality.

I disagree with the perception of life often being tragic, perhaps it is so for those who cannot see beyond their physical nature and who also tend to make such value judgments.

You said, "I find it ironic that the true warriors of humanity will not be any of you, any of the so called Lightworkers, or New Age Shamans. They will be the common man and woman who think the idea of giving their power away to aliens is ludicrous. The average person on the street would think the idea that the person who believes that someone "gave permission for this alien experiement" in order to learn some lesson, only it was an unconscious one", is the person with the victim mentality--not the one that says "unless you get my conscious free will permission, you don't have it, period". Those will be the empowered humans, the awake humans-- the free humans. "

What is missing from this perception Kaili is those who choose to not give their power away will most likely be the ones who have some real understanding of what is occurring at the time and why.

Just because we can understand the higher awareness contracts we made for this life, does not in any way imply that we have given away our free will to make choices in the physical.  

You said, "Those of you who think it's okay to let aliens experiement on you because unbeknownst to you, your soul gave your permission (come ON!!), will be the ones who find that they were the ones who gave their power away. "

Those of us who knowingly allow what you call experimentation are the ones who ARE empowered, because we have made the choice knowingly as a Soul and as a Human, mainly because we are acutely aware of the connections and services we are providing.  And, we carry no human-based Fear about Aliens, etc.

And, as far as "unbeknownst to you", everyone can very easily get into their higher level awareness to remember what contracts they have made.    The only barrier or impediment to doing so is what people believe about it in the first place.  So instead of always heaping crap on the concept, how about you actually go and do it for Your-Self.



Quote from: daem0ni wanted to make a distinction for a few reasons that i cannot share without consent of the participant
soul is not the form, nor it is entirety of my being
higher self is soul-like, but not of soul, it is higher part of the form
by form i mean physical body along with subtle bodies and other
Perhaps you're using your own personal definitions.  The definition of Soul is the Higher Self.  Remember, beyond the Higher Self is the Divine Self.  Soul is Higher Self.  Spirit is Divine Self.  By Spirit I mean that spark of divinity within the Soul.

There is a dividing line between material and spirit.  The concrete mind, astral, etheric, and physical is in the material world.  The Soul is in the spirit world.  The Soul is not of form nor is it the higher form of the physical.

No offense but I'm curious where you're getting your information.  Is it information from personal experiences?  I would caution that unless you're bodies are completely developed and you are an Adept.  Don't get me wrong.  Experience is great and advisable.  But formulating truth of reality of the higher planes and especially spirit is like a fish trying figure out how a computer works.  The information you seek is already available from previous Adepts.  ;-)
NOTE: I believe a moderator may have edited some of my posts on mysticism. I will no longer post here until users can know when moderators edit their posts.

Free 700 pg online book from an Initiate:


yes i use different definitions, i think that i really should at last shut up
the informations are from or accepted by higher parts of me, backed up by experience, and i finally understood that for personal use
feel free to explain it your way
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Quote from: daem0nyes i use different definitions, i think that i really should at last shut up
the informations are from or accepted by higher parts of me, backed up by experience, and i finally understood that for personal use
feel free to explain it your way

It is difficult to communicate with words when terminoligies do not match unfortunately.


Quote from: Tayesin

I disagree with the perception of life often being tragic

Your words, not mine.  I never said "life is often tragic".  I made the point that when tragedy occurs, a wise person acknowledges it--doesn't try to bury it, justif it or in some way condone it.  

QuoteWhat is missing from this perception Kaili is those who choose to not give their power away will most likely be the ones who have some real understanding of what is occurring at the time and why.

You are talking about me.  I chose not to participate--they asked (a little late in the process) and I said no--on all levels was this so.  I said "no" on every level of my Being and they went ahead with it anyway.  

QuoteThose of us who knowingly allow what you call experimentation are the ones who ARE empowered, because we have made the choice knowingly as a Soul and as a Human, mainly because we are acutely aware of the connections and services we are providing.  And, we carry no human-based Fear about Aliens, etc.

I do not fear aliens, not even those who are experimenting with me.  I don't respect them.  

You keep on working with them.  It is your choice.  You are One with them now anyway. It was your choice.  

I wonder, if they start experimenting on your children, if they decided to rape your daughter in the interest of "Gee, I wonder what would happen, we've never done this to a human before", if they start experimenting with her brain, and she suffers greatly, will you so easily surrender her?  Or will you simply disbelieve her?  

If she came to you and told you, that she feels in the pit of her soul what is happening to her is wrong and against her will, would you believe her conviction that what is happening is going against her will?  Or would you tell her "I'm sorry Dear, if the maginficent aliens are experimenting on you, despite your suffering, I must condone it---it means you on some level of your being have allowed this."

Rhetorical questions--I already know the answer.

QuoteSo instead of always heaping crap on the concept, how about you actually go and do it for Your-Self.

I have.  The answer was no, is still no.  They know this.  I am not in alliance with them, nor will I ever be.  There are multiple paths when we leave this dimension and you have chosen yours.  I have chosen differently.

To each his own.

DaemOn tell me you are quite skilled in the astral.  I don't have argument with your abilities.  The reason you and I clash when I don't with Spectral Dragon, is because he at least said to me once "I don't know why.  And my guide doesn't either."  That suggests to me he has wisdom.  You do not have the ability to see beyond your own reality even though you know all of it is projection, both yours and theirs.  If you were truly wise, you would be able to admit you don't know everything.  That someone may come here and post something that goes against your experience and beliefs but is nontheless, true.

But then you are such a good spokesperson for them, Tayesin.  No wonder you only see certain things.


We agree on Heart Chakra energy being able to affect negs but not the rest Tayesin.

Quote from: Tayesin
In the journey that followed I was speaking with two different groups of 'aliens' who helped me to understand that this human had actually agreed to provide the body to be implanted with a symbiotic-device that would fail so that they could record the results.

Since they had no previous data on such a happening within the human body, they sought out volunteers and were rewarded with this amazing man, who's Soul agreed to provide this for them.

I know it sound totally crazy.
Yes it does. They were lying IMNSHO. The "grey aliens" sound a lot like these evil symbiotic things that Robert Bruce describes in this story where they made the often used claim that they were the childs 'spirit guides' that Robert was trying to help. Luckily Robert is a bit wiser than that and knows through experience that this is an often used ploy by negs. Read it and find out what they were really like:


Quote from: Tayesin
two different groups of 'aliens' who helped me to understand that this human had actually agreed to provide the body to be implanted with a symbiotic-device
Dear Tayesin,

That may be the case, but the greys inflict great pain.  That is not of the light.  Deep down you know who they are.
NOTE: I believe a moderator may have edited some of my posts on mysticism. I will no longer post here until users can know when moderators edit their posts.

Free 700 pg online book from an Initiate:


Where did I say it was the Greys ?  Can anyone of you show me in my post where I said it was the Greys ?  No you can't !

So stop jumping to conclusions !

"I don't know", would be a Lie if I do know and can find the words to say it.  No one is required to diminish themselves to make others feel comfortable.

We should not be jumping to conclusions about what is being said about whom... for example, if I wanted to say something about you, I would say 'You' or 'Kaili'.  With the exception of one refference using the letter 'K'.....  If those words do not appear there, do not jump to a conclusion that I am doing the opposite.  

About the child question Kaili, at 2 years old my girl spoke with me about her nightly visits by the little men.  She was able to comprehend what was the higher reality and what choices she can make about it now.  She is now 10, fairly well self-empowered and has not had a painful visit since the talk with her back then.

Just because something didn't work effectively for you is no reason to heap crap on it when you see it offered to others who it may work well for.

There has been a misunderstanding here, I didn't say it was the Greys.

Can someone tell me what makes a painful examination by an Alien race ANY different than what We do to the animals on this planet ?  And can they do so without a perception tainted by Human value judgements please ?

Why is there a perception difference because one suits us and the other doesn't ?

The mentor is correct, still too many small minded thinkings



Quote from: TayesinI have enough of this.......
Dear Tayesin,
The problem only arises when one includes emotions.  Please do not take any of my words offensively.  I do attach emotions to my words.  I apologize if I offended you.

Quote from: TayesinPaul,
You do not know who I was talking about so you have no concept of exactly what races I was discussing with...
Let me state for everyone to see ...
I did not say it was the Greys !  And, not all lines of Greys do what you people are claiming.  This indicates to me that you do not have the experience to know any differently.  No Experience equals no Basis for argument !
That's fine Tayesin but *I* did not directly say you were referring to the greys.  It did not matter to me if you were referring to the greys.  I wanted to make *my* point.  As stated, the greys inflict pain.  That is not of the light.

Quote from: TayesinPS.... The Mentor is right, too many minds still thinking small.
Relatively speaking.  Indeed our minds think small compared to Buddha or Christ.
NOTE: I believe a moderator may have edited some of my posts on mysticism. I will no longer post here until users can know when moderators edit their posts.

Free 700 pg online book from an Initiate:


Hi Paul,
I had just posted that one, then thought better of it and was editing it when you posted your reply.


PS the "I've enough" quote was not written in the reply to you, it was a generalized sigh at the conclusion reached by some of you.  SO, in that respect your words had no offence meant or taken with them.


QuoteAnd, not all lines of Greys do what you people are claiming. This indicates to me that you do not have the experience to know any differently. No Experience equals no Basis for argument !

I have seen four different races of greys that felt familiar to me and appeared friendly.  They varied as much as the human races do in appearance.  

I have had projected to me a grey humanoid with multi-colored skin, large spots.  He had what I call Christ consciousness eyes.  His people of one mind, the hive mentality.  I asked "Did they suffer on their way to evolving, as many humans who are Christians believe is necessary for their salvation?"

The answer was surprising.  The answer was "No." and the pause afterward said more than needs to be said.  Suffering is not necessary.  It is the myth, the lie, sold to many by ET's pretending to be the Creator which they are not.  Genetic engineers perhaps.  But they are no more Gods than we are...or perhaps I should say we are as much Gods as they are.  

The most personal experience with a gray was of one with the typical appearance only glowing white in much the same way that a fifth dimension Being does.  I woke up talking to him and he felt benevolent.  But I did not like him suddenly appearing in my room.

The greys are not the only ones doing experiments. That is true.  But it is a lie that people are volunteering for this.  Or at least, I can say with full confidence, that I did not volunteer for this.  I find it interesting that you would believe an alien consciousness via projection over the words of a human being who is the recipient of experimentation.  

The Beings doing the experiments nearly always tell the victims that they are somehow special, and that is why they were chosen for this.  And if you reply (as I did) that you don't care, you still aren't interested, than they can get quite angry and come back with "others would be honored to have our attention".  And if you come back with "so go to those others" as I did, they get even angrier.  Quite nasty, as in Robert Bruce's experience.  His experience and mine paralles in some interesting ways.  It is nice to finally get confirmation on some of the things I've seen and experienced (thanks to PM for link to article).

Tayesin--you are brain washed and have been for a very long time.  This happens a lot to people who are wounded or cut off from other people too much.  They are often targeted for that reason alone as being in the company of loving, supportive friends and family serves as a good buffer to these kinds of infringements.  I am speaking from experience, not judgement.  

But the difference between you and me is that I know whan I am being decieved.  I was told that they could not project their illusion on me because of my Higher Mind--they tried seven or eight times to do something and were not successful.  They began a new attack after that, one that involved a very different kind of projection, much more invasive and violent.  The kind that Robert Bruce experienced where you feel it as real as this reality.  And the affects stay with this reality.  This kind of projection requires a technology that as far as I know, only the greys possess.  There are Beings of a more integrated (Higher) nature that can stop these crimes against humanity, that can stop the projections--but they are concerned about the overall evolution of earth and humanity as a whole, and to intervene they consider an infringement on our free will.  

At this point, I would say you cannot see the forest through the trees.  You will, one day.

DaemOn--I told you this in a PM, but I thought it might be good to post here too...

Yes, I did of my own volition enter the jungle when the yearning to know my Total Self was too great to ignore, and my abilities to project or OBE into conscious contact were not succeeding.  I had limited contact of a "gut feeling" nature, but not the instant "phase out" relationship that Robert Monroe had with his Total Self near the end days of his life.  And as you know, I got hijacked on the way to wanting this connection.  This hijacking was not planned by my Total Self, in fact, it warned me in dreams and via gut feelings to "not allow curiosity, or even a great yearning, to kill the cat".  

I admire your ability to simply state your truth and leave.  For some reason, perhaps because I am new here, me stating my truth, stirs up a lot of controversy.   But then, I am used to being a lightening rod.   :?