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Robert, help needed if possible

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Hello Pierre
  Check out the links about magic. There is someone who might be able to help in Europe. His name is Romero De Cunha and he has a article on this website.
  Runlolarun that wasn't  funny because this forum is for people with problems.


Dear Runlola

I was both amazed and shocked by the reply you have sent me. I am sure as other people read this, they will also wonder if comments such as yours are required . I wonder which of us has demons.

I assure you that my lifestyle is both Godly and wholesome, but I do not need to justify this to you.

I came to this forum for assistance, and am surprised to have met someone so negative.

At the moment with prayer and the help of friends , I am managing to cope with an attack which put me off balance. Without their support, I would never of made it through.

God Bless you .


pierre chamois


Dear Readers

Having just reread my initial posting to you, and having received a nasty reply, I think it appropriate that I qualify myself.

What I perceive as physical changes to my appearance are very slight. I hace no blemishes upon me such as explained in Robery Bruces book when decribing neg attachments.

I do have something small in my eye which I think looks different than before.

I do not feel strange or depressed, and my instinct tells me that through opening myself up ( recently with the use of a pendulum ) and before ( six years ago ) with recreational drugs, I have come under some form of attack.

As with all life changing experiences, I have recognised the situation as a wake up call, and changed my life for the better.

I work as sports massage therapist , and have been told that my energy is good.

I am trying to understand what has occured in my life, and it has been suggested that this neg has past life karmic attachments to me.

I hope this places the situation in perspective, and stops any offensive messages being sent to me.

pierre chamois


Pierre, I wish you all the best..  I am not knowledgable about your situation and can't even pretend to offer you advice.  But I will tell you that there are many many many wonderful people in this forum who will help you or try to help you that are qualified..  You had a very bad first experience here with a poster.  Please don't let it deter you in a decision in staying here..  You won't be sorry.. It's a wonderful place.  Truely..

The person who replied to you initially seems to be very troubled by fighting her own neg problems which is sad....

I am glad to hear you are making it through.. Friends are a wonderful thing..



"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Dear Blossom

Thankyou so much for your words of encouragement. It made a big differance to me. God Bless , and I wish you lots of happiness. Thanks

pierre chamois



Apology. The website is I don't know too much about them but they may be able to help. Take care and God Bless


In addition I'd just like to say that I wrote Nicholas at the end of the first post I made to you to signify that Nic is the person you could talk to. I posted  too soon without realising it so that first messge was incomplete.

All the best


Hi Pierre!

how do you know if you still have a neg...hmm, possibly a tricky question. Now I don't have that much experience in this area, not nearly as much as nita or RB, but know a little. Anyone who dissagrees with anything I sawfeel free to correct me...

First off most negs dont seem to want to leave a person quietly, they tend to put up a bit of a fight. Hence if it just went quiet that could mean that it is just sitting around brooding still attached, of that it never attached in the first place. IMO overshadowing really isn't a very subtle thing psychologically, but I guess it can come in different degrees. Eg I have a friend with an attached neg who has an "evil" side to herself. She used to talk to herself anyway (she is a funny one, and enjoys confusing people who hear her!!) but sometimes these days (mostly when drunk) she turns really nasty. She had a 40 minute converstaion between the good and bad sides of herself in a club the other day, worrying. Overshadowing can dramatically alter someones mood, eg makes them angry, massively introverted and depressed, paranoid etc (exploits pre-existing weaknesses, but also uses it to create disharmony in the people around you, like that same girls sister acts like a real grump, always attacking her, probably the same entity controlling both of them, playing each of their weak spots off against eachother).

Another giveaway is if you can identify any strange negative impulses within you.  I think this is different from overshadowing, and is generally linked to core images. For instanct, I have identified the precise impulse "my" neg is using to get at me, so when I think about a painful memory I get flooded by this imploding wave of anxiety, lack of self worth and general embaressment. It is very quick and sudden, lasting only a second, and completely not like how I think usually. As it comes on so quick it is difficult to spot and stop in time.

Now, I am guessing you haven't noticed either of these things? Don't get paranoid at this stage either, a small impulse to carry out a mildly evil act could just come from your own mind.
Could you say a little more about the amount of attacks you have experienced? Was it just one or two, or an every night for a while thing? Myself it took a week at the age of 5. For an adult it will probably take longer for a neg to attach itself.

As for the tats, lol did you get them done or did they just appear?!

Another point, using a pendulum solely to contact your subconscious mind is as safe as asking yourself a question, as that is essentially what you are doing, however if you have used it to contact outside unverified sources then it is now "dirtied" so to speak for you. Which is a shame as pendulum divination would give you an instant answer to this. You could try again, with yourself "made safe" (ie wearingsacred symbols, after performing the lesser banishing ritual of the pentegram, in a cleased room etc) - if you get a no, well thats an answer, but if you get a yes it has left you who is to say that is the truth?
Also recreational drugs, well I think  I should point out shamans have been using these things for aeons...unless abused (ie done a lot) they shouldn't hurt you.

The atmosphere a neg generates, especially a strong one, is distinct and very nasty. I cannot say anything really about the whole body itchyness, strange voice, or the feeling that it is entering you as I am not you. But I would say that if it is trying to possess or overshadow you, you should be able to notice it. Try marking all the marks you have, and all the moles on your body. If you feel any of the given feelings, you'll know it is still there. Hhhm there's an idea, cover yourself in holy symbols, draw over all your warts, moles, skin blemishes, tats etc. Then see if anything happens! For instance, when I first did the full symbols thing (pengegram on forehead, cross on heart, etc) my dad came out with rashes all over his arms and legs the next morning. Also when drawing over a mole on my hand, after a few days and then weeks I started feeling sick, getting stomache pains, threw up once or get the idea.

And if you are worried, it certainly won't help to put up all the passive countermeasures in PPSD, and then some. They will also help clear and purify the general energies around you, which is a good thing, neg or no neg.

Oh - and pray. Ask God for an answer, pick up a dictionary or whatever book you feel moved towards (eg bible), open it up on a random page, drop your finger down randomly or just read the first thing you see. You might be suprise. I have had some of the most wonderful answers....." border=0>

Can't think of anything else right now, let us know how you get along!

...and mate, there really is no need to qualify yourself!
Runlola - I don't know you, so I'm not going to tell you who you are, but I would politely request you be a little more civil in the future...the forums should be a friendly place where people can be open with eachother and not worry about getting harsh replies...

Hope this helps!
best of luck
Rob from sunny (yeah I wish!) Brighton

(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


Dear Rob

First of all, can I thank you for taking so much time to answer me. How I appreciate the kindness of people like really care.

I have so much that I would like to say in answer to your questions, but as I live in West Kensington, London. I wondered if we could talk by phone.

I used to live in Hove actually ( hehe ) and really enjoyed my time there.

You have brought up many questions that I would love to discuss if you have ten minutes to spare, and I would greatly appreciate your help.

if you would like to e-mail me , my e-mail is

I will try to send you my numbers in a private e-mail.

However, if you would like me to answer these questions here on this forum, I will gladly do so.

Thank you so much for your help, Rob. Hope to hear from you soon.


pierre chamois


Pierre.....damn man....demons suck.  HAHA  I've had a few run ins with of them put a thought of suicide in my mind.....that little bastard.  Oh yeah I heard if you turn around counterclockwise a few times it will go away....try it.  Good luck to ya man.....oh yeah change that stupid screenname HAHA its cracking me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I hear and I forget... I see and I remember... I do and I understand."


Dear Robert and readers

My name is Pierre , and I am a holistic therapist here in London. I would like to contact Robert with a request for assistance for myself, with the following problem.

Having just read ( all last night ) Practical Self - defence, I would like to thank you for coming to my help with this book. However, I am concerned for my own welfare.

In 1994, I encountered a NEG in my hotel room in SanFrancisco. It came through a mirror and the core image it used was the murder of a close family member, which it showed me in graphic detail. Having never encountered a Neg before, I was initially intrigued, but this then gave it permission to proceed.,

6 years later, I now have physical tattoos on my body, a manifestation of the thing in the Iris of my eye, and have been known at the height of the crisis to speak in a strange voice ( whilst always maintaining control of myself )

Having read the book, I wonder if I am gradually being posessed or if I am overshadowed. I am in full control of my senses and do not feel that I am ever not in control of my body.

However, at times , I feel itchy all over , and seem to know when this thing enters me as I almost feel overshadowed.

My life has changed dramatically over the last six years, as I am now a holistic health worker, but in 1994 I opened myself up by the use of recreational drugs. This has now come to a complete stop, and my life is better for it.

Generally, when I am living an ordinary day, the only feeling I have is caused by the physical change to the eye, and the marks on my face. However when I open up spiritually ( I was told to use a pendulum to contact my guide ) . This was a huge mistake as I had the worst attack you could ever imagine and was off work for 3 months.

Im an everyday guy who never believed this possible. However it is real, and I consider myself sane and balanced.


Robert, if I could chat to you just for ten minutes by phone that would be wonderful. Or if you know someone here in Europe who could help. I will travel anywhere.


pierre chamois