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Something Strange in New Office

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Hello everyone,

Our company recently rented a building next to the current one and renovation had just completed.  My office is located at the 3rd storey of this new building.

I visited the new office several times even while it was under renovation.  As soon as I stepped on the 3rd storey, I felt I was entering a sphere of energy.

The temperature is much warmer, and there was some kind of pressure on weighing on me.  The place is simply suffocating, breathing was difficult.

These are signs of the presence of entities, and I knew they are there.  I would not detecting them there since the energies were overwhelming.  Enough to feel their presence.

The building is old and in the past 3 years, no human has been to the 2nd and 3rd storey, as I was told.

How could I attached photos of the new building and of the 3rd floor.  There are white curvy lines on the walls that were not visible on naked eyes.  I also spotted some beams and a ball of light.

Maybe someone could tell more stories than me.  And I would definitely request a space clearing from this group, since I am moving to this location next week.

Thank you so much.



Hello Choon
  I would be very careful to have everything arranged according to the proper feng shui. I would also go through and banish everything negative from the building with incense.
  I would think about some sort of decoration or statue that could be used as spiritual protection and balancing for the worse walls.


Hi Nita,

Thanks for your reply.  I had taken photos of the office and even from the photos one can feel the intense energies.

How can I post these photos here?

Tasi Deleg,


Choon, you have not learned your lessons
you are manifesting again the same circumstances, think about what happened then (maid), and why, and why it seems to repeat now
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Hello Choon
  I believe they have an attachment section upon the replies. It ought to make it so you can upload the pictures.


Hi daem0n, I appreciate your reply.  I have learnt lessons from the past experience that would be valuable in the future.

This is a totally different issue.  How could I tell and explain to dozens of people who felt the same thing with the building?

Why don't you have a look at the photos first.

Dear Nita, I am not allowed to upload to the file section.  Could I forward those photos to your email and have you upload them for me.

Thank you.



cprince, i had the exact same problem with my flat. To clear any area of bad energies please buy or make ORGONE CONES. They are based on science and can clear a area very quickly. I placed two in my living room and over night the room cleared.

You can buy some from here:
The affirmation "I am Infinite Being" is the most powerful affirmation possible within the English language.


Hello Choon
  I could upload a picture where everyone could look. I would suggest doing the worse wall in the office.


Hello Cprince
  I could not move them from my mailbox on the forum to this topic. Please send them to I will save them on my computer and then upload them. Sorry for the problems.


well, from my viewpoint the fact that you moved to  this office is enough, i am not speaking about internal demons etc, but that you have a lesson out of this (of course not taking precautions is plain stupid, but i would investigate the underlaying karma)
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


daem0n, what karma are you talking about.  I don't see the previous experience as something harmful.  I have learnt a major lesson, valuable lesson that I am destined to learn.  Maybe this is the karma you are talking about.

If I am so down to mandane life and forget spiritual practice then problems will come for me to learn what I am supposed to learn this lifetime.

Life is a journey of lessons, and there are many lessons to learn in life.

If you are so consumed by fear due to previous experience and think that each new encounter is just the previous one coming back to haunt you, then you are forever living in illusion and can never get out of it.

Put down, let it go.  Life goes on.  Come on, more ghost, spirits and scary people who want to curse and harm you and take everything away from you.  Let them have it all, everything is emptiness, they cannot harm me and they don't.

I learn as much from these negs as I learnt from holy spirit beings, including my Gurus and Rinpoche.  The evil is not in contrast with the good, it is just a complement.  You learn one side to understand the other side, and eventually both sides dissolved into nothing.


Hello Everyone
  Here are the potographs so everyone can look. I saw some activity by the window and also in the hallway. I will upload both pictures. It feels haunted by ghosts more than anything and the things that went on in the building.
  How old is the building Cprince and do you have any idea of the history of it?


Dear Nita,

First of all, a Big Thank you for your help.

My purpose is to present an interesting case study for the group and to share my experience.

Somehow, someday, someone could have a similar encounter like this and it should come in handy.

The building is built around 1970-1980.  Not too old, I supposed.  I think the spirit in there is a middle-age Chinese lady.  Not necessary that the building was her previous home, she could be wandering before deciding to stay.  I feel that there many other spirits, some are old and quite powerful.

The building has three floors.  According to the previous occupants who sold bird-nest on the ground level, no human has ever been to level 2 and 3 for the past 3 years.  My office and the photos you saw are from the third floor.

I thought I captured an image of a face on the first photo.  Also the walls have many white lines running from top to bottom, which are not visible on naked eyes.

Hope to hear some comment.



we don't necessarily learn everything we could from the lesson, and that was my point, unnoticed karma will repeat itself
the rest was your interpretation

they are crowding there (in the building, indeed mainly 3 floor), but that doesn't bring anything valuable, not really welcoming, but acknowledged me
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Hi daemOn, thanks for reply.  I am thinking of not to remove them.  Since they may help me in my spiritual cultivation.

What do you think?


well, they have really traumatic experiences, i would be very *very* cautious, they tried to follow me back, for example
you may want to get selective, but i think i would relay in your case on nita's opinion, i just get along with my bunch
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Hi LightWorker2012,

Thank you for your suggestion.  I had built some of these generator myself based on Don Croft's formula.  But I'm not sure how effective are they in removing entities.

Thanks anyway.