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Telepathy? Telephone telepathy?

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This has happened to me about 8 times. Almost every day I'll be minding my own business, not thinking about whatever it is. Then eventually I'll get a text message or something from a person who's name that I think of even before I get the notification. In other words, I can tell who's going to message me about 2-4 seconds before I get the message. It's a phenomenon and it doesn't happen at will. I was hoping if it could though, how would I control it? And it is not a guess. The name of the person just pops into my head. And I am just mind blown, Illiterally freak out.


I call it 'the knowing', you simply know and its 100% accurate.
Control is only being in the autopilot frame of mind. Doing a repetitive job, this can be driving long distance on an empty road, doing a boring chore where you switch off. That sort of mindset brings it up stronger I find.
If you focus on some particular event, it can produce a name or a feeling where you know before it occurs. The link is cryptic most times but this gives more info than a name which is more common.
The feelings associated are very clear but interpreting them you have to create a scene mentally around them. If you are incorrect you know when you are correct there's no way you're wrong, you get a mental confirmation and what you've worked out WILL occur.
I've had this all my life as far as I can remember thats over half a century lol.
Can't recall any errors unless my interpretation was over cooked which does happen.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


The more you catch yourself doing it and seeing it as more than just a coincidence, the more it will happen. Yesterday I was at work, I work in a call center for an electrical company so its pretty repetitive and I do go on autopilot, I suddenly remembered the e-mail I had sent out the day before and wondered when I would get a reply, that very second I received the reply. I have been taking more notice of it since I started reading this book called "The Celestine Prophecy" It talks about this "knowing" as the first insight in regards to a transformation of man kind and that this phenomenon is happening more and more and we are starting to realize that there is more going on here than just living out our boring day to day lives everyday till the day we die...People who have this experience a lot are apparently more restless with the bore of everyday life.

I don't want to be attacked for saying that life is boring lol so just to clarify, yes it has its beautiful moments but they seem a bit short lived compared to the wake, work, sleep routine that is day to day life


Wow I was taking notice of the autopilot and I realized that I'm not fully conscious. I was afraid that there was something wrong. But I just noticed that it has been happening almost all the time, it feels like reality is more dull and I'm not fully aware of what's going on. A lot of weird things are going on in my mind. Just last night I came to figure that I was more sensitive to binaural beats. I listened to a psychic power binaural beat (I wanted to make my telekinesis and what I believe to be telepathy stronger) and another labeled as "Telekinetic Frequency" ascension arch angel posted it on YouTube I believe. The first one was more intense. I don't know if it was exactly an OBE but it turned out to be plain out irrational. Everything felt big but small at the same time, I eventually drooled on myself. There was way more to that, but simply cannot explain it. Telekinetic Frequency, I just began to see black shadows swirling around and around (with my eyes closed) and as they got faster it seemed as if they were moving closer. And I noticed iI started feeling my body be feeled with intense tingles. It was as if I woke up with anxiety. But my eyes were closed it was then it felt like they were opened. I felt them open. I opened my eyes because I was freaked out and I thought I saw the shadows still moving rapidly around the room. I reached for my phone to get some light because it was dark. My body was still filled with tingles but it wore off. I don't know why, but this has only happened with psychic related binaural beats.