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world currency...

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so, i heard today that China is going to push for a world currency to try and deal with the world wide economic problem we've got goin...

uhh, isn't that a sign in revelation?


Yep. Chaos organizes and unifies to create more chaos

I'll go ahead and quote Howard Storm's chat with some angels during his NDE in 1985:
"They showed me a view of the future, at the time of my experience,
based upon how we in the United States were behaving at that time. It
was a future in which a massive worldwide depression would occur. If
we were to change our behavior, however, then the future would be
different. Asking them how it would be possible to change the course
of many people, I observed that it was difficult, if not impossible,
to change anything on earth. I express the opinion that it was a
hopeless task to try. My friends explained, quite clearly, that all it
takes to make a change was one person. One person, trying, and then
because of that, another person changing for the better. They said
that the only way to change the world was to begin with one person."

While I don't like these angels, they're right. I've thought over our worldwide problems for years upon years, day and night, from every angle - social, psychological, biological - considered reforms, revolutions, hierarchism, anarchism, every social system. The conclusion I've come to is, the world cannot be saved by a new system or a political force. As Karl Marx and countless thinkers have found out, you cannot define a better system and expect people to follow it. As the politicians have found out, the 'men of power' are only manipulated by abstract forces and are no more capable of solving the world's problems.

It comes down to the individual. There will have to be one person who changes their ways so thoroughly that it inspires everyone to follow their example.


Currency is energy

Angels trade in Slaves and favor we use coins. but its all the same thing we Took god and turned them into a coin via the monark. so the more GOlD you have the more GOD you have. at the moment our god is fractured into many many different versions via coin and religious difference could be a manifestation born from this conflict.

Imagin if everybody had the same GOoD in the life the same GOlD in there life the same GOD.

so if the word good simply means god and the word gold means god. the using the same currency the world over could bring about a change in the way everybody lives with god.

Also the problem is, does it mean that the people who are in control of the gold are also in charge of how much God you get. I belive it does



Quote from: zareste on March 25, 2009, 19:36:17
Yep. Chaos organizes and unifies to create more chaos
Even though this idea terrifies me (that China is proposing this, given their human rights and business reputation), I have to ask:  What specific line in Revelation speaks about China proposing a unified currency?


it doesn't say CHINA proposes...just says its a sign, wish i didn't throw away my bible the military gave me. when i find the family's bible i'll look thru it.


Actually, it says that you can't buy or sell without the mark of the beast. I guess it'll be obvious when we have to get mandatory tattoos. I hope a flaming skull is an option. That would be boss.


Yeah, it is hard to say that "mark of the beast" means this or that thing. You can look to anything to fulfill this phrase. In fact, it has been said for years that credit is a good culprit, since it is so universal now, and there are those who interpret the raised marks that spring from the sides and middle of a barcode to read "666", since in a certain way of reading the thickneses, those three bars are always a six. I think when you have prophesies which can be read that loosely, though, that there is indeed the danger that you can wrangle any collection of facts to fulfill them.

The language of the Bible is so difficult to interpret, it is hard to say what is meant literally, what is meant figuratively, and what may have been introduced later, that people can adopt it to serve any purpose they want, really- it really is a slippery and perilous thing.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


so after googling it, i found a bunch of sites that said the same thing as i did. BUT their lacking the revelation passage. so my conclusion is that i must have gotten "Left Behind" and "Revelation" mixed up(read both as a child).

so oops, and atlest i have the balls to come back and say "my bad" :) sorry it took so long, i've been busy