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antigravitational geometrical structures

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Just joined the list, hi to everybody!

Ok. Why I write here is that I have been looking for different ways to get information of certain technology, namely geometrical structures which have antigravitational effects. There's a person, a Russian V. S. Grebennikov, who found such effects from the chitinous shells of certain species of insect. Information about that can be found from . Grebennikov didn't reveal the exact species of the insect to protect it from the greediness of man. He has died recently, and took the secret with him.

Now, I have thought that maybe one could get information about the structure of the chitinous shells by spiritual means, from Akashic Records or by ITC (Instrumental Trans-Communication) for example. I can do the ITC thing by myself, but the Akashic Record thing is currently out of my reach (I downloaded the NEW tutorial, but it will take some time to get into, I think).

So, if anyone here is willing to join my efforts by helping and trying to visit Akashic Records to find the information, it would be great. I am aware that this may be such a request which might not be able to be answered... But if anyone feels this is the right thing to try, that would be really great!

With regards,



Gravity is one of the more "powerful" belief constructs, let's say. As such it is incredibly tricky to defy. It's one of those constructs upon which virtually all physical expressions hold a common exchange in energy.




Sounds good, thats a line of thought I have gone down a few times. So how are you going to do to ITC, normal EVP or you got something more exotic up your sleeve????

The Grebennikov stuff is very cool, but totally weird. I hope it isn't just a crock of, but I am still waiting for someone to verify his findings.

(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


QuoteGrebennikov didn't reveal the exact species of the insect to protect it from the greediness of man. He has died recently, and took the secret with him.

He might say its to protect the insect, but I think it was to protect himself... He has provided no evidence even though he claims to have it. Probably, he lies.


QuoteHe might say its to protect the insect, but I think it was to protect himself... He has provided no evidence even though he claims to have it. Probably, he lies.

Possible yes, but the things he was researching do tie into other things. Pyramids, like those Russian ones, for instance which have been shown to produce some crazeee effects. You familiar with em?
....very cool indeed
And he doesn't seem to have any particularly reason to lie. To help protect his lovely insects, perhaps. And from his writings he seemed like a spiritual person, though whether he would have caledl himself that I dont know.

(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


I know I am replying a bit late to this, but I just found the post the other day (8 years later). There are now more people than before researching Grebennikov's work, and some new discoveries have been made. Much of what was secret is now not, although some of the information is not what you would define as public. I don't think that a whole lot can be learned of this particular avenue of anti-gravity through use of ITC or the Akashic Record. I considered the same thing, thats how I found the post, I was surprised someone else had considered this. A similar project to Grebennikov's already proved his concept, albeit slightly differently.

The issue with trying to access the Akashic Record, is that the whole process is a bit unclear. I think the best way of attempting it would be to use an ITC device or app that produces feedback text (such as ITC for iPhone). I have used this before and it actually was highly accurate, even mentioning future events and names. (However I should mention I did not ask it to do that, and you should be careful about the future, this is a controversial aspect of ITC technology.) As far as using direct EVP recording or a voice box, I don't think it would be that reliable unless you conducted the research somewhere like an esteemed university. I say this because that way there is a chance you will be hearing from a scientific mind.

Henrr7, I belong to one of the leading research groups for anti-gravity and Grebennikov's work, you can private message me if you want to discuss that in further detail. I probably already have the information you need, considering this is 8 years later.
The Truth Is Out There


No need for akashic records. The geometric figure is a pyramid and the shape is called a triangle. Russian scientists did studies with pyramids in the eighties that proved that items can be levitated within a pyramid by spinning them ( this should theoretically have the opposite effect), running electrical currents through them as well as using sound waves. Sound waves alone can have this effect but the levitated items were inside the structures and were not exposed directly to the waves.

Sadly, these scientists were persecuted.

There is so much knowledge and technical know-how that is known and suppressed for reasons that we can only speculate but no one ever keeps someone ignorant for their own benefit. It isn't for our sake.

We can levitate a 20 ton train using magnetism yet we think it is absurd that there is a force that can levitate a 110 pound woman.

Sleep walkers have been documented to weigh substantially less when they are in that state. This has been verified by many independent labs but it only takes the "right" one to say no, it's a bunch of a junk and you lose going down that road.

edit: this is the honeycomb man. I never knew his name but his experiences have never been documented with beekeepers worldwide. Why would this be so? He could easily disclose the geometrical figure and not the insect. I think his writing is more environmental propaganda than antigravitational but I remain open to possibilities.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


 As long as this subject stays under the title of Pseudoscience, it will never be taken seriously!  :roll:

The Russian Researchers have been looking at many things that American Scientists and acclaimed Scientists would never touch. Like "Torsion Field Technology" for one.


Quote from: Lionheart on October 23, 2013, 01:25:42
As long as this subject stays under the title of Pseudoscience, it will never be taken seriously!  :roll:

The Russian Researchers have been looking at many things that American Scientists and acclaimed Scientists would never touch. Like "Torsion Field Technology" for one.

Unfortunately, one group of state sponsored Russian scientists were forced to make great claims and when the Soviet Union disbanded, their work was declared fraudulent.

Their particular case was fraudulent but they were forced to exaggerate their findings with the expectations that it would always be a state secret. This only disproves their "work" and not the theory.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


Part of the problem in Russia was the collapse of the Soviet Union, Grebennikov was making some headway but then due to the politics his project was buried, and the bottom of his platform destroyed. Based on the research I am involved with, I have found his findings to be sound. There are certainly other ways of getting anti-gravity, there have been around 4 ways used thus far. The most expensive being some of the bl. pr. by the us m. According to a former government engineer, some work has been done with torsion fields but all in secret and there is not much info on the outcome of some of the experiments that were done. There is much more info from individual sources that are doing their own research. The pyramid and triangle are definitely involved in a way. Some of that info has been recently covered on the Ancient Aliens show, but there is still so much to be discovered. The insect Greb. was using doesn't matter, because it is known by some what the geometry involved is, and in that case it is not a triangle. The sleep walking topic is very interesting because that is scientifically provable and more obvious. Exciting stuff!
The Truth Is Out There


Quote from: antigravguy on October 23, 2013, 23:42:52
Part of the problem in Russia was the collapse of the Soviet Union, Grebennikov was making some headway but then due to the politics his project was buried, and the bottom of his platform destroyed. Based on the research I am involved with, I have found his findings to be sound. There are certainly other ways of getting anti-gravity, there have been around 4 ways used thus far. The most expensive being some of the bl. pr. by the us m. According to a former government engineer, some work has been done with torsion fields but all in secret and there is not much info on the outcome of some of the experiments that were done. There is much more info from individual sources that are doing their own research. The pyramid and triangle are definitely involved in a way. Some of that info has been recently covered on the Ancient Aliens show, but there is still so much to be discovered. The insect Greb. was using doesn't matter, because it is known by some what the geometry involved is, and in that case it is not a triangle. The sleep walking topic is very interesting because that is scientifically provable and more obvious. Exciting stuff!

Yes, this is all exciting. So much info coming out these days that it is much easier to simply discredit fantastic claims and stick with the status quo. I'm glad to hear that Greb. is being taken seriously once again. I am guilty of getting excited and then being disappointed and the process makes me throw out the baby with the bath water as it is said.

Antigravguy, I'm glad to see you take some of your time to keep the interest alive in a place that may not otherwise be of your interest but as you can easily see, interests cross and intermingle. It almost can't be separated.

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


Shocking. To think I could write about the pasta spirit that lives under my bed and feeds me in my dreams with spicy meatballs, and given enough time, people will take it seriously and call any cynics "sheeple" and "mislead by the government".

There's absolutely no scientific evidence of antigravity and no hypothesized phenomenon which could render it possible. Not to mention you're conflating phenomena which have been proven to exist (maglev tarins) and pure fantasy (levitating people). There are all these 'studies' and 'research' thrown about but I haven't seen one name, link to a study, or any programme aside from some random Russian person ('self-proclaimed scientist' - anyone can call themselves a scientist) who thinks that beehives are magical.

There is a reason why the AP and spiritual communities aren't taken seriously, and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories like these don't help the image of this forum at all.


Quote from: Gaia on February 12, 2014, 10:02:39
Shocking. To think I could write about the pasta spirit that lives under my bed and feeds me in my dreams with spicy meatballs, and given enough time, people will take it seriously and call any cynics "sheeple" and "mislead by the government".

There's absolutely no scientific evidence of antigravity and no hypothesized phenomenon which could render it possible. Not to mention you're conflating phenomena which have been proven to exist (maglev tarins) and pure fantasy (levitating people). There are all these 'studies' and 'research' thrown about but I haven't seen one name, link to a study, or any programme aside from some random Russian person ('self-proclaimed scientist' - anyone can call themselves a scientist) who thinks that beehives are magical.

There is a reason why the AP and spiritual communities aren't taken seriously, and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories like these don't help the image of this forum at all.

We can levitate a 70,000 ton train but you think it is outrageous to believe that there may be a technology that is unknown or suppressed that can levitate a seventy kilo person?

To say that there is no credible hypothesis to support antigravity possibilities is all together untrue. Sound waves can levitate objects.

And no one will believe your pasta spirit is real until they have seen it themselves and enjoyed it's tasty feast.

There is nothing magical about honeycomb configurations. It's just simply been observed that the geometric configuration does s have certain effects that can't be explained. It interferes with different fields of energy and so far as we have been told, the reasons why are unknown.

We are simply open to possibilities and if one little ol' thread that is unrelated to AP is enough to discredit the validity of AP in someone's eye's, well then too bad. Please don't worry yourself over the issue. The forum will survive.

It saddens me to think that someone who has lived to the ripe old age of 17 is so closed off to possibilities.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


Gaia, the world isn't ready for this gift we've had since the 1950's.
It exists and is very much closed off to society. A bad move from any entrusted secret is always lethal.
Do you want to create antigravity or something?
You'll.need a very good knowledge of electronics to start with. :wink:
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


It's not a new concept at all, but a very old (ancient) one. Think about that for a minute Gaia!  :wink:

The evidence is written on the walls and in text written thousands of years ago.

I would start with the Pyramids that the Russians have actually built themselves. Like the one that is found 20 kilometers outside of Moscow.

I know you have stated in the past that you see Pyramids when you AP. Next time you see them, ask to see how they were really created.  :wink:


Quote from: Gaia on February 12, 2014, 10:02:39
There is a reason why the AP and spiritual communities aren't taken seriously, and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories like these don't help the image of this forum at all.
I kind of just wanted to address this part of your post, Gaia...

The image of the forum doesn't really matter.  It's subjective and personal to each individual how they CHOOSE to view something.
If someone has chosen to view this forum in a negative way, then they're really not going to post constructively here anyway... not that they would then even bother to join.

In other words... worry less about what people think (because you can't control that), and worry about yourself more.  :)

You'll have a much better time.

And in all honesty, I certainly don't ask anyone who doesn't already want to take me seriously to take me seriously... if they want to learn to project and find out the answers to their burning questions about projection, then they'll make an effort... I don't worry about not seriousness of people who don't really want to learn.  Understand?


A very small change in total weight, but not mass, of a metal or sometimes other hard material structure with many concave holes should be expected because of a slight Casimir Effect around its surface, where the "virtual particles" (not that they are unreal, thats just their name because they merge quickly) as waves dont have enough space for a single wavelength, and this effect should happen in a circle to the extent that the surface area of a sphere or cylinder is slightly smaller than the surface area of a sphere or cylinder of the "metal or sometimes other hard material structure" around it. Expect that difference in surface area amount of Casimir Effect to push up for the same reason a helium baloon, or more accurately a container filled with vacuum, rises.