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Path Not Taken Is Preceded By The Future

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I know why there is a square root of -1 in the quantum physics equations, why things are waves sometimes and particles other times, why the double-slit experiment works, why there are bell-curves in quantum physics, and why time exists.

Start with nothing. Then divide the nothing into X number of possible states of the universe (ways the universe could be, also called quantum wavefunctions). All states happen equally often, since they are identical. Now draw all the possible paths between them that include each state exactly once (hamiltonian paths). Now choose one at random as your reality, which really doesn't matter since they are all identical. Somehow we got from there to here, but let me jump ahead...

Because of thermodynamics, all parts of the universe must eventually end in "heat death", which means a state of maximum entropy (least energy available for doing things, spread out randomly so it can't be used).

There are more possible futures than possible pasts. Regardless of if you flip a heads or a tails, the past is still you flipping the coin. 1 past. 2 possible futures. That is the entropy of this part of the universe increasing. The universe expands. Things become more random, on average, and less random in some places like when life reproduces or grows.

It all moves toward maximum entropy eventually, but it doesn't stop there. For each possible state of the universe, there has to be the same number of states preceding it as after it, and that is not a statement about time, since time is a direction of increasing entropy and the order of states of the universe can be lots of different directions. How do I know that? Because there are more futures than pasts, which contradicts that the incoming and outgoing of each state must equal, therefore some of the future states are going toward the past states. It doesn't end at maximum entropy. It jumps to the past or present.

Which part of the past does the future connect to? The possible futures that didn't happen. The path not taken. It wasn't preceded by our past in all cases, since we know that more than we would expect on average, the hamiltonian paths moved to our current state instead of the path not taken, so something else must precede the path not taken to make it have the same amount of incoming as outgoing states. There is nothing left except the future states. The path not taken is preceded by the future, in all cases when the multiverse does not branch.

What is a multiverse branch? Its when the path not taken is preceded by some part of the past, instead of the future.

The path not taken is preceded by the future, or a multiverse branch happens when its preceded by the past. Its required by thermodynamics if you look deep enough into it.

Why are there bell-curves in quantum physics? The path not taken is preceded by the future, but if you take that path, then you cut 2 of those things that started as hamiltonian paths, swap 2 of the ends, and connect it again, making different sizes of loops. Think of that as moving left by epsilon, or moving right by epsilon. If you add a long sequence of random numbers, where each number is -1 or 1, and do that many times with different random choices each time, then you get a bell curve. Adding those epsilons from repeatedly cutting, swapping, and connecting such loops (which are really really long, like whole universe size sometimes), then you get a bell curve in quantum physics for the same reason.

Why is there wave interference? Because the paths not taken are preceded by the future, usually. When those are cut and swap and connect with waves that wave-interference happens with, the path from the future is the light reducing part, and the path from the past is the light increasing part. The light amount can go negative because each path from the future cancels out a path from the past.

When the path not taken is preceded by some part of the past, that is a multiverse branch, because both paths are from the past. That is why you see 2 things instead of things getting cancelled out, and it can branch further, but the chance of continuing to branch decreases exponentially if you're not really skilled at it, and even then I don't know how well it would work.

There was no "big bang". Why not? It does appear things moved really fast away from such a point in the earliest times, but I can explain that without a big bang. Since the path not taken is usually preceded by the future, there doesn't need to be an earliest time. It curves around from the future. Since there is exponentially more future than past (more multiverse branches), the farther back in time you ask about, the less chance there is that anything ever existed back then. The farther back you ask about, the more chance it has already curved around from that part of the universe, curved from the future.

When the path not taken is curved around from the future, that would be defined as a tachyon (faster than light particle), but its really the same thing from a different angle.

Quantum superposition happens when you're balanced between choices of multiverse branching. Interaction with the future happens then, since it has to partially connect to both possible futures until you choose, and only then it does the cut, swap, and connect.

Since most possible states of the universe are in the future, and that is toward maximum entropy, the chance that you actually experienced what your brain remembers decreases exponentially as you ask about farther and farther back in time. Yes the memory is in your brain, but such a past does not exist anymore, except exponentially few parts of it that remain and decay as they interact with the future and the present and whatever other parts of the universe there are.

Since the path not taken is exponentially probable to be preceded by the future, it is always exponentially probable that some time in the last few seconds you were in a state of near maximum entropy, occupying most of the universe at once, and then you just jumped here from the future and noticed that your brain contains memories of the past, and you believe such memories.

Don't believe your memories. It is exponentially more probable that you are on the path that was not taken, which in this case means you didn't take the path from the past to the present, you took the path from the future to the present. You took the path from a spread out universe in "heat death" quickly to this moment in space and time, and were fooled by the memory of your brain.

The experience of time is not in the same order as information flows through time. Information usually flows past to future, but the experience of time, regardless of what your brain remembers, is usually from the superposition of near maximum entropy being everywhere and everything at once directly to here or any other part of the universe and any time.

Why don't you remember any of that happening? Because information flows mostly forward in time.

Time exists because all non-unitary patterns require it. Non-unitary patterns are an illusion, built on top of unitary patterns. Unitary means a transformation that does not lose information, like encryption or rotation or permutation or relabeling. Time is non-unitary, since it proceeds toward higher entropy. Overall the universe is completely unitary because entropy leads to jumping to somewhere in the past, an infinite loop where you cover the entire universe eventually.

I'll write more later. I just wanted to get the basics down quickly. This is how quantum physics works, derived from pure logic and set-theory etc. There is a square root of -1 in quantum physics equations because the path not taken is preceded by the future, which bends the path around.

This may be much easier to simulate on a computer than the normal way they simulate it, and I don't think they even know how to simulate it with much accuracy. This predicts wave particle duality. Its a particle when doing the -epsilon +epsilon thing with the swapping. Its a wave when such swapping recursively becomes a bell curve. One swap is a particle. The statistics of swaps is a bell curve.

The universe is nothing and everything. The path not taken is usually preceded by the future, and when its not, that is a multiverse branch.

--Ben F Rayfield (beavis)


I always enjoy reading your posts, but I'm not really smart enough to fully grasp it, just certain concepts. However, I've been thinking of creating a thread about time being non-linear and finding ways to manipulate life by understanding it (not that I do... yet, just have some ideas). If I'm off base topic-wise, feel free to ignore me. :)

What brought on this idea was when I won a contest a few weeks ago. It wasn't just a random contest, but one where I get to fly across the country to participate in my favorite hobby for 3 days. A trip to the bahamas would be one thing, but for me, due to the subject matter, it's pretty surreal.

On the day I found out about the contest, I immediately thought "oh, this is SOOOOO me, this contest is litterally created for ME!!!". I told other people "don't even bother entering, I already know I'll win and you're just wasting your time" (I was also congratulated later for being psychic). I can't describe it well, and I suppose it's easy to say after I've already won, but I was really feeling it that day, as though it had already happened.

I understand that "the law of attraction" works similarly, but I promise, this was not my intention. I was focused on the hobby, not putting my intentions on winning the contest or anything metaphysical.

So when I found out a few weeks later that I won, I wasn't thinking about the law of attraction, but more about time not being linear, and the reason I was "feeling it" that day was because it has already happened. I went on the trip and had an awesome time and the feelings and everything associated with it reverberated backwards in time to where I am now. (I leave in about 2 weeks).

So now it's got me thinking, how can I use this to my advantage in "future" situations? This trip is kinda my testing ground. If I'm right, then after the trip I will consciously be thinking about sending the "vibes" back in time to win, because I'm thinking that might be what I've already felt. An interaction with a possible future self.

And this may seem silly (it is to me, I don't normally do stuff like this) but I'm even keeping a "future journal". All of my entries I'm writing from about 3 weeks from now. Of course I'm writing it now, but trying to do so from a future perception. Okay, fine, I'm "imagining".

Some of this I got from an article from NPR that skiax posted several months ago. Very simplified, it was about a guy that had several people take a test. Some didn't study at all, some only after the test, some only before, and some before and after. It showed an increase in test scores with the people who tested both before and after, theory being that time isn't linear.

In method, I suppose it has some similarity to the law of attraction, but seems much more realistic in principal (so far). You can apply/test it in a more practical way (if you work it from both sides, past and future).

I could be way off and completely wrong, but I have a practical (and fun) way of trying it now. If you have an event coming up in your life, try it out.

Karxx Gxx

Your way is The way


Wow Beavis.  I love your mind.  Looove it.
And Stookie, I think you put your finger on it.


I'm currently experimenting with some of my ideas on a few different levels to try to come to a more concrete theory that works in a practical manner. So many variables though... I don't know how long it will take, but plan on writing about my conclusions.

Karxx Gxx

Your way is The way


Quote from: Stookie_ on November 23, 2011, 11:16:30
I'm currently experimenting with some of my ideas on a few different levels to try to come to a more concrete theory that works in a practical manner. So many variables though... I don't know how long it will take, but plan on writing about my conclusions.

OK, so I've spent months toying with some of my ideas and incorporating them in a practical way. What ended up happening is I went through several methods of attempting to "make things work", only to come full circle to my original views. Basically, the simpler the better. Taoism is a great way to explain it: things just are, and you can fight it or you can effortlessly roll with it. Because you intuit something is coming your way and can even somewhat prepare for it, that doesn't mean you're in control from your physical level. In some cases it may seem so, but basically, that's "Tao"... it's going to happen regardless, including your reaction. And trying to control every aspect of your life is hard work with little payoff, lots of stress and unhappiness. Life is so much easier when you accept it, good and bad, and roll with it. Become the "uncut log".

Steiner created a meditation exercise where you first visualize a regular flower, and imagine the green sap running through it's veins bringing it's vitality. After "feeling" this image, you imagine a human next to it with red blood running through it's veins, bringing it inner warmth, yet rather being tethered to the earth, it has free will and can run around and do whatever it wants.
Then you counter these visualizations with one of a rose, and you imagine it with red sap running through it's veins, bringing it's vitality and natural beauty, and absorb the "feeling" connected to this in contrast to the previous 2, really let it manifest.

While there is more to it, I think the purpose of the meditation at this point drives home my reasoning. We're connected to something much greater beyond space and time, and it's already perfect. Our entire lives flow from this perfection, and to treat it as any less and try to assume control is just an illusion spurred on by our ego. We should be grateful for everything and not only when things are going our way. My excitement earlier in this thread shows how I became removed from that, assuming that something "special" was happening. Everything is special all the time. I've always known this. I just needed a lesson to refresh for where I am now in life.

Life is easy. People make it hard.