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Possible theory of how the universe really started

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Evolving oneself at metaphysical level.
Physical evolution (of the bodies), would help only if it is directed consciously. A sort of controlled evolution. So far nature has evolved beings somewhat randomly and there is a chance that they would 'de-evolve' if not checked. Controlled evolution will take care of it.


Gah, I'm confused as to where the nothingness came from (and no Neverending Story references please!)
I come prepared...with COOKIES! No, you can't have one!


Even nothing is something. The fact that we have a meaning for it means it is something!! Nothingness is a virtual conundrum.

Its like saying that the space outside of our planet is a void.
the fact that it is a void means it is something!


Quote from: thelouPossible theory of how the universe really started, before the Big Bang

In this topic I would like to throw out another theory that I have heard several times over the years.  It is REALLY out there.  But as difficult to believe, it is also just as difficult to deny as a possibility.  I would be very interested to hear what everyone has to say.

Thanks, and here it is.

Notice, of the thousands of books I have read over the years, I unfortunately cannot back up any of this, because I do not remember who/where I read it.  But this information comes from many different sources.

One of the ways that scientists were able to come up with/offer proof of the Big Bang theory is that they discovered that if you take an element (ANY ELEMENT.?)  And condense it enough that it will have a reaction.  After that reaction there is the original element, and trace evidence of other elements.  (One or more, what ever for the sake of argument).

There has been great controversy over the expansion and contraction of the Universe.  Neal Donald Walsh says this is the breathing in and out of God.

Lets say that the Universe was originally only composed of one element.  Say hydrogen.  It expanded out as far as it could at that time.  Then over time (now and further "time" could be defined as thousands, millions, billions, trillions, of years).

Then this one element condensed back upon itself, much like a star does.

Then it exploded again, this time reproducing the same element and also a second.  This would have been the second element to have ever been created.  Over "time" these elements would have expanded to their capacity and then condensed back again.

Each time this happened a new element, or possible several new elements were literally created new.

Over more millennia than the human brain can comprehend this happened over and over.  Each time a new, or several new elements were created.

This brings us to present day in "time" where we have the elements that we have today.

By studding meteors and such scientists have discovered that there common elements and chemicals throughout the Universe.

This could be the steps in the evolutionary evolvement of the Universe itself.  Each time completely destroying what was, and then giving birth to what is next.

Curious and very interesting. I had a time when kabalah theories attracted me so much I spend a lot of time reading from a good bunch of books. In one of them, which I don't remember for sure its name, that same theory was put across.

For you who know a bit about kabalah just bear in mind the tree of life scheme. The book went on explaining that God just pushed the same energy waves in his "experimental sandbox". The first wave created the space itself, or the "stage" in where to develop what it was to come. When the second wave was pushed it acted its way, and added to this it also combined with the first one, bearing a new state of complexity. That went on with the subsequent waves, till a top of 9, i.e. the nine sephirots.

So the physical world, the 10th sephirot, is in itself a spot where to look at the creation from, once the divine sparks were released.

I got caught with that theory which resembles that of yours. Everytime I see a lake and waves start to form and collide forming new waves I recall it.


Interesting topic on the very last question.

My final logical solution(since long) : As the alternative to existence/creation  is utterly nonexistence, so after (any mode of)  nonexistence, creation has to come  into existence as the alternative. There are only two modes, so after all existence is only self-evident.

But I rather like to put it this way: The answer to this question is beyond logical reasoning. Higher systems of meditation deal with this problem extensively, Tibetan Dzog Chen e.g. and other non-dual meditation systems.



Interesting discussion...

The beginning of the Universe, according to Lew Paxton Price [I have collected some quotes that maybe can attract your attention]:

[...] At the time of the big bang, ours was a universe made of nether that exploded outward and is still exploding.  Any explosion is simply a rapid expansion of a medium under pressure.  The pressure within the medium (air, water, nether, whatever) causes a more rapid expansion with the passage of time.  It is the inertia of its fluid that prevents immediate and sudden expansion.  Lately, the universe has been found to be flying apart at an accelerating rate.  "Dark energy" has been proposed as an "explanation" for this phenomenon even though naming something is not the same as explaining it.  Actually this "dark energy" is merely the pressure within the medium we are calling the nether.

    When the universe began, the nether was very dense and the pressure within it was very high.  Its own inertia slowed (and still slows) its expansion, but its inertia was (and is) always giving way to its pressure, so the expansion of the universe accelerated, still accelerates, and will continue to accelerate, with the passage of time.  To make this point abundantly clear, the universe has had an accelerating expansion since it began and will continue to have one into infinity or until it meets something with pressure equal to or greater than its own nether pressure."

The universe was probably begun at a point where nothing was divided into "positive" and "negative" nether (dynamic ether). Our universe was one point, and the opposite universe was another point, probably separated from ours by time. The total Mass of the two universes adds up to zero.

When our universe began, the nether of which it was formed was concentrated so that relative to the surrounding nothingness, it was under extreme pressure. The pressure caused it to expand in all directions from the starting point. Just as any explosion within a body of air causes the air to expand at an accelerating pace which lessens with time, the nether of our universe expanded at an accelerating pace which lessened with time (and is still lessening with time). This is a consequence of inertia and pressure which is more than I wish to go into here."

"Within the last two years, more and more evidence is accumulating in favor of an expansion of the universe which is accelerating. This acceleration could best be explained by a big bang in which a compressed ether came into being and expanded into a void of nothingness. Such an explosion would cause a universe to continually accelerate in its expansion. This is an argument which indicates the dynamic ether is compressible and expandable. "

"[...] There are a number of scenarios in which the universe is produced from nothing.  These are conjecture (educated guesses) with details that are too numerous and detailed to be discussed here.  However, they tend to create a more logical atmosphere for the presence of nether.  These scenarios are presented in the fifth book of the series."

"(...) what we do not know compared with what we do know, is as the ocean compared to a drop of water."
- Camille Flammarion, URANIE


Take just one thought seriously and it will end up as the Big Bang that keeps the universe expanding just as fast as the thoughts that feed it to create it.

The universe started with a serious thought, like creation or god.
This serious thought then needed all sorts of additional thoughts to be serious. And all these thoughts keep the universe expanding just as fast as the thoughts that feed it to create it.

And this serious thought that stated the universe to expand  some call their  Big Bang while others call it their creation.

But in reality any thought we take seriously will have to work exactly like this Big Bang or creation that keeps the universe expanding just as fast as the thoughts that feed it to create it.
both unlost and unfound