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Quantum Physics Profession?

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Low demand, high pay. You need to be good at what you do, though you would probably spend your day smashing hydrogen atoms into eachother at the CERN facility..
We are not truly lost, until we lose ourselves.


Humans today want quantum physicists as much as cavemen want mathmatitians. They're too stupid to know what they're missing.


As a physicist I can tell you that there are two ways to get there.

The first way is to be in the academic, which means that you need to go for a doctorate and after many years of postdoctoral research and strugle you might eventually maybe (if you are a "big shot") get a position in a University to carry out pure academic scientific research in the field of quantum physics.

The other way is to look into the many applications of quantum physics, such as the semi-conductor industry (electronics, micro electronics), .... there are many of them... and then to check out what these industries are looking for, what kind of quantum physicist. Then you need to specialized (master, doctorate) in that speciality that interests the industries.

If you chose the academy, it is a very hard way, where only if you are very good at you will probably succeed, and the salary is not extremely good for someone with so many college/university years.

The industry is paying more, much more depending on who (government do not pay too mucy, private business do).

In the industry, starting with a PhD you can easily earn twice what a starting PhD gets in the academy as a postdoctoral fellow.

To know exactly if there is a good demand, depends on the exact specialization of the person. I would suggest to specialized on Solid State Physics or Super Conductors, etc... You might want to visit a university and talk with some people there just to have an idea and also to talk with people from the industry.


Thanks! But go into detail on why it is only private business's? and why do you say the government wont pay much either?
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
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all i know is you'd better be able to do your math,
mathematics is probally the most important factor determining your success at becoming a "quantum physicist"

boy the fun i'd have at a particle accelerator
imagine you could  be such a math wizard that you could calculate the direction + energys released by colliding neutrons  together

and maybe if your luckly you can combine the three different quarks which create a "strangelet" a strange positively charged particle that absorbs all negatively charged particles, essentially destroying our known universe

of course such hysteria is much unfounded, as any high-energy collision of such a nature goes on in any given star, but who truly knows?

anyhow, I like thinking about such things, but I don't have the mathematical formula's to back it up, I'd probally be able to draw/paint it tho
opinions are like kittens, just give 'em away


All depends with what you compare of course. Say if after finishing your phd in physics you work (as a postdoc) in a government lab or something similar, you will start around 35-40k a year before tax. And that's a good start. If on the other hand you with the same qualification you go to a high tech industry (that's where the money is) you can easily get much more. After a few years you will earn at least twice as in a gov lab. And if it is money that interest you then you can go into computer science. With a simple degree in computers you can earn even more..! If you are interested in the physics itself, then you can go into the academy, you will not starve, but you might have very difficult to go up to a permanent position in a university.


What about theoretical physics? Thats what i want to do later in life.



Theretical Physics is a branch of physics with many specializations. Some of these might have applications in the industry. In short it is the same as quantum physics academy (pure research) against industry (including also research but in very specific areas). And the salary will be about the same. If you love it, go for it. If you want academy, go for it. But again, after your PhD and (say) postdocs, you will have a hard time to get a permanent position in a University (unless you are very good and everyone wants you..). The time will come when you might get married and have children and the issue of a permanent position will be a problem that you migth want to consider only then, however it means that you need to specialize in a field that do have applications in the high tech industry.

Good luck !


Ah! Thanks a lot Shaman! I'm 17 and i'm pretty sure, at the moment, that i want to get into theoretical physics.  Although my decision probably may change...Got lots of ideas in my head [:P], just need further understanding!



Hello, I was wandering who can give me a general idea on what kind of salary and work is expected if someone would to get a masters degree (or more) Quantum Physics. Basically I would like to know if theres a good demand for that kind of field of study, and if there are people who pay high for people who spent alot of money and years in school for Quantum Physics.  

Thank You,
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
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