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The 'mind-MIND interpretation' of QM and the 'astral'

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If QM is a description of reality as it seems to be,then it must have some bearing on OBEs and Lucid Dreams too.So,IMO,if other 'branches of the wave function' were to be granted as 'real' ,then this would maybe have some explanatory power in regard to our mental states,objects of perception and apparent environments in OBEs and Lucid dreams.

They say we never experience 'superpositions' in the 'real' world ;but the math describes them in QM and it has never made a wrong prediction as I understand.Well,I believe that we do in fact experience 'superpositions' in OBEs and even more so in regular dreams.

As just one example:Recently I OBEd to a version of my house.As I was opening my sliding glass door my arms were suddenly outstretched and locked.I couldn't move them and I 'fouled'.When I awoke in the Waking World (WW) I immediately noticed that my hands had been clasped together as my body slept.It was as if my mind had 'collapsed' back into the WW branch.(Maybe because my bodily position helped to weight the probabilities this way,like an 'attractor'.)

Some feel that there is no such thing as 'collapse' ,as the paper below talks about .So maybe it is just our minds that 'collapse'.In other words,we focus on ,or entangle with 'consistent frameworks' in the WW and when we sleep,dream,Lucid Dream and OBE our minds could become entangled with other branches of the 'wave function' due to the reduction of WW sensory information.

One might say that QM only applies to the microscopic;but this is being challenged more and more.Also,one interpretation of QM known as the 'Relational Interpretation' actually allows for the existence of macroscale superpositions.It unites with relativity and solves paradoxes, as I understand,because it discards the assumption of one absolute frame of reference.I have alot more ideas about this that involves multiple personality disorder,memory,history and instability/ground states in LDs and OBES but this is enough for now.

Feel free to share any thoughts like: "I'm nuts"  "I'm onto something"  "I'm wrong about something" "You're taking QM out of context" ...or whatever.

This is one of my favorite papers on QM that's fairly easy to grasp.It lays out some of the central mysteries and points toward a kind of idealist interpretation.But I believe that assumption #3 is wrong and that we do sometimes percieve more than one branch of the wave function:


Hallo jeffd
Yes I am vaguely aware about what you have posted.
The idea that you discuss here is called 'the Many Minds" interpretation of QM. The 'Many Minds' idea was a variation of the "Many Worlds" Interpretation that was formulation by Hugh Everett in 1957.
Interesting Theories. It's almost as if theoretical physicists have created a theoretical framework for the existence of alternate worlds, parallel universes,the astral planes and psychic abilities such as remote viewing.

Regards  8-)


Hi GT,
Not sure if you all have seen this or not but I think everyone here will really like the links below.

Eventhough alot of physicists have created frameworks like you've mentioned that we OBEers find useful, they generally deny that the mind can have anything what so ever to do with the QM double slit experiment .Now there's solid evidence to the contrary.Check it out!


Hallo jeffd
Thanx for the links. I'm so far behind on checking out links and new websites its not even funny. But I will check those links out as soon as possible.

Cheersn :wink:


Look into "Tom Campbell".
He might be what you're ready to find.  :)


Quote from: jeffd on February 02, 2012, 19:59:37
If QM is a description of reality as it seems to be,then it must have some bearing on OBEs and Lucid Dreams too.So,IMO,if other 'branches of the wave function' were to be granted as 'real' ,then this would maybe have some explanatory power in regard to our mental states,objects of perception and apparent environments in OBEs and Lucid dreams.

They say we never experience 'superpositions' in the 'real' world ;but the math describes them in QM and it has never made a wrong prediction as I understand.Well,I believe that we do in fact experience 'superpositions' in OBEs and even more so in regular dreams.

As just one example:Recently I OBEd to a version of my house.As I was opening my sliding glass door my arms were suddenly outstretched and locked.I couldn't move them and I 'fouled'.When I awoke in the Waking World (WW) I immediately noticed that my hands had been clasped together as my body slept.It was as if my mind had 'collapsed' back into the WW branch.(Maybe because my bodily position helped to weight the probabilities this way,like an 'attractor'.)

Some feel that there is no such thing as 'collapse' ,as the paper below talks about .So maybe it is just our minds that 'collapse'.In other words,we focus on ,or entangle with 'consistent frameworks' in the WW and when we sleep,dream,Lucid Dream and OBE our minds could become entangled with other branches of the 'wave function' due to the reduction of WW sensory information.

One might say that QM only applies to the microscopic;but this is being challenged more and more.Also,one interpretation of QM known as the 'Relational Interpretation' actually allows for the existence of macroscale superpositions.It unites with relativity and solves paradoxes, as I understand,because it discards the assumption of one absolute frame of reference.I have alot more ideas about this that involves multiple personality disorder,memory,history and instability/ground states in LDs and OBES but this is enough for now.

Feel free to share any thoughts like: "I'm nuts"  "I'm onto something"  "I'm wrong about something" "You're taking QM out of context" ...or whatever.

This is one of my favorite papers on QM that's fairly easy to grasp.It lays out some of the central mysteries and points toward a kind of idealist interpretation.But I believe that assumption #3 is wrong and that we do sometimes percieve more than one branch of the wave function:
I think we do too, sometimes.