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A question on meditation

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I have had a few occassions like what you are describing where images just start to appear with little or no relation to anything I have ever experienced.  This is a very rare incident for me and I don't really understand it.


Actually, might be more interesting then just something that needs practice to overcome.  The best term I heard for it was "The Dream that is dreaming us.", but that doesn't explain it to well if yah don't understand the context. I'm not even sure I understand it, but it means existance itself dreams of us.  Guessing what you hearing is part of existance's dream.  I'd be a bit careful though, if I'm right (and I might be totally wrong), your dealing with a level of the subconsious that exists as everything instead of an individual (everything being part of everything else, that also means that at some base level, everything is the same one thing).  Not sure if I helped or confused you even more (I often tend to do both at once in fact).

-Soulwolf Pathwalker


Hi Jade,

I'm more or less in the same situation as you. Except, I find as I get closer to the goal, something in me tends to rebel and I take a few steps backward.

So, how are you meditating?

For now, I'm simply concentrating on my breath coming in and going out. I concentrate mostly on the sound it makes. And I try to make the "intervals between thoughts" longer and longer. I also do some OM mantra meditation (speaking it aloud and lengthy). I do 10 minutes of each, in the morning and at night, with an empty stomach.

This was taught to me by an Indian guru who spent many years in the Himalayans and discovered his Kundalini.


Jade "a HUGE amount of mental activity going on - an onslaught of hypnogogic imagery and hypnogogic sound"

In the book "matrix V: quest of the spirit", those thoughts are a real layer in the M field you can go through before you get far enough away from earth. The thoughts are from other people, what they're thinking all the time. Try to get through it because it will pull you back down to earth.


I have been meditating on and off for years. I seem to go in about 3 month cycles, where I will meditate very regularly (and sometimes up to 2 or 3 hours a day) and then, for some reason, I just stop.

I've been thinking about why I keep stopping and I think it is because I hit a "wall" of some sort. Usually what happens is after a few weeks of meditating, every time I sit down I start to fall asleep or into a deep, unfocused state, even if I am chanting a mantra loudly in my mind, or whatever.

So this time I am determined to break through that "wall" and not slip into unconsciousness during my meditations. What I have discovered is that there is a HUGE amount of mental activity going on - an onslaught of hypnogogic imagery and hypnogogic sound. But rather than being thoughts that I seem to be thinking, it's like the thoughts and imagery are thinking ME. It's almost as if I can't stop the thoughts because they are not my thoughts in the first place, there is no intent behind them, it's like a large amount of noise and static going on. And, like someone else mentioned on this board, I realized for the first time my thoughts are truly in layers; I may have 2-4 "streams" of thoughts going on at any one time.

I'll bet this is just a matter of "practice, practice, practice" but I'm wondering if anyone else relates!

- Jade