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Little will power / masculine energy thoery

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Karxx Gxx

I lack it. Any will power I have for anything is obscured with familiar thoughts and feelings. For you? ... For me? I dont care. I dont feel like it. I dont want to with a side of the daily distractions + me falling for all of it. Ill make another post delving into that, but there is importance of this undertaking I am taking (?) in this life. And that, my friends, is learning about the self and how to change.

This is not the usual informative post, but some food for thought. I was just excited to type so here I am.

What do you have willpower for?
In my experience, I would have willpower for something and keep on willpowering my way with that something. It would dwittle down and I eventually stop. Whether it be not me having the energy, or realizing the energy im using is for unfit reasons, or just not caring to.. that part. The cycle of doing and not doing came and went, and the less I used my willpower for. At times I would do things just cause I enjoyed it, and one thing I regularly fall into for a moment is me being aware of my thoughts. It excites me and Ive done it for that alone. I would sometimes make myself do it cause I think that would be helpful. "Wait, the only thing im willing to use willpower for is this" I realized. Is there significance behind that? Is it concrete progressive action I can take?  Thats kinda my theory- If you have willpower for 1 thing, it is one of the best things to have it for.

Incase you came looking for how-to willpower. (I suggest delving into what it's for, why, etc.)

Use willpower for ANYTHING you can use it for. Eating a bite of food with your non dominant hand. putting your shirt on first. Basically anything that is from your normal habits. Using it till exhaustion might help too. Its all just an educated guess from my end. Good luck
Your way is The way

Karxx Gxx

I feel like I need to mention, awareness requires no willpower as it just is. Increasing awareness to any degree - you can use the tiniest amount of will to do so. And for me, doing this even takes less will than "being" (many interpretations) at least for the moment.
Your way is The way