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Old soul magnetism

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Does anyone else experience this?  For me, this has intensified very recently.  Simply being inexplicably drawn to other old souls.  I am perpetually torn between cultivating deeper relationships and silently severing ties.  I adore all of my friends of course, but most in low doses.  A handful of them I find myself often thinking of, and desiring to see.  But even when I want to make plans to visit, I just can't, or if I do...I back out.  I'll want to talk to them, and then I prevent any possibility.  My apprehension is unceasing.  I think the scales tip slightly in favor of my yearning to be unattached...but it's a paradox, because I am already attached.  Deeply.  And with a few, I was instantly. 


 Olds Souls have a lot to teach!  :-)


I think the majority don't care to teach and prefer to lead quieter, easier lives.
Gathering seems counter productive, if ascending soon is the ultimate goal.  I want to let things be.  No more "karmatic ribbons".  I sense they might wind around everything anyway, or they are already there by whatever connection.


 They still wish to teach, but only on their own terms. When they want, how they want, where they want.


I only crave the company of those who need me the least.  Hahh.

That is also how people want to learn...when they want, how they want, where they want. 
Unless I am asked for advise, I won't offer it. 


I'm interested to know how you know its an old soul? I assume you mean old soul as in having lived many incarnations? I have thought about this, if I'm an old soul in the way I mean here, having lived through many incarnations and is almost finished incarnationg on earth or something like that. How can one find out, if possible?
Sometimes I feel that I have seen it all or that I am not interested in stuff that most others are interested in because.. well there's just no information to be gathered from it that I find interesting.
Im the kind of person who tries everything out only to come to conclusion that nothing is really as fun as I'd like it to be so I try something else again. This is, amongst other reasons, why I believe that I have lived through a certain number of incarnations, because I have a hard time finding "quality of life", so to speak, in normal daily matters. One area I found this quality in was pretty recently (about 5 years ago) and it was in delving into spiritual matters.


Quote from: AteBits on December 06, 2012, 06:33:41One area I found this quality in was pretty recently (about 5 years ago) and it was in delving into spiritual matters.
This might already the answer to the question you asked on how to know you're an "old" soul. The fact that you did this and the fact that you are here on the Pulse, a place for more open-minded and "raw" spiritual experiences free from religious strict dogma. I believe (cannot prove it of course) that many if not all of us are indeed 'old souls'. About the magnetism: maybe we 'attract' each other also now on forums like this?

Tom Campbell on how we who've been around for some time get 'nudged' in each life to a certain state and 'quality' by paranormal and spiritual experiences (which might not happen as such - or at least as much - to 'younger' souls):

On a personal level, recently, I was responded to by a guide (or an aspect of my HS, not sure) who suddenly changed into an older appearance (middle-aged woman from a more twen girl), which I did not like too much, the following: "You are old, too, (my name), you are old, too!"

I found this interesting as it can mean so many things. Of course it might have referred to this life only and not to my 'soul life'. I then looked into the mirror and saw more or less my today's self. I am around 40, so I am not 'old' literally, just 'middle-aged'. Moreover, I look younger than a 40ier, most people think I am a 30-something.

So what did she mean? Maybe there was more behind it. Maybe I was indeed told that I'm an 'old soul' who has been around in many incarnations in this and other realities / worlds / planets / universes, whatever.

In the end, however, as always, it leaves more questions than answers.

majour ka

Quote from: Astir on April 28, 2012, 00:28:34
Does anyone else experience this?  For me, this has intensified very recently.  Simply being inexplicably drawn to other old souls.  I am perpetually torn between cultivating deeper relationships and silently severing ties.  I adore all of my friends of course, but most in low doses.  A handful of them I find myself often thinking of, and desiring to see.  But even when I want to make plans to visit, I just can't, or if I do...I back out.  I'll want to talk to them, and then I prevent any possibility.  My apprehension is unceasing.  I think the scales tip slightly in favor of my yearning to be unattached...but it's a paradox, because I am already attached.  Deeply.  And with a few, I was instantly. 

I can empathise and what your talking about is very common and typical of people evolving spiritually. Your circle of friends does soon change.


Yes, I have noticed that about my friends circle. I believe, for many reasons, that me and the close friends I have left have known each other before. Interestingly enough, and perhaps out of context, they too began experiencing increased dream recall and wierd astral stuff when I did.
Anyway, I moved away from the town where I grew up because I asked and longed for change and development for myself. And sure did I get it.

I deffinatelly aggree to what Volgerle wrote, it feels true to the bone.


Quote from: Astir on April 28, 2012, 00:28:34
Does anyone else experience this?  For me, this has intensified very recently.  Simply being inexplicably drawn to other old souls.  I am perpetually torn between cultivating deeper relationships and silently severing ties.  I adore all of my friends of course, but most in low doses.  A handful of them I find myself often thinking of, and desiring to see.  But even when I want to make plans to visit, I just can't, or if I do...I back out.  I'll want to talk to them, and then I prevent any possibility.  My apprehension is unceasing.  I think the scales tip slightly in favor of my yearning to be unattached...but it's a paradox, because I am already attached.  Deeply.  And with a few, I was instantly. 

i know this feeling its called nervousness, I'm pretty sure what your feeling is just the samething most humans feel when it comes to relationships
especially in the modern world people do not have alot of time to be able to co-live and socialize, actually alot of this has to do with new technology like electronic communication via computer or phone
especially when the text message started to get popular this is where actual face to face in person interactions and socializing started to dim down,
I'm a Gemini and we love to make friends but our problem is that we are like a butterfly just jumping from flower to flower not really getting all the nutrients and nectar we can , we sorta just leave it unfinished anyway that's my personal view on it,

what u experience is just the same thing we all experience from time to time, my advice stop being a fraddy cat and actually go, it seems that on a deeper note you really just dont want to do the actual PHYSICAL effort of building and improving relationships, (wouldnt it just be easier if we could do this all through texting  :-D) well no its not like that and this is called LIFE in the physical world we are ruled by forces like time and space and if u want anything to change whether for the bad or good your going to have to invest time.

everyday i wake up and i want all the time in the world to be done and over with so i can get on with time and start, its stupid yes because really thats just my laziness saying (if only u could do this all through texting  :-D)

on another note i really dont get what people see in reincarnation, i think its really really really misunderstood,
ive been called an old soul way too many times and i dont have a single memory or conscious state of the past, it makes no sense i can basically remember every moment from my life since i literally was surrounded by blackness, really my first memory was blackness and then light i saw light, it was beautiful and looking back at it now im pretty sure it was the ceiling because they had shape (the lights)
instinct is another subject on its own but as far as reincarnation goes how come we have all these social and global problems??
if reincarnation were true then the living beings on earth would have a greater and more practical understanding of life, good and evil

but on a more personal note i can finally say with all confidence I UNDERSTAND Why??? because yes i do this all the time even with my own blood but like i said its just nervousness from the fear of our ownselves not wanting to be on bad grounds with others, the worst thing to do is to do nothing at all

remember go today, because then tomorrow you wont have to...wait a minute i think the actual saying is "do not wait till tomorrow to do what you can accomplish today" by Benjamin Franklin, probably not exact word but eh same message
(!)Spark it up


I was born under the sign of Gemini too and I used to "jump from flower to flower" but because I always came to the conclusion that there is no nectar at all for me.

I mean what's the point of having people around you who - instead of wanting to hear your opinion - just want you to reassure you in their opinion, who find comfort in being themselves in your company only to transform into some kind of socially acceptable droid when others are around. And after that go back to themselves and make excuses about not wanting to hurt others feelings.

Or have you ever had to come to the conclusion that people you have known for years just simply misinterpreted you or just simply weren't there?

It's not laziness or fear of investing the time and energy to leave these flowers behind. Or being selective when it comes to finding new ones. I just feel like I know better than wasting my energy.
I am sorry, I am so, for the things you don't know
And as for the things you do, I am sorry for those too