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Quote from: hp>  Are you talking from direct experience when you talk about teleportation?  I mean, did you ever teleport?

But next time I decide to teleport to a different dimension in my flying saucer, I will be sure and let the forum know.

>  I didn't mean to say you travel with material gadgets to non-material realms.  Although, if you are truly advanced, you may be able to transform your body into pure energy and travel from material realm to inner realm.

Hello hp,

I don't recall claiming to be "truly advanced", and that statement makes no sense. Advanced compared to what? Everything is relative.

Also being advanced at such things as levitation, teleporation, telekinesis etc. is purely a physical thing, because beyond the physical, even in the lower Astral, they are natural abilities, and people in the lower Astral are not very advanced.

Same goes for "magic" etc.. Being able to influence Energy, which is what magic is, in fact all these things are, is a discipline, not a state of advancement.

And truly advanced beings don't amuse themselves with party tricks I assure you. There are more important priorities.

We can travel from the material realm to the inner realm; it is called "Astral Projection"; but it is still Mind travel.

We cannot "transform our body into pure Energy" because we are already pure Energy. The only difference is vibration, and since you are obviously so interested in this subject, teleporation is accomplished by increasing vibration, thinking oneself to where one wishes to be, and then increasing ones vibration back to physical levels again.

Best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


Quote from: hpteleport

:wink:  :wink:  :roll:  :wink:  :wink:

Commoners believe - winners KNOW !


apologies for off-topic discussions.  Adrian, would you think it is wise to make a section about teleportation-bilocation-materialization-dematerialization?

some claim that on planets with 5 genders, sex is perceived as for pro-creation only and sometimes people there are far more evolved than here.  everyone sees auras and astral travels, many teleport.  astral travel is # 1 sport, not sex as it is on earth.  We are a little like evolved animals compared to them supposedly.

i don't know, i guess we all create our own little world.


Well, and what would you do if a flying saucer would crash into your living room right now?
Or with other words, how all this theoretic stuff works in our "daily" reality?
How sane it is to have an astral lover?
What's the use of it?
How to handle it?
Is what feels good really good?
How to stay realistic, where to draw the line?
Etc. etc.

That's what keeps me busy.
Because it's effecting my life.
Not necessary in a negative way.
But it's confusing.

I'm not really looking for "romantic" answers.
But more for workalble answers.
I could try to handle this relationship like all of my relationships.
But having an astral lover is like having an on-line affair.
You feel so close but you're never ever together.
That sort of things...


there are lots of books that touch on astral sex.

go to and type "astral sex" or something.  or "astral relationships".  

there are people who go in the astral just to have sex, their level of evolution being there - for them tantra is all there is, self-gratification.  there are also energetic vampires in the astral.  in the astral spirits can shapeshift into anything that helps them to vampire someone's lifeforce.  it is very common for people to have astral lovers, but it is possible many times these beings are not advanced beings.

think about it this way:  the earth is extremely backward, warfare is dominant, murder is everywhere, pollution is huge, millions are in jail, hospitals.

these issues could be far more important to solve for the well being of the planet than an individual's need for sex.  with an understanding of anti-gravity and teleportation, lots of problems can be solved - it is very practical, unlike having extra kids becoming criminals because of uncontrolled sex desire.  countless people have respiratory problems because our planet is getting more and more polluted daily.  power plants and cars are stone age for the most part on earth.  wars over resources start because the people are incredibly idiotic and understanding the universe is not a focus.  

for this reason, my perception (we all offer perceptions, since none has absolute truth) is that this guide is not a very advanced consciousness.

whatever he is, a thoughtform projection from a lower astral demonic source, a person between lifetimes who was your husband many times and wastes his time, a vampire manipulating you with sweet words, or something else - this entity may not be all he thinks he is.  he may be at his level of consciousness, whatever that may be - which seems to me to be just typical of people between lifetimes.  

these things can also be something like a dark entity (from lower astral, sometimes highly powerful demons create thought forms or incubis to arouse people sexually (sometimes to the point whereby these people become addicted to masturbation) and collect the chi according to some or to try to take over your body and mind gradually - this process of possession happens over years and it happens in many forms - demons can disguise as ascended masters and all kinds of nonsense besides lovers) who is manipulating your need for love and acceptance to achieve its own ends.  

he sounds like he is enjoying this game.  basically the idea is like atracts like.  those obsessed with self will attract "guides" who are the same.  those obsessed with reducing the suffering of the planet attract guides who help with that.  

i don't know what happens, but to make sure you are safe you can try to ascertain that your intentions and actions and words are always aligned with the highest welfare of humanity, which isn't always easy.

this sounds judgmental but please don't take it as such.  everything is consciousness and you can change and i could be 100% wrong.  you change every day. reading this post already has dramatically shifted your consciousness in a very subtle fashion.

hp (harmony & peace)

James S

Getting back to the topic....

My own personal experiences and learning agrees with both Adrian's and Beth's views here.
I have experienced sex/sexuality in the astral, and found it to have been both a reconnection with the feminine aspect of my soul, as well as a reconnection with my higher self in a more general sense.

Our higher selves are pure love. When we reconnect with our soul, our higher self (our egos can separate us from our divine self), it is a very loving experience, which can present itself to us as an act of making love.

Lets not forget that sex and sexuality is actually divine in nature and a higher expression of our physical and spiritual selves. Its only since the advent of controlling religions that it has been relegated to being something less.



Hello HP  :grin:

Thanks for your post, which I find very helpful.
I don't have the idea that my guide or my lover is a negative energy.
But he also isn't a angelic being.
He's very human, but also a bit lighter and brighter.

Quotehe may be at his level of consciousness, whatever that may be - which seems to me to be just typical of people between lifetimes.

Well, perhaps it is something like this.
Something "in between".
And the sexual part of  our relationship is rather new.
It's right that he enjoys sex, but it's not the only thing he's interested in.
It's not our main "exercise" in our relationship  :wink:

The question is: how can I know what astral beings and energies are good or harmless,
and how do I know if I'm in trouble?
I don't see that clearly yet.
Do you see that yourself when you encounter someone from the astral plane?

I think you're very right that sex isn't our main concern.
That there are more important things in life.
But sex is also a part of life also of our spiritual life.
Being aware of myself also means being aware of my sexual identity.
Now it feels like my spirit guide helps me to find my real self,
including my sexual self.

But I notice that the more balanced I get the more my view on life expands.
The more I'm aware about what's important or not.
So maybe I once get a grip about what's going on right now.


Quote from: James SGetting back to the topic....

My own personal experiences and learning agrees with Adrian's view here.
I have experienced sex/sexuality in the astral, and found it to have been both a reconnection with the feminine aspect of my soul, as well as a reconnection with my higher self in a more general sense.

Our higher selves are pure love. When we reconnect with our soul, our higher self (our egos can separate us from our divine self), it is a very loving experience, which can present itself to us as an act of making love.

Lets not forget that sex and sexuality is actually divine in nature and a higher expression of our physical and spiritual selves. Its only since the advent of controlling religions that it has been relegated to being something less.


Hello James,

Just one question: how do you know that you're 100% in touch with your Higher Self.
I do meditate myself, and I try to be pure and open (at least as much as possible).
But it's very hard to distinguish if my ego is still fooling me around.

Although the experience I have feel pure, I'm still confused at times,
because mainly I don't know what this exactly is and how it works.
But with all these posts to think about I hopefully get a clearer view on what is going on.

James S

Hi Shyness,

There's a very simple basic test to determine if a thought is coming from your soul (higher self), or from your ego.

When the thoughts come to you, stop and look at these thoughts. Analyse them a little and see if at their roots they come from a place of fear or from a place of love.

For example, if the thoughts you get from your encounters are ones of neediness, or of urgency, jealousy, impatience, or other feelings like that, then they are at their very roots based in fear, and from the ego.

If the thoughts are uplifting, happy, encouraging, supportive, unconditional, tolerant, peaceful, then they are from a place of love - your higher self.

Another way to tell is the kind of body feelings you get.
If you get an unwell, unsure feeling that seems to come from your stomach, then trust that the source of that feeling is negative and fear based. If the feeling you get gives you a warm happy feeling in the heart, then this is your higher self telling you that all is good and what is happening is part of your higher purpose.

Higher self and true guiding spirits are all a part of the Divine oneness, as opposed to the human ego which seeks separation through fear. As such, any higher spirit being will never do anything to harm us, as it understands that to harm another is to harm itself. You would not willingly choose to stab your hand with a knife would you? Neither would a guiding spirit choose to harm another soul.

Hope this helps give you some guidance here.



Thanks for you explanation :)


> The question is: how can I know what astral beings and energies are good or harmless,
and how do I know if I'm in trouble?
I don't see that clearly yet.
Do you see that yourself when you encounter someone from the astral plane?

I see that if I ask Jesus to surround the entity I encounter in His Light.  "The Fire of Ascension" is an energy from a spiritual realm where Jesus like beings exist.  This energy can be invoked.  This Light will many times make your human boyfriend, dead relative from astral run away, because she/he is actually a Demon who shapeshifted into a lover, relative, ascended master, etc to try to deceive, possess you and steal your lifeforce.  Demons are sometimes as clever as Einstein.

Other times, lovers, relatives in astral are a real soul between lives who is not mature and also secretly manipulated by other demons without his awareness and he is used as a satellite probe to do their dirty work.  Like in CIA operations.  Just because someone is in some spirit form doesn't mean he is more advanced spiritually than you, as you know.  He may be more deceitful and more clever, but that is not maturity.  

You know also the physical people who claim "I am from a model agency.  I would like to take you a picture".  They look nice, the appearance (physical clothes or astral clothes which are trivial to make), but inside is a diabolical being who will then use the abducted girl for 20 daily rapes 50 dollar each until the girl is found dead in a drawer by the police.  Satanic human sacrifice killings happen almost every day on Earth still.  Millions of animals are slaughtered daily too.  In China, beatings and turture are huge.  Yet Europe and US have huge trade with China.  What do you think is responsible for this?  Could it be the legions of demons?

So, the process of spiritual fall into darkness starts with a seemingly normal astral encounter or channeling experience.  Over the years, the demons try to completely take over by establishing countless cords to your subtle bodies.  It may help to call Jesus and "ArchAngel" Michael often when in doubt.  Michael has no wings as far as I can tell.  In the astral demons can create temporary buildings, like a very nice hall with a throne where Michael (or your favorite master) sits or something to deceive and then this demon shapeshifted into Michael will give you some messages that will ruin your life or 10 years of it.

You can meditate for one year asking Michael, Jesus, Martin L King, Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa higher self to connect with you.  And you can even tell this boyfriend to leave you alone for a year.  If his love is Unconditional, he should leave you alone easily.  Lightbeings always honor your free will.  Then, compare the teachings from Jesus with his.  Start channeling Jesus.  Talk to Jesus.  Try to see what he really taught and did, not the 1500 christian sects present.  But be honest, sincerely call to Jesus for the sake of all nations and your self-transformation into a more divine soul.

Also try to keep a critical mind and don't believe too fast what anyone claiming to be Jesus says.  Females are sometimes very emotional (they don't think critically as much as men) and a few astral experiences are prone to make them believe they really met Jesus, etc who told them to have tantra every day, etc.  Mother Theresa took care of countless people abandoned by all and she recommended chastity to all people (sex for pro-creation only), saying that Love is mercy, compassion, forgiveness and not rubbing your genitals off another set of garments for the consciousness.  

True discernment can take 10 years to develop.  I am not claiming I know anything or that I am more discerning than you.  I am offering perceptions which can be a way of life, not claiming that chastity will make you superior to being a tantric goddess-priestess.  There are a lot of souls claiming to be tantric lemurian high priestess or priest or goddess who cannot even astral project at will.  Usually these, together with all those who claim to be ascended masters, archangels, angels, etc may be people who are lost.  Those into sex outside pro-creation may vibrate too low to enter certain spheres, who knows?  A spirit told me this:  one of true virtue would always serve others whether they are in spirit  or physical worlds and would not have sex outside pro-creation in any realm.  Is it true?  I don't know.  But I resonate with the idea.  I cannot teleport at will, so my ignorance is huge.  I cannot disappear in Light like many Indian saints.

I am just sharing possibilities that this boyfriend of yours isn't as advanced as he seems to some beings.  

I am taking a break, and will not be able to answer any more questions for a while.

my 2 cents, hp


Thanks for your reply, HP.

Quote from: hpI see that if I ask Jesus to surround the entity I encounter in His Light.  "The Fire of Ascension" is an energy from a spiritual realm where Jesus like beings exist.  This energy can be invoked.  This Light will many times make your human boyfriend, dead relative from astral run away, because she/he is actually a Demon who shapeshifted into a lover, relative, ascended master, etc to try to deceive, possess you and steal your lifeforce.

If demonic forces can pretend being a higher being, they also could make us believe
that they're Jesus or an Archangel.
But isn't love the difference between a higher and a lower astral being?
Or can't we even trust love?

Just like a sharp dressed man is only a sharp dressed man, it depends on his energy and his intentions.
If his energy doesn't match with his nice words and his nice looks,
I wouldn't trust him anyway.
Looks are just looks, words are just words, the energy someone radiates tells me who I can trust or not.
(In this case I merely speak about human beings)

If we need to know if someone is reliable or not, we need to rely on something within ourselves.
On our intuition for example.
Or isn't that enough?

QuoteDemons are sometimes as clever as Einstein.

Are demons clever enough to radiate love?
Or are they only smooth talkers and seductive lovers?
Can they also transform their energy so it really looks like they're good company?

In that case how much it would help to pray to Jesus,
if demons changes their clothes, their looks and their energy from time to time?

I still don't think and feel that my spirit guide/astral lover is a "demonic force".
He is someone who radiates love, who is patient, who isn't obsessed by sex,
who doesn't force me to do anything.
He's not a sharp dressed man who talks about love.
He's someone who shows love and not only through sex.
It's more his approach, his energy, his behavior.
If he were a normal human being I would like him and trust him.
Although I don't know what kind of relationship we would have had.
At least we should have been friends.

Do you really think that the universe is full of demonic forces,
and that there isn't some natural protection from within ourselves (intuition)
and from a higher source? (God, Jesus)
(Since you assume that demons do change their appearance from time to time,
it would be very hard to find the right Jesus, which I don't believe actually,
because I concentrate on Love, and not on looks or smooth talking)

What would a spirit guide be like according to you?
What would a spirit guide behave like?
Don't think that a spirit guide could help solving sexual issues?
Don't you think that sexuality is also a part of life and our souls?
If sexuality was only meant for procreation I don't think that it would have such a great impact on our lives.
Then rape wouldn't hurt so much.
Then making love wouldn't open our hearts.

For me sexuality is also a key to more openness, more awareness,
sexuality can be healing.
Especially if you are somehow traumatized by certain sexual experiences.
And there's also a big difference between making love with someone who loves you in return.
Then to have sex all day, whether in bed or on an astral plane.
I'm for instance not interested in having astral lovers or love affairs.
I wouldn't practice astral projection for my sexual pleasures.

But sometimes boy meets girl and they fall in love.
Just like me and my spirit guide met, with one big difference that we've been merely friends since we've met.

Anyway, it seems that there are amounts of theories out there about a subject like this.
So I need to rethink again what I actually feel and want myself.
But it feels good to talk about these sort of things, because there aren't many people who would understand.

James S

I'd like to put to rest here a very common misconception that clever demons can trick you into thinking they are beings of light. I've heard this many times, and well...sorry, but if you're in a right place within yourself, it just cannot happen.

quite simply -
If you are in tune with your higher self you cannot be decieved by any entity!

Your soul, your higher self always sees straight to the truth of a matter. This is because your soul is not limited by the beliefs and perspectives of the physical mind, and not distracted by the fears of the ego. It is above all of that, and can very clearly see all that which, in the physical, we cannot.

So how do you do this?

1) Meditate, meditate, meditate!
Meditation is the most basic and most important foundation for any spiritual development.

2) Connect with your emotions and your intuition.
Our mental processes can be easily led astray, by both ourselves and others. Learn to understand the feelings you get from different situations. Our feelings and our intution are reliable full time connections we have with our soul.

3) Trust!
Don't analyse, dont intellectualise, don't overthink the feelings and intuition you are getting in any way. The mind can be easily tricked as it works purely through association. Our thoughts and our beliefs have been learned, they have been moulded. They can be easily misled. Our deepest feelings and our intuition cannot be misled - they come from a higher place. Trust them.

If on a deep level you feel right about something, then trust in that. If your intution is warning you about something, trust in that.

Our soul, our higher self, is the best guide we could possibly have. It always seeks to lead us to what is best for us, no exception.

I'd reccommend anyone who is looking at any spiritual studies, especially astral travel or mediumship, unless you learn to develop and maintain a deep inner connection with your own soul, you risk being led astray.
If you look to and connect with your higher self on a regular basis, it will lead you on the best path for you, and you will not ever have to worry about being tricked by any kind of entity.



>  But isn't love the difference between a higher and a lower astral being?

yes, it is.  But Love may be something that very few know.  Most people reincarnate many times because they have not yet learned Love.  What is Love?  Love may not be not the physiological process of birthing garments for souls in this physical realm.  Love may be:  forgiveness, mercy, infinite mercy more exactly, compassion, sacrificing oneself for the welfare of all humanity, giving up all personal goals to do what is best for humanity.  Love can be viewed as doing our best to alleviate the deepest pain of humanity:  countless people are beaten to death in China and oppressive regimes like Iran this day and countless people live in terror in Italy, yet the world is lied to that EU is a civilized union - when mafia is so present in Italy and elsewhere, human traffic is very heavy, humanity destroys the land really fast (same land feeds many more vegans than meat eaters, yet meat eaters don't care - then get mad when earthchanges happen after they destroy the planet).  Love is absent on Earth for the most part.  We are a cruel civilization where murder is rule and much of research and development is focused on weapon making and killing each other.  Love is being a living example that shows another way.  Sex shops for masturbation don't make Earth more loving.  It is that same self-centeredness that allows the cruel killing of other life to satisfy some craving for meat.  Our digestive system is designed for veggies only.

>  Or can't we even trust love?

We can trust Love, but Love may not be something that is so simple.  We can write 10 billion pages on what love is and describe 100 lifetimes of yours and see facets of Love.  Do you claim you know what Love is?  I venture to say that those who know what Love is are probably no longer born on Earth.  So, what is love?  What are we to trust?  Love for me, at my level of ignorance is highest mercy for all life at any given moment.  Whatever is multi-dimensionally most forgiving, merciful and compassionate for all nations and animals is Love.  

>If his energy doesn't match with his nice words and his nice looks,
I wouldn't trust him anyway.

It may not be easy to read the oldest demons who have existed for millions of years on many planets.   It may be that the most powerful demons spent a lot of time to put faces, energetic cloaks, etc - to the point where many feelings can be faked and energies manipulated.

>  Looks are just looks, words are just words, the energy someone radiates tells me who I can trust or not.
(In this case I merely speak about human beings)

That is true, but not all people see auras since birth, and among aura seers there are those who see many layers of the aura.  As such, our ability to "read radiated energy" is reflection of our spiritual maturity.  It is not always advanced enough to read without the help of Higher Beings like Michael, Jesus, Krishna, etc

>  If we need to know if someone is reliable or not, we need to rely on something within ourselves.
On our intuition for example.
Or isn't that enough?

It is enough probably, if you are very advanced spiritually.  For me it is not enough.  To be good at physics, you learn from the best.  So, to be good at discernment you learn from the best in inner realms.  None is born knowing everything.  I always ask for help from Jesus, Michael and others to make sure I am not being taken for a ride in some way.  

>  Are demons clever enough to radiate love?
Or are they only smooth talkers and seductive lovers?
Can they also transform their energy so it really looks like they're good company?

It is possible demons can radiate love in your understanding of it.  But from the above, it is evident that your understanding of Love may not be the very truest understanding of Love.  Good company, and being nice and loving to an individual when humanity has so many problems is not LOVE.  But self-centered people consider it Love because THEY get attention.  So, demons can radiate fake Love, temporary individual love, to achieve their ends.  This may be the typical way possession starts.  Love, pamper, keep good company, tell lies, make souls feel good, feed the ego, let them start the new cult for the enslavement of souls, etc.  

>  In that case how much it would help to pray to Jesus,
if demons changes their clothes, their looks and their energy from time to time?

It would maybe help a lot, because He can help you understand Universal Infinite Mercy as the essence of Love, instead of individual attention to your persona, family, nation, religion, sect, etc.  And from there, he can also download "spiritual software" in your subtle bodies to help you determine fakery from truth.

>  I still don't think and feel that my spirit guide/astral lover is a "demonic force".

You are free to believe anything you wish.  I still think he is less evolved than Michael, Jesus, etc.  Try call Michael and you may feel the difference.  Michael may feel like a Sun of Peace, Wisdom, Mercy and Bliss. It's hard to put in words anyway.  Reality is not black and white.  There are many shades of darkness and light.  You choose what you want.  Sometimes girls had their blonde astral lover shapeshift into a reptilian demon while having sex.  So, he was there telling her all the lies before simply because he wanted to have sex with her.

>  Do you really think that the universe is full of demonic forces,
and that there isn't some natural protection from within ourselves (intuition)
and from a higher source? (God, Jesus)

No I don't think the universe is full of demons, however they do exist just like you exist as an individual.  Life is a school and as such discernment and Love may take 20 lives to understand fully for me and you.  Others may need 2 lives or 200.

>  (Since you assume that demons do change their appearance from time to time,
it would be very hard to find the right Jesus, which I don't believe actually,
because I concentrate on Love, and not on looks or smooth talking)

It is very hard to find Jesus if you don't care about humanity.  When day and night, the atrocities on earth are affecting you and you try to do something about it and constantly daily think about it, and take actions to do something - then it is easier to find Him.  When you read tantra books and have sex outside of pro-creation (while Mother Teresa would take care of hundreds of thousands of people working 16 hours a day) He may think you cannot understand Him, so He won't bother to contact you of His Own Will.  Instead, former lovers now between lifetimes may contact you - they are much closer to your vibration.  Physics for a Nobel laureate may not be not physics understood by high school student.  Love for Jesus may not be not Love as understood by you.

>  What would a spirit guide be like according to you?

Like Mother Teresa.  Like Gandhi, who with a piece of cloth alone liberated India from the British empire.

>  What would a spirit guide behave like?

Like Jesus, giving his life for the welfare of all.  

> Don't think that a spirit guide could help solving sexual issues?

If you are Jesus like, there is no sexual issue whatsoever.  Sex may become an issue for self-centered people obsessed with their physical garment in one life.

>  Don't you think that sexuality is also a part of life and our souls?

Souls are genderless.  Sex is a physical function.  Astral body is a copy of physical lifeform.  Thus you experience a lot of physical sensations so to speak while in this gross subtle body called astral double.  Our soul may not be the astral body.  Genitals and sex are just how people reproduce on some planets, just like mouth and chewing is how they eat.

>  If sexuality was only meant for procreation I don't think that it would have such a great impact on our lives.
>Then rape wouldn't hurt so much.
>Then making love wouldn't open our hearts.

You are free to believe whatever you want.  Your perception of "heart opening" may not be what true "heart opening" is.  Some may think heart opening is feeling the suffering in China or Iran or Iraq or USA so much, that you cannot sleep at night.  Your heart chakra is in another dimension encompassing the whole planet so to speak.  As such, people with opened hearts (universal mercy) no longer bother with sex shops and tantra books, but become more like Mother Teresa, Gandhi, etc.  Your perception of Love, may not be what Love is for someone who has ascended.

>  But it feels good to talk about these sort of things, because there aren't many people who would understand.

All is fine.  Love may include the gentlest, subtlest form of caring about one's graduation from this realm.

Please feel free to think I am crazy.  This doesn't change the truth, even if all the above is just nonsense.

just some perceptions from an ignorant soul, hp


Interesting post, hp.  :smile:


QuoteSo, demons can radiate fake Love, temporary individual love, to achieve their ends. This may be the typical way possession starts. Love, pamper, keep good company, tell lies, make souls feel good, feed the ego, let them start the new cult for the enslavement of souls, etc.
I don't believe in demons, but I certainly believe people do this and on a large scale.
Well, not the cult thingy.. I mean people whom give off the loving vibe, while stabbing you in the back.

So, why did you post under a different name?  Just curious.


I have to agree with James on two key points.

QuoteIf you get an unwell, unsure feeling that seems to come from your stomach, then trust that the source of that feeling is negative and fear based. If the feeling you get gives you a warm happy feeling in the heart, then this is your higher self telling you that all is good and what is happening is part of your higher purpose.

These are truly excellent words of advice. I use this method all of the time and it has never failed me.

QuoteI'd like to put to rest here a very common misconception that clever demons can trick you into thinking they are beings of light. I've heard this many times, and well...sorry, but if you're in a right place within yourself, it just cannot happen.

Totally agree here as well. I've had many experiences with my guide as well as other deceased beings. I have also been fortunate enough meet a truly evolved being, albeit I was only able to reach that level twice. They have VERY different 'feels' to each of them. In my experience, there is simply no way for a lower being to fake being a higher being. Its just not possible. They may TRY. But I don't even think a child would be fooled by their attempt. There are some things you just can't fake. And the vibration/feeling/radiation from a being like Jesus or similar is so very different, even compared to spirit guides. There is simply no mistaking it.

My concern with your description of events is that your sexual relationship didn't start with your guide until after you began channeling. I'm not sure how you channel him, but how do you *know* its him you are channeling and not some other being? Also, you mention that he tries to seduce you while you are writing. To me the word seduction implies coercion, persuading someone to do something they don't necessarily want to do. I would never use that word when describing interactions with spirit guides.

I do believe in the concept of divine union, as Beth mentioned in her one post. But the way you describe some of your experiences makes me question if this is what is happening.

In the end, you need to search within your self and make that decision. None of use can tell you what you are experiencing. The best we can do is provide our own opinions based on what you've told us and what our experiences have been.
Reality is what you perceive it to be.


Again, thanks for all the replies.

James, your post makes really sense,
because it describes exactly how I try to feel the difference between good and evil.
Although I'm not so aware yet that I know how to handle every situation.
And because so much seems to be mixed when it's about the relationship I have with my "spirit guide"
it takes some time to get this clear.
At least thinking and talking about it helps a great deal.

When it's about right or wrong or good and evil,
I always use this wonderful tool: my intuition.
My intuition is never wrong, but my intuition might sometimes be blurred by my ego (most of all fears or worries)
It's impossible for me to understand anything at all if I would only use
my rational mind.

How do I check if something is false or true?
By using my intuition.
How do I know if I can trust someone or not?
By the energy he or she radiates.
Words are just words.
They might tell a totally different story.
And if the energy and the words don't match it feels uncomfortable anyway.

It's very easy for me to feel the main energy someone radiates.
It's impossible to hide a strong energy like hate or anger behind a "love" layer.
It's also impossible to analyze someone's intentions or energy with your mind.
You need to use your intuition for that.

I know that my spirit guide isn't an angelic being.
He also doesn't pretend he is.
It also could be that he isn't a real spirit guide.
But he also isn't someone with cruel intentions.
Because cruelty doesn't match with his energy.
His energy is soft and loving.
And now I've been reading about different kind of spirits,
he might be someone I've known before (perhaps from a past life)someone who has always cared about me.
He's much lighter and brighter than the (living) people I know,
so he might be (perhaps only a tiny little bit) on a higher plane.
On the other hand I think that he is still working on certain issues himself.
But he doesn't bother me with that, he doesn't cling to me, he doesn't bother me in any way.
I think he even would say sorry if he would make a mistake or go too far.

So let's say he's only a spirit and not a spirit guide.
Does he harm me?
Does he make my life a mess?
But the sexual part was confusing me because I wasn't sure if it was right.
And I also think that sex between us shouldn't become a habit.
I stop with the sexual part for a while just to see how things really are between us.
And to ask him what the purpose of our relationship is.

Another thing that bothers me is my own perception.
My fears, my prejudices and doubts are in the way to understand what is going on.

I know what he radiates, and that's a positive energy.
I know how he behaves, and that would be an ideal behavior if he would have been human.
And I know that the connection feels overall good, in spite of some doubts.

The question is: if he's just a spirit, not evolved yet to be a guide,
why he seeks my company?
If he doesn't do any harm, should I still send him away?
A normal spirit isn't the same as a negative spirit.
But on the other hand: what's the use of having a spirit around who seems to love me and like my company.

Although this topic goes to extremes, I don't think my situation is so extreme.
And I also don't think that my spirit is dangerous.
If he were my neighbor, who was more or less in love with me,
and with whom I could have a good time, I would act the same as I do now.
I would talk about my doubts and feelings with my friends and finally take a decision
to continue the relationship or not.
But I'm not sure if I should treat an (as far as I can see) innocent spirit as a normal human being.

I keep some distance, use my intuition and then I see what's next.


Quote from: Shyness
he might be someone I've known before (perhaps from a past life)someone who has always cared about me.

I agree. And that is why you are more connected/open to him  than to others.

Quote from: Shyness
He's much lighter and brighter than the (living) people I know,
so he might be (perhaps only a tiny little bit) on a higher plane.

My knowledge is that there are no planes - only slower and faster vibration.
I mean there are no clear boundaries between lower, higher and highest possible "plane".

Quote from: ShynessOn the other hand I think that he is still working on certain issues himself.

There is a word in Hinduism for an advanced entity who decides to remain close to physical plane to help other souls, instead of evolving further as quick as possible.

Quote from: ShynessBut the sexual part was confusing me because I wasn't sure if it was right.

I thought that you said earlier that you are very open in this matter.

Quote from: ShynessAnd I also think that sex between us shouldn't become a habit.

Look deep inside and tell me why do you feel that way. ;)

Is it because of some external influence ? People telling you that sex is bad, that he may be a "demon" ? :lol:

Quote from: Shyness
I stop with the sexual part for a while just to see how things really are between us.

I may be wrong but you may lose him forever if you do that.
Maybe by loving (merging with) him you are giving him enough energy for him to be there for you.
Without that energy he may have to go to the light (final destination).

Quote from: ShynessAnother thing that bothers me is my own perception.
My fears, my prejudices and doubts are in the way to understand what is going on.

99% of women   :loveU:  are like you  :lol:  :wink: Everything is fine but they have their fears and prejudices and then they want to fix something that is not broken and all hell breaks loose.  :wink:

I don't know maybe try to think like a man.

Quote from: ShynessIf he doesn't do any harm, should I still send him away?

Your choice - if you don't love him - kick him out.  :neutral:

Quote from: ShynessBut on the other hand: what's the use of having a spirit around who seems to love me and like my company.

Hmmm Well...
...he may be very helpful in magic practices. :witch:
He may be able to protect you from evil :demon:  :chainsaw: etc.

Commoners believe - winners KNOW !


nay - i love infinite mercy more than hp as a name.  hp may make people wonder what it stands for, like people ask sometimes "what does that stand for in that thread, is that your picture?"

shyness - u r free to do whatever feels right.  please don't think i am right and u r wrong.  it could be the opposite or something in between.  all is relative.  my perceptions are extremely narrow, limited, immature.  my ignorance is huge, as i said in one of the other posts.  the very fact i am still on this forum shows that i am not very mature in a way.  well, maybe i get enlightened tomorrow and that will be it.  i become a mist of light, laughter.  will be your next spirit guide, but won't ask you to have sex with me astrally.  good luck.


Quote from: infinitemercyhp may make people wonder what it stands for, like people ask sometimes "what does that stand for in that thread, is that your picture?"

Hewlett Packard ?  :razz:  :lol:

Commoners believe - winners KNOW !


Hello Paker7,

It's the first time I talk openly about this.
I'm used to be open about my spirituality.
And I'm used to be open about my sexuality.
But I never knew it was possible to have sex with a spirit (guide).
It wasn't just a dream and it wasn't my own juicy fantasy.
It was very real and it had an huge emotional impact on me.
It was like making love for the first time with the love of my life.
I've been in relationships before, but I hardly ever felt so close to someone.
And with a real lover I can talk about it.
But after I've had sex with my astral lover, I realized that I was alone.
That there's no one lying next to me.
And that is pretty confusing.
(Although we talked about it later of course)

Quote from: ShynessBut the sexual part was confusing me because I wasn't sure if it was right.

I thought that you said earlier that you are very open in this matter.

Being open doesn't mean I can't be confused.
It was all new to me although it was a pleasant experience.
But it was like I made an emotional swift.
I would have been just as confused if I should have made love to a woman.
New things can be very confusing, especially if it's not a common thing.
At least I thought that astral sex wasn't a common thing.
I'm still not sure if it is a good thing, and I don't mean from an ethical point of view,
but more from a spiritual and psychological point of view.

I'm actually less worried about all the scary demonic stories I've heard.
But I wonder if there are more people who have sex with spirits or their spirit guides.
Do they experience this as a good or a bad, or just as a nice waste of time?

The main part of this relationship is a talking/learning relationship.
The sexual part came later and still doesn't dominate our relationship.
It's more an extra.
If I experienced this extra with a close friend it would have been far easier to accept
that we're not only friends but also lovers at times.

Quote from: ShynessOn the other hand I think that he is still working on certain issues himself.

There is a word in Hinduism for an advanced entity who decides to remain close to physical plane to help other souls, instead of evolving further as quick as possible.

In that case he might be something like this.
But I'm not aware what kind of spirits and spirit guides do exist.
And what makes a spirit guide a spirit guide and not a "lost soul".
Until now I've trusted my intuition.
Until now he didn't fool me around or hurt me in anyway.
Yes, the sexual part confused me, but we can stop that any time.
That's also something I'm going to do, to think things over and to get everything into perspective.

Quote from: ShynessAnother thing that bothers me is my own perception.
My fears, my prejudices and doubts are in the way to understand what is going on.

99% of women   :loveU:  are like you  :lol:  :wink: Everything is fine but they have their fears and prejudices and then they want to fix something that is not broken and all hell breaks loose.  :wink:

I think that doubts, fear and prejudices don't give me the right perception.
By letting this go and by observing what really is and what not, it's easier to get the full picture.
Then I hopefully see what's right about all the scary stories and the erotic poetry about heavenly grooms and brides.

It's easy to get carried away by both fear and romantic feelings,
that's why I rather observe and stay in touch with my intuition,
to see what's really going on.

And that's what I'm trying to do right now.


Quote from: Shyness
At least I thought that astral sex wasn't a common thing.
I'm still not sure if it is a good thing, and I don't mean from an ethical point of view, but more from a spiritual and psychological point of view.

I think it is a very common thing but 99% of time (average) people think that it is just a very nice dream.

Quote from: Shyness
I'm actually less worried about all the scary demonic stories I've heard.
But I wonder if there are more people who have sex with spirits or their spirit guides.

Hehehe if you want to see it from christian perspective go to wikipedia and type in "succubus" or "incubus"  :wink:

Quote from: Shyness
Do they experience this as a good or a bad, or just as a nice waste of time?

It 100% depends on person's beliefs.

Commoners believe - winners KNOW !


My personal belief is actually quite simple:
as long love rules I'm doing the right thing.


Quote from: ShynessMy personal belief is actually quite simple:
as long love rules I'm doing the right thing.

:thumbsup:  :cheerleader2:  :Iagree:

Commoners believe - winners KNOW !