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Hello all,

   I had my first conscious vision today!

   The great majority of my meditation experience has been the common practice of focusing on one's breathing. This has been a daily practice of 1-3 hours in length for the last two years, so I decided to try something else this time.
   Lately there has been quite a pressure on my forehead, between and above my eyebrows (the top point of an equilateral triangle would locate the area, if the lower points were placed at the innermost ends of my eyebrows). I decided this time to focus solely on this pressure, and see what happens.

   I began, eyes shut, with a simple awareness of the area. This developed into massive pressure. At times, consciously relaxing my forehead would alleviate this pressure, so I tried to make sure I was not tensing the muscles of this region.
   Eventually the nameless sensation of my awareness extended from the surface of the forehead and deep into my inner cranium. Not long after this, the focus turned to a pressure, this felt much like I was flexing a muscle in my brain.
   My mind began to wander slightly, and suddenly I realized that I was looking down at an ocean, from roughly 3-4 stories above it. This vision had every bit of the clarity that my eyes give me in waking life. There was movement of the water, it was not a still image.
   The vision faded to black as quickly as it appeared, the entire experience was only a brief moment.

   Yay! :D 

   Needless to say, I am pretty ecstatic about this. All of my other visual experiences have been at best the type of detail one has when remembering a key event in one's life. This was another level entirely.

   How does this compare to your experiences? Does anyone have any tips to enhance this type of practice? My end goals are to achieve true "theatre screen behind my eyelids" remote viewing one day, as well as full astral projection.




You laid this out really well. ( Congratulations )

Yes, I have had many such experiences, sometimes it is through a quick shift in perception, as you've outlined, sometimes a slower, more gradual process. It can be different depending on whether I floor sit or lay myself down. I seem to get 'further' if I lay myself down, but I am making strides in the floor sitting position. The first thing that happens when I deliberately go in for data, is a shift in feeling. In easy words, my whole experience turns inside out. What this is, is a shift from a physical based perspective to a consciousness base one, where nothing remains outside of myself -- all is in what I myself AM. Once I recognize the 'turn'/change/shift, at this point I generally begin receiving symbols. I follow and note them until they stop. This is when activity and scenes begin to unfold. Dialogue between those present and myself can happen. I follow it all for as long as I can. For the most part this all occurs from a primary position in the Void, but there can be phases within it all where, like you, I pop more into a 3D surround sound experience.

This whole process is much like what you hear from the Monroe Explorers, where they are taken into a booth, guided inward, and report back ( to Bob ) from the out of body state. Learning to speak while in this state is no easy feat. I practiced it myself for a year or so a few years back. If anyone is interested you can read and watch me move through this process here. I recorded the sessions, there are many videos to chose from. I would be interested to know if anyone else here has ever given this a go, and what your experiences were like.

Regarding the sensation you felt at the brow, Donut, and even interior to it >>

I consciously "go in" a lot, every day, for many years, and I often watch the process of moving from the blackness in front of my closed, through the void, hypnogogs/hypnopomps, into where it is that full lifelike 'dreams' begin to come in. I have discovered, within myself at least, a certain geometry that lay in the center of the skull. Two interpenetrating conical shapes. Situating myself inside the ( diamond shaped ) center of these I have access to more than I can ever describe. To see the shape/geometry I am mentioning and read a bit more about this <-- you can look here.


Quote from: Donut on September 24, 2023, 18:39:23Lately there has been quite a pressure on my forehead, between and above my eyebrows (the top point of an equilateral triangle would locate the area, if the lower points were placed at the innermost ends of my eyebrows). I decided this time to focus solely on this pressure, and see what happens.

   I began, eyes shut, with a simple awareness of the area. This developed into massive pressure. At times, consciously relaxing my forehead would alleviate this pressure, so I tried to make sure I was not tensing the muscles of this region.
   Eventually the nameless sensation of my awareness extended from the surface of the forehead and deep into my inner cranium. Not long after this, the focus turned to a pressure, this felt much like I was flexing a muscle in my brain.
   My mind began to wander slightly, and suddenly I realized that I was looking down at an ocean, from roughly 3-4 stories above it. This vision had every bit of the clarity that my eyes give me in waking life. There was movement of the water, it was not a still image.
   The vision faded to black as quickly as it appeared, the entire experience was only a brief moment.
I have written about this in the past here on the Pulse. I called it the "exploding head" symptom. I would be just relaxed and focused on my 3rd eye area and all of a sudden, a strong pressure in my head would occur. At first, that pressure felt like it lasted for an eternity, and I had to abort my session because of it, but then I began just noticing/observing and allowing it to do what it wanted to. Once I did that, I got to see that somehow the pressure was a brief symptom of me shifting my visual focus from my physical eyes over to my "Mind's eye". It is really hard to explain, but when you do it, you begin to see everything from a simple point of consciousness view. It's like we have two independent screens of view. One is our physical eyes and the other is a screen that lies above that.

 It sounds like Casey is describing the same thing, yet she is using a different perspective to describe the sensation. I learned early on in this practice to allow myself to experience the entire journey getting there. I could slow down the process, so I understand it more. There is a lot that you can learn while observing during your shift in consciousness. A lot of want you learn though will change after a while of experiencing it.

QuoteHow does this compare to your experiences? Does anyone have any tips to enhance this type of practice? My end goals are to achieve true "theatre screen behind my eyelids" remote viewing one day, as well as full astral projection.
See it through for what it is, then move on!

 It sounds to me like you are well on your way to achieving your goals. From what you have already written on the Pulse in the threads you have made, you have already "consciously" experienced "full astral projection".
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: omcasey on September 27, 2023, 16:06:09You laid this out really well. ( Congratulations )

  Thank you! This means a lot to me.

QuoteI have discovered, within myself at least, a certain geometry that lay in the center of the skull. Two interpenetrating conical shapes. Situating myself inside the ( diamond shaped ) center of these I have access to more than I can ever describe. To see the shape/geometry I am mentioning and read a bit more about this <-- you can look here.

   This is profoundly interesting to me. For myself I am noticing what seems almost like a thin tunnel from the forehead straight through to the point on the back of the skull, with the "flexing" area in the center of it.
   Your documentation of these phenomena is incredibly detailed, I am thoroughly enjoying the perspective you offer here and at your website. Thanks for the insight!



Quote from: Lumaza on September 27, 2023, 18:58:57Once I did that, I got to see that somehow the pressure was a brief symptom of me shifting my visual focus from my physical eyes over to my "Mind's eye". It is really hard to explain, but when you do it, you begin to see everything from a simple point of consciousness view.

These words really click with me. As I type this, I seem to be in the " driver's seat" of this body. Your point of consciousness description is a direct match for how I feel when a meditation is "successful" in my opinion.

QuoteSee it through for what it is, then move on!

   This, if I am understanding, is really valuable advice. I remember summiting Mount Le Conte with my wife on our honeymoon.
   On the way up we stopped very often to take pictures of all of the new sights we found. When we finally reached the summit, we wished we had stopped less, so that we could have appreciated the view for longer.
   I have a strong feeling that if I were to behave less like a tourist of this consciousness and more like a sherpa, my progress would benefit greatly. Surely greater sights await.

Thanks for the guidance!
