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Things get worse before they get better

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I believe everyone experiences this phenomena at some point in their lives. I have observed it many times in my own life. And most of the time things get worse when I am too reluctant to go out of my comfort zone on my own, to take steps into the unknown to improve things I desire improvement. The fear of possible unfavorable outcomes or lack of confidence in ourselves are often the obstacles.  But this is where our higher self comes into play as it sits on the mountain top and sees every possibility and opportunity. It sees that we can and we are capable of and pushes us out of our comfort zone by creating the circumstances which we perceive as challenges. But the higher self is still us, so in a way we create the challenges for ourselves, just the conscious portion of ourselves does not realize it.
So, from energetic point of view, if new things are to emerge, old things need to be removed and this is the time of worsening that is perceived. If you want a newer house, you can't build it upon the old one. First you have to remove the old paint, the falling foundation, the cracked doors and windows. But you have to keep working on it and know that in a little while, you will have a new house. If you stop or do not initiate the  building process just because you are afraid to be left without doors and windows temporarily, you will never have the new house. Now, replace "new house" with, better health, financial abundance, greater love and relationship, etc, you will see that in each of these transformations there will be temporary worsening of the current situation. You will experience loss of the old in order to make space and build the new.
A better health may require a detox program, a change of eating habits, more exercising. All of these changes will trigger dying of old cells, withdrawal effects of substances, sore muscles from work outs until your body renews itself and becomes stronger. Unconsciously via your higher self you may create an illness to push yourself to make a change in your eating habits and lifestyle if you don't initiate this by conscious choice.
If you desire a greater love and relationship, you will create the circumstances of a break up to push yourself to get out of the current one and look for something better if you do not initiate this consciously by choice.
If you desire financial abundance, you may create the circumstances of losing your job in order to look for something better. This was the case for my sister. She was forced to look for something else when the situation with her colleagues became unlivable. But she had this job for 15 years and she felt comfortable as far as stability, but the physical labor was burdensome. She was reluctant to look for something else because she felt she could not find stability somewhere else. Well, her conscious self could not see what her higher self was seeing from the mountain top, so one day her higher self said, that's enough, I am pushing you by force. She had no choice but to look for another job. She was very fearful, but I knew all along this was a blessing in disguise. I told her that to stay positive. Shortly after, she found a new position in the same company where she still had the stability but the job was 10 times less demanding, very easy and had a better pay. But had the higher self not created the situation with her colleagues scenario to force her, she would have missed her potential and would have missed to find something she was desiring.
Always trust that there are reasons behind every challenge and that we from the standpoint of our higher selves do create them to push us along to reach our full potential. But if we resist and blame external forces for our "misfortunes" we may extend that "worsening time" very long.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


yes, it's about focus
when I focus on the true value of my life
my life shines

when I choose to focus on the difficulties
I notice I have more to learn

the best learning tool,
the best way to be where I am comfortable

is love