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Breast Cancer

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My fiance has breast cancer. I have never been a big believer in energy healing, but I've known about this section, so here we are.

The condition is a 28 year old female, high grade cancer. Stage is unknown. It is likely a hormone responsive cancer.

Suspected root causes: Birth control implant used for nearly 10 years with the chemical levonorgestrel. It has been shown in studies to have an unexpected high number occurrence of breast cancer in Poland. Causes hormone imbalance and messes up natural processes of clearing breast tissue when pregnancies do not occur each month.

Gross deficiency in vitamin C stores. I have learned that daily recommended doses are based on preventing scurvy in 90% of the population. That leaves you just above deathly deficiency, not near effective plasma saturation levels. It took her 2 weeks to recover from a cold that I recovered from in 1 day, suggesting impaired immunity.

Gross deficiency in vitamin D blood levels. Our pills come in a maximum dose of 1000 IU without prescription. It is suggested by many experts that more like 50,000 IU per week is required to get blood up to the 120 nmol/L healthy levels of the Mediterranean population. Average blood levels for New Zealand is more like 16 nmol/L.

Cell membranes have low levels of electrons due to the consumption of low quality and or processed oils. Without these electrons oxygen cannot be attracted into the cell and it must mutate to survive on glucose via fermentation. This ties into sunlight resonance with electrons in the cell and bad voltages induced in our bodies by radio signals in the city.

Karxx Gxx

Actually sending good energy your way with more intent than I ever do. :-) :-)
Your way is The way


Sending positive energy her way. Here is a suggestion for dietary changes. Tumors feed of glucose. They have no other food source. By cutting out glucose forming food the tumors will shrink. Do some research on a low carb diet, dairy and gluten free. Low inflammatory foods, gut healing food like home made bone broth. Rich probiotic foods like fermented veggies and coconut yogurt are perfect. gut health is extremely important for the proper absorption of nutrients and from there heightened immune system. I had a little lump non malignant but still a tumor type on my forearm beneath the elbow. I had this for maybe 10 years and last year when I went on a low carb diet for a few months it completely disappeared. That makes me think this glucose cutting theory actually works.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


If you accept an advice, she should solve her inner problems first because it is accumulated in her physical body over time. She should takes this into consideration. She may have some long standing emotional or anger issues deep inside. Her issues are accumulated from somewhere. The physical body is very elastic, it can handle anything for long time. I'm eating sugary stuffs since my childhood and I have no problems and being healthy, for example.

Don't listen to those researches and what is spoonfed into people about vitamins and minerals. They only have effect if you believe in them. I've tested many years ago, they had no use. But we are not so similar I guess. Eventually what I say is you shouldn't look into objective things so deeply like scientists trying to observe non-existent particles and finding out newer ones, being totally blind to the actual reality around us.

Just suggestions and thoughts.
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OMG that's horrible. :(

Lots of good, healing energy coming her way!!
We'll help her!


That is so bad. Sending lots of healing energy her way.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.