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Healing request for a friend in coma

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Umm, so, just so you know, Lionheart also PMed me about this and for some reason, he has been told to back off... so right now with the current situation, I think what we can only do right now is to "#3 All you can do now is keep her in your daily thoughts and prayers. Send her mental messages about how much you care for her and how bad you would like her back here. In the end, it's up to her when or if she wishes to return, all you can do is show her your love!" as Lionheart said it.

BUT in any case, feel free to try and send healing energies to Mitsunoha as well, some people may get different results (feel free to post about them too), but in most cases, I think if we all concentrated on one will, (since she seems undecided whether she wants to return or not, as said by Lionheart), which is to send her mental messages saying we want her back here, and she must live on (because she still has a purpose to live, I am quite sure of it), and that there are people who loves her and would be hurt emotionally if she won't come back and such, I think she will be able to hear us and she will finally able to decide to get back here and wake up again... a "miracle" perhaps...

Not to mention a terrible chain reaction of Emotional Damage may occur to the people close to her and those who care about her (especially her girlfriend and also me) if she died... that's why, I am asking help for everyone willing as well, since this community is the only one I can run on too and ask help... since I know I cannot do this alone.

Thank you everyone in advance.>


Hello, I have a friend who is in a comatose right now, and it's almost three weeks now and she doesn't seem to be waking up still... and right now I am not sure on her current situation but I would still hang on to the hope that it's not yet too late... so if you guys can heal her somehow, so that the possibilities that she will wake up will be much higher, I would really appreciate it.

Here is the information:

-Suffered from a Hyperthermia then after a few days, and there, she is now in a coma.
-The name of my friend is Mitsunoha Miya.
-Currently in Japan.


In any case, right now, the people around her seems to be busy and the others are in an unstable emotional state it seems, so I cannot expect them to read Robert Bruce's NEW Energy Ways to attempt Energy Healing...

As for my current state, I am still finishing Robert Bruce's book, so I cannot set out and heal her myself yet, the sad thing is, if I will ever do, I can only do long distance healing since I am on a different country as hers... and I still can't Astral Project so I can heal her while I am in the Astral Plane (much fluid energy manipulation), so I can only rely on long distance healing and asking the people who are willing to help me heal her, and in this case, continue to heal her while I will prepare myself and set out to help you guys as well, after I have finished Robert Bruce's book.

I think if we all combine our healing energies and intent, we will be able to make her wake up... "a miracle might happen" as they say...

Right now, there's no telling what might happen, the doctors said we can only wait for her to wake up, but since I believe in the potential of Energy Healing, I thought this might help her recover, and wake up again.

As of now, if you guys can help me with this anyhow... I would really appreciate it... I am really worried
about my friend, I want to do everything I can and gather people that are willing to help her, so she can finally wake up before it's too late...

I will post something in the Healing Discussions thread as well when I am finally done with Robert Bruce's Book and developing my energy centres and energy body along the way, I am halfway done now so I think I can make it in just a few couple of days, afterwards, let us try healing her together as well.

Thank you, everyone in advance.


Quote from: AzureLeaf on June 14, 2012, 03:14:20
Not to mention a terrible chain reaction of Emotional Damage may occur to the people close to her and those who care about her (especially her girlfriend and also me) if she died... that's why, I am asking help for everyone willing as well, since this community is the only one I can run on too and ask help... since I know I cannot do this alone.
I don't mean to sound crass or heartless here, but the "Emotional Damage" that you speak of that this will cause to other people around her is something that those people will have to deal with personally themselves. Unfortunately this is a part of growing up, learning how to deal with loss and then getting on with your own life again. Everyone is going to go through this stage at least once in their lives. This is when you choose to cherish the memories with her.


Quote from: Lionheart on June 15, 2012, 00:30:55
I don't mean to sound crass or heartless here, but the "Emotional Damage" that you speak of that this will cause to other people around her is somehting that those people will have to deal with personally themselves. Unfortunately this is a part of growing up, learning how to deal with loss and then getting on with your own life again. Everyone is going to go through this stage at least once in their lives. This is when you choose to cherish the memories with her.

Ahaha, yeah, it's ok, I know that, I understood it well, thanks for the heads up, but still, a damage is still a damage no matter how it's done, it's just... kinda... unacceptable in my current flow of mindset, not to mention, the choice seems to rests on her hands, and choosing something that will lead for her to rest (while obviously she still has a LOT of things to do here) permanently is kinda selfish, it's like punching someone in the face while they are expecting you to kiss them, what I mean is that, one will cause harm if they did that, they should know how it feels to lose someone just because the physical vessel suffered from an illness or has been killed, which is way more hard to accept than "dying of old age", in this case, whenever the former happens, the emotional damage is much more stronger than the latter, and in this current situation, it seems my friend can still make a choice, which make it even more "selfish" sounding in my own perspective, if she chose to leave us...

But enough of it I guess, In any case I think I now know what on earth is happening... it's like... "Fate" or so they call it, is giving me this test as a sort of a wake-up call, or in other sense "Act RIGHT NOW and develop your psychic abilities to a greater degree as soon as possible, your friend's life is on the line here" sort of thing, I feel as if, fate herself is using my friend as a catalyst for my full "awakening" once again... I still don't know but that is the impression I feel, considering how many years I have been planning on developing my abilities to a greater degree yet always been postponed when I already planned to start, so now, this year, it's like fate herself grew impatient it seems.

Well I'll just gotta do what I have to do as well on my part, besides, I've had a fair share of negative experiences in my life, and losing a friend or a family member is just so traumatic for me, it's damage is way double or tripled on mine, I have to admit other people will get affected significantly, but it's also about me too, if I failed, I don't want to imagine what it would do to my brain, so this time it's like "Killing three birds in one stone" once I failed to, let alone, convince her to come back, so I am not only to do this for their part, but for my own well-being as well.

I feel as if, failing this one will have a counter-productive result as to what Fate wants me to do or to accomplish... and I think my friend being a catalyst for my "awakening" is also the reason attempts at healing have been told to back off, I don't know if you're the only one who experienced it though, but that seems to be the case, even more plausible if a second or so person will say a somewhat similar experience.

As of now, if that is the case with fate then, I shall accept, still, I cannot afford to become pessimistic at this time, especially when being optimistic had already served me so much good in this current path I am taking hahaha, just gotta... do my best then.


Hi Azureleaf. I did a breif pranic healing session on your friend today. Some cleansing and reenergizing. Hope she is doing well.


It's been a while since I got a chance to get back online, anyway, thanks Tantricwhisper and to others as well who are helping my friend.

It's kinda hard finishing the necessary things I need to finish due to other life disturbances, and my messed up schedule, but since I worked it up today, hopefully I will be able to catch up as well and continue to practice and develop my ability some more.

Hmm, it seems Miya's friend who is a Parapsychology Researcher and a talented Psychic (already diseased though), somehow prophecised Miya's death on her diary... between the dates of July 13 to August 12... Hmm, as for me, nothing is set in stone, so everything is still bound to change, but I think these prophecised dates will still provide us with ample time, just gotta work hard then.

In any case, I cannot afford to become pessimistic so, yeah, there's still hope.

Once again, thanks everyone.

Tourquoise Sky

Believe in your heart that nothing is impossible!  And when you pray, pray with the intent that you KNOW she is already healed.  And then God will choose.
Bless you and your friend.  I will do what I can.

I am more than my physical body. Because I am more than physical matter, I can perceive that which is greater than the physical world. Therefore, I deeply desire to Expand, to Experience; to Know, to Understand.


Everyone... thank you so much, I'm really happy there are people like you guys, I'll work hard as well so I am also more efficient and fit to help people as well, especially when it comes to these kinds of things.

Miya has finally woken up, according to her cousin during the times 21:34 on June 26, 2012, thank you so much everyone!

Ahaha, finally. Though the problem doesn't end here, as Miya is now suffering from amnesia along with other problems, including the unstable emotional and mental state of some of the people who cares for her too, which can be taken care of by healing by the way (I think I can handle this much now too), and there are people who takes care of them so it's all safe, but certainly, Miya's life is saved now.

As for me, preparations for Astral Projection are almost done, reading books is easy, but practicing the contents took longer than I have imagined, or rather, I made sure I cleared my energy blockages and developed my energy body very thoroughly to ensure success, I certainly achieved significant progress on my preparations though especially yesterday, I shall investigate more regarding the prediction in the Astral Plane, so somehow, my anxiety is still there, albeit it's much lesser now than before.

Once again, thank you everyone!  :-)


Quote from: AzureLeaf on June 29, 2012, 03:05:25
Though the problem doesn't end here, as Miya is now suffering from amnesia along with other problems, including the unstable emotional and mental state of some of the people who cares for her too, which can be taken care of by healing by the way (I think I can handle this much now too), and there are people who takes care of them so it's all safe, but certainly, Miya's life is saved now.
It looks like she has decided to return but with a clean slate, the amnesia shows that. I am glad to hear this and I will send her some healing energy for getting back to herself once again!  :-)


Quote from: Lionheart on June 29, 2012, 03:14:07
It looks like she has decided to return but with a clean slate, the amnesia shows that. I am glad to hear this and I will send her some healing energy for getting back to herself once again!  :-)

I see, hope she will recognize the people around her soon.

Anyway, thank you again~!


Oh, this is the part of the report during June 25:

"2 days ago, she has shown a bit of responsive action that have been taken note. Though, little is known of what will become of her, she is still alive and breathing. Her neurological functions seems to be stable as she still responsive to pain and smell."

Ahaha it seems like what Tantricwhisper did is really effective as well.

As for me, around the first few weeks of June, after I have heard from her that she is in a hospital, I did some healing as well, and transferred the healing session to the care of my Spirit Friends and the deities I called and my own made copy, much like a construct, which I programmed to connect to my own energy body along with the other planets and the Sun, so that they will continuously give off healing energy while my physical body does it's day to day work, it indeed tired me as well, though I felt this isn't enough so I asked help here too, I'm really glad there are people who helped me heal her.

Now it's time for me as well, after I finished my preparations, I will do the best I can to help others too, at least now I am not much pressured than before haha.


Hi Azureleaf. Glad to hear your friend is doing better. I just finished a half hour Pranic Healing session on her and hopefully we can bring back some of her mental clarity. Her crown and front and back anja chakra were very conjested so we flushed them out and reenergized them as well as the physical brain.
Keep us posted on the results.
Blessings and best wishes to you both.