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this is what makes us human, the ability to love.
my prayers are with Nickamore.  Get Well Soon!
lief michael


Have you ever tried sending healing energy through your hands?
Just open the chakras in your palms...rub your hands together, and as you pull them apart, you can feel the energy.  Then hold your hands over the plant, and direct the energy into the plant.
Have done this many times, and saved quite a few plants.  It is worth
a try.  Maybe you can save Nick.

pray for peace.

Child of the Forest

Thank you so much for replying! I was thinking of sending energy through the palms of my hands, but I wasn't sure if it would be too much energy for Nickamore and end up overloading him... Now I know I can do this safely. Thanks so much Dovelady and liefmichael! Oh, and Nickamore is doing a little better today... His leaves have filled in a little, but he is still drooped a little. Hopefully, he will be healed.[^]
~Child of the Forest


Trees are telepathic. In fact, I think all plants are. I suspect my bamboo plant is. It seems happier near the window than on my desk. Try talking to your trees. They can probably tell you a lot of things.

Child of the Forest

Yes EnderWiggin, you are right. I experience telepathy with my plantly friends all the time. For instance, an image of little sprout (a baby apple tree) popped into my head and when I went to check on him, he had been leaning to one side, he needed to be turned (plants by windows lean towards the sun outside that window and so must be turned so that they will be able to grow the way they would naturally when the sunlight hits them from all directions). This has happened many times for lots of different reasons.
~Child of the Forest


how do i talk to my plant? it's a bamboo, it is growing quite nicely next to my fish bowl. how do i see what it's thinking? there's a beautiful tree outside my house i wanna talk to, too. how do i do it?


You can try to place the baby tree within a pyramid frame.

Child of the Forest

Thank you h2owong. Nickamore, the baby sycamore tree is doing quite well now, he gets better each day.

Spirit_Gurl, I can't actually explain how communication works, it just does. If you have the love, everything else will follow naturally. [^]
Thank you all
~Child of the Forest


When I went home for a month I forgot to water my bamboo plant. I was actually going to take it back with me since it is small and was on my desk. But it seems to be doing well because when I returned it was still quite green. Maybe someone had been watering it for me. I'll probably never know for sure. But I always get a pang when I know it needs to be watered.

I haven't tried talking to it for awhile though. I put it near the window, now that I don't have a roommate, so it could get more sunlight. I should try sometime today or tomorrow. I try to send it energy when I practice qi gong or when I meditate. Maybe that's what kept it alive over the winter break? Anyway, while I was home I could feel that it was alive. I try to talk to the trees (telepathically, of course) around my college to get an idea of the history of the land. I get images of many great Native American tribes out here that were driven out by pioneers and settlers. I sense two or three different areas of one tribe and the presence of another tribe which was close with the first tribe. My college is in Western MA and is near a couple rivers. So there is some geographical evidence that suggests that my visions could be at least somewhat true. I'll have to look online and see where the tribes once lived.

Child of the Forest

Hey Guys,

Hopefully, you will not think this is dumb...

A couple of months ago, my uncle who lives just across the street from me cut down a special friend named Sarah, Sarah Sycamore. Se was a very tall, and beautiful tree, a very special friend to me and my cousins (my uncle's children) we were very upset when we found out that he was going to cut her down. We had tried several times to talk him out of it, but he just would not budge. Anyway, after the whole terror if him cutting her down, my cousins and I collected all the seed pods that had fallen on the ground so that we could plant them and give them the chance they all deserve. Anyway, I planted a good number of them in the forest by my house. I didn't want to overcrowd that area, so I was waiting to plant the rest somewhere else...

...I had kept them in a ziplock bag. Yesterday, I looked in one of the bags and noticed that a little green sprout was inside. I gently took him out and planted him, into some potting soil where he would be able to grow fully. But sadly, he doesn;t seem to be doing so well today. His leaves are sagging a bit, and I had to put a toothpick in the soil for him to lean up against. I think perhaps it was warmer for him inside the bag, and maybe he got shocked a little bit now...

Someone who a trust very much told me to put a ziplock with fork-poked holes over the pot, oh, and to put a warm. moist cottonball in there with him. I am sure this is going to work, but just incase it does not, does anyone else know what I can do to keep Nickamore Sycamore )since I caught him in the "Nick" of time, or atleast thought I did) I send him healing energies also, so if anyone can do that too we would greatly appreciate it, I would hate to see him die. Thanks everyone.