no more than one god or no less than one god

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The number of gods is between 0 and infinity.


hmm, Myself, I subscribe to the panatheistic (?) theory that we are all aspects of god but we are seperate at the same time. Now, given that there may be a astral/spiritual heirarchy (or at least various levels) then it follows there are many beings at various levels of power, some so powerful that they might as well be termed gods from our point of view.

Basically, since god is everything and everyone, this means that there is only one god but also many gods.. at the same time!

So IMO, strict monotheists like Christians, Muslims and Jews are wrong as they take their notion of one god too rigidly, and strict polytheists like Hindus and followers of Classical religion (yes, its making a comeback apparanty.. thank Zeus!), are also equally wrong.. the reality lies somewhere between the two.

I think sometimes that the eastern religions/philosophies are perhaps closest in that they subscribe to the theory that we are all god or aspects of god.
I've always felt that eastern philosophies are far more spiritually advanced than the crass (in comparison) western religions.


"It is to Scotland that we look for our idea of civilisation." -- Voltaire.


How can the truth be between 1 god and more than 1 god? 1 + 1/infinity gods? I thought it had to be a whole number.


define god. is it just any being with such immense power that to us "mortals" it is something akin to "all powerful"? or is it a being that is truly all powerful, not just marginally more powerful than us?



I was going to ask the same question Kakkarot.. and then it hit me. Maybe you can't define God. Maybe God is, by nature, undefinable. Infinite, and ineffable. Then the only way to begin to grasp the concept of God is by defining what it is not.


is there no more than one god or is there no less than one god?

some say that there's at least one god, others say that there's one or no god at all...
