What is forever

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I have heard it explained to me that the root of the meaning is forever until its done.  So to speak, you COULD drink a cup of water forever until it was done.

God bless,



yes good point, but i beg the differ because fprever may last until finished but in hells terms im think as the eternal word instead. an infinite time continueum or something like that.of course i cannot see one being tortured for aminor felony or sin in damnation for life, of course why would it be called life when you do nt have one right? maybe there is a time limit of how you have acted on earth, if you have killed someone the penalty might be 50 years or more. and if u have did other things against gods words who knows what the penalty will be. the only anser to death is to experience it as an OBE experience.

best regards,
"Only those who have dared to let go can dare to reenter." - Meister Eckhart


In the Christian faith it is generally believed that Hell and punishment for sin is ongoing, Forever. However Jesus is also qouted as saying that " and that servant which new his lords will and prepared not himself nor did according to his will shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not , and did commit things worthy of stripes shall be beaten with few stripes". Now wether there many or few they all seem to come to an end, indicating there is a timeframe involved in the punishment. It also seems fair and righteous. The word used to describe "forever ", like in forever and ever is the greek word "aeon" meaning a time or a age. This is also possible an indication of a limited meassure of time, since every age is a timeportion. I have only found the meaning of Aeon in Christian books, but cannot figure out what is the root word and wether it can apply to "eternal". On this word "aeon" rests many of the Church fears and doctrines of eternal hell fire and judgement

Regards Mustardseed
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!