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Be warned: The spirit-war is well underway...

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It's all very simple: fear and hate.

Stop being afraid, and there is nobody to hate and nobody you have to kill to "protect yourself" from.  Without fear there is no enemy.  Others may still choose to be your enemy, but they will have no power over you if you do not allow fear to convince you to be their enemy as well.  At worst they can kill your physical body or inflict some kind of hardship on you.  "Hardship" is nothing but a lesson that we fail to recognize the value and nature of at the time we experience it.  Death is nothing but the stripping away of all that is not truly who you are.  Either way, there is nothing to lose - nothing to fear...except fear itself.



This has taken it's emotional toll on us all... I did not even expect it to happen to me as well, but it has.  I'm not angry, I'm saddened...and afraid...  Never before would I have thought people here could be like this.  I love this website... so much.  Much more than you can possibly fathom.  I will not stand idly by while it falls into society's patters. Not a chance.

I said in another post that I would stand in the middle.  I will not take sides.  Just know that your words hurt me so much more than you can imagine, and they aren't even directed at me.

I can honestly say, right now, it is the first time I have cried in years.  All this for a website.

By the way, I appreciate all of the topics trying to avert attention from this situation.  I wish I was in the right mind to post on them all, because they are wonderful topics.  But I can't even crack a joke right now...



Squeek, I am truly sorry that you are hurt by this. War hurts, no matter what plane of existence it occurs on. The point is, this is a war between good and evil, between demons and angels. You, as an individual, must decide what your destiny will be, but whatever you choose, you must face existence. You must hold your ground. Darkness may swallow light, but light pierces through darkness. So if darkness wants to go ahead and get impaled, it can feel free to swallow light. I posted this because of what I see happening here at this site, and the connection it has with what's happening right now in the rest of the world.

Squeek, what you must do is preserve within you this site and whatever it is you are getting out of it. Within you is some sort of paradise, a place you will probably exist in someday. Nothing lasts forever, except when we die and become eternal spirits. Squeek, when you die, who will post in your name? Nobody can replace you either. You will not be gone, you will not cease to exist. Even hundreds of thousands of years from now, even names like Beethove, Mozart, Bach, Handel, Haydn, DeBussy, etc. will all be forgotten, fading away with time. But it does not mean that they cease to exist. This world exists to serve a purpose, and that is why it is a key part of the war. Once the purpose is served, it is destroyed. This is a seemingly harsh reality, but keep in mind that this site is like a really good girlfriend. Once she goes out of your life, you feel like you're never going to meet anyone that special again, but then somewhere down the road, someone even better for you comes along. YOU will always exist. That is God's promise, that we will always exist somehow. Whether you can adapt is the question. Think positive, squeek. You can DO IT!

Souflire, I don't quite understand what you're saying. I wasn't talking about killing people to protect myself. I was talking about the moral conduct we have with each other and the ignorance of mankind in general. It is because of this ignorance that we follow systems and become trapped, going around in circles. Break out of the illusions and live life. You only live once, so make the most of it. This site exists here and now for a reason. When that reason has been completed it will then cease to be. If the reason returns, so will the site. As long as that reason exists, so does this site. This is just the beginning.

I understand the part about fear and hate: That's exactly the problem- "It's all very simple..." That's why people can't understand it. That's why I explained it. Anyway, I need some sleep. Once I get back to college (in a day or two) I'll be able to post a lot more.


Enderwiggen - I never knew you could spew such wisdom... Thank You  [:)]

You're starting to sound more like Tom  [;)]

Someone once told me the best way to win an argument.  He said to me "Treat anger and hostility with kindness".  So, basically, if someone just makes you so mad you want to punch them in the face, you simply reply with kindness.  It is impossible to reply to your kindness when you are enraged.  Trust me, it works :)



Originally posted by EnderWiggin

Souflire, I don't quite understand what you're saying. I wasn't talking about killing people to protect myself. I was talking about the moral conduct we have with each other and the ignorance of mankind in general. It is because of this ignorance that we follow systems and become trapped, going around in circles. Break out of the illusions and live life. You only live once, so make the most of it. This site exists here and now for a reason. When that reason has been completed it will then cease to be. If the reason returns, so will the site. As long as that reason exists, so does this site. This is just the beginning.

I was talking more about the deeper nature of "the war" you mentioned.  On many levels, not just here in AP.  Yes from a certain point of view I agree that a war of sorts exists, but it doesn't have to.  And nobody will ever "win" by fighting or attacking "the enemy", verbally or otherwise.  I was not critiquing your statement in any way - just trying to point out that as more and more people become willing to stop being afraid, that "the war" will simply cease to exist.

"What would happen if they threw a war and nobody came?"  [:)]



Can anyone clue me in more on this 'war'? Because I haven't noticed it.
Also linux is better than windows or mac :P
not that I run it.. I just wish I was l33t enough too :|


Even hundreds of thousands of years from now, even names like Beethove, Mozart, Bach, Handel, Haydn, DeBussy, etc. will all be forgotten, fading away with time. But it does not mean that they cease to exist. This world exists to serve a purpose, and that is why it is a key part of the war.

This war we as humans cannot hope to win. Darkness abounds and it grows stronger every day. This physical world is a mirror of the higher realms and it is all too apparent that things are escalating to a boil. What can we do? How can we fight? We try to be good people but we always slip up somewhere. We yell at our friends or cuss when someone makes a mistake and this just churns the wheels of hate once more. We are not strong enough to win the war in the phsyical reality and we are not strong enough to even begin to think about conquering demons.

Mankind needs a Saviour. Needs a rope to pull us up when we slip. Needs a reason to fight on when we feel the darkness coming. All have tried in there own way to fight the good fight but it is time for the Hero.

Next time you are projecting just try to imagine this scene. The great forces of evil are massing in heaven to overcome the God of Love. The lines are drawn and the time of compromise is over. The great Dragon rises up as the first created being and the mightiest Angel in all of Heaven. Who could possibly defeat this foe? This is where the Hero comes in. That Hero is Jesus the Christ and also known as the Archangel Michael. The only One above the Dragon. with a great blast the trumpet sounds and battle is joined. The sword of the Archangel is pulsating with the power of pure perfection and the Dragon is cast down.

7And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9The great dragon was hurled down--that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.




Presidential Politics and spiritual wars reminds me of the Jehovah Witnesses who come to your door and forget the bottle of wine and loaf of bread. More so, like the preachers running around saying look what I did over here and look what I have done over there when all they are doing is stuffing their pockets with the money of silly women laden with sin and guilt. They claim: Spiritual food for the poor sinners. Spreading the good news of gods kingdom. I am an Indian. Religious leaders drug all the adults off to sanitariums because of delusional religious beliefs and gave them electro-shock treatments until they bowed down to their man god or died? Religious leaders say god said this, and god said that, but us Indians can not hear no voices. In my culture you bring a bottle of wine and some fry bread. Works every time and some of us real poor Indians will even come and pick up that kind of spiritual food. Your Political parties are just like these preachers. They are tricksters twisting their words. All are rich men running for one reason only "Power." I am afraid it is not civil liberties and justice for all and God is not talking to your minister this week either. They are all rich on a never ending con game that you did not have a chance at winning because of self condemnation.



I don't know what prompted your post, but....I like the subject of spiritual warfare. The nature of evil needs to be understood more.

Thank you for such a thought filled piece. The invisible war has been going on for as long as I've been able to perceive it in my life time. I have felt it and know the discouraging and bad feelings that go along with it.

It's existence is partly how I learned about my spirituality. A few things I've learned is that change does occur naturally. This can appear evil but is not necessarily. People make mistakes and are ignorant. This alone can propel evil along it's course fairly well.
Intentional evil (that which is seen as evil in most everyone's view) is the easiest to see.It is well hidden for this reason. It does exist. It takes the cooperation of ignorance to help evil grow. Mistakes made are a cause, but mistakes are replaced by cover-ups which in itself continues to keep evil growing.

The nature of evil is as about as elusive as spirituality. There are different degrees or levels of it. One kind is the mind stealing kind. But then again, someone must offer their mind up to whoever or whatever will take what it can.I see a small scale example of this in the commonly called co-dependency.
So I wonder who or what is evil? There seems to be a cooperate effort in the process of evil.
The other kind of evil are the blatant lies. It amazes me the number of lies. But then again, it takes someone to believe the lies for the lies to continue. People who believe lies are just as dangerous as the liar. This is because many people react accordingly and usually involves a negative effect on the targeted person or group.This is another intentional lie but also involves ignorance.
The most politically popular evil is hatred in the form most people are familar. This is an interesting one because this form of evil is actually misused and warped by persons and groups to bring about political control. This one uses people to the max, plus there is a profit politically.
I can go on but just to say each of the three I've listed is not all the types, but it really is all the same except for the way it's carried out.

Notice there are no courses in the study of this, only the politically correct ones, which really aren't correct either, in universal law (or in God's eyes). Would this be due to design (intention) or ignorance?

Greed, jealousy, and the like are commonly seen causes. Too bad no one seems to notice more causes are from weaknesses including dependency, brain washing,low self esteem,and more.

The popular prejudice ones has turned it into a smoke screen. Why don't people want to look farther at this one?
Even the word hate is being misused and abused.
God hates things, this is important to accept. God's unconditional love is way over played as far as I'm concerned. This is another cover up. The mind of God is JUST, not stupid ( when bad things happen in universal law ). People will find out eventually. In the meantime the same mistakes are being made over and over again.

The fear is about the fear of death or fear of judgment. This one is used polically too.

I'm not writing this as a specific response to something that has happened. What happened, anyway? [:)]


Originally posted by Tao4mind

Presidential Politics and spiritual wars reminds me of the Jehovah Witnesses who come to your door and forget the bottle of wine and loaf of bread. More so, like the preachers running around saying look what I did over here and look what I have done over there when all they are doing is stuffing their pockets with the money of silly women laden with sin and guilt. They claim: Spiritual food for the poor sinners. Spreading the good news of gods kingdom. I am an Indian. Religious leaders drug all the adults off to sanitariums because of delusional religious beliefs and gave them electro-shock treatments until they bowed down to their man god or died? Religious leaders say god said this, and god said that, but us Indians can not hear no voices. In my culture you bring a bottle of wine and some fry bread. Works every time and some of us real poor Indians will even come and pick up that kind of spiritual food. Your Political parties are just like these preachers. They are tricksters twisting their words. All are rich men running for one reason only "Power." I am afraid it is not civil liberties and justice for all and God is not talking to your minister this week either. They are all rich on a never ending con game that you did not have a chance at winning because of self condemnation.

So you're hindu?
Hinduism is far and away more scientific and less dogmatic than christianity. I know who belongs in the delusional bin, and it isn't the hindus.


So you're hindu?
Hinduism is far and away more scientific and less dogmatic than christianity. I know who belongs in the delusional bin, and it isn't the hindus

So we should judge the validity of a religon based on science? Which was founded in alchemy and occult practices?

I thought people here bought into the MATRIX mentality so why is there the trust of the senses?


Originally posted by wisp

Greed, jealousy, and the like are commonly seen causes. Too bad no one seems to notice more causes are from weaknesses including dependency, brain washing,low self esteem,and more.  

The popular prejudice ones has turned it into a smoke screen. Why don't people want to look farther at this one?
Even the word hate is being misused and abused.
God hates things, this is important to accept. God's unconditional love is way over played as far as I'm concerned.

In my opinion, everything you mention ultimately comes as a result of fear:

Dependency comes because we are afraid of relying on ourselves, so we look for something outside ourselves to "fix" us.  If this continues long enough, we begin to believe we are dependend on that outside influence for what we feel we need (security, purpose, love, etc.)

Brain washing is similar: People are afraid and want to find something "better" to believe in...again seeking a false sense of security.  Instead of looking within they look to the outside.  On the part of people who do the brainwashing, they want to control other people.  Why?  Because they are afraid.  In an attempt to compensate for their fear, they seek to control others thinking if they feel enough control and power that they wont have to be afraid anymore.  It never works.

Low self esteem is simply fear that I am not good enough.

Greed is simply fear that there is not "enough" for everyone, so I want to grab as much as I can to make sure I always have "enough".  It is also often an attempt to distract ourselves from our sense of incompleteness via materialism.

Maybe I am "wrong", but anything negative that I have ever experienced, witnessed, or even imagined seems to have fear as its root.  I believe this fear comes from believing the illusion that we are truly seperate from God.

As for God Hating...I don't believe it.  When you have love and understanding, it is (in my experience) impossible to hate.  Even when you see things that part of you thinks are horrible, you have compassion for all parties involved.  Not Pity - compassion.  Sometimes if you get off center you might feel anger or hate, but if you look closely and honestly at yourself when that happens, you will see that your love is temporarily absent.  At least that has always been my experience.



Greetings everyone,

I saw that the topics has been deleted in the original thread, so I will post here.

Check out the following link and see the information about fraternitas hermetica

and the requirements for one who wish to apply like providing you full name and postal address, etc

That might provide you with the explanation of the recent conflict.

As to regards to formal training there no such thing. The truth is universal and easy to communicate. If one is not able to explain his views to another person and saying this is becouse you have to do the formal training that will speak volumes about they message:)

Please calm down, becouse the certain forces trying to influence us right know in a present moment! Remain in your true self. And let all that you writing and feeling and thinking come from the center of who you are. The center that manifest the God omnipresence. In this way it will be easier to see the thoughts and etc, what is not a part of who you are.

It`s interesting how suddenly Shadowatcher change his mind, and apologies to all!!!

On this note I am formally denounce my Astral Pulse membership.

I might as a member of public read the topics in a guest mode. If this post will be modified or deleted without a substancial reason I will act as nessesary in a way of Love, Light and Spirit.

And I am suggesting to set up an alternative medium for communication for everyone who are agree with Goingslow point of view. I can be contacted via Do not PM me.
If you see this topic edited it`s not me. And if you see any futher topic with my name, please be aware that this is - my last post here.

P.S This is a small gift to one who may need it

With love,



Originally posted by Allanon

So we should judge the validity of a religon based on science? Which was founded in alchemy and occult practices?

I thought people here bought into the MATRIX mentality so why is there the trust of the senses?

Uh actually, they had said that their people had been thrown into mental institutions for their religion. Correct me if I'm wrong, but mental institutions are for people with irrational and extreme/dangerous beliefs. That describes christianity a lot more than it does hinduism. Emphasis on the irrational part.
Also, don't stereotype this board into one "matrix mentality" group, that's just outright ignorant.


Do you mean the Demonwar when you say Spirits-War? I mean, I've been hearing a lot of people talking about them preparing for the upcoming 'demonwar', or something.

Because demons are 1) not 'evil', and I'm talking about the astral ones here, not the demons from the Bible, 2) Demons have no reason to start a war against us, I mean, what makes us think that we are so important? and 3) If you believe in the 2012-Demon-War-Thingy, why would we know 9 years before it happens about it? That's ridiculous.

This post is not meant offensive in any way.

I think I know why all these 'negs' or whatever you want to call them are around and all the other odd stuff. Demons are always around so they're not worth the mentioning. But I won't share my opinion on this one, because you didn't want them.. 'Opinions prove nothing'. True, but opinions can give you a brighter insight on a subject. Besides, I don't really feel like telling why I think this stuff is happening. And frankly I really couldn't care less if I'm right or wrong. I'll see what happens. If it's bad, we'll have to live with it. If it's good, we'll have to live with it too. There's not really like we can play the big hero or something and stop things from happening, whatever they are. Anyhow, if any war is coming with spirits or demons, I will simply say hi to them and continue my daily life.


Agreed Neyru, I might add...

We have always fought demons, people do it every day.  The demons I'm talking about are personal demons though.  

Just like I look inside not outside for Jesus and God, I know that any "demons" I might encounter are solely my own.

It's always been my impression that positive and negative energies are always at battle and if we let the negative win, that is our own choice.  When it comes to battles with negatives, we always have the choice of engaging and fighting or disengaging and walking away.

To say that the way we treat other people has anything to do with "outside forces" is shirking the reponsibility you have to yourself by not treating other people the way you want to be treated.
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a  well  preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting,

". . . holy sh*t . . . what a ride!"


Winning the battle starts from within. It starts with acknowledging your failings and accepting the blood of Christ so that the Holy Spirit may be made manifest inside of you. Then the battle will be put on the shoulders of the archangel Michael and you will no longer be a slave to the world system and its "luke warm" ideaologies.


God is a vengeful god.  The Bible says so.  In the Bible, God actually told a group of people to kill another group of people for being "bad".  He told them what weapons to use like the "jaw of an butt" and they did this.  He told them to kill the men, women, children, cows, everything, and to not leave one stone upon another.  The army didn't lose a single man.  Of course, the story ends that somebody took some gold and the army lossed every battle after that until the gold was returned and the man who took the money was killed.

You also have other storys like the one with Job that was over a stupid bet with the "Devil".  Yes, God does love but he also is very vengeful.  Check out the ten commandments.  It says to make no engraven images that is in heaven above, or on the earth, or that is in the water.  You will not bow down to them because I am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me...  I paraphased it but that is what it says.

God is jealous and vengeful and don't think otherwise because seriously, if he was all loving then there would be no reason for sending people to "hell".  Everyone would go to "heaven" because he would give them another chance.


What I know from personal experience is that I am at war within myself, a neverending battle between my perceived notions of good and evil.

But how could we know peace if we've never been in battle?

-eomaia scansoria


I disagree with you here, Follower of the Kuhli. The Bible is not infallable. Only God is. I would like to see the passage where you got this idea, if you don't mind. It could be that you have misinterpreted the passage. Vengeance is one of the seven deadly sins (in a sense). If you are a vengeful person, you are the type that goes around hurting people who have hurt you in the past. You never forgive them. Doesn't sound like God to me. Not his style.

This spirit-war is well underway, but it is also just beginning. It will be a long war. Nature is a good place to seek temporary refuge from battle. Remember that this battle is taking place on all the planes of existence but mostly the mental and spiritual planes. One should know how to fight within these planes to defend themselves. It's all in your imagination.


Originally posted by Follower of the Khuli

God is a vengeful god.  The Bible says so.  In the Bible, God actually told a group of people to kill another group of people for being "bad".  He told them what weapons to use like the "jaw of an butt" and they did this.  He told them to kill the men, women, children, cows, everything, and to not leave one stone upon another.  The army didn't lose a single man.  Of course, the story ends that somebody took some gold and the army lossed every battle after that until the gold was returned and the man who took the money was killed.

You also have other storys like the one with Job that was over a stupid bet with the "Devil".  Yes, God does love but he also is very vengeful.  Check out the ten commandments.  It says to make no engraven images that is in heaven above, or on the earth, or that is in the water.  You will not bow down to them because I am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me...  I paraphased it but that is what it says.

God is jealous and vengeful and don't think otherwise because seriously, if he was all loving then there would be no reason for sending people to "hell".  Everyone would go to "heaven" because he would give them another chance.

This statement assumes that the Bible is perfectly accurate.  If this is indeed a perfectly accurate representation of God, then the only reason to worship him is effectively "Because God will torture and murder me if I do not worship him".  I would rather be tortured and murdered than believe God is really like that...




When I allow myself to think along the lines that are listed above (demons, hostile aliens, abductions, evil cults), I begin to feel anxiety and fear creep into my life.  I start to worry, "What if this and what if that...".  To me, this severely diminishes the quality of my life and makes it harder for me to be who I want to be.  It makes it more difficult for me to express unconditional love to others, because I spend a lot of my energy worrying.  If you carefully watch the emotions of fear, anxiety, and will clearly see that they rob you of your energy.  Energy is what you need to take appropriate action in any given situation.  Regardless of whether you are living a life of peace and harmony, or defending yourself from some legitimate threat, you want MORE energy - not less.

One set of questions I ask myself to judge how I am doing in my day to day life is:

1) How much fear and anxiety am I experiencing in my day to day life?
2) How much love am I expressing in my day to day reality?
3) How much joy, gratitude, and peace am I regularly experiencing?

In my experience and belief, everything negative that people create or experience in this world comes as a direct or indirect result of fear.  Some people might argue that fear protects us from danger, but I disagree.  It is not fear that protects you, but having the courage and faith in yourself and others to take whatever meaningful action is appropriate to the situation in the now.  You do not need to feel "afraid" of fire to know not to stick your bare hand into it.

I am not recommending burying our heads in the sand like a proverbial ostrich, but I do feel it is healthier to be just as open to positive possibilities as we are to caution.  It's healthy to have a reasonable degree of caution, but to focus too much attention on caution begins to breed fear.

So what happens if I am totally wrong and what if we really do "need" fear to survive?  I have seen and experienced life living with constant fear and anxiety, and I have more recently experienced a life with very little fear and much more room left over for love.  What I have learned is this:

If living in fear is the only way for me to survive, then the life I would be forced to live in order to survive is no longer really worth living.



As for moral relativity:

I see it more as a wholistic model.  Even so called "evil" always has the potential to lead to the greatest overall good.  A person can be brutally raped, but they can also take that experience and make something very positive out of it.  Maybe they decide to be a rape counselor, and help hundreds of other people cope with similar situations for example.  In a case like this, what we tend to judge as "evil" can lead to much more "good" in the long term than would have been possible had there been no "evil".  If you can see the big picture, evil and good work together as a "team" to enable growth towards the greatest possible good for all in the long run.  

In the end, you are always going to find your way back to God...the only difference is how you choose to get there and how much suffering you choose to cause for yourself along the way.
