Projection exit advice

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Ive had vibrations for decades and have recently become aware of their AP aspect. My biggest issue thus far is my girlfriend moves thru out the night interuppting my vibes. My vibes happen with "shifts" that start singularly then get closer and closer together until full blown vibrations. The shifts seem to be the edge of awake and rem sleep. It feels like my head swells momentarily which i can easily relax and turn into vibes. Anyway-i continue to have a difficult time exiting. I have easily rolled out before but many times my body will mostly come out but my cheek or whatever will still be glued to the physical. The past week ive been simply trying to "sit up" and that seems promising. Im starting to learn that if i first get my head out the body easily follows. Although i do remember my brief AP forrays my memory seems skewed as if dream memory. I need to engrain in my mind to remember the experience somehow. If anyone has vibrations with an excellent projection technique i would much appreciate it. Thank you.


Sounds like you are maintaining just a slight bit too much physical awareness. I tend to do that as well.

I don't really have a technique and frequently get lost when others talk about them. I am self-taught mostly and only connected with others after joining this forum. By then I had already drawn my own conclusions, some of which have proven dead on others I've seen my errors.

So this is what has worked for me. I don't even care what my body is doing. I have the vibes. If I can I manage to just open my mind and allow. When that just isn't happening I don't force it. I state (aloud and gently) what my intentions are and that I am going to sleep now. "Please wake me when the time is right." I am of course talking to my guides or helpers or whoever 'you' wish.

That works about 90% of the time, maybe a 100%. Not sure because there are times when I'm just too brain dead to wake up. (lol)

I know there is a lot of talk focusing on the body and what and how it should be. I tend to ignore all that because if my foot itches I scratch it, whether or not that hampers projections I have never given a second thought.

We are perfectly capable of being here and there and many other wheres at the same time. But if anyone finds this confusing please let it go and return to what you know and what speaks to you personally.

You are doing well Conrad.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


When you project do you go into the actual room you are projecting from or to an already established dream state or both? I ask because Fank Kepple seemed to say that when you project into the actual room you are projecting from, that is the Real time zone. Its obvioisly not because many things are different. So what is meant as the real time zone? That sounds more like remote viewing where consciousness is observing the physical from a distance. Could you explain the RTZ? Im really digging this whole new world thats opened up in which i wish id of discovered decades ago. Thank you.


Let me attempt a partial answer with a reply to an earlier poster. Even the subject of a persons' initial obe exits is the stuff of confusion and debate; mostly because it can occur several ways and each is colored by our initial interpretations. I really have mean't to expand on this and make a sticky of it, lol.

With regard to your 'partial exits' and still being stuck within a certain bodypart, I agree with Nameless and will add that this is a fairly normal occurrence early on. You may find that it is easily resolved by trying a nightly affirmation that both 'sets your Intent' and gives yourself permission. Something like- "I give myself permission to have an out-of-body-experience. I want this and know that I am entirely safe and protected."
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


I see EscapeVelocity has been chiming in. He's so much better at explaining things than I am. I have my moments but...

I'm really not the person to explain RTZ and levels and zones. Although I have searched and read quite a lot online from many of the authors mentioned I can't honestly say I have read any of the books.

As to remote viewing I see it as the same thing as all the rest. Just another way to explore the non-physical. Sometimes when I project I lose all body sensations. Sometimes I have full complete body sensations with full dual awareness. Only a few times have I actually projected into my room and I have no idea why anyone would call it the real time zone. It is obviously so much more. But that is just my interpretation and experience.

Like you I somewhat wish I had discovered all this ages ago. On the other hand because I didn't I have been able to draw my own conclusions. And, just so you know we are approximately the same age.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Rconrad on March 10, 2018, 19:12:14
Ive had vibrations for decades and have recently become aware of their AP aspect. My biggest issue thus far is my girlfriend moves thru out the night interuppting my vibes. My vibes happen with "shifts" that start singularly then get closer and closer together until full blown vibrations. The shifts seem to be the edge of awake and rem sleep. It feels like my head swells momentarily which i can easily relax and turn into vibes. Anyway-i continue to have a difficult time exiting. I have easily rolled out before but many times my body will mostly come out but my cheek or whatever will still be glued to the physical. The past week ive been simply trying to "sit up" and that seems promising. Im starting to learn that if i first get my head out the body easily follows. Although i do remember my brief AP forrays my memory seems skewed as if dream memory. I need to engrain in my mind to remember the experience somehow. If anyone has vibrations with an excellent projection technique i would much appreciate it. Thank you.
In the last years I have become very aware of each and every part of my spontaneous OBEs. I have even slowed the process down, while it is occurring, so I could study each symptom better.
It starts with awaking ultra aware/ I can hear the gentle "whirring" of the "Astral winds" and feel a very subtle pulse in my body. The sound soon gets louder and the pitch is changing as well. The body buzz is now running up and down my body as pulses of energy. The "exit" takes place shortly after the Astral winds and body pulses become a constant. When they apex and merge as one. It's really hard to explain because I have never felt this while in my conscious physical body awakened state.

I have never attempted to climb out of my body when this happens though. I just see it through and am either pulled out by my ankles/legs, dragged down my hallway and out my patio window or I just find myself out and I am looking at my sleeping body.

There is about a 2-5 minute delay after the full climax of the sound and pulses occurs. During that delay, there is nothing. No body feeling, no vibrations, no sound. I just "am".

So my advise to you would be to see it through. Passively observe it all the way. But don't question it. There will be plenty of time to do that after the fact. You are now in a zone where "thought = action" instantly. So be careful of your thoughts here. You are perfectly safe and can turn it all "off" with just a thought as well. Now is the time to "don" your "Explorer Hat" and go explore.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla



I solved the g/f problem by buying to single beds. Putting them next to each other so we are still together, just separate. She can toss and turn, I can lie in my bed with no blankets since I ma just hot. It works.

As for a exit tech...hmmm...  We all have our own methods. Don't think their is a once great tech to exit. You just have to feel it, sence it, and do what works for you. I would recommend lying on your side in bed. It makes exiting easier since your bodies mass in a good position. If you lye on your back its hard to exit. Think of it like this... a patio stone... When the stone is lying flat down(like your body).. it's hard to move, but once you put the patio stone on its side, its easy to just roll it from corner to corner. I personally just roll my self of the bed when I get vibes.



Hey Lucid
Just a quick reply. Since my first post ive discovered a sure fire projection technique. After i settle in to the vibrations and i am able to move my astral arms i slowly move my right hand towards my head and grab my hair where bangs would be. I then pull my head out and the body easily follows. Its worked every time. Thanks for replying!