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Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense of Canada

Topics  (related)

- Some ETs Species who have visited and still visit Earth: Zeta Reticuli , Pleiadians, Orions ETs,
- Tall Whites living on US Airforce Property
- CABAL: Military Industrial Complex, Builderbergs, Cartels
- Shadow Governments, Ruling Elite, Rockerfellers, Bush etc.

Some interesting information.
This was given as part of the UFO Citizen Hearings on Disclosures that took place between 4/29/2013 and 5/3/2013.
Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


wow, thanks, didn't know this was being filmed and put up. there's much more on youtube to find from this Hearing


Yeah I noticed that...a small disturbance in the force...  :lol:

I am interested mainly (at the moment) why - if Extraterrestrials are really here and flying around in ships, why they don't make more of an effort to be seen, and why for the most part they choose altered states and 'channeling' to show themselves and communicate.
Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


It might be because they travel inter-dimensionally.


Quote from: Wi11iam on May 13, 2013, 16:50:31
Yeah I noticed that...a small disturbance in the force...  :lol:

I am interested mainly (at the moment) why - if Extraterrestrials are really here and flying around in ships, why they don't make more of an effort to be seen, and why for the most part they choose altered states and 'channeling' to show themselves and communicate.
Simply because Humanity as a whole, is not ready for it.

People that Channel and AP are ready. They have already opened their minds to the fact that we aren't the only "kids on the block".  :wink:

That's a great video though  Thank You for posting that Wi11iam.

Paul has been speaking about the ET presence here for years.

His background gives him quite a bit of respect in this field of study. He was privy to quite a bit of knowledge that's not found by most.


Yeah, who really knows. I have seen tons of testimony over the years by folks with quite lofty titles attached to their names, so I lean toward the idea that the U.S. government does know more than it lets on, although I am not sure of the extent.

So there are a few salient possiblities:

Firstly, maybe it is all made up, and people are jumping on a money train, although this seems less likely to me.

Maybe they are keeping it hush because of their own ideas of security, or maybe the public is ready to know afterall, and they are biding time.

I don't think alot of people who are rooting for disclosure (not going to lie, I would like to hear from the horse's mouth what is going on too) consider a fourth possibility though, that maybe the government knows just enough to be frightened in their boots of it all.

Consider that maybe they have recovered a few crafts and bodies... maybe even spoken with a few live ones... they know there are saucers out there, and they know they are piloted by little grey dudes... but they don't know ANYTHING else about them... they don't know where they are coming from... they don't know how they are managing to get here... they don't know what their possible agenda is and they are powerless to stop whatever it is they are doing. If you were privy to that kind of knowledge in a high post, would you really be eager to share it? Would you want to admit to people that there is a terrifyingly powerful race of beings out there (or even several), which we know precious little about, that they are doing whatever they want, and that you can't offer the public any protection from anything they might do? I think hearing that would strike fear into the common man's heart quite deeply.

I hate to spread fear, and I hope there are Vulcans up there ready to declare themselves and usher in a golden age... but then maybe things aren't so positive in that regard...
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Quote from: Stillwater on May 13, 2013, 23:39:54
Consider that maybe they have recovered a few crafts and bodies... maybe even spoken with a few live ones... they know there are saucers out there, and they know they are piloted by little grey dudes... but they don't know ANYTHING else about them... they don't know where they are coming from... they don't know how they are managing to get here... they don't know what their possible agenda is and they are powerless to stop whatever it is they are doing. If you were privy to that kind of knowledge in a high post, would you really be eager to share it? Would you want to admit to people that there is a terrifyingly powerful race of beings out there (or even several), which we know precious little about, that they are doing whatever they want, and that you can't offer the public any protection from anything they might do? I think hearing that would strike fear into the common man's heart quite deeply.
...or consider this, there is no small disclosure. It's either full Disclosure or none at all. Full Disclosure means that they have been hiding, with full knowledge this secret from the general public for well over 60 years. In that case, how would people ever be able to trust a thing the Gov't says again!

Full Disclosure would mean we learn the good and if there is any bad or ugly about their presence.

Let's say we find a new totally free source of clean energy. That alone would cause the World economy to falter.


Indeed... and that seems like yet another incentive for those orchestrating a silence to keep it- they don't want to blow what remaining credibility they still have with some people.

I mean it really would be a bombshell announcement. It would be like telling your spouse you have 4 other children- you lose all credibility, things are never the same afterwards, and the announcement hangs in the air like an unshakeable fog that nothing can get rid of. You don't really feel in a hurry to let something like that out, because there will be consequences.

I am not saying I agree with them for possibly keeping something silent, but I understand human nature enough to see what could possibly motivate it all.

I agree that there is probably some energy tech being kept quiet too... there are dozens and dozens of  inventors trying to file for patents related to energy devices and being told that their work follows too closely with classified materials and that they should thus desist. Whether it is related to a possible extraterrestrial coverup or not is anyone's guess, but regardless of that situation I am sure the government's hundreds of billions spent on black projects has yielded at least some fruit they don't want out. They want an ace in the hole they can play when they feel most pressed.

"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Quote from: Stillwater on May 14, 2013, 01:20:47
I agree that there is probably some energy tech being kept quiet too... there are dozens and dozens of  inventors trying to file for patents related to energy devices and being told that their work follows too closely with classified materials and that they should thus desist. Whether it is related to a possible extraterrestrial coverup or not is anyone's guess, but regardless of that situation I am sure the government's hundreds of billions spent on black projects has yielded at least some fruit they don't want out. They want an ace in the hole they can play when they feel most pressed.
You read that too I see. I was shocked to learn how many patents were being turned away because of National Defense and Security.

But, I guess that makes sense. Some of these new plans being thought up are extremely dangerous.


Quote from: Wi11iam on May 13, 2013, 16:50:31I am interested mainly (at the moment) why - if Extraterrestrials are really here and flying around in ships, why they don't make more of an effort to be seen


Quote from: Volgerle on May 14, 2013, 03:20:02
***** Another 5 Star post!  :-D

This one is a more severe dilemma.

Hopefully they would intervene if it came to this!  :-o


It's possible our governments who are aware of this could very well be looking out for the best interest of national security, and maybe even the global society.  As has already been mentioned the introduction of free energy in today's society could very likely collapse the entire System.  As it is at this present moment the global society is just not ready for a sudden major system tranformation or collapse.  The main reason being is that the majority of society is still very much dominated by the ego and extremely bound by deeply embedded belief systems.  While there would be many who would help each other and work together in the event of such a collapse, most would not.  The combined actions of the mainstream would likely be catastrophic.  It doesn't take much observation to recognize the current self-serving and self-destructive mindset of today's society.  And I'm sure our governments are very aware of this.  I'm not saying that's the case.  It's just that it wouldn't surprise in the least if that is indeed the case.


Quote from: ForrestDean on May 14, 2013, 15:55:50
It's possible our governments who are aware of this could very well be looking out for the best interest of national security, and maybe even the global society.  As has already been mentioned the introduction of free energy in today's society could very likely collapse the entire System.  As it is at this present moment the global society is just not ready for a sudden major system tranformation or collapse.  The main reason being is that the majority of society is still very much dominated by the ego and extremely bound by deeply embedded belief systems.  While there would be many who would help each other and work together in the event of such a collapse, most would not.  The combined actions of the mainstream would likely be catastrophic.  It doesn't take much observation to recognize the current self-serving and self-destructive mindset of today's society.  And I'm sure our governments are very aware of this.  I'm not saying that's the case.  It's just that it wouldn't surprise in the least if that is indeed the case.
I agree Forrest!

They are already training for the Zombie Apocalypse, whatever that is, as evident in this video.  :-o

It could be what happens as the fall out of a Mega Solar Flare, that leaves people without their cell phones and internet for a year.

I'm sure that in itself would cause quite a few Zombies!  :roll:


Quote from: Krishanna on May 13, 2013, 17:01:19
It might be because they travel inter-dimensionally.

The thing is, what does that mean?  Are the 'ships' sometimes physical and sometimes non?  When you AP you do not need a ship to travel in. 
Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


Quote from: Lionheart on May 13, 2013, 18:47:23
Simply because Humanity as a whole, is not ready for it.

People that Channel and AP are ready. They have already opened their minds to the fact that we aren't the only "kids on the block".  :wink:

That's a great video though  Thank You for posting that Wi11iam.

Paul has been speaking about the ET presence here for years.

His background gives him quite a bit of respect in this field of study. He was privy to quite a bit of knowledge that's not found by most.

There isnt much to study - to go on...the information is sparse and what there is of it suggests that there is a purposeful agenda to being mysterious.
This leads to individuals and groups to speculate, which because of the lack of concrete objective knowledge means that things are often humanized - worked out from only a human perspective which leaves lots of room for speculative misinformation.

Ready for what?  There is a call for 'full disclosure' and this video speaks about cartels and conspiracies to keep the worlds populations in the dark.  Even if these ones in power choose to disclose, it appears that they have the power in that keeping the info from the general public works to their advantage so it is unlikely they will disclose anything at all, or that there is nothing much to disclose.

One speculation is that ETs would know about the Powers who keep the info from the public and that the Powers would not choose to disclose, and are not being forced to disclose so the world politics continue the way they have always done, seemingly to the detriment of the greater population.

Another aspect of all this to consider is that there are at least three major types or specie of ETs and that there is enough channeled info around which suggests that these are not altogether working for the good of all - there seems to be major disagreement and enmity, especially in relation to the 'Zeta Reticuli' and their agenda in regard to Earth and Humanity - not to mention that the channeled information is also contradictory, depending on who is channeling...

Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


Quote from: Stillwater on May 13, 2013, 23:39:54
Yeah, who really knows. I have seen tons of testimony over the years by folks with quite lofty titles attached to their names, so I lean toward the idea that the U.S. government does know more than it lets on, although I am not sure of the extent.

So there are a few salient possiblities:

Firstly, maybe it is all made up, and people are jumping on a money train, although this seems less likely to me.

Maybe they are keeping it hush because of their own ideas of security, or maybe the public is ready to know afterall, and they are biding time.

I don't think alot of people who are rooting for disclosure (not going to lie, I would like to hear from the horse's mouth what is going on too) consider a fourth possibility though, that maybe the government knows just enough to be frightened in their boots of it all.

Consider that maybe they have recovered a few crafts and bodies... maybe even spoken with a few live ones... they know there are saucers out there, and they know they are piloted by little grey dudes... but they don't know ANYTHING else about them... they don't know where they are coming from... they don't know how they are managing to get here... they don't know what their possible agenda is and they are powerless to stop whatever it is they are doing. If you were privy to that kind of knowledge in a high post, would you really be eager to share it? Would you want to admit to people that there is a terrifyingly powerful race of beings out there (or even several), which we know precious little about, that they are doing whatever they want, and that you can't offer the public any protection from anything they might do? I think hearing that would strike fear into the common man's heart quite deeply.

I hate to spread fear, and I hope there are Vulcans up there ready to declare themselves and usher in a golden age... but then maybe things aren't so positive in that regard...

Yes this is relevant speculation.
But if ETs can 'do what they want' why don't they just bypass the cartels and speak directly to the populations of the planet.  Certainly the ability to do so is obviously here, via the airways.

Why - based on the info circulating - are they working with the Powers that be secretively? 
Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


Quote from: ForrestDean on May 14, 2013, 15:55:50
It's possible our governments who are aware of this could very well be looking out for the best interest of national security, and maybe even the global society.  As has already been mentioned the introduction of free energy in today's society could very likely collapse the entire System.  As it is at this present moment the global society is just not ready for a sudden major system tranformation or collapse.  The main reason being is that the majority of society is still very much dominated by the ego and extremely bound by deeply embedded belief systems.  While there would be many who would help each other and work together in the event of such a collapse, most would not.  The combined actions of the mainstream would likely be catastrophic.  It doesn't take much observation to recognize the current self-serving and self-destructive mindset of today's society.  And I'm sure our governments are very aware of this.  I'm not saying that's the case.  It's just that it wouldn't surprise in the least if that is indeed the case.

Can you give an example of how free energy would collapse society?  Wouldn't it be more likely to transform society?
Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


Quote from: Wi11iam on May 14, 2013, 18:57:15
Ready for what?  
Ready to have their entire reality and belief system crushed in one fatal blow.

We here speak about this topic, so we are privy to the knowledge.

There are millions of people out there that aren't.

I know people that are very strict Catholics and the moment anything about ET's is brought up, they immediately leave the room. They CAN'T and WON'T allow anything to alter their religious beliefs.

I know many others that belief 100% that we are the only ones anywhere. Once again, they would have their entire belief system and reality changed in one shot.

...and even other people would fear the unknown and want to attack it with whatever means are at their disposal.


Quote from: Wi11iam on May 14, 2013, 19:09:29
Can you give an example of how free energy would collapse society?  Wouldn't it be more likely to transform society?
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, enough said!  :roll:


Quote from: Volgerle on May 14, 2013, 03:20:02

This is interesting.
My main thoughts while watching this video Picard Debates the Prime Directive the PD itself is an interesting complexity.  Should the gods intervene, or remain largely invisible and keep technological data (such as presumed 'Free Energy') secret?

What is being dealt with here is a population which is for the main part prepared for such 'intervention' in that we can deal with the concept.
Are we trying to force the gods to comply by demanding full disclosure?
What are we asking for?  We can deliberate that ETs might likely not operate as they do in the Trek universe, but it still gives a good reason why disclosure might NOT be the most desirable choice, for reasons that have nothing to do with conspiracy.

Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


Quote from: Lionheart on May 14, 2013, 19:16:33
Ready to have their entire reality and belief system crushed in one fatal blow.

We here speak about this topic, so we are privy to the knowledge.

There are millions of people out there that aren't.

I know people that are very strict Catholics and the moment anything about ET's is brought up, they immediately leave the room. They CAN'T and WON'T allow anything to alter their religious beliefs.

I know many others that belief 100% that we are the only ones anywhere. Once again, they would have their entire belief system and reality changed in one shot.

...and even other people would fear the unknown and want to attack it with whatever means are at their disposal.

Perhaps these valid reasons for NON disclosure are the actual reason why there is no disclosure.
This would mean that the conspiracies are simply sourced in human imagination rather than in anything actual.  It explains why we are not being told - because most of us are not ready.

Where does this place you and I as individuals, in relation to the PD, and disclosure?
Do we support full disclosure, or do we observe that this is not a good idea right now and thus, what do we do about changing things so that sometime in the future it becomes the desirable alternative - perhaps a time when both the PTB and the ETs together at the same time fully disclose?  Obviously the Prime Directive Debate as acted in that video has something to do with that initiative - to seed within our understanding concepts which push toward this agenda.
Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


Quote from: Wi11iam on May 14, 2013, 19:38:25
Where does this place you and I as individuals, in relation to the PD, and disclosure?
Disclosure is already occurring at a Consciousness level with people that are READY to handle the truth.

I put "ready" in large letters, because that's exactly what people need for it.

At the Consciousness level, it can't be blocked by any Human effort.

I'll let you know something else to Wi11aim, there are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more ET varieties out there than just the 3 you have listed.  :wink:


Quote from: Lionheart on May 14, 2013, 19:17:33
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, enough said!  :roll:

This is to say that money holds everything together for society and without it, we (society) would collapse.
Consider that free energy will benefit the majority, who also make up the numbers of those how have the least (ie 'the poor') we thus have a majority who could be most persuaded to allow the ripple effect of this free energy to unfold in positive ways - as the awareness of the potential for transformation grows.  Here we would have a situation where there is no need for one individual (or group) to find ways to take advantage of others in their bid to survive and prosper - this would actually only be seen as a threat to those most successfully operating in this manner at present...the minority.

The majority would be most interested in how to build on the gift of free energy, that the gift is not repossessed.

Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


Quote from: Lionheart on May 14, 2013, 19:44:10
Disclosure is already occurring at a Consciousness level with people that are READY to handle the truth.

I put "ready" in large letters, because that's exactly what people need for it.

At the Consciousness level, it can't be blocked by any Human effort.

I'll let you know something else to Wi11aim, there are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more ET varieties out there than just the 3 you have listed.  :wink:

As I am asking guy, what determines when humans are 'ready'?  It matters not how many ET varieties there are, unless in this fact they are all working for their own agendas and are no more advanced in their behaviors and accompanying political manipulations than humans are.

Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


Quote from: Wi11iam on May 14, 2013, 19:46:43
This is to say that money holds everything together for society and without it, we (society) would collapse.
Your an educated man Wi11iam, let me pose a question to you.

What happens when Wall Street collapses?

The answer will explain to you why Humanity is not ready for this yet!  :wink: