What do christians think about this stuff?

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lucid dream lover


As i was christian and have heared several opinions i will make a little summary for you : )

All of this is Lucifer's Plan to missdirect people all this infromation which we receive so called " Universal Knowledge " " Knowledge from astral" "energetic information" and so on is controlled by demons and different beings in physical and astral plane are demons in disguise and for christians astral projeciton; third-eye "opening" and so on is demonic


My own personal opinion is that religion (not just Christianity) is a control system
I don't believe in demons there is no battle between good and evil over you soul
Astral travel is just a exploration of your own consciousness
There is nothing evil about delving deeper into learning about your higher self
At the end of the day there is only you here now in this moment perceiving the phenomenon of existence let it unfold in front of you and you don't have to fear anything about just being because that is your true nature

lucid dream lover

Sorry.I just realized this should probably be in the religion message board.


My opinion is all relgions have become based to much on literal interpritations and blind faith, and not the intended meaning for which they were created. The teachings of all religious texts (the gita the tora and the old and new testamit) all taught the same exact thing just in different metaphors

The student through the fallowing of the do n donts of life and the mastery of right posture give man self control over the body at witch point he can withdraw the life energy of the body to the spine and brain , witch results in the shutting off of the five senses and disrupting thots that are a product of the senses. By being fully withdrawn and concentrated with one pointed concentration the student directs that concentration towards the only reflection of god in creation the aum vibration or holy ghost , when man identafies himself with the aum vibration and the perfect reflection of gods consciousness inherant in it, his sence of self expands from the limited human body conciousness to the universal christ  conciousness eventualy reaching the trancendant state of cosmic conciousness beyond all creation.

All relgions were never ment to teach people to fallow blindly,it was intended to give man the means by witch he can experience and know the source himself through effort instead of going to churchianity and listening to a man whos never met god tell you about god from what hes learned in a book .
So ya christianity teaches how to reach the astral states and beyond just like every other religion , but christians themselfs and all churchianity have misunderstood the knowledge and teachings and led man on a wild goosechase with no reasonable end which is why they waste there time worrying about demons and so on
But ya thats just my opinion from my learning and experiences

And the third eye is the reflection of the medulla in the forhead  its the source of gods intuitional wisdom and the only pathway the sole can take to reach cosmic conciousness beyond creation  nothing to do with satan or demons thats just fear mongering


Why didn't you ask what Buddhists, Hindus or atheists think about it too?
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


If you check astral projection on YouTube you will find some danger of astral projection videos put out by fear based church groups. Some Christians fear any thing out side there beliefs.


In fact, what do Russians think about Disco Dance?

If you are a Christian, why rely on what other Christians think? Are you okay with delegating your thinking to masses of people like this for other things too?

If you are not a Christian, what does it matter to you? Lots of people think lots of bizarre things about metaphysics. Almost all of those things are certain to be wrong. I am certain most of what is believed here on this site is probably wrong too.

Just have to think for yourself, no real way around it!  :wink:
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


I like delegating my thinking to the masses... it means I can then deal with more important issues, such as... do I have pork bacon or chicken bacon for dinner later!!  THE MYSTERIES OF THE MYSTERIES!!  :)

lucid dream lover

Quote from: no_leaf_clover on February 08, 2016, 21:42:29
Why didn't you ask what Buddhists, Hindus or atheists think about it too?
I asked the christians because they seem the most closed minded to this kind of stuff.:(


Quote from: lucid dream lover on August 07, 2016, 17:56:27
I asked the christians because they seem the most closed minded to this kind of stuff.:(

It is comments like these that just truly mystify me. They are completely untrue.

There is another religion where it is the death penalty for "this kind of stuff" and it isn't just an old antiquated tradition. They routinely hang people in the public square for this. Usually every weekend.

There is another religion in India where a family was murdered ... for the crime of eating beef.
Neither of these are Christian.

In reality, some of the major Christian sects are highly tolerant of much of "this kind of stuff". Look at Padre Pio (they made him a Saint) and others too numerous to list.

I wonder if anti-religionists will ever get over this bigotry.


Quote from: RobertForsythe on August 07, 2016, 18:27:57
It is comments like these that just truly mystify me. They are completely untrue.

There is another religion where it is the death penalty for "this kind of stuff" and it isn't just an old antiquated tradition. They routinely hang people in the public square for this. Usually every weekend.

There is another religion in India where a family was murdered ... for the crime of eating beef.
Neither of these are Christian.

In reality, some of the major Christian sects are highly tolerant of much of "this kind of stuff". Look at Padre Pio (they made him a Saint) and others too numerous to list.

I wonder if anti-religionists will ever get over this bigotry.

I think the topic of closed-mindedness rather was meant to be what they believe AP to be or to mean in their frame of reference. Not if they are tolerant or not and how they react to other beliefs or experiences.


Quote from: Volgerle on August 08, 2016, 19:34:13
I think the topic of closed-mindedness rather was meant to be what they believe AP to be or to mean in their frame of reference. Not if they are tolerant or not and how they react to other beliefs or experiences.
And let's face it, you can take ANY segment of the population and find, at the same time, the best and worst of us contained within.  :)

No one group has cornered the market on ignorance.


Quote from: Volgerle on August 08, 2016, 19:34:13
I think the topic of closed-mindedness rather was meant to be what they believe AP to be or to mean in their frame of reference. Not if they are tolerant or not and how they react to other beliefs or experiences.
Maybe the OP can clarify again. I gave some examples to elucidate clearly how Christians are, relatively speaking, one of the more open-minded groups on this topic. Belief about what AP may be varies widely ... I am not sure how "belief" fits in here.


When I was a christian I was introduced to the thought of astral projection when I was about 14. In my past experiences this kind of stuff was looked at in a way of a illusion by Satan or something and was not to be trusted... I then got over the fear religion controlling me and my now to be true philosophy's. I let religion go so I could continue into the non physical with no doubts and to create unbiased conscious that can label things to the best of my ability.


I've had some interesting conversations on this topic with Jehovas witnesses, they don't practice the art and only those on the upper eschelons are permitted to comment on with any authority. I could have had a meeting if I joined...
The Christians instantly mentioned it's devils work to which my life saving responses met with deaf eats unfortunately.
The Catholics wouldn't comment as it was for high authorities to address.
All were very respectful and polite.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: Szaxx on August 18, 2016, 11:03:16
I've had some interesting conversations on this topic with Jehovas witnesses, they don't practice the art and only those on the upper eschelons are permitted to comment on with any authority. I could have had a meeting if I joined...
The Christians instantly mentioned it's devils work to which my life saving responses met with deaf eats unfortunately.
The Catholics wouldn't comment as it was for high authorities to address.
All were very respectful and polite.

Well, most people "don't practice the art" (even most of those who say they do).

And of course it is left to the authorities to "comment with authority"... that's their job.

I do not know about the Jehovah's Witnesses but I can speak about the Catholic reality. If you ask a Catholic about AP and they say it is "for high authorities to address" it only means they do not wish to comment... usually because they have no clue whatsoever. It certainly isn't because they are not allowed to comment. Catholics are free to think whatever they wish and harbor doubts, disagree with authority sunup to sundown right up to the moment they die and it does not affect the state or degree of salvation they might enjoy. They can discuss LD and AP among friends, colleagues and family and hold forth with any opinion they like. The Church does not begrudge them that freedom, not one whit. Many people were surprised, to say the least, to read in Mother Theresa's journals the broad extent and depth of doubts she harbored. They *still* made her a Saint.
Where the line gets drawn is "open and PUBLIC REFUTATION of Authority" which makes sense if you think about it. If you are in that sort of mood why don't you just quit. That's what I did.

Just as a point of reference here is one devout Catholic's website;

I watched a few of her youtube videos and perused a few of her books and imho, she was one of the world's foremost practitioners of astral projection, at least, while she was in her prime. (I have noticed that very few practitioners can keep up a pace like that).
I hope that link will help dispel some of the false notions that people keep repeating.


Well, I have a lot of Christian friends, I have attended bible studies and church services so what they believe is that you can get to heaven ONLY through Jesus. They dont believe there are ghosts. They believe any supernatural stuff are from the devil. During one bible study a few years ago one of the ladies was talking and she said something about the new age , AP and all that garbage that young people believe in and how the Christianity needs to fight these evil teachings and everyone agreed. I did not say anything, because if I told them that I could AP and have been to heaven, they would have called a pastor to expel satan out of me LOL. So, this is what the majority think. There are of course more open minded individuals among all religions, scientists, atheists, etc who are interested in all that and talk about it. But the majority of them dont.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on August 18, 2016, 18:04:51
Well, I have a lot of Christian friends, I have attended bible studies and church services so what they believe is that you can get to heaven ONLY through Jesus. They dont believe there are ghosts. They believe any supernatural stuff are from the devil. During one bible study a few years ago one of the ladies was talking and she said something about the new age , AP and all that garbage that young people believe in and how the Christianity needs to fight these evil teachings and everyone agreed. I did not say anything, because if I told them that I could AP and have been to heaven, they would have called a pastor to expel satan out of me LOL. So, this is what the majority think. There are of course more open minded individuals among all religions, scientists, atheists, etc who are interested in all that and talk about it. But the majority of them dont.


"So, this is what the majority think"

Please allow me... I disagree.

The largest Christian Denomination in the World, by far, is Roman Catholic -- and if you said something like that among them they would NOT "have called a pastor to expel satan out of me"... not at all.

Then there are the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Anglican, ... etc. -- None of which would respond in that manner.

What you are describing is more typical of a Southern Baptist type church and the many spinoffs of that genre. They are a definite MINORITY. We are talking about 1.7 billion or more orthodox Christians versus a few hundred million of the free wheeling bible thumpin' variety.

2 Largest [Christian] denominational families and denominations

    2.1 Catholicism - 1.2 billion
    2.2 Protestantism - 800 million
    2.3 Eastern Orthodoxy - 225–300 million
    2.4 Oriental Orthodoxy - 86 million
    2.5 Anglicanism - 85 million
    2.6 Restorationism and Nontrinitarianism - 42–48 million
    2.7 Church of the East - 0.6 million

I would say that about half the Protestant Christians would NOT react the way you described. Not the Methodists, not the Lutherans, and certainly not the Episcopal. My Lutheran Grandmother was where we kids got our first Ouija board to play with.

1. Southern Baptist Convention: 16.2 million members
2. The United Methodist Church: 7.8 million members
3. The Church of God in Christ: 5.5 million members
4. National Baptist Convention: 5.0 million members
5. Evangelical Lutheran Church, U.S.A.: 4.5 million members
6. National Baptist Convention of America: 3.5 million members
7. Assemblies of God: 2.9 million members
8. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.): 2.8 million members
9. African Methodist Episcopal Church: 2.5 million members
10. National Missionary Baptist Convention of America: 2.5 million members
11. The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS): 2.3 million members
12. The Episcopal Church: 2.0 million members
13. Churches of Christ: 1.6 million members
14. Pentecostal Assemblies of the World: 1.5 million members
15. The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church: 1.4 million members

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/the-15-largest-protestant-denominations-in-the-united-states-92731/#s0eiZCd60ryXqjlK.99


Quote from: RobertForsythe on August 18, 2016, 22:35:10

"So, this is what the majority think"

Please allow me... I disagree.

The largest Christian Denomination in the World, by far, is Roman Catholic -- and if you said something like that among them they would NOT "have called a pastor to expel satan out of me"... not at all.

Then there are the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Anglican, ... etc. -- None of which would respond in that manner.

What you are describing is more typical of a Southern Baptist type church and the many spinoffs of that genre. They are a definite MINORITY. We are talking about 1.7 billion or more orthodox Christians versus a few hundred million of the free wheeling bible thumpin' variety.

2 Largest [Christian] denominational families and denominations

    2.1 Catholicism - 1.2 billion
    2.2 Protestantism - 800 million
    2.3 Eastern Orthodoxy - 225–300 million
    2.4 Oriental Orthodoxy - 86 million
    2.5 Anglicanism - 85 million
    2.6 Restorationism and Nontrinitarianism - 42–48 million
    2.7 Church of the East - 0.6 million

I would say that about half the Protestant Christians would NOT react the way you described. Not the Methodists, not the Lutherans, and certainly not the Episcopal. My Lutheran Grandmother was where we kids got our first Ouija board to play with.

1. Southern Baptist Convention: 16.2 million members
2. The United Methodist Church: 7.8 million members
3. The Church of God in Christ: 5.5 million members
4. National Baptist Convention: 5.0 million members
5. Evangelical Lutheran Church, U.S.A.: 4.5 million members
6. National Baptist Convention of America: 3.5 million members
7. Assemblies of God: 2.9 million members
8. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.): 2.8 million members
9. African Methodist Episcopal Church: 2.5 million members
10. National Missionary Baptist Convention of America: 2.5 million members
11. The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS): 2.3 million members
12. The Episcopal Church: 2.0 million members
13. Churches of Christ: 1.6 million members
14. Pentecostal Assemblies of the World: 1.5 million members
15. The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church: 1.4 million members

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/the-15-largest-protestant-denominations-in-the-united-states-92731/#s0eiZCd60ryXqjlK.99

I'm talking about the typical American christian church goers. I dont know under which category they fall but they are millions. Bottom line, religion is limiting in many ways and I see it all around me.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Robert do you feel like you have to defend christian faith? If so why?

To me defending a belief in itself is letting reality controlling the perspective.

Not trying to offend but I'm curios.


Quote from: funfire on August 18, 2016, 23:37:57
Robert do you feel like you have to defend christian faith? If so why?

To me defending a belief in itself is letting reality controlling the perspective.

Not trying to offend but I'm curios.

No. I do not.

I find the present popularity and proliferation of outright falsehood concerning Christianity to be a fascinating phenomenon.
I promulgate truth and refute falsehood.
I find the general reaction to such activity to be rather enlightening.

The desperation with which so many cling to bigotry and falsehood is quite the sight to behold.


Quote from: LightBeam on August 18, 2016, 23:27:06
I'm talking about the typical American christian church goers. I dont know under which category they fall but they are millions. Bottom line, religion is limiting in many ways and I see it all around me.

Yes, they are many millions in number.

And the ones who behave as you described are a distinct minority.

Religion can be very limiting for those who need limiting.

Religion is liberating and wondrous beyond words for those who are ready for that experience.

{there was an old saying, "money is the root of all evil" and it has been replaced in some circles with "religion is the root of all evil" -- both are wrong}


Quote from: RobertForsythe on August 19, 2016, 00:10:25
Yes, they are many millions in number.

And the ones who behave as you described are a distinct minority.

Religion can be very limiting for those who need limiting.

Religion is liberating and wondrous beyond words for those who are ready for that experience.

{there was an old saying, "money is the root of all evil" and it has been replaced in some circles with "religion is the root of all evil" -- both are wrong}

You need to do more research on that. Just go to christian forums, bring up the AP topic, tell them that Jesus is actually not a god and we dont need him to get to heaven, and you will see for yourself what the majority think. I would be surprised if any Christians would agree with that.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on August 19, 2016, 00:24:35
You need to do more research on that. Just go to christian forums, bring up the AP topic, tell them that Jesus is actually not a god and we dont need him to get to heaven, and you will see for yourself what the majority think. I would be surprised if any Christians would agree with that.

The issue was your claim, "they would have called a pastor to expel satan out of me LOL. So, this is what the majority [of Christians] think."

With respect to world Christianity this is a patently false claim.

If you go to a Church of Wazoo forum and say "Wazoo is bunk" ... yes, you will get a lot of replies to the contrary. How is that useful or meaningful at all? (or even relevant?)

If you want to amend you original claim to be "Southern Baptist Christians in the Deep South of the USA" I suspect no one would disagree with you... but then some might ask, "what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?"

EDIT; On the other hand, if you went among these Southern Baptist Bible Thumping types and said, "I have visions that come to me in my dreams..." you would likely find almost NONE of them would think to try and expel satan...
If you walk in and poke a sharp stick in their eye they probably would react in a negative way.