Energy Work and Astral Projection

Personally speaking, I see no relation between these two activities.  I think people are fully developed enough energetically to begin to successfully astrally project and no further \”development\” is required in that area.

There are many examples out there of individuals being highly successful in the field of Astral Projection without doing any major, supportive energy work.  Probably the biggest name was Robert Monroe… I don\’t believe he did anything of the sort, at least nothing as a major supportive activity for him to project.  Frank Kepple… the Astral Pulses own Phaser, he never felt it was required either.  He would speak from time to time about firing off his chakras while already in a phased state, but that\’s pretty much the extent of it.  Then there\’s William Buhlman, now granted, I haven\’t read all of his work yet, but from what I have, I haven\’t seen much indication of energy work either.  Then there\’s Bedeekin, over on the Astral Viewers, I\’m fairly certain he also doesn\’t do any kind of energy work in order to project (feel free to correct me if I\’m wrong ;)).  Then there\’s probably the most important person I think can think of… myself.

I say I\’m the most important person to myself not because I\’m some narcissistic individual, but because I can really only trust my own experiences.   My own personal experiences are the most important thing in relation to astral projection that I have, just as yours are to you.  My personal experiences (along with all the corroborating evidence above) dictate that energy work simply isn\’t required for Astral Projection practices.

So, if I don\’t do energy work… and I can still project just fine, then I can only conclude that what other people are doing is a waste of time UNLESS they\’re doing it for other purposes aside from Astral Projection.  Let me make that 100% clear, I\’m saying this IN REGARDS to Astral Projection ONLY. My stance is that if your only goal is to do Astral Projection, as mine is, then you do not need to waste time doing any energy work what-so-ever.  You are more than developed enough energetically to get the job done.  I feel it\’s best to put that time to use actually practicing the art.

Why is it that people seem to have this belief that energy work is required?  I think the only phenomenon going on here is a self-reinforcing belief.  A person thinks, for one reason or another, that they need to do energy work in order to succeed in Astral Projection, so they do it… and they find it DOES work which reinforces that belief in them.  While for me, I don\’t think it\’s needed, so I don\’t do it… and I find THAT works, which then further reinforces that belief in me.

My current goal for Astral Projection is to continue what Robert Monroe and Frank Kepple started… and that\’s to bring Astral Projection further into the mainstream and make it easy for people to learn.  This means stripping away all the mystical/occult layers and getting down to the very core of what\’s required.  The very core requirement to be successful in Astral Projection is… *YOU*.

7 thoughts on “Energy Work and Astral Projection

  1. EDWARD says:

    I fully agree with this! There is not need to do energy work for AP imo. I beleive and have exspience in Focusing attention. This is all that is required to project using Phasing. 🙂


  2. Tania Brown says:

    Hi, Im wondering you think OBE and Lucid dreaming are the same thing? cause I don’t believe energy exercises are needed for LD.

    • xanth18 says:

      Hi Tania!

      I see those as just being labels people use to describe the “where” they believe their projections to happen.
      People call their experience an OBE when they project in what they believe to be this physical reality (you’ll also hear this called an RTZ projection).
      People call their experience a Lucid Dream when they become aware while in a “dream”.
      People call their experience an Astral Projection when they project to somewhere they don’t recognize or when their projection is of a more artistic nature.

      Ultimately, they’re all just labels and that’s as far as that goes.
      They’re all projections in consciousness of varying levels of conscious awareness.

      Have you read my e-book yet? You can find the link at the top of the main page. Give it a read as it explains it all better than I can in a short paragraph reply. hehe

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