Astral Projection – Do Individual & Collective Areas of Consciousness Exist?

There are these non-physical concepts floating around that there are these “areas” of consciousness which are “individual” in nature, meaning it’s only you there experiencing it and “collective” in nature, meaning that it’s you experiencing the reality with many other individuals/awarenesses/entities/beings/etc. When you look at consciousness as a whole, you realize that this kind of separation is simply illogical. Allow me to explain.

By the very nature that everything is consciousness – everything is collective. There is only “everything”. The simple fact is that the individualness you experience on a daily basis (the idea that you are separate from everyone else) is an illusion. So when people have a projection and they seem to be in a reality all by themselves, or they have what they will arbitrarily label as a lucid dream, they come to the conclusion that they were within some individual area of consciousness which is only for them and them alone.

There’s only your perception of individual and collective experiences. The difference is like standing in a crowded room with a blindfold that blocks all light from your eyes and ear plugs that block all noise from your ears and then making the, obviously plain as day assumption that you’re all alone. Your perception says that since you can’t see or hear anyone else that you were all by yourself, even though standing all around you are these other individuals. That’s how the non-physical / consciousness kind of works.

You’re never alone. You only perceive yourself to be because that how you’re currently interpreting the reality that you’re experiencing. Someone / something could be standing right in front of you and you’d never see them because you just don’t perceive them.

This is also what I mean when I say that WHAT you experience is Objective, but HOW you experience it is Subjective. So how do you experience something closer to how it’s Objectively presented? You need to keep yourself grounded and centered. This will remove as much subjectiveness as possible which is being fueled by your own awareness. Even then, if you’re able to do that, you still might not ever experience something 100% objective as it’s really presented.

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