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Nameless' Everything Journal

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Thanks EV for your never ending support and you too Lumaza, Lightbeam, T-Man and others who pop in and out here and there.

So many things happen non physically and physically that we many times overlook. I encourage everyone to pay attention not just to their out of body experiences or phases or whatever. Answers are in the very air we breathe. Sounds entirely too simple to say that all we need to do is be mindful but honestly that is all that is needed. Don't doubt yourself, trust your instincts and pay attention when happenstance steps in front of you.

Hugs to you all


Quote from: Nameless on March 02, 2021, 20:18:03
Answers are in the very air we breathe. Sounds entirely too simple to say that all we need to do is be mindful but honestly that is all that is needed. Don't doubt yourself, trust your instincts and pay attention when happenstance steps in front of you.

This is such a big truth! Thanks for bringing it up, Nameless! Yes, answers are everywhere. There are so many clues that we receive every moment of every day/night, both of physical and non-physical nature. If we start paying attention to all of the clues and link them to our questions, we may get the location on our treasure map.

This very post is a clue to you, my dear readers, whoever you might be. If you came across this and you are reading it, ask yourself, why did this post cross my path.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow



I'm in an old car driving a dusty road. I see place up ahead where there are three (maybe more) stores. Two are gas stations, one is a grocers. Was going to pull into first gas station but pass it, didn't really like the looks of the people out front. Pulled into the next station, they were all in a line like a dusty old strip mall that hadn't seen much business in many years.

As I pull through the second station I remember another time I had been here and decide Nope, not going through that again. So I pull around the pumps and go back to the other one. I park in a dusty parking lot and walk to the store/gas station. I sit on the sidewalk and put my cigarettes down beside me. A girl breaks away from the group, walks by and swipes my pack. I casually get up and go to her window (she is in her van now). I grab her wrist and say, "hey, what's up." I see she has a whole carton of cigarettes right beside her. Instead of taking my pack out of her hand I take the carton and raise my eyebrow to her. "trade ya". I was expecting a fight.

She blinks dumbly and says okay then drives away. I'm left standing there wondering what just happened. I realize she nor the other characters are fully conscious.

Then I go to a house where a bunch of people are just sitting around or mindlessly doing stuff. I see one person serving food and there are kids there. The food looks as dull as the people. I find the kitchen and make a few choices to improve the food and go around setting plates of food in front of everyone. A couple of the people notice and sort of take an interest and slowly take a bite or two. I realize these characters are not fully conscious either.

There was a third scenario that I don't remember well but know I felt the same about those people as well. A few people seemed to 'want' to start trouble but they didn't seem to know how or just weren't involved enough to be able to.

It was weird. The only predominate color in the entire experience was yellow. A small flash of red with some of the food (a tomato ?).

The last time I was in this particular episode there was a lot more activity. I can't recall exactly what at the moment. But I rather enjoyed being there in a wild west meets 1960s sort of way. A little fear based adrenaline rush, a  Duke's of Hazard style escape.

But wow these mostly semi-conscious characters are a trip. If only I could wake them up.

Hey LightBeam, how is that story you're working on coming. Typing this out just made me think of that. Couriser and couriser.


Quote from: Nameless on March 14, 2021, 23:59:20
Hey LightBeam, how is that story you're working on coming. Typing this out just made me think of that. Couriser and couriser.

Well, the story is being created and is taking shape now. So, you are one of the main characters along with a few other Pulse members. The characters jump consciously from one life to another in many time periods, and recently I was thinking of the plot in the wild west. So, this is far fetched, but maybe because I am thinking of several of you as the characters and taking you to many places in my fictional world, perhaps that connection may influence your dreams. Not sure if that could be, but just throwing it out there as a possibility. Especially that the people and the colors you encounters were sort of dull/half conscious. Maybe they were half created, as they are in my story. If that is the case and you are picking up on your fictional character, then prepare soon to enter the dark ages LOL.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Ooooo yummy, the dark ages! Can't wait. LMFHO (laugh my freaking hiney off) :-)

The post above certainly had a western feel to it post old dusty automobiles.


Quote from: Nameless on March 14, 2021, 23:59:20
She blinks dumbly and says okay then drives away. I'm left standing there wondering what just happened. I realize she nor the other characters are fully conscious.
It sounds like you may have Journeyed into what Robert Monroe called Focus 22.

"TMI UK: On the border between time/space and non-physical states of being. Comatose. At this level people are unconscious or partly conscious. People in coma, suffering from delirium or dementia, under the influence of drugs or alcohol; patients who are anesthetized or comatose. This level is chaotic, people are confused and very difficult to communicate with."

I call this area the "Zombified" state. People just walk around aimlessly like they are sleep walking.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


That's interesting Lu. I always just thought of them as just less lucid than I at the moment.

I would think people in a coma or spaced out of their gourds would be highly conscious/active in these np experiences. Except for the ones who are of course mostly brain dead. I know that's kind of a subtle difference but.., lol.

But zombified is the perfect word choice, they certainly are that!


Lucid Dream

1) Starts out on the lower deck of a ship or submarine. I have a little light I am trying to hide so I stick it into a vent and am trying to cover it when a Soldier in full battle armor appears. He says, "you can not hide it". He pulls off the vent cover, hands me the light and whisks me away to safety.

2) I am now in a cabin or command outpost sitting at a table. I am playing with the little light and now see it it is like a small glow stick, vibrant green. Lots of noise outside and soldiers go to their posts. I fear the bad guys are going to find us and get in. Again the soldier appears and wraps his hand over mine around the glow stick, he puts it in his vest and away we go.

3) I'm bobbing in water, thinking I might drown but a helicopter appears overhead and again the Soldier appears and dives into the water beside me. He tucks the little glow stick into my shirt pocket and hoist me aboard the helicopter.

*I come awake but the dream continues as I make my way to my recliner*

I fear I might lose my little light as I now realize it is indeed MY light. The helicopter hits turbulence and sure enough the glow stick slips out of my pocket and plunges into the sea. The Soldier doesn't hesitate as he dives in after it. He gets close and a wave pushes it away. He swims, a large creature swallows it and dives down into the deep. The Soldier without flinching dives after and retrieves my little light once again restoring it to me, it's rightful owner.

I thanked the Soldier feeling really small for not realizing my own value. He says, I protect, you light the way. We are all uniquely created to a purpose. We can not fail says The LORD God.


Love it! Very straightforward LD. The light is yours. It is a part of you. You can never loose it. Loss is just an illusion. But that illusion can be perceived as very real by the portion of us stuck in these limiting realities. And yes, there is no failure, no matter what choices we make. Both success and failure as we perceive them serve as lessons and are both beneficial.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow



Quote from: LightBeam on June 16, 2021, 21:32:58
Both success and failure as we perceive them serve as lessons and are both beneficial.
So true, so true.

Recently I read this reply That Kevin Hart, the Actor, had made when questioned about the "Cancel Culture". He didn't need to use the profanity. But the words fit the message he was delivering.
""When did we get to a point where life was supposed to be perfect? Where people were supposed to operate perfectly all the time? I don't understand."

"I don't expect perfection from my kids. I don't expect it from my wife, friends, employees," he continued. "Because, last I checked, the only way you grow up is from f---ing up. I don't know a kid who hasn't f---ed up or done some dumb s---."

I have always lived by the adage "people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones". I like this one too "to error is Human, to forgive is divine"!  :-) It is through our "failures" that we learn to prevail!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: LightBeam on June 16, 2021, 21:32:58
Love it! Very straightforward LD. The light is yours. It is a part of you. You can never loose it. Loss is just an illusion. But that illusion can be perceived as very real by the portion of us stuck in these limiting realities. And yes, there is no failure, no matter what choices we make. Both success and failure as we perceive them serve as lessons and are both beneficial.
Sadly many have given their light away willingly, so not a loss as in they lost it but definitely a loss. These would be people controlled by dark forces. But reclaiming their God given light is a simple but oh so difficult process.

Quote from: omcasey on June 16, 2021, 21:39:58
Thank you Casey  :-)

Quote from: Lumaza on June 16, 2021, 22:17:35
So true, so true.

Recently I read this reply That Kevin Hart, the Actor, had made when questioned about the "Cancel Culture". He didn't need to use the profanity. But the words fit the message he was delivering.
""When did we get to a point where life was supposed to be perfect? Where people were supposed to operate perfectly all the time? I don't understand."

"I don't expect perfection from my kids. I don't expect it from my wife, friends, employees," he continued. "Because, last I checked, the only way you grow up is from f---ing up. I don't know a kid who hasn't f---ed up or done some dumb s---."

I have always lived by the adage "people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones". I like this one too "to error is Human, to forgive is divine"!  :-) It is through our "failures" that we learn to prevail!

Absolutely! Seems only we the imperfect demand perfection. Funny isn't it?


What a great LD with so many metaphors! A great clarification of Purpose and division of responsibilities. Wow!
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


It Can't Get In - Lucid Dream/Partial Astral

Two episodes in which a being tried to get into my head. Poor fellow, he hung upside down on the window peering in. Gone were his handsome features, blond hair and blue eyes. He hung there looking in like a cat begging at the door, a dark shadow with spindly wood ash like body.

Next he walked along a bank never crossing the ditch to join us. Just followed along frustrated presenting a rejected demeaner.

I didn't say what 'we' were doing because they were just trivial daily life things with friends and family.

Point being there are always more challenges and they aren't all big and scary. Sometimes the challenges are small and unexpected and that's how they slip in. Just hold strong knowing you yourself are at the helm and nothing gets by you unless you let it.
It makes me think of my current health issues. I know in my heart that we are indeed able to heal ourselves through having a strong belief and acceptance of a higher power that works through us. That power I do not believe IS us per se but it is controlled by our own desires/understandings/faith and beliefs.

So why can't I just demand the healing I need? That is a good question and one many if not all eventually face. Perhaps I have entrenched beliefs I have yet to overcome. Perhaps sometimes this power is best utilized by others with a certain calling to that sort of thing. I haven't figured out all the details but do know anything is absolutely possible.

As a side note I have been following my heart and doing what I think is best for me along the way. Sometimes I hit, sometimes I miss. Right now I am in the 2 steps forward 1 step back stage so that means there is progress. Patience is my test and no I don't just say that to make it look like an excuse. Patience has always been my test, lol.

I will likely die before I am completely whole but with the coming zombie apocalypse at least you all know who to feed to the zombies first. All I got to say on that is RUN dammit, don't waste my sacrifice standing around hemming and hawing - RUN!!!


hi Nameless,

Changing beliefs is not easy, since we perceive one thing, which takes time to change and this constantly deceives our understanding and validation that the belief has changed.
I strongly suggest for you to read "The Nature pf Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts and also there is another in which Seth dedicates specifically for health and how to use self hypnosis to alter our beliefs. the book name is "The Way Toward Health: a Seth book" He has tools and exercises through which we understand all the little details surrounding how exactly do we create our reality including health. It is not so black and white, but his books are exceptional in explaining why.

As I am reading again "The Nature of Personal Reality", every day I want to post here things that are essential for understanding reality and tools to improve our lives, but one thing is connected to the previous chapters and I cant type it all. I wish everyone reads these books. I cant say enough how much critical information about the multiverse and existence/realities/purpose is condenses in there.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Thanks LightBeam. Today everything is just clicking. I found both those books and another one EscapeVelocity has recommended to me. I found them on and ordered all three. Not new but not a big deal for me. I'm grateful to have found them reasonably priced.

You're right about changing beliefs. I don't personally have a strong belief in any concept. However I did grow up in a predominantly Christian household so saying belief might not be accurate but it is a language I understand. My core beliefs as I assume with most people won't change. Like love, fairness, honesty and the never ending quest for knowledge.

Can't wait for the books to arrive. :-)


 Nameless, I like how you always have the ability to discern the meaning of your Dreams. That shows growth and evolution!  :-) 8-)

Where it comes to the health thing. The day we are born, we are already working towards our next transition. I have also found that many of what they call the "Light Workers" have some kind of physical or mental affliction. I take it as a "forced grounding", that creates the opportunity for us to be "aware". Our physical vessels slow down and break down, so our mental and spiritual focus can grow and evolve!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Nameless on August 02, 2021, 16:55:53
I don't personally have a strong belief in any concept. However I did grow up in a predominantly Christian household so saying belief might not be accurate but it is a language I understand. My core beliefs as I assume with most people won't change. Like love, fairness, honesty and the never ending quest for knowledge.

oh, I see what you mean. When I say beliefs, I don't mean basic religions or spiritual belief system. I mean all types of personals beliefs about ourselves, the reality and life. For example, the belief that with old age come diseases and pain, will automatically create circumstances in one's life where the physical body experiences this exact belief and will get ill. If one firmly beliefs that no matter what age we get, we can prolong agelessness and health. These very thoughts send messages to our cells and they rejuvenate upon our command, which prolongs the natural course of time and our bodies will stay healthy and young much longer. If we believe that the risk of getting cancer is high, then this belief will create like circumstances. Our beliefs trigger our everyday thoughts and our everyday thoughts create and manifest. Fear also is a belief of what we fear. These are the things I am referring to that need to be examined, find what belief type is causing our unfortunate circumstance in any areas of ours lives, understand why do we believe it and from there to try to change it. Again, not easy, because sometimes we are trying to force to think abundance, where at this time one is poor and what we observe make us believe in its existence. This is where a much deeper understanding of the nature of reality is needed to be able to successfully rid ourselves of these limiting beliefs and change things around.

Also, we are being told by the law of attraction specialists to think positive and change the negative thinking. Well, this wont work, because if we do not have the backed up belief, then the positive thinking will be forced, the negative thoughts will be shoved into some corner of our consciousness, but they are still there because they have the backed belief. This will create more chaos as people are pretending their negative thoughts are gone out of fear. Then every time they have a negative thought they will be afraid of what this thought can create and that will create further chaos.  Fears, concerns, negative thoughts and emotions need to be analyzed, examined, acknowledged in order to identify what is the belief that generates them. And then start self hypnosis to change them. that applies for all of these beliefs about money, joy, being loved, being in a love relationship, relationship with others, family, health, job, etc.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: Lumaza on August 02, 2021, 17:19:04
Nameless, I like how you always have the ability to discern the meaning of your Dreams. That shows growth and evolution!  :-) 8-)

Where it comes to the health thing. The day we are born, we are already working towards our next transition. I have also found that many of what they call the "Light Workers" have some kind of physical or mental affliction. I take it as a "forced grounding", that creates the opportunity for us to be "aware". Our physical vessels slow down and break down, so our mental and spiritual focus can grow and evolve!  :-)

I owe much of my abilities to this very forum and the wonderful members present and past who have helped along the way. Inevitably we aren't meant to be here permanently no matter how we think. But owning our time here is a wonderful although many times painful lesson.

Absolutely LB. Everything you just said is spot on and well said. It is confusing but that is where the challenge lies. Like some days I feel totally at one with all existence and others not near so much. I can only imagine most people go through that exact same thing. All I can say is that when are up encourage encourage encourage others so we may be encouraged when we are down.



People subtly losing their minds like in a Stephen King novel. one minute sane the next crazy. Some just decided they could run over whoever they liked or hang someone. But not everyone went insane just a random portion. Those who remained sane helped rescue victims of the insane. I was rescued inside a furniture store. Outside the store Sara Huckabee was hanging upside down by her feet. She was rescued by a bystander as well. Sara was dressed in a police uniform.


That's a trippy one, but I can see how that can literally happen to our world. We better toughen up.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


A metaphorical LD that makes perfect sense for the current situation-sadly.

The only relevant question that occurs to me at the moment is- How did it make you feel?
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde



Projection(?) - Sweet and Tender Moment

Last night I was feeling really tired. Between allergies and not sleeping well that's how it's been the last couple weeks. So I'm laid back in my recliner just resting (not sleeping). I'm having a conversation with someone outside of eyesight. We were talking about colors and for some reason I am explaining colors to this little voice. I'm pointing out the colors using berries and other fruits. I keep being drawn back to rusty red berries and bright orange. I'm just sort of daydreaming all this.


The phone rings so I sit up and answer. It's my daughter. She asked me if I was astral projecting (lol). I say I don't think so but why. She said her son (my little 4 yr old grand baby) had just sat up in bed and was talking to someone. They asked who and he said Grandma.

I went over this afternoon to encourage him to eat his dinner so 'mom' could get some chores done. I told him I heard he woke up last night talking to someone. He laughed and said, you know grandma I talk to you about the rainbow." Then he goes and gets a picture he painted in pre-school to show me. His rainbow was rusty red and orange.

So, was I projecting or just tapping into his thoughts. Either way it's these sweet and tender moments I cherish the most.