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Well, right now I'm thinking of just 'letting sleeping dogs lie.' Even if I am having weirds dreams about her, it's been awhile, and I'm a different person now. I guess I still miss her sometimes tho. Anyway, thanks.   :-)
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


Last night was really amazing. I decided on a long trip... A journey "out there". I got out of my body and started flying. Straight up I went for like what seemed 15 minutes. I saw space, and stars, and galaxies. I kept going and going with the intention to find something beautiful. Then... Bump... I found it.

Out of the mists appeared a mountain. I flew above it looking down at the most charming mountain village. It was sizable though with pretty little white washed brick houses with pretty little red roofs. Toward the center of the community rose some really modern looking buildings that contrasted yet complimented the town.

I flew down toward the building and found an open window. Some lady greeted me with surprise and invited me inside. She was friendly enough but was really surprised. In a matter of minutes they came to arrest me. I was taken down to the town and processed. They asked a lot of questions and I told then that I was just exploring the Universe when I found them.

They weren't mean at all. I think they were shocked to see me as if they hardly get any visitors. My astral body was given a medical exam and I was given a few injections and some kind of energy treatment. Afterwards I felt really good. They gave me a uniform and eventually someone picked me up. I had been assigned to one of the processing stations. My boss was some dude or other that explained to me that they're little town surrounds a hot pocket of some kind of energy they mine.

This had all taken a really long time and I just wanted to wake up but I couldn't. I was starting to get worried. The way they acted was like a didn't have a body waiting for me back on Earth. They had no idea I was just projecting. To them I was an outsider that miraculously had found them and their little operation. I was processed and made part of the community.

But I still couldn't wake up. I started thinking maybe I had severed my connection with my body somehow or they had.

Still, this wasn't the worst place to land. Everything looked clean and bright and everyone looked really attractive. After the tour of my job I was given quarters and some free time. I visited a gorgeous little park with lots of friendly and happy people. They were flying around, having picnics, dancing, and enjoying themselves. At one point a found a small hole in the ground and looked inside. It was full of stars and I wondered if these little stars was what they mined here at this outpost somewhere out there in the astral.

I remember thinking that my astral body had never felt so good and healthy. Whatever they had done to me at their hospital I felt great. I felt the awareness of not just my astral body but other finer bodies beneath that. I knew for the first time that astral bodies are just one of finer and finer bodies we all have. And like our physical body maybe sometimes they need to be maintained.

So anyway... I was at that park when I had to go pee. But astral bodies don't pee right? That's when I realized that the feeling had been creeping up on me from Earth where my physical body needed to urinate. I concentrated really hard and I was suddenly in my bed - awake! I went to the bathroom to relieve myself.

I was back but I felt really different. The physical world almost seemed like a dream. I was sure I was back but not 100% sure. kind of like an astral hang-over.  :-)
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


Quote from: shineling on August 12, 2020, 05:25:43
Last night was really amazing. I decided on a long trip... A journey "out there". I got out of my body and started flying. Straight up I went for like what seemed 15 minutes. I saw space, and stars, and galaxies. I kept going and going with the intention to find something beautiful. Then... Bump... I found it.

Out of the mists appeared a mountain. I flew above it looking down at the most charming mountain village. It was sizable though with pretty little white washed brick houses with pretty little red roofs. Toward the center of the community rose some really modern looking buildings that contrasted yet complimented the town.

I flew down toward the building and found an open window. Some lady greeted me with surprise and invited me inside. She was friendly enough but was really surprised. In a matter of minutes they came to arrest me. I was taken down to the town and processed. They asked a lot of questions and I told then that I was just exploring the Universe when I found them.

They weren't mean at all. I think they were shocked to see me as if they hardly get any visitors. My astral body was given a medical exam and I was given a few injections and some kind of energy treatment. Afterwards I felt really good. They gave me a uniform and eventually someone picked me up. I had been assigned to one of the processing stations. My boss was some dude or other that explained to me that they're little town surrounds a hot pocket of some kind of energy they mine.

This had all taken a really long time and I just wanted to wake up but I couldn't. I was starting to get worried. The way they acted was like a didn't have a body waiting for me back on Earth. They had no idea I was just projecting. To them I was an outsider that miraculously had found them and their little operation. I was processed and made part of the community.

But I still couldn't wake up. I started thinking maybe I had severed my connection with my body somehow or they had.

Still, this wasn't the worst place to land. Everything looked clean and bright and everyone looked really attractive. After the tour of my job I was given quarters and some free time. I visited a gorgeous little park with lots of friendly and happy people. They were flying around, having picnics, dancing, and enjoying themselves. At one point a found a small hole in the ground and looked inside. It was full of stars and I wondered if these little stars was what they mined here at this outpost somewhere out there in the astral.

I remember thinking that my astral body had never felt so good and healthy. Whatever they had done to me at their hospital I felt great. I felt the awareness of not just my astral body but other finer bodies beneath that. I knew for the first time that astral bodies are just one of finer and finer bodies we all have. And like our physical body maybe sometimes they need to be maintained.

So anyway... I was at that park when I had to go pee. But astral bodies don't pee right? That's when I realized that the feeling had been creeping up on me from Earth where my physical body needed to urinate. I concentrated really hard and I was suddenly in my bed - awake! I went to the bathroom to relieve myself.

I was back but I felt really different. The physical world almost seemed like a dream. I was sure I was back but not 100% sure. kind of like an astral hang-over.  :-)

Very Nice Adventure into these other Worlds/Realms in Creation/Existence.

When venturing into these "unknown" Worlds/Realms (unknown for the Self/Me living on Earth but maybe/surely not for the collective Higher Self [or Selves as it could be a collective of beings as described by Robert Monroe when he navigated innerly/inside to meet the ones making the driving] that is controlling/monitoring the Self/Me from "somewhere" else), eventually one realizes that Death of the Physical Body on Earth will occur any moment (if it happens during an Astral Projection / Lucid Dream, then that human won't be able to tell us as his/her Physical Vehicle would be death in consequence and unable to report back that situation), and when these excursions into unknown "Non Physical" territories extend for longer than the "normal" few minutes, into "many" minutes (and who knows maybe even "hours" or for some maybe even "days"), then one learns to Not Care (as maybe you have already noticed one doesn't care a bit nor even remember much details but only a few very small ones about this Physical life on Earth while into these Non Physical Words/Realms), and one realizes (by experience) that if the Physical body is alive and as you experienced and reported you can "feel" some sensations coming from it (or coming from the other "Non Physical" body that is Dreaming You that moment, YES, normally you are in a Dream inside a Dream situation, like on the movie "Inception", and you can tell this by making a movement for example of your arm and noticing that is a Non possible movement for the Physical body slept on Earth, and you can even learn to wake up and stand up and move that First Dream body, for example by opening your eyes very fast and turning that Dream Non Physical body and making it stand up from that bed/location it's into, like you would do to stand up your Physical body on Earth to turn it and stand it up on top of the bed or to the side of it, and you'll realize with a quick very basic memory analysis [with low and measured/controlled consciousness as much would Wake You Up on Physical World called Earth] of a few seconds that you are still in a Non Physical location, sometimes monitored/watched by other beings, and sometimes looking that there are other beings sleeping in that Non Physical location/house [maybe other Humans or Beings Forced to Sleep and Dream their Real Physical Lives as well as the Second and more Layers of Sleep when they "Go To Sleep" on the "Physical World" like we do on Earth], and you'll start asking yourself a lot of questions regarding how many Levels "Down" of Dream inside a Dream are we experiencing when we go to Sleep on the Physical World called "Earth" and if we have a Dream Non Physical Body [one or more] that is being kept Asleep for this process of Dreaming the Second Layer of Dream inside a Dream that maybe is the one we access and experience when acquiring Consciousness/Lucidity while Dreaming in a Lucid Dream and/or Astral Projection [I've acquired Consciousness/Lucidity in Very Realistic Locations Very Similar to Houses/Homes where I've Lived and also the one I Currently Live, and also with the classic Vibrations and all processes of a Classic Astral Projection but in these Non Physical Locations, and other Situations of Projecting Out the Energy Non Physical Body resembling a "Non Physical Soul of that Dream Body" while the Dream Body Dies in that Non Physical Location or it gets Pass Out by cutting the Breathing accidentally of intentionally, and many other situations more], and you'll realize that there is Not just One Location for the "First" Layer of Dream but Various Locations as when performing this Process and other similar processes for standing up the Dreaming Body that is Dreaming the "Second" Layer of Dream inside a Dream, then you'll find yourself waking up in Different Locations and in Different Houses/Homes, with Different Families/Relatives or who knows maybe Supervisors that are monitoring/watching you and making sure that you are kept sleeping and cautiously try to get you back in that situation as for some reason You Can Damage Them if you have Enough Energy and you Learn to Resist Them as mentioned below), then if you are feeling sensations coming from the Physical Body on Earth you realize that Eventually the Dreaming/Astral Experience in that Non Physical World/Realm will eventually end in the following seconds/minutes, and is very specific the sensation that is felt in the Face/Nose/Mouth/Breathing when that happens and you are back in your Physical Body on Earth with your Projection Energy Depleted (for that night and maybe/surely for the next day/night as well), then comes the already known process of recollecting the memories of the experience by tracing back the main actions performed for them not to be lost (sometimes/generally the start of the experience is hard to remember but many times by tracing back the main steps/experiences you can eventually get to the moment when Lucidity was acquired and how it was triggered and what triggered it, and recollect many details of the experience besides the main events of it).

With time and experience, as you eventually Don't Care if you don't get back to Earth (as you know that any day sooner or later it will occur, and that's why if you have a Family is a good idea to keep things organized so that when that moment occurs you won't have regrets or worries about them but just let go and continue with your existence somewhere else), you know that every experience that you have in these Conscious/Lucid Excursions into these Non Physical Realms/Worlds will end with you waking up in your bed (either in a False Awaking experience which is really interesting or in a Real Waking Up on Earth).

Don Juan Matus explains it Very Well to Castaneda in the book "The Art Of Dreaming" on Chapter  3 "The Second Gate Of Dreaming" on page 27 (of the PDF version of the book), when he sais "You will find out for yourself that the true goal of dreaming is to perfect the energy body. A perfect energy body, among other things of course, has such a control over the dreaming attention that it makes it stop when needed. This is the safety valve dreamers have. No matter how indulging they might be, at a given time, their dreaming attention must make them surface". This means that it doesn't matter how much you want (or the beings in these locations want) to extend your Non Physical experience/excursion, once the Energy (and Dreaming Attention) is Depleted you'll wake up in the Physical World on Earth, (actually there are "Tricks" to try and extend this time a little more by Waking Up in a "Dream Body" in an upper Layer of the Dream Inside a Dream thing or whatever Net of Dreaming Bodies that are there in these Non Physical Realms, like previously described, but you'll notice that the Energy to Move that Non Physical body is generally Low and you normally have trouble trying to move it at first, eventually you manage to stabilize it a little, and start navigating that Non Physical environment, until eventually one moment to the other, Your Energy is Depleted and you suddenly Wake Up on Your Bed and Physical Body on Earth, or You Get Attacked and/or Get Forced to "Go To Sleep" and Lose Consciousness/Lucidity in these Non Physical Realms, as you are too Weak to Defend Yourself, and you Wake Up on Your Bed and Physical Body on Earth, and this last thing makes you think a lot about the possibility that Your Experience on Earth is a Forced Experience of your Consciousness Being [Soul] being forced to "Sleep" in these Non Physical Realms to have to Experience Your Physical Body and Life in this World called "Earth" and who knows in how many others Physical and Non Physical simultaneously, for them to Get Something Out Of You in that process, (¿the "Loosh Rote" mentioned by Robert Monroe maybe as a Physical Being on Earth and on other Physical Worlds and also as a Non Physical Being in those Non Physical Worlds/Realms controlled by these beings?), so there are a lot of things to Analyze about if you are attentive enough to these Abnormalities in these Non Physical Realms like these beings so desperately trying to Get You to Lose Your Consciousness/Lucidity (Touching You in these Non Physical Realms is a way to Parasite and Drain You Energy and sometimes they do it in a Frontal way injecting a Terminal from them into a part of your body or touching you by shaking your hand and you feel the loss of energy and loss of consciousness/lucidity) and Make You Go To Sleep even driving/directing you literally into a "Bed" in the Non Physical Location/Home/House you find yourself waking up in that correspond to the Upper Layer of the Dream Inside a Dream as previously described (the sometimes even laugh when you fall asleep without making any resistance like an Ignorant Child), and in some occasions they Touch You on your Front/Forehead on the location of the Third Eye, and also they do it by chasing you (even when you try to run away by crossing walls as they can cross them too so is Better To Stand Your Ground and Fight and if the fight is lost not to give them your Energy as You'll Feel that During the Attack, by forcing yourself to wake up by opening your Eyes Fast, which will change you to another Non Physical Location or will wake you up on another Non Physical Body on another Non Physical Location or will wake you up on your Physical Body on Earth), in other occasions they also Attack You in the Back of your Body particularly on the Lower Back which feels like Cold Electric and Very Uncomfortable and sometimes Even Painful Discharge and also they Attack You the High Back or Chest which feels like a Hot and Burning Electric Discharge, sometimes they also Attack You in the Solar Plexus Location (lower zone of the sternon and above the belly), which has a consequence to make you destabilize from the Non Physical Location you find yourself into and Waking Up on Your Bed and Physical Body on Earth, and seems like they also want that you don't remember the experience but with enough practice you get to always remember what happened from start of the triggering of Lucidity to the Non Pleasant End with these beings Forcing You to Lose Lucidity, and also eventually sometimes with practice you get to fight them back and is REALLY NICE to See How You Can Turn The Situation Around by resisting them until they have no other choice but to let you go into an Unknown Non Physical Location (with low energy as a result of the attack) from which you will eventually Wake Up, and even by Literally Breaking Them Apart or Energetically Disarming Them by Projecting Hot Burning Energy at Them while having them caught with your arms and lifting them while Discharging Them with that Hot and Burning Energy coming from you that You'll also Feel in that way [you eventually learn to resist it], (in one occasion fighting a Dream Character that Attacked me and induced a travel/flight thru a Non Stable Non Physical Location while we were fighting I catch this being with my arms and hands and somehow Drained this Being's Energy and it felt Cold as I drained this being who became smaller until it was the size of a worm), as it seems like they can't Resist the Energy that We Generate in Front Of Us and that's why they Attack From Behind where looks like there is an Energy Generator that helps in the Moving of the Non Physical Body in some situations and You Can Feel this device Providing You Propulsion (I once even saw some children I was speaking to in a nice and useful way in a location in their Home where I landed and stabilized during some traveling, how some of them were playing with the turbulences of energy emanating from whatever device is located in my back, when I turned my head to look back when I was speaking with the other children who were in front of me, so these children in the back were playing with the energy or where getting something out of it, but they were laughing as playing with it), and also in the back there should be some sort of Terminals that these beings know how to Attack to destabilize You while in these Non Physical Realms so it's a Good Idea to Always Check Your Back (turn your head to look around) as if you are a Soldier and don't want an Enemy to Attack You From Behind, and eventually you'll see them sneaking from behind, sometimes having one or a few of them in front of You (distracting you) and one or more sneaking From Behind [to attack you as ¿why would they be sneaking from behind and getting closer to you without you looking and noticing them?], literally like Predators would to a Prey in the world called Earth).

There is a lot to Analyze in these Topics (I've done some of that in some of my Posts in this Astral Pulse Forum), and is really Nice to Read experiences like the one you've shared today, as it brings back some memories about personal experiences into these Non Physical Realms/Worlds, both Really Pleasant (with Nice Very Happy Endings) and Non Pleasant (With Really Disgusting and Unhappy/Nice Endings), but from all Experiences, Nice/Happy and Disgusting/Unhappy (and those ones in between), you get to Learn each time Something New (and even Fun and different from the Daily Routine of Life on Earth), about this Physical World Called Earth and About the rest of Creation/Existence where things don't seem to be what We Would Like/Expect/Want/Wish Them To Be, and eventually with the death of the Physical Body we well have to Face Them and use what we've learned in this Physical Experience for Not to be Fooled/Deceived/Lied in these Non Physical Realms (these Non Physical beings are Really Good into Creating Fake and Deceiving Simulations in these Non Physical Realms and that can/should give you an idea of how really Deceitful These Beings Can and Should Be).

My Best Regards.



Wow, I'll get to that message soon. Right now I'd like to get this down before I forget...

It was definitely a guided AP because it started just like a movie with a short intro. The intro was just like a documentary that explained that humans are spiritual beings and they have the ability to incorporate new energy into their systems. Being human and rotating around our specific star only allows us to have certain genes which can only access certain energies. It said that a lot of humans do drugs because of this reason especially drugs with helper or ally energy. However, using these types of allies and helpers can sometimes lead us into problems because of their course nature.

I think what it was trying to say was don't use them cheap human drugs! Use ours! They are designed from the ground up to be real helpers and allies to your system. The lucid dream began!

This nice human was blowing smoke over my face and I quickly went to a semi trance state. I had an amazing vision of the cosmos as I felt myself being moved into the right astral plane. "I want that one!" I said to him. He laughed like a familiar grandfather and said, "That's nothing... just to get you there."

The next thing I know I was coming out of my trance and I was in this semi dark room. There were some people walking around trying the different allies one could get for your system. There where also some helper people walking around helping people.

I got into this conversation with this friendly dood and he said to try SpacePie 9. So I went up to one of the helpers and asked for that helper. He led me to this alcove where a pair of simple ear phones stuck out of the wall. There was also a nice bouncy chair. I hit play and I was off!

Hehe... it was so much better than any drug I've ever done. I can't even describe this sensation and vision I had. It was cosmic! And it lasted forever. It was eternal. I woke up too soon because I had to go pee but from what I experienced it described not just a vision but knowledge that my system digested.

It was a super cool AP. I hope to go there again and try some of the other helpers and ally visions. There where tons!
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


I went to sleep early. I really wasn't sure I was deep enough to attempt an exit so I just rolled off the bed. When I didn't hit the floor I knew. I kept falling and falling. When I opened my eyes I was floating in a murky aqua-blue space. Time to go somewhere... I concentrated and felt my feet hit the ground... at a rave party!

It looked like a circular building with its center hollowed out. Some sort of arena. There was flashing lights and trance music booming through the air. Well I danced some and kissed a pretty girl and then thought I saw a friend from high-school. When I caught up with him he had no idea who I was... but it was him or his twin. Anyway, I left the astral party and walked out into the beyond. I found a nice tree and sat down on the grass and watched people go by. Most where like me and had left the party and had found a nice place to rest. The stars where out and as I looked up into the sky... something moved.

A little star was moving up there and then it started growing and coming closer to me. When it finally arrived I could see it was some kind of ufo. It was like a disc with its sides shorn off. It landed next to me and it spoke! "Climb on top and I'll take you up. You don't belong here..." ok... so I climbed on top of this grey disc with lights and up we went!

It climbed and climbed and I held on for dear life. Up through the clouds into the heavens beyond.

When it landed it was in front of a really beautiful modern building. Someone was there waiting for me. Well, it was a long dream so I'll sum up. He led me into this building where I met a group of people and an older man who was some teacher or master. He told us all that he was going to teach us to change color and element.

First we learned how to change into liquids and the color blue. Each element came with a sensation and it's own unique qualities. Then there was fire, air, and space. I liked fire and I liked space even more. Space was a black color and there where ravens who joined us in that quality. I flew down a long dark tunnel being space which then turned me into a raven.

It was totally neato being in a different element. I woke up soon after that. The end.  :-)
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


Quote from: shineling on August 13, 2020, 19:30:42
Use ours! They are designed from the ground up to be real helpers and allies to your system.

Sign me up! LOL


 :-D Heeheehee. I'll double-down! Lol.

"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


I've been APing a lot lately. I went through a few weeks where I stopped trying to exit on purpose... mostly I just went to sleep and didn't care. Well I did not AP as much as when I purposely exit. So then I got worried I couldn't exit anymore. So I started trying again and yeah... no problem, I still got it. I can exit 90% of the time (when I want to). It's kind of a relief because it took me 25 years to perfect my exiting technique and still I'm finding new tricks to it. You never stop learning a growing.

So yeah, I've been APing a lot. I don't like to record every AP since I do it so often but I did have one or two interesting ones.

In one, I APed to see my dead father. He was at the farm where he retired. At least the astral version. It made me kind of sad. There he was all by himself, sitting in his favorite chair, shoulders kinda slumped. When he finally saw me though, his face broke out in a big smile. He rushed over to hug me and asked me how I was doing. He seemed a little frustrated though and started going on and on about me contacting his financial advisor. I said, "Dad, it's all taken care of, don't worry." He said, "I just want to make sure you're ok." So, even on the other side, the old man is still thinking about me. I love my father a lot.

Then, I had an AP last night where I had a birthday party. My birthday is in a few days and so maybe that had something to do with it. It was one of those avatarish APs... where you're not really the familiar you but your higher self. I say that because all the people at my astral birthday party where very familiar to me. It was like I have this complete other life with astral friends and family. Reflecting on it now, back on Earth, I can say that whoever these people where they knew me intimately and I had a long history with many of them. It's just kind of disconcerting when I flip and turn into "Him", my higher astral self. It makes me wonder about a lot of things like maybe someday I'll be able to access my higher self memories without being so deep in the astral. It also feels like possibly I'm only using 10% of my soul with this whole other life for me yet to discover. It's really tempting to think I might become a more confident experienced "me". :)
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


Good job Shineling. I would say yes your father has your back.

It's amazing the things we can learn from our 'other' selves. If we aren't careful we might just become better people.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


I have an ongoing theory that the astral is populated by semi-permanent structures that serve as many of the environments. I also have a theory as to how they first come to exist. They are made by people or groups of people who are proficient in "weaving" astral matter together.

I APed tonight, exited, and went outside to my neighborhood. I went inside a random house just to see what was inside. Well, it served as a gateway to one of these astral environments.

It was huge and completely deserted. Some parts looked like the inside of a mall. There was a great empty theater that looked kinda eerie all by itself. I really wondered where I was. I could see no sky... it was all inside with drab walls and ceilings.

Then on one wall I saw a knob. Under the knob was a metal plate. I turned this big knob and lights started popping on. Then people appeared. When I had turned it all the way to the right, there was a full swinging party going on. Somehow turning that knob had phased me into the right level where the crowds where located.

I wandered around this mall and there where music and lights and groups of people dancing and store fronts where they sold clothes and knick-knacks. I bumped into these two girls who I think immediately knew I was new at this because they had this prankish look and started to follow me around saying things like, "Come here pretty boy, we won't hurt you." ...but all mischievous and laughing. Oh oh.

Anyway, I ran away and went into this other room. I think it was a sex den. I saw lots of people there cavorting and having group sex. I didn't find it at all attractive so I moved on.

I eventually found a gateway. It was a doorway with a screen next to it and touchpad. I quickly flipped through the screens and one said "If you'd like to provide a suggestion you can mail us here: The Sigma Group, Level I, and some numbers or something." One of the pages had a map of the Solar System and it had a picture of Earth which was Section F. I clicked on Section F for Earth and stepped through the gateway.

Section F was a farce of planet Earth. It was like a ride or show of someone's idea of Earth. It was NOT painted in a lovely light. It had displays of people chained up and going to work everyday and the boss cracking his whip. These where displayed on screens as you rode this train through this tunnel. It was like a Disney ride. Message: Earth is a slave planet where they keep their citizens in a proverbial cage and make them work for food. I don't know... there was something about that.

I don't remember much else except I found the gateway again and travelled to a nicer plane this time. I basically floated in space with a large group of people and we were all in sync as really good feelings wafted the space around us. It was really neat actually. It felt communal and clean with an aqua-blue light everywhere.

The astral is such an interesting place...

The end.
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


The Sigma Group - is an award-winning Civil and Environmental engineering firm providing sustainable solutions for the built environment.

I go ogled it. See where that takes you.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Hey Nameless! That's fascinating! Could there really be a company in this day and age that makes astral environments?  :-o

Can you say rabbit hole?  :lol:

Thanks for looking that up!

"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


Something very interesting has been happening the past three nights. I've had playmates! It started with me APing and going outside two nights ago. I was flying around the roof tops doing aero acrobatics when I saw another person doing the same. I got a quick look at her for a second before she vanished.

Then, yesterday night I APed and went outside and found that same girl but she was waiting outside my house around the corner. She seemed shy and sorta pulled away when I approached her. I did managed to ask her her name which she replied "Rafaela". She then flew off. A group of Latin Americans enjoying the night air and flying just like me then joined me and told me that Rafaela was shy but very friendly once you get to know her. There where two more girls and a guy. They all seemed young and vibrant... but I've never seen an old person in the astral.

Then tonight all my new friends where waiting for me when I went outside... including Rafaela. They showed me this cool technique on how to AP from an AP into a higher band or astral level. You can go to sleep in an already ongoing AP and AP again or you can use these cool gadgets that plug into your ears and sorta buzz. I learned a lot from them tonight and then we all four or five of us got into a astral car and went joy riding.

I might catch them again if I go to sleep again. It's the middle of the night and still lots of dreams to be had!

Hey, I'm so glad I made some new friends. That's three nights in a row! I think the reason we APed twice was to achieve a safer astral level. I'll have to find out more!
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


I haven't APed in about 10 days. Just been tired and decided to stay in mostly. So I've just gone to sleep. But last night I decided to go out so I set myself up and performed an exit. I'm glad I did.

I got off my bed, already in the astral, and went outside. I hoped to see some houses with lights on because the utter darkness really creeps me out. I saw no lights this time however. I was a bit disappointed but decided not to waste my time. I launched into the air activating my hand jets since gravity was on.

I flew up and up looking for some lights. I flew away from my house and then my neighborhood. Suddenly the darkness receded and that omnipresent lighting appeared. It was like daytime now and I could see everything below. I landed in a very strange place.

I really took a chance to investigate the astral environment. It was AMAZING. It looked like a land time had forgotten. Everything was so sharp and steady and I used the trick Carlos Castaneda spoke about in his Dreaming. You sort of look at something but only for a few seconds. Then you change your view and do it again taking quick peeks around you. In this way you can get a very good look at the astral environment without things misting over and melting into something else. Well, I walked and walked and looked and looked. The astral is a WIERD place.

It looked like a whole bunch of different environments smashed together. There where streets. Some where paved, some where dirt. Some areas looked like the country and some the city. I saw an old mill with a broken down water wheel, old forgotten cars and buses from the 1940s,  a field with old tents from medieval times, old messy alleyways between dilapidated buildings, everything old and ancient - forgotten. It felt like this was a place old astral environments came to die and be forgot. It was so eerie and not a soul or living thing around, just me. The color of it was almost gray like ash. And the detail of things! Little pebbles on the ground, an old rusty tomato soup can, an old boat engine, old newspapers, wooden little huts with doors coming off the hinges... you get the picture. Old... forgotten... lost.

Anyway, I really enjoyed it because my vision was extra clear and I got a chance to really perceive an astral world. It was beautiful in its own way, with that beauty that comes with exquisite astral vision.

Thanks for reading. The end.
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."



Thanks for keeping your journal here going.  Some people start them with great intentions but they tend to look like the landscape you describe as being Old, Forgotten, Lost!  I always enjoy reading yours.

Hope you keep it up!  :-)
The Adventure Continues...


Hey Shineling, I somehow missed your response up there. It is fascinating!

Your experiences are really starting to evolve. Just keep it up and don't 'think' about any of it till afterwards.

I love that you now know you can AP from within an AP. That's really cool and learning a great deal. And thank god you ignored the group sex, haha. It's a trap.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Well thank you very much guys. I'm very glad to do it.  :-) It's also therapeutic I think to get it down on paper and helps me remember and make sense of what I've gone through.

It's always nice to get replies! So thank you very much! That helps too.  :-P But please don't feel obligated... I am going to be posting a lot more. lol

See you out there!  :lol:
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


Here's an interesting one...

I fell asleep watching the movie Ad Astra on tv. I happened to AP and it sort of all got mixed up... because in the astral Brad Pitt was leading me down a path that lead to beautiful Alaska. The trees where so green and the simple dirt path was beautiful on both sides with wilderness. You could even taste the cool air and got my first sensation of astral temperature. It was cooler as we walked into the mountains. We arrived at a beautiful city high in the astral.

Brad Pitt seemed to vanish and I was left to explore the city. It was glacial with modern looking curves and designs. I found the theater and watched one of their movies. I got so high watching that movie that I don't remember much of it... but there was a boy and a girl and a wise person.

I went out of the theater after the movie and decided to go back to Earth. I walked down the mountains but the path became a river of mud making it impassable. I was trapped in the mountains without being able to wake up. I went back to the city and it was getting dark. People where disappearing. It was cold and lonely. I found a mom and her daughter selling tacos and they offered me some. It was yummi astral food.

I walked around in the dark and couldn't wake up. I started to wonder where people went to after dark. The streets of this city in the mountains where deserted. Maybe they have hotels? I don't remember much after that as I walked into the darkness...
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


I've been APing a lot lately. It started about a week ago. I think it had built up to the point where I had to get out. So I've been exploring the neighborhood... my astral neighborhood. Sometimes when I exit it's dark, sometimes day, sometimes dawn, and dusk. Well I started to go into the houses more to see who is inside or where they lead. The weird thing is that none of the doors are ever locked. It's almost like a plastic or quantum version of my neighborhood.

Some houses have people inside them. Like a normal family doing their thing. But you can tell they are dreaming because they have this far off look in their eyes. If I find a house with a very attractive girl I will usually go up to her and try to start something. I've never had one turn me down... which means they are dream entities or humans are very loving creatures.

Some houses serve as gateways to other environments and sometimes they wisk me away to other parts of the Astral. Some environments are communal and for recreation. I think there are more real people than dream entities at some environments. Some places are completely deserted though and can range from completely disordered to beautiful gardens of infinite variety. My favorite was a Massage Room where you went in and the walls just hugged you in loving embraces and cuddling you with love energies.

What freaks me out a little is when I exit unto a night level and the houses are dark with no lights on any of them. I think I went into a dark house once and it was a very dark and quiet place. These places are isolated and really anything could be lurking so outside the Light. Not entirely negative but set aside to forget.

But then I have a lucid dream that makes all the darkness disappear... I think this is my higher-self and he'll drop by from time to time and surprise me. Surprises are always fun.

That's all for now... I'll try to keep posting. Bye!  :-)

"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


Last night I had a very nice astral projection. I went to sleep and was able to exit soon after. I went outside and that's when I saw the UFO for the second time. The last time I had seen it was November 27th 2019. I remember because that's the night my kitty got run over. That night I had APed and saw this huge UFO come down from the sky. Well I saw that same UFO last night. I had met some of the astral humans who lived inside it including their leader. He came down this plank and invited me inside the UFO. I was so excited to go with them.

At some point I asked them where we were going and he said we were picking up a friend of mine. The UFO took off and I settled in. I remember having a few conversations with some people I had met before on their last visit. Well, soon we landed again and up the ramp comes my dear friend Jessica. We used to work together at a videogame studio. We kind of skirted around a romantic relationship but eventually decided to keep things friendly - we've been pals ever since. She's into Buddhism and stuff. So after a joyful reunion we got into the UFO and off we went into the astral heavens.

They took us to visit their amazing civilization. It was a city and the UFO landed atop a cliff that overlooked it. It was beautiful and layed out in geometric precision next to a purple ocean. In the sky above was a layer of clouds with all kinds of lights flashing. At one point me and Jessa were asked to take out our "eggs" which were these small astral devices. I had almost forgotten I had mine because I hardly ever dream about it. I found it outside my house a long time ago in the grass. It's like an egg with astral apps and it can transport you to many different astral programs.

We were asked to dial a special program on our eggs and we then immediately found ourselves in a cloudy environment with a huge machine in the middle. It looked like a huge computer with all kinds of panels and wires that hooked up to two chairs with a device that fits over the head. We were asked to sit in these two chairs (Jessa and me) and told that this was a very special machine. What it did was use one's innate ability to find new frequencies in the great abstraction of the astral. These new frequencies are very special because their energy can be used to construct new objects and environments that can be explored and further our knowledge of the Spirit.

So me and Jessa get into these two chairs and they hook us up and boom they flip the on switch. I can't explain what we did together because it's so abstract. But it felt like a single particle representing my essence and a single particle representing Jessa's essence came together and started fluxing together. This fluxing gave off this electricity and the machine sort of skimmed the center of this electrical dance and extracted the very essence of our shared communion. It was over too quickly (because it was very pleasurable) and the machine stopped flashing and was still. In a little alcove of the machine was a tiny new little light. This was the new particle or singularity me and Jessa had created out of our energy dance. We were told to touch our eggs to it and this would seal a new app to our eggs - one that we could take with us and explore together or on our own. This, they said, was what they made new astral technology from including devices and new environments. These substances were very precious because they came from our essential natures.

After that me and Jessa were introduced to this older couple who taught us the basics of astral living. They basically gave us a crash course of how to levitate objects how to pull and push and manifest astral objects. This was my favorite part of the whole AP really... working and playing with my friend. We hovered several objects and even lifted a huge piano together and then learned how to draw on walls using nothing but mental powers. It was tons of fun and we laughed through out it.

It was a really fun night. The end. :)
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


I went to sleep and woke up in a completely different bedroom. That's when I knew I was in an astral projection. I looked around and it was my old bedroom in my old house when I was a teenager. I got out of bed and went outside using the back porch door.

As soon as I went outside I was floating. It was like gravity didn't exist for me. I floated up the small hill unto the road and around the bend. It was dawning and still a bit dark. I saw a nice pond and floated right unto it. I was afraid I'd get wet but I managed to steer my way clear and back unto the road. It was fun floating above water.

There was a nondescript house there with its second story window open. Right inside the window was a cute black and white kitty. I petted it while still floating outside and it started purring. It knew I was there and liked being pet. I floated down to the ground and went inside the house by opening the front door which was unlocked.

Inside everything was clean and pretty. The entrance led to a living room with a nice couch. I did not see any modern appliances however. I explored some more and found the stairway to the second story. It sort of circled around in an arc as it ascended. Above I found something super interesting.

It was all quiet and deserted. Maybe everyone was asleep so I hesitated to go into the closed rooms. Finally I chose a door and on the other side was a huge Egyptian sarcophagus. I don't think it was made of gold but I had the thought it was some eccentric guy's (or woman's) version of a bed. The lid was closed though. On the walls were all kinds of Egyptian writing. There was all kinds of art everywhere. It was so detailed! I found a bathroom and it was a huge tub with statues on the walls. The spigot was a beautiful naked woman pouring from a vase.

I backtracked and this time I saw people. In one of the main rooms around a big table were several people arguing. They where all dressed in black pajamas. One man was yelling or gesticulating to the others but I couldn't hear them. And for some reason they couldn't see me.

A little apart was a couch and a lovely girl was sitting there. She looked troubled like she didn't like the other people arguing. She was very lovely... so I leaned in and kissed her. As I pulled back her hand went to her lips like she had felt it but not seen me. I woke up right after that.

What a very cool Egyptian house. Everything was so artful and detailed. But I still don't know why those people couldn't see me or why they were arguing. Interesting AP!
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


I fell asleep on my bean bag and so it was a bit awkward getting up. I looked back at my large bean bag and there was no body. Actually it's been awhile since I've seen my body when I exit. It only happens rarely now. To make sure I was in the astral I engaged my hand jets and started flying in my room floating around. I went right through the wall and then I was outside.

I looked up and down the street for any lights or anything odd. It was mostly dark with all the houses slumbering in the deep dark night. Only one building had their lights on so I headed toward it. On closer examination it appeared to be an arcade with many game machines showing through the window. Next to the entrance where two gorgeous women talking. I was tempted to talk to them but instead went inside the arcade.

Inside was a bouncer who looked kind of tough and checked me out. Before letting me in he said he had to do a scan. He took my hands and held them for like 15 seconds. He then said, "You have to come with me." I was immediately suspicious. I asked him why he had scanned me or done whatever he did and he said, "You shouldn't have asked that." I really didn't know what was going on at that point.

We headed down a corridor. I saw some tables with a few couples eating dinner. We came to a room and the bouncer said, "We've transported your team, they are inside. Just wait until someone comes to get you." I went inside and found four of my old buddies from work. They seemed kind of confused what they where doing there. After a little conversation we established that most of us had just gone to sleep and had been ripped from our respective dreams.

A door in the back opened and out came this crazy looking ape man in a robot suit! He was followed by four more ape men who began beating their chests at us. Someone finally came and explained that the game was about to begin. We were led out into a huge arena with thousands of people cheering. It seemed we were expected to play basketball against the five ape men! I just went with it and led my team unto the court. The game started and we were off all of us getting into the spirit of the game.

The ape men were really good basketball players and embarrassed our team to the laughter of the crowd. I felt a little embarrassed and chagrined as they played circles around us. I think I got the ball only once and scored only one time before I woke up back to my bean bag in bewilderment. Strange huh? Those ape men were really freaky! lol
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


I had a very strange one last night. It was kind of scary but ultimately inspiring for me.

I became lucid in a green green forest. I was traipsing through the chaparral looking for my exgirlfriend's house.  I had this sense of urgency like something was wrong and I just had to see her. Somehow I knew that her house was somewhere in these woods. The color green was very vivid everywhere.

After searching and searching I saw something in the woods. It was a quaint little trailer like a mobile home or RV. It was really cute and above the door were the numbers 11111. But something was the matter... that sense of something being wrong came to the forefront. As I inspected the cute trailer I saw that the door was hanging off it's hinges. And then I could see the footprints. They looked like lizard footprint all around the little vehicle. I steeled myself and approached. I opened the door and went in!

Inside it was a big mess. Things had been thrown about and shattered objects littered the floor. In one corner was this person that looked like some sort of demon. He had a black hat on and this devilish grin. And he was dirty with half rotten skin. But there was no sign of my girlfriend. The demon started laughing and laughing. I yelled at it to get out and it turned into a dark mist that sped out the door.

I went outside and found this thin white thread that was tied to the trailer. I followed it a short distance into the forest and found the other end tied to a stick. I knew instinctively that my girlfriend's soul was buried under there and I had to deliver it safely back to her. I dug and found it. It was a collection of three small objects. One object was a very green marble with all kinds of kaleidoscope patterns. Another one was a shiny silver knob of a branch where three twigs came together. And the last object was the most delicate butterfly wing all done in pink. I pocketed the objects and went to find my girlfriend.

She was at this school taking a class. It was like a giant treehouse with desks inside. I stormed in yelling her name but couldn't find her. Then I heard her sweet voice, "Here I am!" I have never been so glad to find anyone. I knew then that she was going to be alright.

I explained to her what I had found lurking at her house and how I had banished the demon. I took out a bag and laid out some treasures and gifts from me I had found at her place. Then I told her I had found her soul and that it was safe. I took out the small bag with her soul in it and gave it to her.

And that's when I woke up really suddenly! It was the middle of the night and my neighbors dog was going crazy! Bark bark bark! Howl howl howl! I got up and grabbed my flashlight and looked out the porch door windows. For some reason the dog was going nuts. I saw my neighbor come out and look around the yard for a prowler. Eventually the dog calmed down and I got back in bed and fell back asleep. I still have no idea why the dog started barking but it felt like an omen that it chose that particular instant.

What a strange night!!  :-o
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


You got a lot to unpackage here. I feel this one disturbs you on a level you don't usually get.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Yeah, sometimes I find myself missing her a lot. Plus I heard she's going into rehab for alcohol problems. I sure hope she's alright... :|
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."