Try This Trance Method

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Dissolved oxygen in the blood stays at the high ninety percent saturation. Carbon dioxide is another matter. Hyperventilating causes the dissolved carbon dioxide to drop.


So , you guys saying that not breathing for 30 – 40 seconds is very dangerous  ! . I believe in my body and I know that my body telling me that drinking/smoking/drugs...and so on are hard for him to keep up with. But from my experience I feel this method is comforting to me to my brain. my body is telling me it's quite normal to him.

And for Avix  you said that "Also, on the spiritual side of things, if you achieve something quickly and easy then is it worth anything at all? ". I achieved many OBE(s) before from a full wake state in less than 5 minutes. And it was worth it –I got OBE!.  And most people here started to develop there spiritual live in order to "fly".

So wish you all good luck .

Alaa Murad


30 seconds of suspending the breathing is not much. The ratio 1:4:2 (in, hold, out) is used in yoga and extended well beyond 8:32:16. The entire point of many pranayama exercises is the period of holding the breath. They don't advise rushing it, but then, only holding the breath 30 seconds is for beginners. That would be me.



And for Avix  you said that "Also, on the spiritual side of things, if you achieve something quickly and easy then is it worth anything at all? ". I achieved many OBE(s) before from a full wake state in less than 5 minutes. And it was worth it –I got OBE!.  And most people here started to develop there spiritual live in order to "fly".

That original question was pertaining to "Making yourself pass-out to achieve OBE" but you explained that is not the case so that question would not be valid (my sincerest apologies for misunderstanding).  The passing-out concept seemed a bit like taking mind altering drugs to achieve a trance state of the mind....both a shortcut/hacked way of focusing the mind which could cause unexpected results later in life.  

For your breathing technique, I'll have to give it a shot.  If it works it works, glad it does for you.  Best wishes.



Well, I claimed I wasn't going to go there again, but I guess I will try what AstralPulse wrote in the 5 step (with repeat) suggestion. I know that breath concentration in and of itself is a technique, and his steps may actually be a form of visualization combined with breath concentration. It may help me achieve the mind awake/body asleep condition.

... but if it makes me pass out, I'm gonna say "durn" and "dadgum" and all sorts of nasty things, and not admit that I did it wrong.


Originally posted by dward:
... but if it makes me pass out, I'm gonna say "durn" and "dadgum" and all sorts of nasty things, and not admit that I did it wrong.

Hahaha.  I won't admit it either :)


Since this is the OBE section I have to throw this comment out . . . have any of you successfully OBEd using any of these methods?  Or are you just looking for altered states?

I use breath work to "slow myself down" into a trance state, and my body does it quite naturally . . . no effort involved.  But I would never in a million years attribute my OBEs to over- or under-oxygenation.  From what I know about the mechanics (?) of the OBE, doing extreme things to one's body just isn't a part of the OBE experience.  If anything, OBE requires that you be MORE GENTLE to your body than you are probably accustomed to in your day-to-day.

So if you are looking for OBE, it's time to back up and check down another path.


"As Above, So Below"


Well , I guess I found an interesting way of getting to the trance state quickly ..

The key in my method is breathing ...

**This method will get you to the trance state not OBE **

Hi guys. I want to set something clear. this method is breath control and not a pass-out method. here is the method is some diffrent way :

1-start to relax your mussels ( use what ever method you like) .

2-take 10 long breaths.

3-take a long breath for about 3-4 second.THEN HOLD IT FOR ABOUT 30 seconds

4- Exhales and start to breath normally for 1 minuts and feel your body.

5-repeat step 3 for about 3-6 times to get to the sleeping-paralyze state
(But this time hold the breath for only 10-15 second )


I hope this is more detailed one . wish you all good luck.

Yours ,
Alaa Murad