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"The bright white dots I've seen before, but the pressure and the crackling sound is new. I've had a discussion about this before on the forum some time ago and came away with the ideas that the dots may be part of my aura, may be a sign of a spirit entity, may be air sylphs, may be prana..."

I see these dots when I look at the sky, and also when I'm waiting in line at the bank. I see them directly, not peripherally. They seem to be almost evenly distributed, except that they cluster around people (I think). Their movement patterns are fast and random and seem sort of like those little micro-organisms seen under a microscope. What are these dots? Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't sylphs air elementals? Wouldn't this make them astral beings which would be much harder to see than the dots are? Does prana really cluster into dots? I must have missed this discussion on the other message board. Could someone please go into more detail about these dots?



I've had the crackling sound a few times, or at least something close to it. It happens when I relax fully and then sort of pull energy up the back of my head (not really like pulling it up my spine and then the back of my head, just from nowhere going to up the back of my head). I hear this zappy, crackly sound along with getting a bunch of strobes. Maybe the two experience are related, who knows?  Ben


The back of my head crackles (audibly) too when I do energy work. Is this what you mean? I'm reasonably sure it's my neck doing something purely physical, but it does seem to only happen when I do energy work.



Hi Malcom, Ben, and Mark ;)

The dots are different than those air sylphs (don't know what they are but I see them too) or micro-organisms (which really are swimming around in our eyes - also see those - the older I get the more there are), these things I'm trying to describe are bigger and brighter and they're just light, no apparent "cell" structure look to them, they don't clump in chains... they aren't like tv snow, they appear and dissapate almost like fireflies or maybe fireworks.

The crackling sound thing - I'm not sure what I mean, it wasn't "in" any body part (I think).  Though its actually nice to know other people have experienced something like it in connection with energy work...

Thanks for responding guys,



Hi Kristen

Are the dots you see like tiny pin-points of light? I see them often too, usually on waking, but at anytime. They seem to group together and sparkle, rather than 'swim' like the fish/sperm looking ones.

They are usually in the peripheral vision, and seem to move upward, like up a wall or something. It tends to be a gold-ish colour?

I've never experienced a crakling sound with them before. It seems your sense of hearing is becoming activated in the astral, and you are sensing them with these two senses.

I have been told that these are photons due to increased photonic activity in our atmosphere due to a photon belt that we are enering. I can't confirm or deny this!?

Have you ever seen the flim Matrix? It reminds me of seeing past the relative interpretation, to the objective. IE. Instead of being immersed in a holographic image, we seem to be able to penetrate and see the light it is composed of.

The best to you


Hi Paul,

I love the Matrix -

The lights I'm seeing are white and they don't really move up, they move in arcs and then dissipate (?)  

Interesting thought re seeing beyond the relative interpretation...
If that's what it is I want to see more

Take care,



Hi guys- I'm not sure if I'm talking about the same thing that you are, since I don't know what air sylpyhs or prana are. But many times, especially during twilight or in low-light situations I can "see air". It's like if I concentrate and focus enough at the wall or the ceiling, I can see the movement of the air/energy? I'm not sure what it is. Also, sometimes when first in the shower in the morning, after washing my face I see "sparks" in my periferal shooting around, which are totally different from the "seeing air". I think that this however may be a reaction to rubbing my eyes intensely.

"Look within, thou art the Budda"


When I'm looking for a good spot to practice seeing color auras, I look for walls that "shimmer" on which I tape my colored construction paper.


Edited by - kifyre on 20 February 2002  23:25:27


I don't know about seeing halos of dots inside, but for the ones you see outside in the sky, see this thread:

Cheers!" border=0>


I know exactly what you mean.  Its been a while but Ive seen the same thing several times.

Kind of off topic, but I think its very interesting.....
As far as that sound is concerned.  Users of the Drug DMT (which by the way produces effects that are pretty much like an astral projection on acid nearly 9 out of 10 times)  often report two things that always happen exactly the same.
When you first exit you hear a loud crackling noise, much like that of crunching cellophane, also they often report that when they re-enter their body they see patterns that form an unfolding crysanthemum.  I just thought it was really interesting stuff, and kind of reminded me of the noise you heard.

I seriously think everyone should read peoples first hand experiences with dmt at because I find that some of them sound like really increadible astral projections.  But I mean whos to say your not hallucinating it all...but still =)  Its definately a lot more fun than reading any fiction.

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I dont know  what it is that you have experienced, but Im not sure if it would be the begining of auric sight. From what I have read by Robert and other authors auric sight normally begins with seeing a thin pale band about 2cm or so wide around objects, and as your ability grows you begin to see more layers and then colour. My personal experience has gone exactly like this.

The funny thing is that as I have developed my auric sight I have began to see all sorts of strange visual things like those detailed by yourself and others. It would seem that seeing these things comes with energy work, but auric sight does not necisarily always develope with it.

My advice is that you go to Roberts section on developing skills on the main Astral Dynamics page and start the aura exercisers there, I imagine you would pick it up very quickly!

best regards

Veni Vidi Vici


Hi All -

Its been a while since I looked at this thread - sorry if it seems I've been ignoring folks who responded to my question...

To Grenade - your post is pretty interesting.... I'm not into DMT - I don't get into anything harder than beer *hic*...  but I definitely heard crackling - it was not just auditory - it was a physical sensation too - sort of fizzy in a way.  And, I've got no physical or neurological issues.  It was so weird and sudden - something I don't wish to talk about with mainstream folks.  I've got no history of any disorder that would point to such an episode - and its not been repeated since.  I'm so intregued though by the thought that for some, the subjective experience of states of altered consciousness are being similarly described as containing something I experienced while completely unaltered....  thanks for your reply.

Hi Fenris -

Since I've started paying attention, I've been seeing narrow bands of light and color auras, as well as mixed colors sort of coming off me like mute flames - green blue and yellow in a sort of suppressed but moving psychedelic mix?  Also, without straining I periodically see "fireworks" in my peripheral vision... now and then, off and on, there are flarings of "fireflies."  I wonder if this is a scientifically explainable phenomenon or not...  but that acute episode was really intense, and out of "character...."  

Recently, I've been experiencing a deficit of "wierd" input much to my disappointment....   no visions, no oobies, no lucid dreams, no sparks... *sigh*  I don't want the magic to stay away for much longer....


Kristen: I wasn't implying in any way that you were into DMT. Heheh Sorry.  I just meant users of this drug often experience effects similar both to what you experienced, and what many other clairvoyants seem to experience along with things such as auric sight and astral sight.  I just thought it was an interesting connection, and that reading about the experiences people have had with this drug are also very interesting because it nearly always produces OBE as well as many other effects that are completely Unique and common only to that drug.
Sorry about that =)

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HI there Kristen

Do you see these things only around yourself?

Dont worry everyone has on and off periods when they are developing, and some days when you can see them without trying you dont even notice them. Please dont mistake me for a guru though, I see the ethric and some outer layers with ease but rairly in colour, Im hoping my increases work with NEW will help.  

Regards David

Veni Vidi Vici


regarding the bright white dots that kristen is talking about: i think they are neutrinos; particles of light. when you stare at the sky or something white and slightly unfocus your eyes, they are easiest to see. and if you unfocus your eyes a bit more while focusing on seeing (if this makes sense), you should begin to see "dark blobs" about the size of a penny or dime.

since everything i have tried in order to manipulate the light has failed (mentally, spiritually, physically, energetically) i am inclined to believe they are neutrinos, and that the dark things are the area in the space around us that don't have light in them. after all, a single sun can't fill the entire atmosphere with light; there have to be SOME areas, however minute, that are devoid of light.

bhikku: yeah, when you rub your eyes the wrong way, or too hard, you damage them slightly. the sparks you are talking about are your eyes' healing themselves. at least, that is what it is when it happens to me. if the sparks are accompanied by a slight/brief pain in your eyes/brain, then you can pretty much be sure that that is what is going on.

the best way to figure out the truth is through scientific experimentation and knowledge. so do some experimenting and tell us what happens :)


Secret of Secrets


Hi Grenade -

Don't worry so much about offending me - I'm not made out of sugar  *grin*

Hi Fenris -

Yup, I just see fireflies around myself only - around others I only see color auras.... ie the inverse of the colors that are there - which makes me think that what I'm experiencing is optical - yet.... I don't know.

BTW - did you make your avatar with Yantrum?


oh, my bad. it could also be something else. after going over your description again i realised it could be your optical nerves going overload on you and giving your brain the idea that you are seeing spots, hence making your mind put spots in your vision. this one is explained through medical sciences while the other one (neutrinos) is explained through physics science. maybe this is what you are talking about?

Secret of Secrets


Hi All,

Recently I had a weird experience that I'm not sure how to describe...

I was at work, standing talking on the phone when I felt a wave of pressure, heard crackling - like crunching cellophane - and saw a halo of bright white zinging dots form around me...  I was surrounded by them - I can feel and hear and see "it" - it lasted for a few seconds then went away.

The bright white dots I've seen before, but the pressure and the crackling sound is new.  I've had a discussion about this before on the forum some time ago and came away with the ideas that the dots may be part of my aura, may be a sign of a spirit entity, may be air sylphs, may be prana...

For quite some time now I've been seeing the zinging light dots here and there in my periphery every so often, but with no accompanying sensation or sound.  This was an intense concentrated event.... an acute manifestation of a crackling pressure field of white zinging dots... while fully awake, and I wasn't seeing it in periphery (?)

What thoughts does anyone have for me?

And another thing...  increasingly I've been experiencing what feels like oscillating - not having meditated or having done any energy work, but just being wide awake working on the computer or something and I start to feel oscillations - my body moves with it... my husband commented on it too... he said - you feel like you're vibrating - now, is this possibly kiras?  Or what?

Again, any thoughts would be appreciated!


Edited by - Kristen on 16 February 2002  18:43:20