Pixels and 2-D images in the Astral Plane

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Hi All,

Just curious if anybody has seen objects in the astral plane
that are either have a 2-dimensional feel to them and/or they
look like they're made up of a lattice of pixels when you look close up:?:

I see stuff like this from time to time. One theory I have is
that I am looking at somebody else's 2-D thought form. Another,
is that it's my imagination... from playing too much of
those old first-person shooter video games like Doom :evil: .



Yes, I used to see this kind of thing quite regular. Used to see it more when I was using the technique of projecting from a lucid dream. As the dreamscape was falling away it would often look like some mid-nineties computer game when the 3D-fx games were in their infancy.

At the base-level Astral a lot of what you see can come across as 2D. For example, at the Focus 12 state (in Monroe terms) it is common to see all kinds of 2D shapes pitched against a kind of flat blackness. As you progress, the blackness takes on a 3D effect, i.e. it gains depth. This occurs at the Focus 21 state (again, in Monroe terms).

The higher up the scale you go the more stable everything becomes. At the Focus 27 state, the energy of the plane has a much finer and far more cohesive quality and is exclusively 3D.



It may sound weird at first but regular dreams are not infinite. They are surrounded by wall like structures. At the border of a given dream, just before you pass into another dream some elements become repetitive and others break down into pixellised polygons, exactly like Frank said.

Generally, when I fly in a lucid dream as far as I can eventually I'll be forced to land by the emerging landscape. It is like coming out from the center of an enormous soup bowl where my dream house is standing. By the inevitable pinching down of the original dream space eventually I arrive a wall that seem unavoidable but somehow shaky. Often times I see patrol like activity inside these walls.

When I woke up in a dream city and try to find my way out the suburban region would gradually turn into a maintainer tunnel system I can't sidestep. These are not regular lucid dreams though. In order to wake myself up first I need to go through an authorization or goal defining procedure. Like a traveling office or something. I came to a conclusion that dreams are finite spaces surrounded by membrane like structures, like bubbles.

I think our self is an empire made by other beings. Various tissues and organs of the body, cognitive objects, ideas and plans of the mind - all could be subject of dreams. They manifest as dream kingdoms, cities, personal landscapes and houses. Actually they are various sub-systems of the self. I think, the tunnel-wall type structure is one of this systems.

A lower level astral projection can easily turn into such dreams. They seem to take place in the depths of our selves where outside meet inside and astral projections leads into complete words that maintained by our existence. These internal projections are real in the terms of possible healing effect. However although they are internal projections they suffer from so much interpretation that they are can't be described otherwise than symbolic dreams.


Thanks for your replies.

I'm glad to see that others have had similar experiences. I do 90% of my projections/OBE's starting from the lucid dream state. I also spend lots of time in the lower levels. So that's consistent with what you two are saying.
I agree that dreams are like thought bubbles.

One time that I saw flat pixellized image was when I was doing a retrieval of a young man. There was these 2-D images of women floating around. I have surmised that I was looking at this man's projected 2-D thought forms from a different perspective such that I could see the flatness of the image. It was like I was inside his dream.

Another example was a few nights back. I felt like I was in F27. I was visiting an astral family (that's a whole different topic area). Everything was in 3-D. Then, I walked outside and the yards were mainly in 2-D. I know that one can project thought forms in the astral to create buildings and landscapes. So I suspect someone or some people thought up simpler 2-D yards as decorations for their more complext 3-D houses.

Let me just throw the following out there, since its somewhat related. Have you encountered TV's and radio's in astral realms? From my experience, some astral inhabitants enjoy these amenities. It was suggested to me in my most recent F27 visit , that they can pick up broadcast but not cable.  It almost feels like some types of astral technology are a few years behind the physical. Any thoughts?



Ah, now your original post makes a little more sense. I spent about a year doing retrieval work and would often see events from the perspective of the injured party. These events would now and again be perceived as 2D.

The physical realm is an end result. There is nothing we have Here that isn't already There. TV and radio broadcasts are very common. I remember posting on this a while back. People who live in the Exchange Territories (Monroe Focus 27) generally enjoy very much the same things as they did while physical "dead and proud of it" as I call the residents there.

I'm not sure what you mean by not having Cable. There is no need for cables within the Exchange Territories. Many residents do, however, create an image of a physical realm television or radio-receiver just for effect. Some even go so far as to put an antenna on the roof! But you tune into these "services" simply by attuning your mind.

All manner of music is available. I went through a phase where I'd spend my projection time just floating in the 3D blackness at Focus 21. I'd think of a favourite piece of classical music and up it would come. The music causes a sensation far more intense than the physical; in that you not only hear it but it envelops you to the extent where you feel it too.




Thanks again for the affirmation.

What I meant by cable was that they can pick up channels that are broadcast but not ones that are only transmitted through cable on Earth.
That seems like a limiting concept, since every thing ever created should be available through the proper attunement.

I haven't tried the "thinking of a song" before (great idea). I have heard songs, especially ones that I had "created" in a rudimentary fashion in the physical.  Then in dreams or in the astral, the song sounds professionally produced and all the accompaniments have been added.
I also sing from time to time in the astral (usually as part of a retrieval). It's as though I took many voice lessons and a nice all-encompassing reverb (concert hall effect) is added.

 Since you seem like an experienced explorer. I have one question for you which I referred to in my previous post. Have you seen people group together in families in the astral? If so, what does a family mean? Is it a facsimile of a previous life family or is a representation of a soul group or both? As I mentioned, I recently visited an astral family and was quite surprised to see a family unit.



Mike: Everything we materialise within the physical is already within the non-physical. Every TV program, every song, every piece of music, every radio broadcast, in fact everything and anything any of us (in whatever physical era) have either invented, are currently inventing, or ever will invent, is already present within the non-physical.

In the past, people have represented this phenomenon in various ways. Perhaps the most common being the notion of Akashic Records. In turn, people have naturally allied this idea to the physical representation of what we call a library. But, as is normal, people's knowledge and thinking moves on, to the extent where the old notions are being dropped in favour of a greater understanding of the reality. Like you say, anything and everything is possible via the correct attunement. Which is one of those things that is easier said than done, but far easier to do while non-physical. Well, that's my experience.

Within the Exchange Territories (Monroe's old Focus 27) people live very much like they did while physical. As such, they have friends, family and so forth. In my experience people form family groups based on many factors. Such as, like you say, could be members of a physical-life family, or whatever. People choose to incarnate together, for example, and afterwards they might have a chuckle about their adventures, and all that kind of thing. There's a myriad of reasons.




Quote from: FrankThe physical realm is an end result. There is nothing we have Here that isn't already There.

Frank - Obviously, I'm familiar with this idea, but do you think the physical realm is simply an end result? I know it's a smaller part of the big picture than it's traditionally thought of, but don't you think there are experiences in this realm that are unique to it? And therefore maybe there are lessons which can only be learned in the physical? For example, physical energy consumption and removal of excess energy (digestion and uh, yeah) seem similar and yet vastly different from the same nonphysical processes.

The nonphysical realms seem to have so many more possibilities than the physical one. So why do many people refute the existence of them? Why is the nonphysical so hard for most of us to integrate with our physical existence?
P.S. This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated.


Since astral is all thought, anything and everything that ever exsisted in the physical already exsists there because all creation starts with a thought.


My point wasn't that there'd be things here that aren't reflected there. But perhaps there's something ABOUT the things here that can't be experienced with their reflections there.

I might add that I think these "here" and "there" might actually be the same place. Here is there, maybe. If anything is possible there, than isn't here just the part to which this "physical universe's" laws apply?
P.S. This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated.


because all creation starts with a thought
There are much more reasons a tought is created.That's all good.
But how can be a tought being capable of creating something out of body ?Is that out of body or do we use kind of a telepathy link?Does this tought needs really sources like this unlimited of akashic records or can this tought create out of void?
Are toughts created on astral just the same as on physical or do we just take them as the same?Do akashic records have unlimited influence on our toughts and do we only need to tune into 'services'?



I'm sorry for the delay in responding to your question on the previous page but I overlooked it for some reason. I've been a bit busy lately writing my up and coming book and it escaped my notice.

When I say the physical realm is an end result, I don't want anyone thinking I'm saying that to downgrade its purpose - as if the physical is some kind of dead-end in the sense of being in a dead-end job. All I mean to say is there is nothing beyond the physical realm.

When people have found themselves in an RTZ projection in the past, they have thought they had taken a step "outside" of themselves; in the sense of taking a step beyond the physical. When in fact what they did was take a step back. But when I say a step back they are still within the physical, it's just that physical reality is much wider than most conventional physicists realise.

Every manifestation of consciousness within the physical is a reflection of a known reality. But you are entirely correct in thinking there may be something about the things here that cannot be experienced there. What can be experienced here that cannot be experienced there, is: objectivity.

The notion of objectivity is very important for us to learn. It is here within the physical realm that we learn the art of creative responsibility. This can only be taught by example and it can only properly be performed within a physical-matter, i.e. objective, reality.

Regarding your other point, here and there are not the same place. But they are not as "apart" as generally thought of either. They are different mental focuses. Monroe was something of a pioneer in this although I have subsequently redeveloped his original "focus level" concept, which was brilliant in its day I'll grant him that. While everyone else was cuckooing the old-age astral planes and different "body" paradigms, he went out on his own and discovered there were no astral planes at all where people "travel" to: but different areas of consciousness or mental focus levels. Shame he didn't latch on to the truth regarding the artificial nature of all the different "bodies".

Once you cast off the chains of Dark-Age doom and gloom that forever appears to haunt this topic, it becomes quite simple to understand.  

Consciousness is multi-faceted. The physical realm is merely one facet of consciousness. Here and there are not the same place, but don't take that to mean they are separate in that one facet is here, and another facet is over there somewhere. There is no separation in consciousness; there are no boundaries or barriers. What changes is your perception. Or, to put it another way, you switch your focus of attention.

In the past, people developed the belief construct of "astral travel". They would perceive themselves to be at one non-physical place, and they would "travel" to another place, and then another place, etc. So they built up this idea of astral realms where you could travel from one place to another. Early mystics even composed all kinds of maps listing areas they would call astral planes, and such like. Many people still believe this notion today.

What the early pioneers of this art failed to realise is, you are not travelling anywhere. You are merely shifting your focus, or changing your perception. This is essentially what Monroe hit upon. But even he didn't realise the full truth of what he had discovered (or maybe he did and chose not to make it public).

The big mistake those early pioneers made was (and I readily forgive them for it because they were early pioneers after all) they thought consciousness occupied space. Consciousness occupies no space whatsoever. You cannot "travel" within non-physical realms. Though many times in my posts I will use the old terminology because that's how people understand it to be, and people would hardly have any idea of what I was going on about, which would be no use to them at all. But, ultimately, you cannot "travel" anywhere within the non-physical because there is no space to travel through. Consciousness occupies no space.  

Think of it like many TV channels being broadcast down the same cable at the same time. Using a broadcast tuner, you can switch to the precise channel you want to view. Think of the mind as being like that tuner. Only instead of switching a dial, you switch your perception. As your perception changes, your environment changes. People having no experience of the non-physical have their tuner stuck on the Physical channel!

The reasons people find it so difficult are many and varied.

Perhaps the main reason, as I touched on above, is due to their belief that there are divisions between consciousness. They think there are "barriers" that must be overcome by initiating some kind of "process" such as a projection technique. Many make the other primary mistake of thinking going-within is a process some "expert" has to invent a "product" they need to buy so "it" can do the work for them.

As people mature, they take on the influences of mass belief systems and lose their connection with their other focuses. People fail to realise also how they create their own reality. As I always say, we are what we consider ourselves to be, so it makes sense to be someone you find desirable! There are no barriers to growth and progress except those you erect yourself.

We are not puppets!

Every one of us is in the process of creating our own reality. To the extent where, if our physical life were a movie, each of us would be a sole director. But rather than directing responsibly and objectively, and creating all manner of worthwhile benefits both for themselves, and for others, millions of people just get tangled in the web of their own drama. Trapped in an infinite maze of events, with no way of knowing which way is out. Unfortunately for these people, the Universal Laws of creation are founded on the concept of free will. So you are allowed to ruin yourself by taking a fragmented, torturous approach if you absolutely insist on it.

Many people on this forum have "taken on the challenge" of exploring non-physical realms. But they take on that challenge with their existing (limited) sense of consciousness. First, they must remove the limitations within their sense of thinking, because in reality there are no limitations. Any limitations a person might create for himself or herself are merely choices for their experience. Once all self-limiting beliefs are throughly eliminated, a person can simply become aware of what they do naturally. Which the previous limitations were preventing them from perceiving.

If people are having difficulties, they should ask themselves why they are placing barriers against their progress through faulty thinking.

We experience Out of Body states CONTINUOUSLY. Problem is people fail to TRUST themselves and ACCEPT the true nature of our reality. In reality, there is no method! If there is one thing my 20-odd years of experience has taught me is that methods and techniques just get in the way. That's what I say to people in my book: just mentally bin the lot.

The only true method is to realise there is no method. There is only trust of self and acceptance. The biggest all time spokes that anyone can put in his or her non-physical works is: FEAR and DOUBT. The good news is, fear and doubt cannot exist in a mental environment of trust and acceptance.

And there are all manner of other mistakes people make too. I should know, I've made most of them myself. :)



I have got  opposite reflections on "Like attracts like" -LAW.
It is not a LAW which says it should be *absolute* in its process.It is more a predefinition of conscious minds to meet somewhere and talk about a similar reality.

Another reflection is that on astral realms if i want to hold on hard focus for to long, my consciousness/ whatever...switches/shifts to another focus.It is not that true that MY consciusness is a tuner.