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Is the Gateway program intrusive?

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On the subject of crystals...clear quartz crystal to be specific...may I share an interesting story? in the early eighties I was involved in two "businesses" (we had a shopfront, did markets and conducted workshops in Aboriginal Spirituality (with the aid of a wonderful Aboriginal elder now deceased...burnum Burnum) of the business was called THE CRYSTAL PYRAMID and dealt only with crystals and their inherent/ancient healing properties and THE MISTS OF AVALON dealing with crystals, Aboriginal spiritualit, the Druid/Celtic Way and Ancient Egyptian Spirituality.(I won't go further into to this now).
 Anyway,Prince Charles and Princess Diana were due to visit the Sydney Opera House for a Wool Fashion Show. At the time, my son, who is an actor, was starring in a Sydney Theatre Production at the Opera House and a close  friend of his...a girl who worked as a "dresser" to the actors...was booked to be employed as a "dresser" to the models in the upcoming Woollen Fashion Show.
 She asked me to give her a clear quartz crystal to take to the night of this nationally televised show. This I did. She explained that she knew Prince Charles and Princess Diana would be doing a "walk through" after the show to meet the models, designers etc. She had heard that Prince Charles was very "alternative" and she wanted to try to give him a clear quartz crystal programmmed for Peace...based on the belief that the clear quartz crystal was like a computer and able to accept, hold  and transmit "programmes". Together, we programmed this crystal for "world peace" and she stuffed it into her pocket. When the (televised) walk through by Prince Charles and Princess Diana occurred, my friend pushed her way through the models and designers at the barricade and held the crystal out to Prince Charles. He looked at her and said, "What is this?" She barely had time to reply, "It's a clear quartz's programmed for Peace", when he was swept forward.
  The point of sharing this story is this.....he looked at it, accepted it, and placed it into his pocket.
  He may or may not have believed in the power of crystal to store/sustain/amplify/transmit energy. But he did accept it.
 He turned away from my young friend, rubbing it against his suit, before popping it into his pocket. If crystal can indeed amplify and transmit energy, I wonder where this tiny computer, programmed to promote World peace, lies now ?   Just a thought...............


Greg 11.11

Hi all,

This is my debut post to the Astral Pulse forum. I visited the site often for a few months then decided to join today...

I know the string has ventured off from Sasser's original concern regarding the Monroe Institute, but I wanted to humbly offer my direct experience with TMI and the folks involved.

I heartily concur with Jo & RickD. Everyone there was down-to-earth, open, honest, and quite encouraging to each one of us, allowing us to discover for ourselves what we each wanted/needed to discover. Personally, I had a most transformative week at the Institute, to say the least, experiencing things beyond my expectations (which I had lowered prior to arrival, so as not to put any performance pressure on myself!). Also refreshing is that there is an obvious effort (by Bob's family and the others involved) to prevent a "cult of personality" from developing around "Bob Monroe" and his's all humbly but enthusiastically presented, and each of the 20 of us was given the sacred space necessary to just a conspiracy theory really seems ridiculous when you know the people to whom it's referring to!

Joe McMoneagle is a great guy too, I met him up at his house when I visited his wife Scooter for her read on my astrology chart...

Yeah, that big crystal is something to behold, it's out in the middle of a big field that is the main building's back yard (sorta). One night with a full moon, I sat myself up against it for some time; real nice! When the moon was trying to shine its way through it, it seemed to glow...

I bought RB's Astral Dynamics fairly soon after my Gateway program had ended---what an awesome work! I quickly caught on to his NEW approach, as that energy raising had become a staple for me since encountering a related approach on the Monroe tapes and at the TMI program...I think both are extremely effective, and I have had some creative fun with combining bits from both during my nightly meditations...

Warm regards to all,


G,day Greg & welcome!Good to see another TMI graduate in here.
While I have not been there myself I have the gateway home series as
well as a couple of others as well now.I dont have a problem with
their books & tapes, works well for me & I experienced much the
same with Astral Dynamics,it gave me some options,some different
directions to go in or utilise if I wished.
I,ve read quite a bit about Joe McMoneagle,sounds like a nice guy &
would love to meet the big fella too.

To you guys who have been there,is it the monroe institute itself at
Virginia,blue ridge mountains that has the big crystal? & do the
other branches/institutes under monroe have a big crystal as well?
I,ve seen it mentioned before but forgot,exactly what type of
crystal is it?Quartz?
There is a place I go to here in Australia every couple of months
called the "Crystal Castle" just south of the N.S.W/Q.L.D border.
It seems to be located on a bit of a geomagnetic hotspot as well &
they have giant crystals everywhere.As you walk in the front,there
is a circular pool with a rose quartz crystal about 2ft by 1ft in
the centre.As you walk into the building there is a shrine of crystals
& one chunk of rose quartz is like a small chair or boulder.
I love the energy of the place & when I,m there,I dream that I,m at
TMI or that they have a similar workshop there,maybe one day.
There is not a place of high energy near me except for the "Crystal
Castle" (2hrs) "Tambourine mountain" (45mins)  "O'Reileys" (2hrs)&
the sea (30 mins).
I used to live in Katoomba,the blue mountains,N.S.W for 10 years &
I,m sure part of my soul is still there as I go back every year or
2 to energize.The whole place of Katoomba is a spiritual hot spot &
many religous schools,cults & secret societies were well established there.Its the place where it all really took off for me & gained
much spiritual growth while living there.
I plan to at least see TMI one day if not participate,but I,ve got
a lot of other places to go 1st,so its always in the back of my mind.

All the best on your journeys



Hi Mobius, happy Easter ! You live in a beautiful part of the world. It's been a long time since I've visited the Crystal Castle. An amazing place, isn't it? I know what you mean about Katoomba.You wouldn't be too far from Mount Warning, would you? Another powerful energy site. Re the Monroe Institute.I've just visited there and done courses but I'll try to answer your questions. There is actually only one Monroe Institute and that's in the Blue Ridge Mountains.Those  who have undergone training have set up off-shoot "schools"/training courses all over the world, but there's only the one "Institute" per se.The atmosphere of the place is incredible. It's like being enclosed inside a space ship (energy-wise), away from the rest of the world. You hand your watches in on arrival, and there are no newspapers, radio or are also encouraged not to make phone calls to the outside world.You'd love it.



They hand your watches back at the end of the course.It's great to spend a week in the No Time Zone.


Greg 11.11

Thanks (for the welcome) Mobius! Tagging onto something both you & Jo touched on, does anyone have any thoughts on what would make a place like Crystal Castle so spiritually energized? Do you think the geology determines that, the geographical location, or might it be from the energy spirit-minded folks like us project to/connect with the place?

Like Jo said, at TMI the energy is soooo positive and pervasive, it really makes it possible for great experiences to unfold. Even for guys & gals coming from rat-race 3-D lifestyles (uhhh, like me here in Los Angeles), the energy instantly begins to shift one's awareness, one's priorities, and one's intent. My thought about TMI is that so many people have gone there and focused (pardon the pun---unintentional) that the place seems to have stored this great wealth of positive vibrations: countless journeys to other realms, meetings with Guidance, etc.

Similarly, many other places around the world seem to also have this sort of "vortex" quality to them (not that I know what a vortex is exactly, but sort of an energy portal), so that us spirit-warriors can tap into...your thoughts?

I must figure a way to swing a visit to Crystal Castle, sounds wonderful! Thanks for turning me on to such a place.


PS. True that giant crystal was a gift from far away, but while on my many walks along the unpaved roads that are near TMI, I chanced to pick up several small crystals that I found mixed in with the ordinary rocks...


Hermits Unite


I,m really envious of your experiences there jo & Greg & at present can only dream about it.
On the subject of powerful energy sites,first of all Jo I,d forgotten
to mention mount warning,thankyou,I cant believe I forgot it as
my father lives about 10 kms from it & I have friends that live at the
base of it.Its the plug of an extinct volcano & the Crystal Castle is
on its southern most rim & many spiritual towns exist around the
volcanic region there,most notoriosly Nimbin (for its drug scene).
I have been reading about geomagnetic hotspots for a while now &
their relationship to psychic energy or just plain energy.
I,m not sure if the Monroe Inst is on one of these spots,I,d bet it
would be.
The power/energy seems to follow the earths magnetic field & the
north & south poles are the major ones,followed by certain areas on
the planet where these lines or grids of energy meet up,for
instance:Giza,Stonehenge,Teotihuacan,Maccha Pichu,Lk Titicaca,Chichen Itza,Montauk,Uluru,Pine Gap,Avebury,Angkor.These are all pretty biggies but there are lots of smaller ones as well like the Hawaian islands,Bermuda Triangle & the Coral Castle.
The ancients seemed fully versed as to how to access this energy
grid & I suspect a few individuals are privy to this information

I,m still putting together the pieces & it really intrigues me,but I,m
close I can feel it.

Good luck on your journeys



Mobius, I have sat and meditated inside the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid at midnight, inside some awesome crop circles in England and at the top of the Magician's Temple at Chichen Itza in the Yucatan jungle and can honestly say that I had moments at TMI that equalled these experiences of "transportation" into the past/parallel dimensions/outer space...whatever you want to call it...a feeling of being plucked out of the present and totally transported somewhere else just by simply "being there". Usually it happened lying inside one of the CHEC units but I went for a walk with a friend who lived on the mountain near the Institute,(at a time "between courses")  to the edge of one of the ridges (of the Blue Ridge mountains)and we did some ritual together and the place and energy  was as profound as anywhere I'd ever been. (Mind you, I was in the company of a pretty profound young person at the time...bless you Rita...)
 Mount Warning is very special though. It must be wonderful to live at the base of it.There is also an area outside of Sydney on the coastline, where there are tons of Aboriginal carvings and middens. You go through Coal and Candle Creek and there's a narrow walking trail through the bush that leads to this area. There's  a perfect, natural "circle" there...flat smooth rockface inside the circle and Aboriginal carvings in the rocks surrounding it.
 The Crystal Castle is outside Mullumbimby if my memory serves me correctly. In that area anyway.



Greg, if you can't swing a trip out to Australia to the area of Mount Warning and the Crystal Castle, an energy site to compare with in your country is Bell Rock outside of Sedona...and other incredible vortices there. Wow, that red rock countryside is breathtaking and has the same exciting, transformational "feel". The feeling of all those special energy sites remind me of portals to other worlds...interdimensional gateways...Hey, I'm raving on here...too many chocolate Easter eggs...have a happy holiday break !



Hi Justine,somehow I missed your post before,but anyway Jo is right
its in Mullumbimby,N.S.W.I cant remember the exact address but its
off the pacific highway about 20km.But I do have the phone number
Ph:(02) 6684 3111 Fax (02) 6684 1196.
You will definately love the place,soak it up & enjoy!
I had some Kirlian photographs done of me & my girlfriend last time
& stocked up on some nice crystals.

Jo, Chichen Itza & the Pyramids you have been to & TMI????Now your
rubbing it in,I was envious before but now.............
I,ve been planning a trip to Europe for some time & plan to either
go in August or if things change for me here it will be next August.
To visit family & friends & also to go to so many of these ancient
sites of power & history,cant wait.But I will get to the Americas
one day as there are so many there as well.

Anyway happy transformation/renewal of life day/Easter everyone.

Good journeys



Hermits Unite


Hey Greg! I just realized we have allready met on the vml topica site.
I might be wrong but I think I/we were talking about the bible &
the Laurence Gardiner article.
Anyway have a good Oester/Easter & thanks for your info & time.

Good journeys


Greg 11.11

Mobius---indeed I be the same as the Greg 11.11 on VML Topica...small world, eh? Relating to this, I feel very grateful that I can so easily converse with other explorers such as you & Jo, and you live thousands of miles away! It is very very encouraging for me, and I am also grateful to RB and those on the VML for creating sites where I can listen and share with kindred spirits...truly a blessing! (I don't have/know anyone in L.A. that has a similar passion for journeying into what increasingly seems like the "real" real world,  versus what seems to be going around me here in Tinseltown 3-D...this place has energy, but don't know if it's all that good!)

Jo, Sedona indeed! Have not visited there yet, but got close, having  spent many moons camping in Monument Valley, Utah---with most unusual experiences too! Unfortunately, I haven't been since I made most of my meditation/exploration breakthroughs and at the time, I got a little spooked. My girlfriend at the time was flat-out terrified...I think now I would interpret that energy and experience in a totally different (and positive) manner...what a difference an attitude/perspective change accomplishes, eh?

Thanks all for sharing your experiences---most inspiring!



Hey Greg! Yes small world,good to see.I love this site & have spent
alot more time here recently.I saw Pres Nevins in another post but
lost it,so if you read this Pres,g,day!I love the variation in ages,
tastes & topics in here.

Man who stand on toilet is high on pot

All the best on your journeys




I met a person that claims that the Gateway program contains intrusive sub liminal messages or identification marks that becomes embedded into the mind of the user. The purpouse of this is to be able to identificate and find users that, having learnt the technique of inducing OBE:s, themselves are intruders into US military  installations. So if a OBE-naut intrudes a top secret military base the user can be tracked down by standard remote viewing procedures, and then...?

This sounds like science fiction, doesn't it? Still my questions is serious. Not that I am interersted in US military bases, but I don't like beeing "marked" by the CIA, the agency that is said to be the main sponsor of the Monroe Institute (Gateway program).