Why, Can't I Project? - InvisibleLight Book Reference - For Beginner to Advance

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David Warner

AP Friends,

I have read and have had many discussions about the out-of-body experience and the public having difficulty to reproducing this event.  I thought it was time to bring to light and lift from the pages of my current book I am working on and share some insight.

Chapter 6. - Trial by Error

Why I am so successful at projecting is a mystery to me while other’s work equally hard? Is it really hard to pinpoint why I’m able to project weekly, maybe it’s because of passion, devotion, hard work and organization. It’s possible that when growing up I was diagnosed with being hyper active and having a learning disability. Could it have been my interest in the rock band Kiss, or having a imaginary companion dog named “Leroy Brown”. When I was five years old attending kindergarten school my teacher Mrs. Bailey noticed unusual behavior in me which lead my parents to have tests done on me. Hyperactive with a learning disability.

I started to think about this from many discussions and radio shows I have been interviewing with lately. "Why, Can't I Project"?

There are a lot of variables to consider:
Amount of Sleep
Tracking Statistics
Intent & Objective, Goal Setting
Passion, Patience, Perseverance
Communicating Daily
Research, Discussion, Learning
Trial by Error

You have to look at projecting as if you are training for the Olympics everyday and show up! There are no short-cuts, competition, or fast food  drive thru, or thinking that you will arrive at perfection.

I am not trying to boast, but I can pull a OBE out of the hat almost every week w/o fail. Project 5-10 times per month and have experiences thousands of OBEs. Does this make me any better than the next person “No” – just thanking God for giving me this gift and being able to share.

From 2005 - 2008, I gave my time to track statistically by creating a excel spreadsheet based on the following catagories. I wanted to complete this three year study so that I can compare the days,months,years for analasys. In my three year study of tracking and statistics, I have projected 400 times. That equates to 1-2 projections weekly.

Food & Sleep Statistics


What I found valuable to this research is food didn't matter if I projected or not. No starbucks frapacino or heinken beer made no difference in reaching enlightment, Well, maybe..:) Meats, veggies, fruit, different ethenic meals again had no effect on projecting.


This area of tracking is vital and has proven variable to success. Each sleep cycle I would track, researching if the amount of sleep mattered in achieving successful OBE. Yes, it does and here is the breakdown based on the hours of sleep needed the day before the OBE. As you see below, between 7hrs - 8hrs of sleep was recorded showing success rate at projecting. So now, I am able to see a better picture of the hours of sleep needed personally for me in yielding the OBE.

1 hour   0
2 hours   0
3 hours   1
4 hours   6
5 hours   7
6 hours   23
7 hours   50
8 hours   65
9 hours   27
10 hours   16
11 hours   3
12 hours   2

Projection Statistics

This is definitely the gold mine of tracking for determing the best days to project and times.

In this three year study 2005 - 2008, I have projected 352 times, broken down to four categories

Three Year Stats
Misc: 37
Dream to OBE: 128
False Awakening: 82
Conscious OBE: 156

I know now that my favorite technique in projecting is Conscious OBE or (Mind Awake, Body Asleep) method. Second, is Dream to OBE (Projecting from the dream into the OBE). False awakening (most FA's are from my return back from the Conscious OBE) and the fourth is Misc Experience (attempts within the dream in projecting).

This is the ticket for developing and focusing my energy on Conscious Projecting then subscribing to other methods, practices, etc. This is not to say the other methods are wrong, everyone is right for that person to tune to and craft to success. It just so happens that I am a conscious projecting and found out by error!

Now, the next breakdown is based on Day and Times of the when the OBE occurs:

Weekday Stats

Sunday   35
Monday   41
Tuesday   30
Wednesday  25
Thursday   24
Friday   42
Saturday   23

As you can see, Monday, Friday, and Sunday are my best days for projecting. Each time that I would project on a specific day, I would record that the OBE occurred. Later on, adding to that number specific to that day when the OBE occurred.

Now, the times that I project has yielded excellent results in determining when these OBEs occur. As you can see by the times listed below that between 9:00AM - 11:59AM is my range for when the setting is right for me to project. Since I work nights and normally don't goto bed until 2/3AM the schedule shows 6-7hrs of sleep is needed before my OBE. If I was to work the morning shift, the numbers would shift. The importance here that I will STRESS is the amount of sleep the day before and leading up to the OBE. Projecting when you are going to bed for most people will skip and go straight into rem unconscious sleep. So if you get the sleep needed, wake up a little
earlier to practice your favorite method, you will find results.

Time Stats

Time                  OBE
12:00 AM - 12:59 AM     1
1:00 AM - 1:59 AM           1
2:00 AM - 2:59 AM           7
3:00 AM - 3:59 AM           13
4:00 AM - 4:59 AM           6
5:00 AM - 5:59 AM           6
6:00 AM - 6:59 AM           11
7:00 AM - 7:59 AM           11
8:00 AM - 8:59 AM           26
9:00 AM - 9:59 AM           39
10:00 AM - 10:59 AM     40
11:00 AM - 11:59 AM     38
Total   199
12:00 PM - 12:59 PM     30
1:00 PM - 1:59 PM        14
2:00 PM - 2:59 PM           5
3:00 PM - 3:59 PM           0
4:00 PM - 4:59 PM           3
5:00 PM - 5:59 PM           0
6:00 PM - 6:59 PM           0
7:00 PM - 7:59 PM           2
8:00 PM - 8:59 PM           2
9:00 PM - 9:59 PM           0
10:00 PM - 10:59 PM      0
11:00 PM - 11:59 PM      0

Validation Statistics

This part REALLY helped me out in the last three years of this research. From many discussions that I adhere to "show me, prove to me, how do you know it's real or not in your head - where is your proof"?.

From 2005 - 2008 I have conducted experiements, precognitive, coincedence, validations in the OBE. What I really enjoy about this section. Once you start having these experiences where you can match up to physical correlation there is no way to deny the legitimacy. What I can say about this firmly is "Yes, it is real and there is a wizard behind the curtain that we all call God in our native tongue's".

Not taking the time to track this data and breaking it up as validation, synchronicity, or coincidence is like throwing stones into the water, watching them sink. Or if you have a OBE which a validation occurs w/o testing or repeating, you or other people might think of it as "wishful thinking of projecting". But once you start seriously tracking, there will be no more of that wishful thinking. Can you prove this to the world? "No", but if you do the work yourself, take the time, and be fair as a reseacher/scientist and be honest with your record keeping, the only person you need to convience is "you". We all learn from experience, book reading theory is fine, but to really grab hold and understand, its living the experience vs. measuring it with closed mind.

In the three years, I have tracked 61 occurances that have validated the OBE:

Classification Type   Sub-Total
Validation   27
Synchronicity   15
Coincidence   19
Total   61

Real Life Example of Tracking

My last angelic encounter took place back in 2007 and been trying to make contact in many prior expereinces. Most of the experiences were short-lived but still I persisted at it. Just last week 07/2008 I was in a OBE where people were around me, we were out in a field by building on-looking trees surrounded by a neighborhood of houses. What caught my attention was a translucent, whispy greenish energy spanning a good 1/4mile. I looked towards the people I was with and asked "do I fly into this energy"?. 

The OBE "07-09-2008 - Jack.mp3" that was a angelic encounter was very interesting.

During the OBE, I saw a angel materialize from a green energy radating in the distance above treetops. The angel's mission was to deliever a baby to a woman who I was interacting with in this group.

When the angel was close, I decided to take flight into the air and grab hold of her asking "take me with you". The angel turned to me and said "Jack, I don't have time, I have many things to do and do not have time". The angel then shook me off her and I fell to the ground blacking out and physical conscious awakening I returned.

Days later, 07/11/2008 I was picking up my VW Beetle car from the dealer. As I was waiting for my car a salesmen passed me by with his phone sounding ringtone "Hit the Road Jack and Don't Come Back No More, No More". I instantly froze on the spot questioning "what are the odds" of this ringtone being a favorite among cell phone users and the coincendence to my experience with the angel telling me to hit the road Jack.

Now, if this experience was the first OBE / Validation I could easily dismiss this as coincendence, but in the last three years now this occurrs all the time. So now, do you see the separation of "wishful thinking" vs. tracking the coincedences that stem from the OBE!

Energy Exercise Statistics and Exercise Statistics

Honestly I have not pursued faithfully. Do I think they are important "yes", especially the exercise. Our bodies need the exercise, healthy life.  Energy work for me I am sure that it does help in the long run but I have not been avid about it then I should be.

The bottom line is trial and error, sticking with one technique for at least six months. If it does not yield results, move onto the next technique and repeat the same process. I am very lucky to find trance state (between awake/sleep) early in the game and able to tune. But remember, it has taken me years to *try* to perfect.

It doesn't matter if your novice or expert at projecting - you will have the good and bad days, just like everyone else (author, writer, musician, speaker) for pursuing OBE.

Personally for me, this was well worth the effort and energy to put together for seeing a clearer picture of how I can project and be successful at it. Now, I don't know if this will help the next person, because we are all different. If anything , I stress to track the dates,time,sleep, validations, and be consistent at it. Also, document or narrate to audio your experiences as well to review and see progress.

Good Luck!

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


There seems to be some important data missing here. For example I see the 10 AM - 1 PM hour range you achieved more OBEs than any other hours but I don't see how many attempts were made at any given hour. It would only be natural that you would project more at 10 AM - 1 PM if you attempt a projection in the 10 AM - 1 PM hour range 90% of the time. It seems illogical to assume that you were be able to attempt an OBE during every hour of day and night.

I think there needs to be another column of data displaying the percentage or number of attempts made per hour or per day to make this data more meaningful.

Maybe you would find out that no matter what schedule you are on you are able to project or maybe the opposite, but without that column it's impossible (for at least me) to know

QuoteTime                  OBE
12:00 AM - 12:59 AM     1
1:00 AM - 1:59 AM           1
2:00 AM - 2:59 AM           7
3:00 AM - 3:59 AM           13
4:00 AM - 4:59 AM           6
5:00 AM - 5:59 AM           6
6:00 AM - 6:59 AM           11
7:00 AM - 7:59 AM           11
8:00 AM - 8:59 AM           26
9:00 AM - 9:59 AM           39
10:00 AM - 10:59 AM     40
11:00 AM - 11:59 AM     38
Total   199
12:00 PM - 12:59 PM     30
1:00 PM - 1:59 PM        14
2:00 PM - 2:59 PM           5
3:00 PM - 3:59 PM           0
4:00 PM - 4:59 PM           3
5:00 PM - 5:59 PM           0
6:00 PM - 6:59 PM           0
7:00 PM - 7:59 PM           2
8:00 PM - 8:59 PM           2
9:00 PM - 9:59 PM           0
10:00 PM - 10:59 PM      0
11:00 PM - 11:59 PM      0

Thanks for sharing BTW. This has been some helpful data.

Best regards

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."

My AP Progress -> http://www.malleablelight.net

David Warner

Quote from: dbmathis on January 31, 2009, 15:16:01
There seems to be some important data missing here. For example I see the 10 AM - 1 PM hour range you achieved more OBEs than any other hours but I don't see how many attempts were made at any given hour. I

I didn't publish the whole statistical spreadsheet based on this study, only gave a brief over-view of the times to make it easier. Anytime that I project for that given date/time the classification for dream to obe, false awakening, and wide awake induced OBE is recorded. So if I project at 10:00AM - 10:15am, had two wide awake OBEs and one false awakening that data is recorded.

About 60%-70% of the times the OBEs occur w/o even trying and if I do, the percentage number is lower.

Hope this helps - Please also view the data from my site for more info.

Thank You,


InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


That makes sense especially in the context of projecting without even trying. I have read that people who project for a long periods of time get to this point because they change their energy.

Thanks for sharing and spreading the word and congrats on your success. I think this is some very important work you and others are doing. It will take some time for the earth population to catch up with people who already realize the potential here. People resist change by nature.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."

My AP Progress -> http://www.malleablelight.net

David Warner

Quote from: dbmathis on January 31, 2009, 18:26:39
That makes sense especially in the context of projecting without even trying. I have read that people who project for a long periods of time get to this point because they change their energy.

Thanks for sharing and spreading the word and congrats on your success. I think this is some very important work you and others are doing. It will take some time for the earth population to catch up with people who already realize the potential here. People resist change by nature.

it's really knowing your body and getting use to the trance state, how to enter into it with trial and error. Energy is everything and the record keeping when starting out is a helpful tool. I wish that I had done this early in the begining (back in 1987) because I could have been more consistent than dynamic.

Good Luck!

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


wow tvos!!
thank YOu for all the data and I just love your website !
i am very pleased to have encountered you on astral pulse~
YOur data is very helpful and i will refer to it as much as i can and start having OObe's myself!

thank YOu!!!

David Warner

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Interesting.  After years of trying I've given up on OBE and lucid dreams.  After some experiences I gave up too.  It seems that I'm forbidden to do this and that is why I am the way I am.  So I won't fight it. 

But it is interesting to say the least.

I think the biggest issue people have is either they are not ready.  Or B they are not getting into enough of the relaxed state.  That line between body asleep mind awake is very thin indeed. 

But I do think your energy body is like a muscle.  You must practice.  I had more experiences when I practiced but every day and every night I tried for years with no luck other than being able to occasionally have some 3rd eye visions. 

Also sleep apnea is a problem for some people  if you need to lay down to meditate.  A good environment to meditate where there are no disruptions are also something hard to attain. 

But yes I think 4-8am seems to be the best times to get it going.  Body is relaxed and probably in REM sleep.  You get up.. then go lay back down .. your body is still relaxed and your mind awake.  Perfect time to try.


Interesting information, my biggest problem here is the concentration and the older i get the harder i find it to get into a relaxed state when i sleep. Your instruction are most helpful, i will persivere!


Hi, you have some really great information there. I read somewhere that going vegetarian or vegan does help one in spiritual pursuits. Do you think this is true? Or do you feel that it varies from individual to individual. I do feel lighter and healthier and more relaxed when I eat only vegetarian food. :) But I really enjoyed reading your post. It sure was informative; and you have done a great deal of work.


Quote from: tvos on January 05, 2009, 21:05:01You have to look at projecting as if you are training for the Olympics everyday and show up! There are no short-cuts, competition, or fast food  drive thru, or thinking that you will arrive at perfection.

Yes! That's it.

I have been practicing lucid dreams for almost two years decade ago before I got to real results. Then I was grounded by life and very, very sad about it. Now I started to practice again and I will heed your advice.
Don't dream your life, live your dreams!


Quote from: thirdeye26 on December 26, 2009, 11:04:15
Hi, you have some really great information there. I read somewhere that going vegetarian or vegan does help one in spiritual pursuits. Do you think this is true? Or do you feel that it varies from individual to individual. I do feel lighter and healthier and more relaxed when I eat only vegetarian food. :) But I really enjoyed reading your post. It sure was informative; and you have done a great deal of work.

I know experienced astral travelers that eat meat. Don Juan and his party were also part of them. (of course I know about them from books) Vegetarian food is better for humans than meat but mostly because most of meat we eat is 'dirty' meat, produced from suffering animals that exists only to indulge us. If you catch rabbit without torturing him there is no difference than if you kill a plant and eat it.
Don't dream your life, live your dreams!


hi there i am new to astral projection, i am trying the technique with the rope, i calm down get my brain clear, when i am not thinking of anything i start feeling the imaginary rope and then start climbing it with my imaginary hands, after a few minutes a get heavy vibrations, but its also as if it pulls up my whole body, i lie down and when i start i find my self sitting up, like the vibrations are pulling me up. i do ignore the vibrations,and then try and tell myself to get out,like imagine what it would be like to fly or to watch myself sleep. no success,i don't get out, then i just stop after that my arms are numb,sore like i really did climb a rope,and my hands and feet tingle.
please help.   :?


I have been having OBE's for a little while now and find them fascinating. The best advice I can give is to not think about it so hard. You have to let go. I've never heard the vegetarian thing before but in my OBE's, I've experienced things that made me want to be vegetarian and eat healthier. I have a whole technique to obe's and luckily for me I can do them very easily whenever I want (even driving, which I wouldn't suggest.) Some of the best advice I've read is in your everyday "awake" life, you should imagine your inner self moving out of your physical self. Such as, if you reach for a drink, imagine your inner hand getting there and grabbing it first or when you sit in a chair imagine you "fall" through the chair. This helped me a lot.

One other thing that helped me was to smoke a little cannabis. Now I don't want to get into a debate as to law or drug use (which I don't classify cannabis in), but if you are open to trying it, you can really relax a lot and it helps to get that feel of floating and disconnection from your body. And yes, I have obe's without using cannabis as well. But it is a little harder to do.

Good luck, I wish everybody can experience this because it will affect your life.


Thank you for sharing the data on your experiences. I found the information about the correlation between hours of sleep and a successful obe to be very useful.



I have read the FAQ so hope I am not asking something that I should have read but can you define the what is an OBE in your stats please If I am incorrect in what I am thinking. It gets confusing with a lot of different information and sometimes the boundaries get managed to distortion and its hard to know what anyone really means.

Dream to OBE ? Is this from what you call level 2 to void and from here it is an OBE
False Awakening ? anything after a FA is considered an OBE for example I have a FA and then get up walk through a wall and it is now an OBE
Conscious? as in a WILD to Lucid or the use of an energy body from fully awake and aware to up and walk away

David Warner


You are fine and there is no dumb questions.

I don't follow the methods of phasing, level 1, focus 12 models. I also don't get into etheric projections vs. astral
projections either. For me personally and it may different for others is that there are three ways I am able to enter
the astral.

Dream to OBE - realizing you are dreaming, holding the focus, consciousness and making sure the surroundings don't change, warp, or distort like dreams do. You can also daydream in the astral which is the equivalent to daydreaming, however when you snap back from that daydream you find yourself in the astral where you when you started to day dream.

False Awakenings in my book are projections, but you don't realize they are projecting and go about it as your physically up and about. When you lose consciousness, pulled back you awaken to realize that you were in a false awakening. Very powerful state and many of my validations come from this.

Conscious Projection - is exactly as it demostrated - watching yourself fall asleep, slip off for a bit unconscious and then awake while the body is asleep. It is tricky to enter this state but definitely doable. Compare it to falling a sleep and them something startling you on the outside world snapping you back. But when your body is asleep, your deeper within the trance and body is asleep, hence mind is awake to leave the body.

Hope this helps!

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


yes and thanks, I have done all of these many times over a lot of years but so often see the states micro managed to meet some belief system and so its nice to get some idea of how they are defined. I treat it in a simple way and If I am fully lucid, that is stable and with full recall of external events and the level of control I expect then the states all come together and I dont even have a label for them as I am now at a starting place and  I just get on with whatever I want to do or have a look around and see what comes my way.


David, Im interested in your findings on sleep v successful projections.
More on sleep deprivation over too much.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.

David Warner

Hi Szaxx,

If you visit www.astralpulse.com or www.invisiblelight.us a lot of data is there for research.

Sleep deprivation isn't the easiest or simple method but it is effective. I would also be careful
when practicing this because of the physical body needing rest to be productive during the day.

Pick out a day in the week when you KNOW that you have nothing planned. Sat/Sun and experiment
with sleep deprivation.

All the best,

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Its the combination of little sleep and projecting. The side effects are unknown and I dont want to push myself over the limit.
Ill have a search/read and see if anything related appears. Its not a common question and answers are scarce to say the least.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.

David Warner


This is why say set a day aside that you have nothing planned. It will be exhausting because there will be interrupted sleep. Go to bed the night before and have your clock to at random sound to wake you. Do some Google searching - might find what you are looking for a random alarm clock for the laptop, iphone,ipod,andriod, pocket pc etc...

Good luck,


InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


When the possibility exists Ill try it. At present Im averaging 5 hours per night but weekends I can sometimes catch up. Its definately harder phasing and not falling asleep. Ill read more on this first.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.