Porn destructive?

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I can only speak from my experience, but I can say that I am very hormonal and when I am "horny" it is very hard for me to focus on proper meditation, and I will usually get up and fap when I should be meditating...fapping turns to web surfing, and web surfing turns to distraction, such as playing video games, watching Youtube, etc. Now I'm definitely not saying looking at porn causes you to always lose focus so much you start doing other distracting stuff, just that's how it is for me. Also happens when I'm trying to sleep.

And I've always hated the notion that sexuality is a "sin" because "God" says so...being a pagan I have a lot to disagree with Christians about, since we've been persecuted by them for too long. I don't mean to complain about unrelated issues, sorry. Bottom line is, sex and fapping can be wonderful things, but too much sex and fapping can lead to distractions and thoughts about stuff other than spiritual awakening.

That said, I have a very personal relationship with my guardian angel, who takes the form of a beautiful, winged maiden in a white gown. I have always wanted to be so good at astral projection, that I can be so close to her that me and her can "do it."
I am a Kýrdan warrior


 Thanks for feed back. So this gist of it is, is ok, as long as it's not over the top.


QuoteThanks for feed back. So this gist of it is, is ok, as long as it's not over the top.

Basically yes.

Also I have a fetish probably no one else on the entire world has, making it nearly impossible for "normal" porn to satisfy me...hence the reason for my dislike of normal porn, besides its profane and vulgar (and often abusive) nature - too much cussing, females acting abusive to the viewer (the THOUGHT alone that being verbally abused is a turn-on makes me wanna hurl!) and the fact that a lot of female pornstars are (in my opinion) quite ugly...they may have sensually-appealing bodies but often their faces are harsh and probably prematurely aged from hard drug use (considering the seedy, gutter nature of most porn.)

I'm more of a hentai guy myself when I DO watch porn, but that's because anime women have an angelic beauty, innocence and sexiness all at once...MUCH better imho than "real life" porn. Well then again perhaps I'm biased since my guardian angel appears to me as an anime/manga girl.

My thoughts exactly...
I am a Kýrdan warrior


Quote from: XxGuardianKnightxX on March 23, 2010, 09:20:21
Basically yes.

Also I have a fetish probably no one else on the entire world has, making it nearly impossible for "normal" porn to satisfy me...hence the reason for my dislike of normal porn, besides its profane and vulgar (and often abusive) nature - too much cussing, females acting abusive to the viewer (the THOUGHT alone that being verbally abused is a turn-on makes me wanna hurl!) and the fact that a lot of female pornstars are (in my opinion) quite ugly...they may have sensually-appealing bodies but often their faces are harsh and probably prematurely aged from hard drug use (considering the seedy, gutter nature of most porn.)

I'm more of a hentai guy myself when I DO watch porn, but that's because anime women have an angelic beauty, innocence and sexiness all at once...MUCH better imho than "real life" porn. Well then again perhaps I'm biased since my guardian angel appears to me as an anime/manga girl.

My thoughts exactly...
I bet you all your star warz guys that you're not the only one on this planet with whatever fetish that is.  :)
That's just about a guarantee.


Quote from: Xanth on March 23, 2010, 10:13:09
I bet you all your star warz guys that you're not the only one on this planet with whatever fetish that is.  :)
That's just about a guarantee.

Wow you think? That's awesome! I guess you're right.

And yes I do love Star Wars...the Jedi Order has really influenced my own personal spirituality :)
I am a Kýrdan warrior


That's just a saying my gf and I use when we want to bet one a sure thing.  LOL


I'd just like to add, I agree that moderation is key. I started having dreams that I may be thinking about sex too much and I started to abstain for a couple days. Your really notice the energy increase. I've found every few days is good to release, although monks have been known to abstain for year and year, converting all that energy into the higher centers.
Check out my blog @


 That sounds cool. I think I've tried this and lasted about 3 days.


Quote from: c0sm0nautt on March 25, 2010, 01:35:30
I'd just like to add, I agree that moderation is key. I started having dreams that I may be thinking about sex too much and I started to abstain for a couple days. Your really notice the energy increase. I've found every few days is good to release, although monks have been known to abstain for year and year, converting all that energy into the higher centers.
Are you talking about abstaining from sex in the astral world, or the physical world??

Or both??


I'm talking mainly about masturbation in the physical world. I only have sex in the physical on a weekly basis or so. Never had astral sex. I read it is on some many more levels.  :-o
Check out my blog @


I think sex can be a beautiful thing, but, the kind of sex that populates the internet is some of the unhealthiest, and lowest forms of it you can find. Absolutely degrading to the spirit. However, it is normal for young people to struggle with lust and sexuality. Luckily, at the age where lust is running rampant and free (teen years), it is common for people to have energy to spare, so it's not as damaging to be constantly throwing it away. As you get older, that energy is harder to come by and must be cared for.

There are few things in the world, more spiritually destructive than constantly spending your energy on physical gratification, which is expressed through our lowest chakra, muladhara. Our energy wants to flow downwards, as water flows downwards, simply because it is easier. What I mean by that is, we get urges, because our energy tends towards the easiest way to attain satisfaction. Only through our effort and will to progress spiritually, can we bring our energy to serve higher purposes. When you bring your sexuality under control, naturally, your energy rises, and can be channeled into higher forms of expression.

All that being said, I do think that the physical sensations of sex that we lust for are not wrong in themselves. If we have a healthy approach to sex, we can enjoy the physical pleasure, without falling victim to lust.

This is my experience and opinions on this matter, and I know it may be aggravating to read, as many people (myself included) are attached to having sexual gratification more often than is healthy. We're human afterall.

I suggest you read up on some Taoist material. Taoists have a very comprehensive look on sexuality as it relates to spirituality.


I had sex yesterday afternoon and 2 hours later I had a very difficult time going into a trance, which usually only takes me 5-10 minutes or so.  So there's definitely something to the sex/energy loss theory  :-(


Quote from: Fresco on April 01, 2010, 08:59:51
I had sex yesterday afternoon and 2 hours later I had a very difficult time going into a trance, which usually only takes me 5-10 minutes or so.  So there's definitely something to the sex/energy loss theory  :-(
There could have been any number of 'reasons' behind why you had a difficult time getting to the trance state.
You simply can not deduce that the lack of trance was brought on due to having a sexual experience that one time.
This is something, quite literally, you'll have to try several times and see what happens.


Quote from: Xanth on April 01, 2010, 12:08:50
There could have been any number of 'reasons' behind why you had a difficult time getting to the trance state.
You simply can not deduce that the lack of trance was brought on due to having a sexual experience that one time.
This is something, quite literally, you'll have to try several times and see what happens
OK, so what is a normal amount of sex per week for the average AP'er??
I know everyone is different, but whats the range??

Because I get antsy if I dont get at least 1 boink per day, especially in the summer


I believe there is an average or 'healthy' (to keep things flowing clear) amount, but a health site would be a better source than us.


During a lecture one "spiritual person" once advised our group, focusing obviously on the males, "If you really want sex then don't beat your meats, go find a hole."  This was in response to a man asking the very same question posed here, and yes, this person was a female.

Tough to generalize since each person is different, but the old saying about moderation being the key to health and happiness seems to be wise advice.  Again, I have to emphasize that porn and sex don't have a one to one relationship in my mind.  When I have sex with my girlfriend I don't consider it pornographic, but rather loving, and god forbid, even a bit lusty at times.


So sex once a day would be OK then, for the average person wanting to excel in astral projection??


Quote from: CFTraveler on April 01, 2010, 18:17:37
I believe there is an average or 'healthy' (to keep things flowing clear) amount, but a health site would be a better source than us.
Oh, I dunno... who better to ask than a bunch of computer geeks on a innerwebz forum!  :D


I had sex thursday, friday and this morning but was still able to do normal trance and meditation.

So for me sex once a day is not a hindrance in regards to AP


Quote from: Fresco on April 03, 2010, 14:07:25
I had sex thursday, friday and this morning but was still able to do normal trance and meditation.

So for me sex once a day is not a hindrance in regards to AP
Ok, now you're just gloating.  ;)


Quote from: Xanth on April 03, 2010, 14:34:27
Ok, now you're just gloating.  ;)
If I dont get it at least once a day I get grumpy as hell, and can quite possibly become violent  :lol:

(just kidding about the violent part)


Being abstinent to masturbation and especially orgasms increases the sexual attraction to women massively and gives you a great body feeling and makes the mind clearer on a hard to describing way.
I tried it out for about 15 days and it was really funny to get touched by and to snuggle with all this girls and not to be addicted or sexually triggered by this situations. Its just like you are some kind of mellow and this venusian part of body and soul become some kind of toy than they are a burden of the body that limit the natural behaviour of someone in contact with the own sexuality or girls / women.

Just try it out :-)

PS: There is a book, that does not especially deal with this topic, but contains it in an important way Eckhart Tolle - Now