UFO Investigators are being murdered

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Quote from: Lionheart on January 12, 2012, 18:57:13
Stookie, have you successfully had a OBE yet? If so, you should already have the answer to the truth coming from within statement. When people are ready to see the truth it will show itself to them. The only way the Gov't or anyone can stop you from finding out what is within you, is by confusing and controlling you. By distractions, but you can only keep people distracted for so long. An "awakening" is such a powerful experience that it does truly change you from within. When you start to go through periods of vibrations for days on end or start seeing energy patterns and having your physical eyesight reduced by 50%, things like this happening then you, you can't ignore that anymore. You immediately start to question why, no matter what else is occurring in your life, this will take precedence.
On the crafts surrounding the planet statement, go to this thread if you wish to see it for yourself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As-wYmFYb3I

Because my experiences don't point to the same conclusions as yours I'm wrong or lying about myself? How do you know everyone "awakens" in the same manner? Why do some people gravitate towards aliens in their experiences and others not? I know there are other non-physical beings, but I've never seen a physical one or decent evidence of one. The video shows what looks like dust. Definitely not decent evidence of life.

I don't know the complete truth, I'm not going to pretend to. And I'm not going to believe in physical aliens just because others says they exist or that the government is part of a big cover up. So far, it doesn't fit in with my personal experience, so I remain healthily skeptical. I'm not calling anyone else a liar, I'm asking questions to claims that are expected to be taken as truth. I'm curious what people are basing their beliefs on.

I used to believe in a lot of this stuff, but have found new truths since then. As many here, I believe that things aren't what they seem on the outside. But we have very different ideas on what is going behind the scenes. Mine shouldn't be anywhere near the 2012 forum.

Quote from: zareste on January 12, 2012, 15:19:38
There was never going to be a disclosure in the 90's or early 2000's.

Whaaaaat?????? That's all I heard about... "the aliens are coming, the aliens are coming". Sylvia Brown used to say it all the time on Montel Williams in the 90's. I think she's still saying it now. It was on Rense everyday. Coast to Coast back when it was good. Richard Hoagland was positive it was going to be 2000.

Quote from: zareste on January 12, 2012, 15:19:38
oh, that was Stookie, still being Stookie.

Sort of... I'm much more badass these days.


this might be off topic slightly but natural dmt release has been thought to explain alien abduction and with in current times more and more abductions happening it follows suit with the possibility of novelty theory(some say the enlightened time period of man{novelty time} will be because of an increased release of endo_dmt  in the brain).....not downing alien believers i just dont believe it. sorry

peace, ryan:)


Hi psychedelia.
As you can see with the friendly interchanges up there  ^^ I'm not known for my cheerleading tendencies, and try to not form conclusions on the basis of what others believe- however, I'd like to bring up an idea.

Suppose you look into a CD player and find a CD with a specific song in it, and you later come to find that many people have this song recorded in their CDs   or hard drives (i.e. brains) and it requires something physical (such as a CD player) to 'play' it- do you think it's fair to decide that the phenomenon has no reality in and of itself, because you need a CD player to play it, or would you wonder who recorded it in the first place?
No need to reply, it's just food for thought.



Sounds like you need to get out more. Many an alien abduction is no more than an unplanned outing mixed with fear and the natural order of the 'astral' giving you its thought controlled stuff.
Train yourself enough and you can be anything, do anything and its cool to do it. A telepathic dod with telekinetic powers if it floats your boat.
Speculation is healthy but be an astronaut not an astronomer. Its the men not the mice that get heard.
Read the sobt.pdf at obe4u site, 500+ pages and I can't fault any of it.
By the way leave all your fears behind, they are not good to possess while out.
Safe travels.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


cf that made no sense sorry    alien abduction now cd player brains?? a little more straight forward please:)


Quote from: Stookie_ on January 11, 2012, 12:10:57
But there is no evidence pointing to any propaganda going on in the movie industry. Just having a feeling that they are is pretty heavy speculation. I would say romantic comedies are much more detrimental to society, but no one is claiming that's a conspiracy. Again, they're just giving the masses what they will pay for. It's about making money, not feeding a new age religion. There are too many people involved to hold such a big secret, there would be evidence pointing to it.

I'm not arguing that society isn't being dumbed-down by a lot of media, but I think it's as much our fault for buying it as the people who are making it. It may reflect who we are as a society, but I don't think it's the cause of. Lack of personal responsibility is the cause. If we stopped buying their stuff, they'd go away. Kids grow up being influenced by ads and crappy television and no one is teaching them to think for themselves.

Maybe "awakening" is simply growing up. Maybe it's not even a spiritual thing, it's just people suddenly realizing they've never been thinking for themselves and it makes them sad which inspires them to do better.
Are you kidding me, the propaganda is everywhere. Aliens are always evil invaders, disney films have all kind of sex and NWO propaganda. All seeing eye/pyramids visual propaganda everywhere, just watch a simpson episode.
Priests of hippocratic love talk of peace and Christ, Power is their only goal. Now they all shall die.


Just saying it doesn't make it so. I've asked a lot of questions in this thread and didn't get any answers or evidence that this is real and happening. Normally I stay away from these types of subjects, and the only reason I responded here was as a fan of movies/sci-fi, after someone claiming that some of my favorite movies are propaganda for... something... I was never even given an answer as to what the propaganda is about. If you want to bring this back up, bring me more than conjecture.

What is the propaganda about? What is the purpose of it?