Travels of a Dreamwalker - Karen659

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Quote from: DaVinci on February 23, 2012, 09:43:32
This is off-topic to your post, but Karen, can you give me the link to the Facebook group you speak of.  I would like to join it.  Thank you.

Be happy to! Best way is to 'friend' me first, as it is a 'closed group' and I can add you if my friend.  Search "Karen Sixfivenine" on the FB site, message me that it's you and you want the AP group, and you're in!  It's a GREAT family of like-minded souls!
The more we learn the more limitless the Universe becomes!




March 1, 2012

My first recollection for this experience was the fact that there were two people holding my hands, one on each side of the bed I was lying in, trying to get my attention.  This brought me to full 'awareness' in realizing that I was likely transitioning into the astral vibration.

I saw a man and a woman, both appeared Hispanic, with the woman on my left, and the male on my right.  I asked, 'who's there?' to the woman told me her name (Gabrique? Gabrie...?) We started to talk, and the conversation was polite and friendly at first, and I recall asking them where they met (as I could tell they were together as a couple), and they told me all about how they met in a pizza shop, with him as the pizza maker.

During the conversation at one point (which I totally forgot any further details), the woman leaned down to whisper in my left ear something about being fearful and/or anxious with the male.  I because aware of an uneasy tension that developed in the room and the atmosphere changed dramatically.

Now the male seemed to become angry, and bent down to talk in my right ear, telling me 'negative' things about her.  I was taken aback at the change of energy into angry emotions and I knew I had to diffuse the situation quickly.

I don't remember exactly what I said, but I do remember that initially I felt I did NOT do the right thing and realized the futility of it.  I found myself yelling back at them, getting caught up in their emotional energy and sending my OWN emotions back at them (this is hard to describe as I felt I was actually showing/doing/feeling these emotions more than speaking them).

I realized this was not working, and so knew I had to 'send love' and tell them how much they WERE loved, that they are loving beings and a good person despite what they had been through in life. I felt they needed to know that they were I said, "I love you"..."you are loved"...."you are good people'....

This seemed to change their 'energy' immediately, and they became very light and happy again, happy and content with each other.  They were able to work out their issues immediately and I even told them, "I bet you'll be able to find other people now!", meaning there would be other family and friends now available to meet.  They both were so excited to think they'd be able to do that!  I asked the male again what his name was and I think he responded, "Henry" or "Enrique"?   I could still feel their joy they moved hand in hand out of the room, light, happy and joyous!

The scene changed, I got the words "Jean Hutchinson" and the fact that her husband is 'here' now, having crossed over and was happy, and that they too had met in a pizza shop...or that they worked there.... ??

Then while still 'in my bed', I saw my father walk into the room, and immediately became very concerned, thinking, "what are you doing here? oh no! please tell me I'm fully awake and that you haven't crossed over!"  (MY dad is still alive but not doing as well as he used to, so maybe this was a concern of mine manifesting?)  My dad tells me that he was driving the lawnmower (as he does in real life here) and crossed the driveway and ran into something that caused an explosion that caused him to cross over!

I then see my brother enter the room as well, carrying a baby carrier with an infant, and he says," yeah, and I was there too" meaning he was caught up in the explosion and crossed over as well.  I was rather upset, concerned this was 'real', so I said "no, I'm awake, this is not real....I must be awake and not talking to spirits"....which of course I really wasn't awake. 

I realized now that I had to write up the first experience quickly so I didn't forget.  I didn't remember my recorder as I usually do, but scrambled to find some paper to write on.   Then I had to find a pen, which didn't work, and finally just grabbed some paper out of a nearby computer to write it on.

It was at that point I heard an alarm go off, waking me to full wakefulness and realizing that I had not written anything, and that the memories of everything that just happened were fading fast!

I'm not sure what all this means, but I writing it anyway...if anyone gets any insight from it, I'd be happy to hear!  It's interesting that I now it seems the spirits are coming to me, and this time even 'waking' me to help them!  It seems I haven't been able to get out of my bedroom for some astral traveling for a few experiences now!! 
The more we learn the more limitless the Universe becomes!


2012_03_18  171) Party Time! Meeting Many; Being a Writer

I had a series of dream like memories prior to getting out of body which I will mention here just in case someone has some clue if it fits.  I was riding in a child's wagon that was being pulled by a small motorcycle, but really appeared to be a glorified child's motorized bike.

A family member (whom I have had to do a lot of forgiveness to in my life to overcome some major blockages) was driving the cycle, however, I was concerned for two reasons.  We were driving down a major highway near me, and his abilities to function were declining (I felt he was slurring his words and such).

So I took over the controls and was still a bit apprehensive about driving this very small motorbike down a major highway! I am wondering if this can even make it, not knowing where I am driving to nor how to get there!

At one point when I was stopped to eat something, I talked to a man who appeared and told him of my concern that this small bike was not going to make it to the destination on such a major highway.  He told me to not worry, that it had 'a lot of power' to it and would do just fine!

Now, my next thoughts were that I was ready to roll out of body!  It was an easy exit, but upon standing by the bed, I felt a bit disoriented and need to put myself right side up! Vision was dim, and I was able to improve it by affirming 'vision now!'  (I see I change the wording of these affirmations without really knowing why!)

As I left my bedroom and turned the corner, I was startled when a group of three women and a few young people started talking to me, saying 'hey, look who's here!' with such exuberance and joy that I had to take a moment to compose myself, wondering just who are these people and what are they doing in my house!?!?  Lol

I was immediately caught up in their happiness in seeing me, and knowing I was out of body, wanted to get their names so I could remember them upon waking!  Each gave me their names, and I tried desperately to 'imprint' it, but the only name I remember is 'Charlotte Daly' (Daily?)  The rest of the names were lost with the huge amount of information that was being taken in as they told me all about themselves.

In the background I could see another woman, a quiet one as I felt she didn't speak English well.  She had shorter, curly, light colored hair and I was told, 'She's with (my daughter-in-law's name).   (I will have to speak with my son's wife to see if she knows of her)

Looking around, I realized I was within a huge room, full of young people of all types and it felt to be as if a party was going on! Everyone so happy and talkative and I was gathering so much information to remember, I just couldn't imprint it all!

At one point, I remember a group of young people asking, 'What is the name of this place?' and can remember thinking to myself the word 'Afterlife'.   A few of them told me what name they felt it to be but my answer to them was  something to the effect that 'Why does it have to have a name for it?' explaining that there are SO many names for this place, yet it really didn't matter what you called it.  What was important was that everyone was having such a grand time there!

Another woman at the party wore a dressing on her neck, and it reminded me of a dressing we'd use for a tracheostomy.  I thought perhaps she had had one prior to passing for a long time and that's why it was still necessary as part of her look.

In another part of the room, I was now sitting on the couch having a ton of fun and laughs, and all at once a young boy falls into my lap, not moving!! It's like he 'flops down dead', as if trying to 'freak me out' and it doesn't work as I just laugh with the rest of them saying, "Ooops, looks like we have another dead one!"   (Gosh, I do hope no one takes offense to this but it's what happened!)

Another part of the party I was speaking to a woman and asked her, "Why are all the people here so young?" as I had the sense they were all under age 40 and some much younger.  She said something like, "Well, we didn't want to scare you with how we really appeared" and I immediately understood and said, 'oh yes! Of course! You take on the best appearance for all concerned!"  and with that, she glowed with pleasure claiming to everyone, "Ooo, we have a smart one here! She has her stuff all together!" and walked off to tell others about me.

Now, the most interesting part of this experience is when I was speaking with this woman who asked to see my hand.  Looking at my palm, she said, 'let me see if you are a healer' and said there is 'some' there, but then she took my first finger (right hand), put the nailbed directly against her eye and proclaimed excitedly, "Oooooh! You're a writer!!!"

I was thrilled to hear this, and thanked her, explaining this was such a validation I needed to hear.  Another woman comes running up and asks, "Show me how you did that! I want to see!" and the first woman explains something about having to look at the tagus (?) tangus (?) part of the finger, and putting it directly up to your eye to see!

The first woman explained it's better to be a writer for me, at least I didn't have to 'bend' or 'bend over' (?) being a healer.....

So, that's what I have for this experience....the entire feel for this one was of fun, laughter, and learning!  I think I'll just have to invite more people more often into my life!
The more we learn the more limitless the Universe becomes!


I see I have been delinquent in keeping up with my posts, so I'll be posting two at once to catch up!  Thanks for reading..   -Karen

2012_04_01  172) Sending Love; Flexing Door; Flying Again

My first recollection of 'awareness' started with a surprised sensation of a hand firmly gripped on my right shoulder as I lay in bed.  Bringing myself to full awareness, I realized someone or something was firmly attached to my back and holding onto my shoulder. 

I remembered I had had this feeling once before, as it was accompanied as before with a sense of 'concern' and slight negativity.  Knowing not to show fear, I attempted to twist to see who or what it was, and then finally having to swing it around so it was now in front of me.

What I saw was a man, a more 'solid' or heavier outline of a man standing off to my right.  I did not get 'good' feelings from him, and I know I spoke with him, but the overwhelming feeling was that I needed to 'send love' to 'let go' of him. 

I affirmed without fear, "I send you love!" and he disappeared!

My next awareness was again lying in bed in FULL vibrations!  I'm excited to think I'll be getting out, so I attempt to roll without trying to wait for more to happen!  I find it difficult this time, and it's like pulling taffy to get my body out.  Finally, with only my head hanging off the bed, I remember that Jo used to described herself as 'slithering' out of bed to the floor sometimes in order to exit, so that's just what I did!

Now I'm fully out and affirm, 'to the door'! Now heading down the stairs, my vision is dim, so I remember affirming 'Vision now!' a few times.  Once in the living room, I notice it looks nearly the same as real life, however, as usual in the astral, I also remembered there are always a few things different. 

I saw a cute little white kitten off to one side, and felt I should to investigate, however, I also saw the front door which reminded me I so wanted to get outdoors again!

Disregarding the pull to the kitten, I move to the front door, and stop to think, 'it's been so long since I've taken the time to really sense the change in texture as I pass through' that I wanted to just revel in the fact that I could put my  hands through the front door.

When I did, I was 'shocked' in every sense of the word! I 'felt' an uncomfortable sensation as if being shocked, and remarked to myself that this was quite unusual!!!  However, undaunted, and fully aware that I could not really be hurt, I insisted now I was going to get outdoors!

I push through the door, finding it 'heavy' and thick, flexing and bowing out as I pushed.  It was as if I was not supposed to leave, but my determination was such that with an emotional 'to the outdoors!' I found myself on the front stoop.

I take off flying once again, to the top of the pine trees near me and put out my hand to feel the needles.  It was here that I somehow transitioned to another place, not really sure how I got there.

I'm standing next to two men with desks, with a feeling this is their 'place of work'.  I'm talking and laughing with them, having  a great time.

Turning around, I can see in front of their desks that the floor just stops about 8 foot away, and it drops off (like a cliff) into the most beautiful vista below!! It was almost like looking down off a cloud or some sort of 'flat surface' cliff!  I saw an entire 'world' below...lights, clouds, cities, trees, forests, all at once. 

Standing at the edge, I exclaim, 'you've got the best job in the world! Look at this view!' and the guy is laughing at my joy in loving where he 'worked'.  I said, 'you could just fly to anywhere you want to at any time!'

With that statement, I jumped fearlessly into the open air below! I was thrilled with my soaring and flying and remember thinking how MUCH I missed doing this!

The last part of this experience was more 'dream-like' but I'll describe it as it was part of this same sequence.

I find myself in a small area, like a personal living space, trying to hide from the man who lives/works there.  I feel he is an older uniformed man, much like an officer or fireman.  I am near his bed and  shelf area where he puts his personal belongings. 

Initially, I was afraid he could see me, but realized I could not be seen when he left the room.  I investigated what he had on his shelf, and was moving the stuff around to see all that was there.

He returns to the room and I watch as he comes to the shelf area and I can hear his thoughts. He's thinking that someone must have come into his room and moved the items on the shelf, yet he knew that he only left a moment ago and no one came in!

He's wondering if he's 'going nuts' in seeing this stuff moved, and worried that it might be some medication he was just started on by his doctor causing him to 'see things'.  Shrugging it off, he says, 'oh well, as long as I stay 'ok' for this (house burn/demolition) coming up' and continued on about his business.

I have no recollection of what happened after that, because at this point I knew I had to start 'imprinting' the highlights in my memory as I was returning.  Using key words as I always do, I tried to ingrain my subconscious with the simple words that will allow me to recall enough to record, which I did as soon as I fully awakened.
The more we learn the more limitless the Universe becomes!


Second post today...sorry for delay in keeping up!

2012_04_15  173) Sending Myself Healing Energy

This is the first OBE that I have had since I became very ill two weeks ago and was hospitalized.  I'm home now and recovering slowly, and am thankful to be able to still get out of body despite the less-than-optimal state of health.

I became aware when I found myself visiting another house where I felt I was 'staying' as a visitor.  I can recall knowing I was out of body, but wondered why I felt so sluggish and slow.  To prove to myself I was out of body, I managed to do some slow flips and little jumps that confirmed my state of being.

The next recall was lifting higher and higher, looking down on my own house.  As I came down into my house, I  moved from room to room, viewing everything from ceiling level.  Passing from the dining room to the kitchen, I intentionally made myself pass through the wall, and thoroughly enjoyed the feel of the 'crackling' sensation as I did.  This only continued to confirm to me that I was out and in control.

Heading back to the living room, I passed by a large mirror that is there in real life.  I see my reflection and continue on past.  Seeing myself, it makes me remember that I had wanted to send healing energy to my body should I find myself out again and so moved toward the bedroom.

In the next moment, I stopped to think, 'hey, if I can see myself in the mirror, maybe I can just send energy to my body via my reflection!"  Somehow I knew I just didn't want to get close to my physical body as I would likely return without sending healing.

Facing the mirror, I remember putting my hands up next to my reflection and moving them across my abdomen and head , two areas where I still have discomfort in real life.  (I am amazed that the clarity of thought allowed me to remember where I hurt!)

I remember thinking, 'send energy!', but did not feel or see anything unusual happening.  I do remember paying attention at my face in the mirror and concerned that it was a sad and tired looking Karen, definitely not one of my better appearances.

I became distracted at the arrival of my son coming into the room and being playful and silly.  He paid no attention to me, and after a few minutes, he looked out the door, saw something that felt to be urgent and took off.

It was at this point I felt the tug back to body and found myself awake on the bed.  Although this was a relatively short and passive sort of OBE, at least I remembered I had the intention of sending myself some healing.
The more we learn the more limitless the Universe becomes!


April 23, 2012   174) OBE During my Hospitalization

During the course of my prolonged hospital stay, I had had a series of lucid dreams and even one OBE that I can recall.  Unfortunately, being in the hospital environment, being woken quickly and without recorder or even paper available at all times, the amount of recall is quite limited.  In addition, due to the need for some very strong mind-altering pain medicines, not all dreams were coherent and able to be described.

The lucid dreams I had during this stay were ones where I knew I was dreaming, yet did not feel in control (likely due to the medicine).  I remember one being in a ship, watching the waves roll, thrilled with how big they were getting.  I was never fearful, even at one point where I felt the wave pick up the entire ship and fly it through the air as it was tossed over a long distance.    I knew I was safe and the landing would be easy. 

However, the one OBE I did have had some interesting points despite it being a bit more like a lucid dream where I played along with the action that happened, but in the fully aware state of being out of body.

My first recollection was that of rolling out, but finding myself standing next to my sleeping body in a bedroom I was not familiar with.  Moving in the room, I wasn't completely convinced I was truly out of body as the environment was different and there were all these other people in the room trying to convince me that I was NOT out of body!   

Looking around, I noticed a digital clock on the shelf nearby.   I was thrilled to see that the display was unreadable, a validation for me that I was out of body as I have used this signal before.    However, still not completely convinced as those around me were persistent, I made myself look away and back again, and when it remained unreadable, I felt firmly validated now that I was indeed out of body.

There was a big glass door leading to a balcony from this room and wanting to get outside, I passed easily through the doors.  On the balcony, I looked down and saw I was about 10 stories high, looking onto a city street below.  Knowing I was out of body, I thought about just jumping off the edge and flying down, but again, those people in the room are doing their best to convince me that I'm NOT out of body!

Now I have some doubts again and hesitate jumping.   The people show me the broken screen on the door, saying "look, you broke that screen as you passed through the door, so you are not out of body!"  Somehow, I just knew I was, but taking it cautiously, I did some slow handstands on the edge of the balcony, feeling myself float and then doing a little jump and flip while holding on with one hand. 

Now fully convinced that I would not be doing this unless I WAS out of body, I fearless jumped and floated gently down to the street level. 

Memories here of exactly what I did are hazy.  I was with a group of three young people, two boys and a girl, in a car, making plans.  I was asked if I wanted to go to this dance with them, and initially said no because I didn't think I was dressed appropriately.   I quickly changed my mind and said ok when they insisted.   Now noticing how well dressed (suit and tie) one male was to go to this dance, I knew I had to return to my room to change, as I remembered I had just bought a few beautiful dresses and some new underclothes that would be appropriate.

I told them I'd be right back, and proceeded to fly along the street, gathering stares and stunned looks from the people on the sidewalk as I flew up to my balcony where my bedroom was. 

Just outside the balcony I noticed a computer like screen that I felt was the way I needed to go to enter into the room.  I was concerned that I would not fit into this little screen, and looking toward the bedroom wall, knew that all I had to do was pass through it, so I did!

I'm now in my bedroom and standing alongside my bed, looking at myself sleeping!  Looking away quickly, I worried that I might return to body if I got too close or looked too long.    Telling myself, 'no, I  will stay out of body', I turned again to look at myself on the bed. 

I was a bit taken aback to see that I had changed into a deranged looking and disfigured woman, with some sort of dark ugly 'blob' next to me on the bed, somehow knowing this also was a part of me.  I did not panic or become fearful, but just wondered why I was being presented to myself this way.  Without further thought, I remembered the dance, and proceeded to get dressed.

I had to search a bit for these new dresses, deciding the melon colored one would be perfect.   As I'm dressing, I was startled to see that one of the males from the car had flown up to the balcony door and was peering in at me!  I was surprised he could do so, but then also knew that he was 'special' and something more than the others.  He made some comment about not having seen such beauty in a long time and it was at this point that I have no further recall.
The more we learn the more limitless the Universe becomes!


Oh dear! I see I've been negligent in posting all my experiences here! Be sure to check my blog for the two I missed (#175, #176).  If you can't get it there for any reason, let me know and I'll repost here.  Meanwhile, I'll post the latest...thanks for reading!     Now also can get to the blog with

June 15, 2012   177) Lucid Learning; Mirrors Reflect Creative Abilities

It's been a few weeks since I've shared an OBE (with the one last week lost entirely due to an early morning phone call), but I do want to share an experience I had early this AM that was more of a lucid learning experience.  I do not remember being out of body, however, I do remember clearly I was with a guide and conscious of new information about to be given for a question I had regarding what is 'true reality' and how it relates to the One Moment.

I was being shown a snapshot (picture) of a scene that I remembered from childhood where I held a very large mirror up again my body and the camera caught the exact time my reflection and I appeared side by side in the same photo.  It appeared as though there were two perfect images of me, without seeing there was a mirror involved.

I then knew this image was being shown as a way of explaining how our personal perceptions create what we see.  There was so much abstract information being processed in this short explanation, that I understood it entirely at the time, however, now in trying to make sense now of what I saw, it is difficult to do with words.  But I will do the best I can to share what I learned.

I was shown a 'glass house' full of people, and noticed that each of them carried a mirror. Some mirrors were very small; others had full body length mirrors with them.  It may not even have been a real house but somewhere they could look outside into OTHER people and activities (with each of them carrying their own mirrors).  I saw that by positioning and shining their mirrors to exactly where they wanted to 'bring something into' their lives inside this glass house, they just had to point and shoot their mirror's reflection to that 'moment' they desired which was going on outside.

At the moment of pointing this reflection to the activity or person outside the house, immediately I could see that not only was the reflection seen in the personal mirror they carried, but also, there was movement of the 'essence' of it or some other part of it brought  into the 'glass house' where they were.   I could clearly see this 'reflection process' happening with the interaction of these reflections and at the time it all made perfect sense.

I felt all we had to do was point the mirror (and I felt it was up to us how big a mirror we had with us, as it was different sizes at different times) to whatever we wanted to 'focus' on outside of this glass house in these other lives and activities going on elsewhere that we also wanted to bring into our own house.

Now for the interesting part, I was then able to understand how a snapshot (picture) taken of this 'reflection process' is incapable of accurately portraying what is really happening.  Someone else taking this picture with their 'camera' captures only the single moment that shows the reflection in the mirror of this person, however, cannot accurately show how this same reflection is 'coming into' this person's 'life' or house.

In my conscious analyzing once awake trying to make sense of this, I believe it shows we always have the capabilities to have whatever we wish within this life (house).  The 'glass house', IMO, is a symbol of our perceived 'separateness', where we BELIEVE we have a 'wall' between us and the 'other creative realms' and/or experiences in other lives we have lived, but where in actuality, all of it is very accessible to us if only we took the time to make our 'mirror' (open mind or ability to 'reflect'; aka connect) bigger, and focus on what exactly we want 'out there', knowing we ARE able to bring into THIS life anything we wish.

When someone else is trying to explain or 'capture' the process that is happening for other individuals from an 'external' point of view, it is impossible for them to completely understand or even explain with a short 'snapshot of a moment' (camera picture) what is truly happening to us at that moment.   Hence the best way to understand and 'see' what is going on is to make your 'mirror' bigger and experience it for yourself.

Hence the picture I saw from my childhood in the beginning was a means of explaining this all to me, for which I completely understood and thanked the guide for showing me.  Of course, upon waking, to try to explain what I saw and felt into words is nearly impossible, but I do hope this gives you some idea of what I learned deep inside.)
The more we learn the more limitless the Universe becomes!


2011_07_22   Another death transition; Making amends

This particular experience was not like my usual in that I was not fully aware of my out of body status until later on.  What I am able to say is that this 'death transition' feeling I have felt a few times before, and am wondering if these are just simulations for me to experience, learning the ability to 'let go' when I realize fighting is futile, or could they really be past live experiences with passing over that I have already been through?  (Here's a link to another similar death transition experience on my blog:

I was driving my car down a very familiar back road, one I have traveled many times.  It was raining, and I became aware I was having feelings of 'foreboding' and danger, and wondered why it was happening.  As I drove down a very steep part of the road, I could see further down at the bottom of the hill that water had flooded over the roadway.

Initially I thought I might want to pick up some speed to get through it, however, a car coming from the other direction started passing through the water.  I was shocked to see the car start spinning around, pushed off the road by the high waters. 

I immediately put my car in reverse and backed up this steep hill quickly.  Thinking maybe I should stop and help this other driver, I glanced back through the front of my windshield to see that his car was nearly capsized, but thankfully I could see that he was able to safely exit through his window and climb onto dry ground.  I knew he had had a very close call with his situation.

As I backed up this hill, near the top I remembered there was a crossroad and wondered which way would be best to drive for an alternative route.  Pulling into a grassy area by the crossroad, I could see my choice was either to the right or left as I somehow knew I could not have gone back the way I came.

I could see water cascading across the crossroads, running from the right to the left.  I figured I'd better drive to the right, where the water was coming from, instead of taking a chance that the water was pooling down the road to the left.

As I started to pull out, I had to stop quickly because a large multi-passenger SUV was pulling out from that direction.  I was shocked to see it looked as though it had been in a terrible crash, with pieces missing, and obvious injury to the people inside.  I worried that maybe I should stop to help them too, but then figured since they were able to drive the vehicle, I guess they would be ok.

I turned quickly into the road leading to the right, and again was shocked to see that it appeared to be a 'dead end' (no pun intended).  Immediately I saw what looked like an accident scene, and too late realized there were electric wires down and across the road!!

I had driven directly into the path of the downed wires, as it was raining and everything from there on out happened at once.  I KNEW I was about to be electrocuted, I could see the wires, hear the crackle and pop, and felt the tingly vibration of something happening.  I knew I was going to pass over, and was not afraid at all, and my only concern was that it was to be painless.  I was thrilled when I realized all I felt was this slight tingle or vibration.

Wondering what was going to happen next, I remember thinking I'll have to do a reality check now, because I was curious what sort of reality I was moving into!  Immediately, I was fully awake in my bed, feeling the soft gentle sensations of settling back into my body.

After recording this experience, I went back to sleep and now found myself driving a car again, a common theme for me so I more easily become 'aware' when this happens within a dream.

I got the signal that I might be able to move out of body and so tried to roll out of the car.  I found it difficult to separate, and had a few seconds of thinking maybe I AM really driving and shouldn't be throwing myself out of the car!! Lol

However, this indecision as to whether I'm really driving or not is also another signal I use to know I'm ready to exit, as when I'm driving for real in the physical I absolutely have no doubt I am driving.  Therefore, ANY indecision as to whether it's 'real' or not, means it's not!

This time I three myself backward, and immediately found myself out and flying! I was thrilled! It's been a long time since I had this freedom of flight, and thoroughly enjoyed my swooping and flips!  Realizing I had to have a destination, I remember asking to 'take me where I need to learn', and suddenly I found myself just outside a large house.

I recognized it was the house of someone from 'a long time ago', yet not anyone I can recall in this physical life.  I also knew it was a woman whom I had had a 'falling out' with, and we had been estranged as friends for a long time.  I felt I was there to try to make amends.

Knocking at the door, I was surprised to have it answered by this woman's mother.  She was friendly and polite, and I was relieved to be asked to enter.  At this time, all I wanted to do was to go to her back yard to a particular tree and get a 'seed pod' that grew there.  I wanted this keepsake as a momento of our friendship from a long time ago.

As I walked through the house, I came face to face with the woman whom I was estranged from.  She was hesitating and not sure of what to say. I told her that her mom let me in and that all I wanted was this 'pod' from the backyard tree. 

I could sense she was nervous but yet resistant to this idea.  I did not want to upset her more, and so told her that if she really didn't want me to go to the backyard, that all she had to do was say, "I'd really rather you didn't"...and so that's exactly what she said to me.  She went on to explain other reasons why it wouldn't be a good idea, but I had already decided to withdraw back to the front door to exit.

At the front door, I heard her mom talking to me as I unlocked the double front door (actually two doors together,  opening one at a time.)  She mentioned that this same tree was growing in the front yard and peering out the window, I could see the pods I wanted were growing there as well, so those would be the ones I'd take.

As I exited, the scene changed to a narrowed dark corridor descending down, and as I traveled down, I can only remember that I met two other people, one of whom was a 'weak' woman in a very small toy car(?)  I know I discussed something but upon full wakefulness immediately afterward, I had no other recollection of what happened in that corridor.   
The more we learn the more limitless the Universe becomes!


Karen, as usual, another piece of non-physical gold.
Thank you for your continued posts!  :)


I've been on the Pulse for a long time and I've never come across this thread before, which I'm surprises me.  Nevertheless, it caught my eye tonight because of the title.  I'm a big fan of a series of fantasy novels by Terry Goodkind called the "Sword of Truth" series.  The author also recently started a series that exists in the same world as the sword of truth series, only 2000 years in the past.  Anyway, in these series, there are beings that were created by magic called "dream walkers" that are able to slip in the spaces between people's thoughts and ultimately control their minds.  They can just watch and listen, going completely unnoticed by the victim, or they can make themselves fully known in the mind of another person and literally control them.  They can kill the victim at anytime with just a thought.  In Goodkind's most recent book, "The First Confessor (The Legend of Magda Searus)", the story of the first dreamwalkers is told.  How they were created and what they do. 

It was just such a strange coincidence to come inside at 2:30am after sitting outside reading about dreamwalkers for an hour and see this thread for the first time, even though it's been here for over a year.  Such an interesting bit of synchronistic intersections of archetypal ideas.  Dreams walkers, walkers between the worlds, maybe even the minds of others.  Interesting indeed.  Thank you for this.  It will keep my mind busy for a while.
be awesome.


Quote from: personalreality on July 25, 2012, 02:28:38
I've been on the Pulse for a long time and I've never come across this thread before, which I'm surprises me.  Nevertheless, it caught my eye tonight because of the title.  I'm a big fan of a series of fantasy novels by Terry Goodkind called the "Sword of Truth" series.  The author also recently started a series that exists in the same world as the sword of truth series, only 2000 years in the past.  Anyway, in these series, there are beings that were created by magic called "dream walkers" that are able to slip in the spaces between people's thoughts and ultimately control their minds.  They can just watch and listen, going completely unnoticed by the victim, or they can make themselves fully known in the mind of another person and literally control them.  They can kill the victim at anytime with just a thought.  In Goodkind's most recent book, "The First Confessor (The Legend of Magda Searus)", the story of the first dreamwalkers is told.  How they were created and what they do. 

It was just such a strange coincidence to come inside at 2:30am after sitting outside reading about dreamwalkers for an hour and see this thread for the first time, even though it's been here for over a year.  Such an interesting bit of synchronistic intersections of archetypal ideas.  Dreams walkers, walkers between the worlds, maybe even the minds of others.  Interesting indeed.  Thank you for this.  It will keep my mind busy for a while. sorry I haven't replied to this but just saw it now as I was going to post my next experience...Gosh..controlling people, killing with a thought?...definitely not what I'm doing!!  lol  But yes, walking between worlds, which in essence is between the minds because we are all ONE! :) Thanks for the experience coming up now! :)  -Karen
The more we learn the more limitless the Universe becomes!


181)  Rough Exit; Fearful Voice; Buddy Visit; Fairies and Leprechauns

Although I have had a few experiences over the past few weeks which I have not written up, these last two were quite interesting so I thought I'd write them up to share and get some insights on.


This experience was unusual in that I felt it was a totally different exit than what I am used to.  Almost always, once I realize I'm ready to separate, I just roll off to my left off the bed and move on.  This time, once I was aware of being ready to separate, I felt heavy and unable to move. 

Determined to get out, I literally pushed myself up to a sitting position with my arms, concerned for a brief moment that I was actually physically doing this because it felt so 'real'.  Once sitting, I had to tug and pull to extricate myself until I was standing at the bedside. 

Still feeling the tremendous pull back to body, I affirmed 'to the door!'  to get away and blindly (as it was complete darkness) moved through the door, feeling the change in texture as my clue that I had exited the bedroom.

Flying down the stairs, I felt so free, assuming my now usual position of floating backwards on my back (looking to where I've been) as I watched the rotating circular pattern of lights that encompassed me in the blackness.   Knowing how much fun it was to fly, I did my usual flips and dips to just have fun.

Realizing I had had no plans as to where to go if out, I just called out into the blackness that surrounded me, "Is anyone there?"   (I don't know why I did this instead of making a plan to go somewhere, possibly I had a feeling someone was with me.) 

From off to my left, I distinctly heard a female speak four words/syllables in a husky deep 'ominous' voice.  (I recorded what I thought she said in syllables, as this was either another language or not meant for me to understand.   They were  "Aah baa for reel" or something like that)

The problem was that this 'disembodied voice' gave me just a twinge of fear as it felt like a 'not normal' experience.  I began to fade back and as I was pulled back I saw a four poster bed situated in a corner of a room that was surrounded with lots of wall decorations.  I have no idea whose room this was or what it meant.


This last experience was remarkable in that it started with a bit of a surprise for me and ended with an even bigger surprise.  My first recollection was that I was lying my head against a male's left chest and could feel his breath as it blew against my left ear.  It felt physically real, and I could even feel him breathe, and move his right arm to scratch his head.   

I could not see who this was, and with increasing awareness, realized this couldn't possibly be a physical reality as I live alone and have no one else here with me.  I worried just a bit, wondering who this could possibly be!

I was quickly distracted by a pawing to my left and turned around quickly, happily realizing it was my former black lab companion (who passed a few years ago) Buddy!!!  I was overjoyed at his coming to see me again, and I could tell by his familiar bark and wag of the tail how excited he was seeing me!

I called him up to the bed, cuddled and played with him, so ecstatic that he was here again!  I KNEW I was now out of body (as he's come to see before), and flew off the bed saying, 'come on, let's go!"

Now in full awareness, I knew I could go anywhere, and so I decided I'd go visit my friend NJ.  Affirming 'To NJ!" I started to fly up and away, but now  I could hear Buddy whimper slightly, the same sound he'd make when he thought he was going to be left behind.  I called to him, "Well, come on, Buddy! You can come too!" and he come toward me with a running leap.

As Buddy leapt toward me, I could feel a slight vibrational change, and realized I was once again traveling backwards, on my back, into fading darkness.  As it became darker, I could sense a bit of fear creeping in, so I closed my eyes so I wouldn't know when it became totally black and therefore more fearful (which could have ended the experience).

Once again, I enjoyed the leisurely drift backwards into the blackness, doing my flips and dips, and slowly became aware of countryside below me.  It was twilight, and looking down from on high, I could see the landscape below , including shadows cast from the plants and trees.

I noticed what looked like glittery 'orbs' coming all around me with an inquisitive feel to them.  They appeared to be like sparkling Christmas ornaments, with various designs and colors interwoven in them. 

My senses gave me the feeling these were 'extraterrestrials' (ETs) of some sort but I was not fearful of them.  I remarked how pretty they were and although I felt they were coming to investigate me, I wanted to investigate them!

As I looked at them, I now sensed people below, and turning around, saw a whole group of 'tiny people' quickly disperse and hide into the shadows as if they didn't want me to see them.   I called out to them as I flew down, 'Don't hide! Come out and talk with me!'

Very intrigued, I tried to communicate with them, and now sensed these were small 'fairy' or 'leprechaun' type people.   They timidly moved toward me, and appeared so cute, child-like in appearance yet fully grown people.   They were SO curious as to who I was and as I talked with them, I felt they wanted to learn more about me, but I told them "no, I need to learn more about you!"

I have no recollection as to how this entire experience ended, but it was amazing while slowly waking to still be able to 'see' those orbs sparkling around me.  Somehow I just KNOW these were the 'little people' of the land that so many call 'fairies' and 'leprechauns'.   I have always felt a kinship with fairies in some way but now I can tell you now, they DO exist!
The more we learn the more limitless the Universe becomes!


 Hello Karen, if it helps you any, I have found that in the last 2 weeks there has been some unusually strong energy amiss that we can tap into.  I have had some of the strongest and most unique Phase sessions, LDs in this timeline as well. 
Good Luck and Safe Travels!  :-)


Quote from: karen659 on August 07, 2012, 21:09:57
 I have always felt a kinship with fairies in some way but now I can tell you now, they DO exist!

Yes, indeed. I enjoyed reading these two experiences of yours, Karen. They resemble very much some of my OBEs. Just like you, I have been waken up by my pets, my two kittens who had passed few months prior to the OBE. I woke up from the noise of strong purring behind my head. I reached with my hand and there they were, laying next to me. I was ecstatic, started petting them and cuddling. Such a sweet feeling.
During another OBE I encountered a fairy like creature. It was a butterfly, but a bigger one, than the normal ones, and she had a little body and face of a young woman. She told me that our worlds co-exist in this dimension, but we had created barriers and are no longer able to observe it. Yes, they DO exist, and not just in the astral, because there anything and everything exists, lol, but in physical forms just like us, sharing the same realm.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on August 08, 2012, 01:46:42During another OBE I encountered a fairy like creature. It was a butterfly, but a bigger one, than the normal ones, and she had a little body and face of a young woman. She told me that our worlds co-exist in this dimension, but we had created barriers and are no longer able to observe it. Yes, they DO exist, and not just in the astral, because there anything and everything exists, lol, but in physical forms just like us, sharing the same realm.
Coincidentally I read exactly about this in a book on past life regression just 2 days ago. They (fairies, elves and other little people) can indeed 'manifest' in this physical realm, but it is said that their basis is not physical and they manifest rarely. Fairies and other 'little people' are there to support the group minds of nature, plants and lower animals. It is also said that it is evolution, so they might become human (incarnate as human) one day, this means in reverse that we were fairies once in our soul evolution. Hence why we might feel 'related' to them?
Fairies range above animals as they are 'more conscious' and individual. But animals too can evolve then into fairies (being of service to other animals) and consequently into humans later on on their path of soul evolution.

Read from here on:


Lionheart and Lightbeam...thank you for your comments!  I DO appreciate any validation as to what I experience as it always helps me understand how truly limitless we are in what we can do and learn about.

I want to just add that I didn't realize the 'orbs' I saw first may relate to the actual fairy contact just afterward! Found this: "When human beings capture orbs on film or when you are able to see them or sense them in your presence, what you are seeing or sensing could be one of hundreds of different kinds of beings.  It might be an angel, a fairy, a spirit animal, or countless other kind of being.  What or who it is depends on what your soul has called to interact with you at that time."

Thanks again! -K
The more we learn the more limitless the Universe becomes!


Quote from: karen659 on August 08, 2012, 07:19:14
I want to just add that I didn't realize the 'orbs' I saw first may relate to the actual fairy contact just afterward! Found this: "When human beings capture orbs on film or when you are able to see them or sense them in your presence, what you are seeing or sensing could be one of hundreds of different kinds of beings.  It might be an angel, a fairy, a spirit animal, or countless other kind of being.  What or who it is depends on what your soul has called to interact with you at that time."
Such a wonderful, mystical, magickal world we live in. If you stay "aware" and open, you will witness many unique things even here in the physical world.
Thank you for sharing Karen!  :-)


Quote from: Volgerle on August 08, 2012, 06:58:18
Coincidentally I read exactly about this in a book on past life regression just 2 days ago. They (fairies, elves and other little people) can indeed 'manifest' in this physical realm, but it is said that their basis is not physical and they manifest rarely. Fairies and other 'little people' are there to support the group minds of nature, plants and lower animals. It is also said that it is evolution, so they might become human (incarnate as human) one day, this means in reverse that we were fairies once in our soul evolution. Hence why we might feel 'related' to them?
Fairies range above animals as they are 'more conscious' and individual. But animals too can evolve then into fairies (being of service to other animals) and consequently into humans later on on their path of soul evolution..

I love Dolores Cannon! What a great writer, and I learned so much reading her books!  Thank you for your insights, and yes, I agree there are entire realms of 'energy' intelligence that we are just barely aware of!  As we are ultimately all part of the 'One', I'm sure we have some aspects of all within us!  :)
The more we learn the more limitless the Universe becomes!


Quote from: karen659 on August 07, 2012, 21:09:25 sorry I haven't replied to this but just saw it now as I was going to post my next experience...Gosh..controlling people, killing with a thought?...definitely not what I'm doing!!  lol  But yes, walking between worlds, which in essence is between the minds because we are all ONE! :) Thanks for the experience coming up now! :)  -Karen

I just found in to be a terribly interesting coincidence.  While the motives of the Dreamwalkers in the books is not of the highest nobility, the methods used are practically identical to what we do.  It reminds me of Inception (that movie has been on cable a lot, so I've been watching it) when leo has ellen page in their first shared dream and he explains how in a dream our mind work so fast that they create and perceive almost simultaneously.  For them it's the ability to interrupt that process and "slip in between it" that allows them to do their work.  The Dreakwalkers in the novels do much the same.  They slip in between the spaces in thoughts, in between perception and reaction.

It's all just great metaphor for what we do, and in some cases, actual technique.  I love finding those subtle little references in pop-culture.

Anyway, great journal.  Much more dedicated than me.
be awesome.


Quote from: personalreality on August 09, 2012, 02:38:18
I just found in to be a terribly interesting coincidence.  While the motives of the Dreamwalkers in the books is not of the highest nobility, the methods used are practically identical to what we do.  It reminds me of Inception (that movie has been on cable a lot, so I've been watching it) when leo has ellen page in their first shared dream and he explains how in a dream our mind work so fast that they create and perceive almost simultaneously.  For them it's the ability to interrupt that process and "slip in between it" that allows them to do their work.  The Dreakwalkers in the novels do much the same.  They slip in between the spaces in thoughts, in between perception and reaction.

It's all just great metaphor for what we do, and in some cases, actual technique.  I love finding those subtle little references in pop-culture.
Interesting, and yes..there is little you do between what you 'see' and 'do' when OOB...almost instantaneous as one does not have 'time' to think and analyze at all, you just do!  It's always such an adventure! DO know there is no such thing as 'coincidence'!!! lol  :-D

QuoteAnyway, great journal.  Much more dedicated than me.

Thank you so much for liking the IS a labor of love! I so want to share my journey so that others may have their own!

The more we learn the more limitless the Universe becomes!


My apologies for the length of this post, but I didn't want to leave anything out!

Rhine Research Center - Examining the Nature of Out of Body Experiences - September 2012

I want to share in as much detail as I can the experience I had last week (Sept 19-21, 2012) working with the Rhine Research Center ( in North Carolina as a participant for scientific research into the nature of out of body experiences.  This is a pilot study being done in preparation for further investigative work, and I was honored to be asked to be the first test subject to see if any improvements and/or results could be generated. 

Getting chosen to do this was in itself quite a synchronistic event, as I feel I didn't ask for this assignment, but the Universe showed me in or uncertain terms that I was to do to it!

I had just decided to sign up for the OBE Intensive with William Buhlman at the Monroe Institute in Virginia for November (as I've not been there before) and it was the Monroe Institute who was contacted by the researchers asking for astral study subjects who might be interested.  Through email, William Buhlman asked if I might be interested.  I was not really sure I wanted to do this, but for gather more information, I did as directed and contacted the CEO of The Monroe Institute.

When I first called, the CEO was on vacation so I left a message to call me back.  It took almost two weeks before I tried calling again, but in the meantime, I went ahead and made plans to visit my friend in Chapel Hill, NC for a visit in mid-September. 

Can you imagine my surprise when I found out from the CEO of TMI that the planned research was scheduled to be done IN North Carolina, just a few miles from where I'd be visiting my girlfriend AND they wanted to do it mid-September!!   It was as if the Universe lined up the plans so that I had the exact time and place to be available for their research!

Arriving at the Rhine Research Center, I met with John and Bryan and had an overview of expectations and a general tour of the facility.  We discussed the various ways they were hoping to take measurements – the exact platform scale 'bed' used previously by Lewis Hollander in the 1990's for his research (, a random number generator they previously used for their ESP research, a BioEnergy room that had a photon collection device to count the amount of invisible UV light that can be emitted, and a final 'target' room that would contain a chosen target that I was to focus on 'seeing' when out of body.

I was able to pick the room I wanted the target placed in, and to keep it double blind, the researchers themselves would not know what the target was.  Another facility member would place it after hours and the room sealed.

Control testing started, which involved calibrating the scale to document changes in weight during deep breathing, holding breath both inhalation and exhalation, as well as documenting the changes in pattern as I moved on the platform.  We had decided that the first 30 minutes or so would be my induction phase with a guided meditation, and that I would normal roll to my left to sleep just after it so the movement of the body roll was needed to be document to signal a 'start' time.

It was agreed that I would attempt to get OOB to the target and try to return immediately to record my impressions, and then if possible get back OOB to try for another experience for weight change, as the back to back OBEs have been done in the past with me.   I would call out after I was completely awake for the morning.

To maximize the simulation for my own OBEs that occur frequently in the early morning hours, we agreed that I would call Bryan (who is staying in the same hotel 3 doors down) on the room phone after I wake the first night, between 3-4am.  I plan on sleeping for about only 4 hours, staying up until 11:30pm or so, to get the deep sleep over with, and then once awakened, call Bryan who would then accompany me across the street to the research facility and scale.


I woke about 3am, tossed for a bit but by 3:15a decided to get up and get ready to go across the street.  Arrived with Bryan at 3:20am to lab, was underway with attempt by 3:35am. The platform was not as comfortable as I initially thought and staying in the one position on my left side was becoming awkward.

I was concerned throughout the time that my excessive movement might alter what the scale readings were, so was anxious not to move much, which didn't allow me to drop into sleep easily.  I remember feeling a bit cool with the fan blowing, wishing I had left my jacket on instead of hanging it by the door.  I felt my discomfort might impact my ability to project.

It felt as if I was never falling asleep with time ticking, doing deep breathing, visualizations of the target, impressing the need to know what it is.  I also remembered the random number generator to try to see if I could get it to flow out of the normal curve.

At some point I must have drifted off to sleep, as I recall some dialogue with a woman who wanted something I had and was ready to give to another person.  This woman said something to the effect that she was 'on her deathbed' and I should feel obligated to give it to her, but somehow I knew this statement it was not true.

I woke a few more times, always uncomfortable and afraid to move, but eventually took the risk of moving, checked the time on my phone and saw it was already 6am.  Figuring not much was going to happen with this first experiment, I rolled to my right side and attempted one more time to sleep.

Next memories were of watching a video that was made for our local hospital where I used to work (some sort of promotional video it felt) and it was focusing on a display of wooden signs with words on them, such as Simplicity and many others I could read.  (I discussed with Bryan the possibility that this might have to do with the target, but not certain)

I thought this unusual to have a video of the gift shop, focusing so intently on these word signs, but then the camera panned to the lobby where it was decorated very warmly as if autumn (which I remember thinking it's really not that season yet).  I saw a fire in the fireplace, and off to my left a huge slab of meat roasting on a rotisserie.  I didn't think this strange at all, only the sense that it was not the right 'season' to be decorated in yet.

My next thoughts were of 'waking', wanting to find the light.  I felt a lamp pole on my right, and proceeded to walk my hands up the thin pole to the level where I felt a shelf to be located.  On this shelf was a smaller lamp, without a shade, only a small broken bare light bulb at the top.  I knew this was not going to work and felt disheartened again.

I then heard names being called out, as if a roll call, and the feeling of a school came.  I saw/felt three younger girls (ages 12-14) walking by and noted that the names all started with the same "K" or "C" consonant so both the first and last names were similar, and I took note it was the same beginning sound as my name, Karen.

Without any change in focus, I then heard two or three young boys giggling and laughing coming up on my right as I lie face down on the platform.  I was fully aware I was in the test area, as I felt to be awake, and wondered why these boys were so close.  Not moving, I then felt them climb up onto the platform with me, still having such fun and laughing!  I worried that this 'extra weight' from them is going to really have an effect on the scale measurement! I knew that the test was done now, especially with this added weight and their I began to relax and enjoy the merriment with them. 

I asked them, "what are you boys doing here?" and one answered something like 'What do you think we are doing here?' and before I had time to think of another question, I felt the pull back to physicalness.

I realized upon fully waking that there was no one else in this room, there was no lamp or shelf, and it was a false awakening.  I recorded what I just experienced noting it was approximately 7:20am.

I then called out to Bryan, who came in with post-experience questions as I shared my experiences on tape for later data review and analysis.  I will say there was some interesting results, but I unfortunately cannot disclose any information at this time until the data is fully analyzed.


Met wit Bryan and John at 11am, and discussed plans for control BioEnergy readings in double dark room and then meditative session to see if could increase response in light photons (which change into current for readout).   Many people before had been tested, over 130, from healers, meditators, etc. Only 9 of over 130 people were able to make a significant effect with it over the past 15 years.

For this session, I sat upright in chair, with all metal removed from my body.  The session began when told to open filter to allow capture while in pitch black room.  After 3-5 minutes of baseline, then told to do meditative session for about 30 minutes with them to advise me of when time to stop would be, then to follow with another 3-5 minutes of baseline.

Upon review of the session immediately afterward, they showed me that I had a normal baseline with a fairly constant level of photon emission for approximately 20 minutes.  At this time John indicated that it seems there would be no change so they might as well end, and he was surprised to see that just as he was speaking his sentence to Bryan there was a huge single spike in photon emission.  They agreed to let it run a bit more, and a second lesser spike was immediately noted.  Again it seemed to stabilize after a minute and John mentioned stopping the session, which once again as he said this, a slight change in trend in emission was registered on the screen.

The change from baseline continued for a few minutes and then returned to original baseline.  At this time it was just over 30 minutes and the session was stopped.  This was not as significant a finding as some they have had, but still noted to have a difference in photon emission when there should have been none, as nothing physical in the room changed.

During this meditative session, I was very surprised to hear them tell me the 30 minutes was up, as I as certain it had only been 10 minutes at most. In this total pitch black room, you lose all sense of time.

We walked across the street to hotel for lunch, swapped lots of stories, and return for the afternoon nap session back on the scales.  I was not optimistic that this would be too successful as I rarely find time to nap in the afternoon, yet knew that I would stay open to the possibility since I knew I had previously had an OBE years ago while napping.

Once on the bed scale platform for a nap, I was easily into the meditative state, and just prior to the 30 minute signal when I would roll over, I thought I heard knocking or noise just outside the room.  Thinking they wanted to let me know the 30 minutes were up, I stayed in my relaxed mindstate a bit more to finish, and then rolled to my left as the agreed signal.

I had much difficulty in falling asleep, affirming over and over OUT OF BODY NOW and TO TARGET, as well as remembering to try to change the random number generator.  It was at least 20-30 minutes before I was able to fall asleep, again hearing some noises in the room during this time, and then again just before becoming fully awake.

I felt that I had definitely achieved a 'dream state' at the end of this experience, however, did not enter into a full out of body state.  However, I was much more relaxed in not worrying about movement and attempted to keep myself as comfortable as possible.


I awoke about 3:10am, called Byran at 3:15am and we started the session by 3:25am.

I used 30 minutes mediation MP3, then rolled to my left side to sleep as the agreed signal. I was MUCH more comfortable with extra layer foam and small Mexican blanket John added.  I was also more comfortable knowing I could move as I needed to.  I intently focused on OUT OF BODY and TO TARGET with some thought of random number generator change.

For this session I had many dream snippets recalled that pertained to my prior work at the hospital again and taking care of patients.  I am not revealing details here due to the personal nature of much of it.  I believe I had many different memories, all with certain impressions made, that I took note of as potentially related to the target.  For instance, in one, I was with a male, visiting someone's house, wanting to take a shower, asked for towel, and was told they were in the office a room next door.  I found these beautiful blue turquoise colored towels folded in a box.

When I felt as if I woke for day, a time check revealed it was 6:22am and I was determined to give this a another attempt so settled back in with OUT OF BODY and TO TARGET affirmations, as well as an intense try for changing the random number generator.

I then heard a window rattling twice, yet there was no window in room   Felt the beginnings of vibrations, and a slight floating feeling, but no full separation.  Few recalled memories during this time involved a blue coffee cup, the D handle shape impressed in my mind.

I was surprised to find out the next time check it was 7:59 am and that almost 90 minutes had passed as it did not feel to have been that long that I was attempting.  I thought I had been awake the entire time, maybe ½ hour at most.

Byran came in with post session questions where I spoke of my experiences above, my increased comfort, my wish I had been this comfortable in previous session, and the rare opportunity I've had to do this back to back, which may have set limiting beliefs with me that it might not be as successful.

Again results this time were quite surprising for me, but alas, I cannot divulge the specific details yet. But I will say that the random number generator definitely went out of the range of 'normal chance' for a long period of time!


They had moved the scale bed into the double dark BioEnergy room with the photon collections, turned on the random generator and reminded me of trying to hit the target.

As this was another 'nap' session, we agreed we'd stop after 2 hours, since in there I had no way of knowing the passage of time.

We started at 2pm, with all metal and reflective surfaces taken off. I opened the shutter and started my induction.  I remember getting about 15-20 minutes in (feels like) and then the very next recollection I had I was wide awake after a 'settling in' sensation.  It felt as though I had 'clicked out' for an unknown period of time, moving out of body, despite the complete loss of recall in between.

I was concerned because I had no concept of how much time had lapsed, it could have been a few minutes (as I was still on my back) or much longer.  Feeling as if I had to continue to try a bit more, I rolled over to my right side facing the wall (the agreed 'signal' that I'd try to move out) and attempted to get information on the target as I relaxed. Used affirmations out of body now, to the target, but could tell nothing was really going to happen.

Felt after a short bit, maybe 10 minutes or so in my estimation, that 'time's up' and so I called out to the guys that I'm awake and ready, hoping that there was some results.

I was astonished to discover that it was EXACTLY two hours when I called out, as John was about to knock on the door to wake me!  It was the longest session they had ever had and it was quite interesting to hear of the results.

With the debriefing, I was dismayed to think I had not real information to share because of this 'click out' sensation.  All I knew was that I was likely out of body, going somewhere that I was not able to have any recall of at all.  Upon return I attempted to consciously get out again, knew it wasn't going to happen, and then called out.

What is fascinating was the preliminary results that were taken at this session!!  Again, no specific details can be told, but they DID congratulate me on being one of the few people they have had in this room to make a significant change in photon light emission!

Not only the photons, but there were some potentially significant changes in the scale measurements!  I wish I could tell you details, but I do not want to compromise any research and was asked not to do so.

As this was the final session for the research, we now were going to see what the target was that was placed in the room by the secretary.  This was a double blind target, as neither researcher knew what it was.  They had me write down my impressions from all the sessions as to what I felt it could be, such as 'blue' 'box' 'wooden' 'triangle' 'angular' "D" shape, etc.

Then the secretary brought in a bag with five items including the target.  As soon as I saw one certain object come out of the bag, I immediately felt a pull to choose it.  I was asked to line them up in order of preference – 1 to 5 – and for whatever reason, knew it was only one of the three.  Two items, a feather and wooden flute, was 'cold' and not even considered.  The other three items were close, a blue-green prism in the shape of a triange, a small wooden box, and a clear egg carton with various colored embroidery thread in it. 

My choice initially was the egg carton, as it 'felt' right...and I made that #1.  John asked me to re-read my list and make sure I wanted to leave it as it was before the secretary revealed the answer to us all.  At THAT time, I panicked a bit and with what I saw I wrote down, changed my choice from the egg carton to the blue-green prism as #1.   As you can probably guess, the correct target WAS the egg carton!! Goes to show that you should always listen to your intuition first!!!

My time here with the Rhine Institute was just fantastic, and I came away with such validation for me that there CAN BE something 'tangible' to this astral projection!  I was pleased to have had some results with this, the best being the random number generator going out of 'normal' chance for such a long period of time, and the 'light generation' that I achieved with the photon emission and possible change in weight with projection.

This will all be written up in a published pilot study, hopefully by the end of the year when I can share publicly some of the 'official' results after the data is fully analyzed.
The more we learn the more limitless the Universe becomes!


 Wow, Thank You for sharing this with us Karen!  :-) This must have been an extraordinary experience for you. I have thought about going somewhere to aid in a Sleep/OBE study, but worried about getting "stage fright", when it got down to crunch time. It must be really difficult to be able to perform in a foreign area, totally out of your comfort zone. You have an amazing amount control and skill. I hope they received some great data from your visit. You did the research department a real justice by this. Someday when they finally find the answers, that's if they can, you will know that you put in your valuable contribution towards their success!  :-)


Quote from: Lionheart on October 03, 2012, 00:15:37
Wow, Thank You for sharing this with us Karen!  :-) This must have been an extraordinary experience for you. I have thought about going somewhere to aid in a Sleep/OBE study, but worried about getting "stage fright", when it got down to crunch time. It must be really difficult to be able to perform in a foreign area, totally out of your comfort zone. You have an amazing amount control and skill. I hope they received some great data from your visit. You did the research department a real justice by this. Someday when they finally find the answers, that's if they can, you will know that you put in your valuable contribution towards their success!  :-)

Thank YOU so much for your kind words!  Yes, I worried quite a bit regarding 'performance anxiety', yet, I also believe it was those two little boy spirits who showed up the first night and reminded me I was to relax and just have some fun with it...and I did!  I'll share the public report as soon as I get it!  Thanks again!
The more we learn the more limitless the Universe becomes!


2012_10_29    184) Clarity of Awareness; "Physical" Intimacy During OBE

It's been a while since I've posted any experience on my blog, not because I haven't had any, but mainly because most of the exits and experiences were either not remembered in much detail or not having much in the way of things I've done.

I do want to share a few bits about the last two, especially since there is such a correlation always with my daily life activities. 

One exit last week started with awareness of vibrations, not extreme, but soft 'numbing' type sensations.   I was excited to feel them, knowing I was going to get out again!  I willed them to become stronger, and at the point where I knew I could get out, I pulled myself, struggling against the strong pull back to body. 

As I'm pulling out, I can feel my feet and arms lifted, and as I sit up, I mentally request help to move to the door.   I can hear a voice in my ear saying, "Push, Karen, push! You can do it!"  I did not see anyone, but could clearly hear her voice.  Breaking free from the pull of the body, I move down the stairs to my living room.

In the living room I am astonished at the mess! Things strewn all over, including toys and things from my children at an early age (who have since long grown up).  My sister is there, and so I assume that this is just something I shouldn't worry about, and then move to the front picture window with the intention of getting outdoors.

I feel so heavy with such difficulty moving that I just want to get outside to feel the change in cool air I knew I'd have.  I stuck my head out the window, felt the coolness to affirm that I was indeed out, and then climbed up to the roof.

Here I just enjoyed the freedom of hanging off the roof by my legs, thrilled at the sight of my astral form in such clarity!  I could clearly see my legs on the roof, as my head hung off the side!  It was such validation for me that I was in control with such clarity of vision, as I don't always get to see 'myself' when out of body. 

Floating down from the roof, I remembered I had set the intention of visiting a friend and sending energy for a positive outcome to some pending health-related testing (which DID come back the next day with good results!).    Although I did not get to him, I know I sent energy his way.

I tried then to take off flying and immediately felt the pull back to body, now lying in bed and hearing a radio station playing.  I could feel some sort of 'tingling' energy circling my face and attempted to get to my recorder.  It was another false awakening, as my fumbling with the buttons showed me I still was not fully awake.

Eventually, I did wake to full consciousness, disappointed that I didn't really do a lot, but happy to know that I had such clarity in vision with being able to see myself, which is so rare for me. 

This last exit this morning was a bit personal, but I'll at least mention some of the details.  I do have to let you know that in the Astral Projectors group on Facebook, there was some discussion on 'astral sex' that may have influenced this experience!

My first awareness was of an alarm going off with flashing lights, one that actually scared me a bit as I knew we were preparing for a rather severe storm within the next day.

However, I had the presence of mind to know that I had put on my sleep mask and should NOT be able to see any light; hence I knew that this was likely the start of an OBE.  I just let it go on and waited to see what would happen next. 

I felt vibrations and immediately took the initiative to climb out, this time backward as if I was on my stomach and lifting up.   This time it was easy to move, and I glided down the stairs with great control. 

Once down stairs, I moved to the side door (always picking a different exit from the house for some reason!), and along the way stopped to go through a wall just to enjoy the feeling of texture change.

I flew a little, gliding gently, not really having an intended target.  I remembered to affirm, "take me to where I need to go" hoping that I'd feel that transition to another learning opportunity. 

I did a little jump to see if I could initiate the transitions, but was disappointed to not feel any change or tunnel as I usually do.  I closed my eyes and affirmed again, this time to realize I'm back in bed, but not waking as I usually do.

Realizing I could get out again, I roll immediately off to the left and seeing the window by my bed, intending to go through that way for a quick exit. 

However, I was immediately pulled backward by someone, with strong warm arms encircling me.  I was being hugged, and totally enjoyed this sensation of such close 'physical' contact'!  I asked who he was, but got no answer, just more wonderful closeness and intimacy.   

What happened next will not be posted on the blog here, but suffice to say that it was quite intimate; something that I would never have believed could be felt when out of body!!  Even though I knew I was 'out of body', there certainly was quite the physical sensations being felt!!

Again, after a time, there was the pullback to wakefulness, however, before I was able to record much of it, I had a bit of 'astral vision' where I could 'see' a window the a rather severe storm going on outside it.  Knowing a hurricane was on its way, I assumed this was just an affirmation that I had to make sure I was prepared for the worst.

I woke to full awareness, recorded what I could, and knew that this was one OBE that was a first of its kind for me!
The more we learn the more limitless the Universe becomes!