Erin Pavlina, Demons, and Astral Sex

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Let me start this with an experience and I'll get to the point. 6 months ago my cousin Samantha passed away unexpectedly from a drug overdose. We were close as kids but as we got older we lost contact.. I went to her wake, it was quite sad as she died on her 32nd birthday, its very young.. So that night I had a spontaneous OBE, I found myself standing on the side of a road when a car pulled up, It was Samantha! I got in the car and she took me to a house on the ocean, her new house. She looked great, laughing and smiling, she was really proud of this new house. I tried to ask about her death but she didn't want to talk about it, she was insistent that I just take the tour of the new place. It was nice, the ocean surrounded the place, the water was right at the back door. And that was that, I got the message, she was OK.

Anyway, I knew this message wasn't for me as we hadn't talked for a very long time. I wanted to tell her sister Mary but it's not that easy to do without sounding like a loony tune... I didn't say anything... Then, a couple months later Mary posted something on Facebook related to a new age topic and then I felt like maybe I wouldn't sound so crazy. I told her the whole story and she was thankful for it. We talked about OBE's in general for a while, I told some of my other experiences and she was genuinely interested... This is where we get to Erin Pavlina, She did some searches on astral projection and found Erin, the next thing I know I'm getting messages about how demons can take over your body and how everything thing is out to get you. Which I responded that Erin doesn't know whats she's talking about, we all know that. Then I  she asked me about astral sex, sure it sounds like fun but it ends my experiences just thinking about it, or if I'm able to follow through I wake up feeling like I wasted a perfectly good experience, so I avoid it. It just sucks that the first thing people find when they research AP is Erin Pavlina, she does much more harm than good, never mind that she charges 800 bucks for a "reading". Anyway, I'm thankful that I found this site and all you folks  :-)


Really nice experience.  :-)

And I couldn't agree with you more about Erin Pavlina.  She's a fear-spreader of the worst kind, because she can easily get your attention.   Sadly.

My hope with teaching Projection is that I can get to a new person before they've poisoned their minds too much.

Rachael Hicks

I googled ap and unfortunately found Erin's page before I found this website, she freaked me out so bad I didn't sleep good for 2 weeks! She should be careful what she posts especially for people like me that ap naturally. I've since learned to control them but when you fall asleep and just pop out you don't won't to read that a demons going to be at the foot of your bed! I hope newbies resist the urge to click on her website :evil:
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream".            Edgar Allan Poe


Quote from: Rachael Hicks on February 21, 2014, 18:10:48
I googled ap and unfortunately found Erin's page before I found this website, she freaked me out so bad I didn't sleep good for 2 weeks! She should be careful what she posts especially for people like me that ap naturally. I've since learned to control them but when you fall asleep and just pop out you don't won't to read that a demons going to be at the foot of your bed! I hope newbies resist the urge to click on her website :evil:
Well the thing is this:  SHE BELIEVES IT.

That's a huge problem, because it's part of her reality, which means it's part of her experiences now too.
No idea where she learned it from, but where/who ever it was they did her no service by instilling that fear in her.

It's really funny too... people who experience these "demons" are so indoctrinated into the belief now that they also believe that the solution MUST be something really complicated... when in reality it's as simple as waking up and stop believing.  I've told so many people this and they laugh at me... meh.  No skin off my "not experiencing demons" nose.  :)

Rachael Hicks

I agree with you, I've only thought I came into contact with a demonic entity once but after I realized I created it from being afraid of the unknown I've never had a incident again. It's really hard to teach people not to be afraid and to let go of their egos. Wish there was a button you could push lol
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream".            Edgar Allan Poe


Hear is a post from Erin's web page , she is stating that a demon can not take over some one while out of body .

. Can someone take over your body while you're astral?
No. Your astral cord is like a bookmark, it holds your place. Nothing and no one can take your body while you're out. That isn't to say that something can't be standing right next to it and when you want to go back to your body it tries to tell you that you don't. Don't listen to those blokes. They are not nice. You are allowed to go back to your body anytime you want. Simply will yourself back, or step back into your body when you're ready to come back.

She also discusses sex with demons and states it is possable , but not a good idea .


There are web sites on demon sex ( not Erin's ) I post 2 , there easy to find . They contain adult lang. I know nothing about the sites .


Really what I was getting at was her ability to scare people, for instance if you google "astral projection" Erin Pavlina pops up maybe 5th on the list with a page titled "The Dangers Of Astral Projection". As a beginner you don't want to be indoctrinated with fears.. In the NP you could have sex with a ghost raptor from mars if you wanted, the fact is that the astral is what you make it and beginners don't understand that... luckily I had a bunch of good experiences before I read any of that garbage, it was easily dismissed upon further reading...

Rachael Hicks

True but everyone has their own opinions and they will choose to believe her till they get proof otherwise. I choose to believe its garbage as well, but to each their own. As Campbell said taste the pudding and my pudding doesn't have demons in it! It has sprinkles and rainbows lol :-D
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream".            Edgar Allan Poe


Quote from: desert-rat on February 21, 2014, 19:21:52
Hear is a post from Erin's web page , she is stating that a demon can not take over some one while out of body .

. Can someone take over your body while you're astral?
No. Your astral cord is like a bookmark, it holds your place. Nothing and no one can take your body while you're out. That isn't to say that something can't be standing right next to it and when you want to go back to your body it tries to tell you that you don't. Don't listen to those blokes. They are not nice. You are allowed to go back to your body anytime you want. Simply will yourself back, or step back into your body when you're ready to come back.

She also discusses sex with demons and states it is possable , but not a good idea .
I can almost guarantee she's simply parroting that "astral cord" statement...


Quote from: Rachael Hicks on February 21, 2014, 20:38:29
True but everyone has their own opinions and they will choose to believe her till they get proof otherwise. I choose to believe its garbage as well, but to each their own. As Campbell said taste the pudding and my pudding doesn't have demons in it! It has sprinkles and rainbows lol :-D

Rachael, you win.  :)


I think you should really read Erin's blog on the dangers of a.p. I dont think she is trying to frighten any one . Now if you want to read some strange beliefs you should read some of Robert Bruce's blogs.  I remember one where he stated that a spirit would not cross water ( like a garden hose). If you want some thing scary check out some of the you tube videos on the danger of astral projection made by different church groups .


Quote from: Xanth on February 21, 2014, 21:19:26
I can almost guarantee she's simply parroting that "astral cord" statement...
She probly has takken her blogs form other materal . 

Rachael Hicks

"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream".            Edgar Allan Poe


Hear is Erin's blog on astral sex with demons  , its more of a warning , of what the demon might do . Contains adult lang.

Rachael Hicks

Thanks for the link, what's your take on the subject? :?
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream".            Edgar Allan Poe


I have had a few discussions with Erin , over on the Pavlina ( Steve Pavlina ) forum when it was still up . On sex with demons , I just dont see the point in it . Astral  sex with humans and other beings has been discussed on this forum a few times .


Well.. I'm wrong I guess. I'll go back to just reading this site from now on.


There is lots of info on astral projection . I think its ok to read all you can on a.p. , even the scary stuff , just understand the mind set of who wrote it .   There is at least 1 you tube video made by a Polish church group stating that a.p. is a sin and you will burn in hell , its funny to watch ( and  not true ) A post I made on Half way on that video , and a link to a discussion on another forum . 
A link to a post made by Robert Bruce , where he states that a spirit an not cross water .


I find it interesting I mentioned this to Xanth the other day (Erin Pavlina can be a non physical hindrance). She scared me at first, then I did my research. The non physical is sending us all a message ;) time to unite and stop the Astral protagonist. Hmmm...I may just wait till the world discoveries her gossip is nonsense ;)

Looke (:


Quote from: Lookedynamixhales on February 22, 2014, 20:17:04
I find it interesting I mentioned this to Xanth the other day (Erin Pavlina can be a non physical hindrance). She scared me at first, then I did my research. The non physical is sending us all a message ;) time to unite and stop the Astral protagonist. Hmmm...I may just wait till the world discoveries her gossip is nonsense ;)

Looke (:
The problem is, it's not nonsense to her!  :-P

This is her reality and she is teaching it as she sees it to be.


Quote from: Lionheart on February 22, 2014, 21:26:49
The problem is, it's not nonsense to her!  :-P

This is her reality and she is teaching it as she sees it to be.

I understand that and try hard to respect it. Though it is quite damaging to some people often creating fear than helping. I get it we all have personal truths however these truths need to be personal, I think people nowadays find it so hard to project because of all the personal truths they try to process in the brain. As Xanth said they need to experience projection for them selves before coming to any conclusion but how to do you do that when your own human nature naively absorbs all the different bits of information you have access to?

Looke (:


As you know Pavlina has not done anything wrong.   It is what she believes is to be true.    It is important not to believe everything you read, particularly with ap.   When I read about ap, I think that sounds good.   I like that.   When I see something that I think is rubbish I ignore it.    I learn from what I think is sensible and I ignore the rest. 


Quote from: Astralsuzy on February 23, 2014, 15:00:59
As you know Pavlina has not done anything wrong.   It is what she believes is to be true.
Problem with this is that she and others like her should it make more clear often that it is "their" belief. But they don't. They state these things as "FACT" to their clientele instead of stating that it is only what they derived from their own experience (if at all). Unfortunately there are many gullible people out there who are beginners maybe and are exposed to her 'information' only before they ever go somewhere else to get a different viewpoint. Hence the fear porn keeps sticking with them or even prevents them from going on.


Exactly this is my opinion too. Volgerle hit the nail on the head. A beginner is exposed to this information stated as "fact" and to be fair a newbie is not going to dismiss it as rubbish when they know very little if not nothing on the subject. I am not saying she is a bad person or anything along those lines a tall she seems to be an intelligent women however she does write her opinions as fact. I am not "bashing" her or trying to discredit her in anyway but it makes me sad people get tainted by her words.

Looke (: