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Planet X on the way?

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I think it's supposed to pass by us in June of this year.  There are many different prophecies regarding this object.  I've unintentionally been reading a lot about this object lately and most reports/stories/whatever say it's a planet (Planet X) I forget what the "real" name for it is.  Some say it will cause death and destruction (Man's favorite prophecy...) and some say it will bring peace and restore order to the Earth.  Kinda hard to believe either, so I just say let's wait and see what happens.  Hehe. [;)]


and its really interesting. I am not normally one to buy into all this armageddon stuff but over the past few months the whole planet x thing has really got my attention.

Brian Hacking

Nibiru.   Planet X etc...

It is  a pretty good site with some basic information.

Enjoy,  but don't get too carried away.   There are a lot of theories and prophesies attached to Nibiru,  Including that it is really a spaceship with immortal beings on it that used the Human Species as mining slaves.  

Anyway,  have fun

With Love,


Yeah Nibiru, that's the name.  Hehe, I've read similar things Brian.  Everything from it's actually a spaceship of evil (reptilian) aliens to it's a "living planet" with higher beings that are coming to help Earth reach the 5th dimension.  

It's probably nothing but a big comet that will affect tides as it passes by, but we'll see what happens. [:P]


The link doesnt work so i'll guess at what it is with it having comet story in its address.
My guess is its regarding the latest story of a huge object circuling the sun caught by sattelite imagery, ive heard that it is a huge cluster of comets which is why it appears so large and that a solar flare has hit the cluster causing some of these comets to alter course. There is even an animated sattelite image somewhere on the web showing this comet moving by the hour and then a solar flare hitting or at least comeing close to the object.



Already did all that which is how I knew so much, which isnt much really but its still something, lol. [:)][;)]

Shawn McCaffrey

I went to that website, and it's weird how scared the gov. got from it.... And the solar flares... And how did a planet change course like that?  It was like a 180!!! Is it coming towards us?  Do you know?if so.. How long?

Please note that due to 'excess traffic' complaints by our hosting company, we have relocated the story to the following links (all mirrors of the same story):  
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It would be nice of them to have actual images of this comet rather than just sketches of its path and size. Assuming there is actually something out there.



A bad light show would be enough for me, and the comet does not even have to provide popcorn. In June we can laugh about this.

Has anyone given thought to what they would want to do if this thing was definitely going to hit our planet and kill us all by the end of May?


hhmm... Maybe we could send EVERY sort of destructive weapon we have towards it, in wave after wave of nukes and H-bombs over and over and over again till we are depleted of destructive force[ also solveing the weapons issue thats going on now]. if timed right with all the missles and bombs and such, and set on one point of that thing, there might be the possibility of it actually exploding before it got to us... plus if we managed to get all the metaphysisists in the world to will it away from the planet and have all the riligious buff's to have mass prayers for it to miss, i think we would also have a good chance of that helping out aswell.... [ those could be choises, if mass chaos weren't to envelope the planet... 10 to 1 all of the presedents and leaders of the world would try to get their sorry asses off the planet before the planet is struck... leaving most of the populace to be destroyed.]
If someone has the knowledge, and wants to do something, how far do you think they can go, if they lack the experience, and are unable to sustain the amount of effort needed to succeed?  ~ Self 2/25/2003


Does anyone have any coordinates or trajectories to send those nukes out on? Also, the Saturn V rocket is no longer in production. Does anyone have something that can go beyond high earth orbit, about 50,000 miles?


We could call Superman!  He'd fly out there and push it away! [:D]


You know it's interesting, my family has a history of writing about things then having them happen. Dad wrote about Vietnam, mom wrote about an inn burning down, and stuff like that. Guess what I'm writing these days! A book where Pyschics suddenly start feeling something BIG coming right when a large asteroid appears on a collision course with Earth. It hits the pacific ocean right where the Mariana trench is. Although the asteroid turns out to be giant space dragon who sends out his four dragon angels to kill everyone on the planet. Which they do. taaa!!

ps. 80,000 words and counting!

Shawn McCaffrey

Well you better have a happy ending because us "psychics" are having odd feelings read the threads!  [xx(]


I have been rading the threads. I think it's kind of funny really. At this rate I'm going to have to sue the universe for stealing my ideas. Although if there is a giant bad coming I say bring it! We bad, we can handle it. Be it comets, asteroids, alien invasion (just sneez on them and you'll be fine), demon attacks, space dragons, or what. We're the fighting kid!

What I find really kind of funny though is that while everyone on the other thread is saying how they've been feeling terrible recently I've felt just the opposite. for some reason for the last month I've been feeling better than I have in....well ever. [8D] Rock on party people! taaaa!!

ps. If the thing in space is the about size of the empire state building you might want to consider getting off the planet...[;)]

Shawn McCaffrey

Empire state building what are you talking about!?  It's 1/2 the size of pluto!


i got to this topic a little late, but its still good (simpsons.. bwahahahaa)..

those comets/asteroids/small pieces of space debris wre created during the creation of the asteroid belt: when something slammed into a then-existing terrestrial planet between jupiter and mars. and they're still orbiting around the thing that slammed into that planet: nibiru. some newly discovered comets, you'll notice, have cycles of around 3600 years, the same length of time that sitchin suggested nibiru's orbit around the sun was, and he said this back in 1976. all kinds of rock debris from that planet is now hovering over nibiru, and before and after its perihelion, we should see a lot of it.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Very interesting page, huge amount of info and lots of good radio type science shows to hear.
Basically, there are masses of comets flying into our solar system from the south (eg comet NEAT was a big one, about the size of the moon), and they are having an electrical effect on our sun causing it to go totally crazy. It should be at a solar minumum about now, but instead it waaaayy more active than we have ever seen it before (last maximum should have been in 98 but its just been rising since then). The effect of this is that there are enormous solar flares being given off, earth is getting bombarded by x-rays, and people like me have been really tired for the last few weeks (activity stepped up again). All the little comets are effectively companions to the BIG one, planet x, niribu, whatever. Dont know when its gonna be here, probably later this year if everyones prophecies are to go by (would explain the timing of nancy leiders coming out too, a few years earlier and people would be able tot ake a fresh look, but only a few months to a year and people still remember than disinfo rubbish). I had a cool dream where I saw masses of meteors lighting the sky up red, I'm pretty sure it must be related.
Red Elk says that everyone is tired because the earth is getting ready to do her next flip-flop, which could well be the case. The magnetic poles on our planet have been shifting further north for some time now:
When the magnetic north coincides with the planetary actual north, models predict the magnetic north will swing suddenly round.
Anyway, magnetic stuff aside, red elks point of view does seem to coincide with jim mccanneys, if we can assume that the planet x is what will cause the earth to "flip" - magnetically, or physically, oooh who knows???
Basically: run for the hills!!!!!!!!!! teehehehehe
(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


Hi Folks.

There is only one problem with the theory that this object near the sun is a naturally occuring object, like an asteroid or such.  Anything that close to our sun would be fried up in seconds, no matter how big it was.  And we would see the flare of it's destruction clearly.  This hasn't happened.  

I have seen the SOHO pics and noticed how the object moved as if avoiding the solar flare.  And my intuition tells me that it is not a natural object.  A few years ago during a spirit journey to a meeting place in the astral, I met an unusual alien type who told me things about his race and that they were coming here.  

He made a point of telling me that they would come in from behind the sun.  This confused me a little as anyone with half a brain could figure out that for them to come from behind the sun, they would have to be able to 'cloak' their craft so we could not detect them when we were on the same side of the sun.

I have enlarged the SOHO pics and cannot see an object there, all I can see is that there is an area that is darkened, and it really stands out when the solar flare is deflected around it.  So , maybe it is cloaked.  Having seen many visitor craft in day and night times, and having seen what they look like up close when they are cloaked, I have no reason to throw my theory out the window yet. LOL

I did some more journeys to find them and they were on their way here, lots of them.  So I completely believe that we are about to be openly visited.  But, I would hold back from running up to them and saying Hi, coz they are what I call the dark ones, because of their skin colour and their nature as consumers of energy in any form.

They have been here before, a long time ago and are responsible for the disappearance of some ancient races from our world.  I only know this from journeying back into my past lives a few years ago, so take it from me that they are not all nice guys.

As for planet X, yes Nibiru is returning in this period we are in and we will have huge effects upon the Earth from it's passing.  So, things don't look that good for us at the moment.  But, I would prefer things to change from these events than to watch our race slowly strangle all life of this planet, which we are doing.

So I say yahoo, roll on the end of times in this age, I can't wait for this culture to be wiped out, it deserves it.  Then we survivors can get on with the tasks we came to Earth to do in those times.


Tayesin - who said it was close to the sun already?? Its still a long way off. Further, its coming in from the south, which makes it tremendously hard to spot as there are no observatories around there.

pmlonline - Sean David Morton.....I used to like him, sounded good in predictions....ordered his newsletter.....then found out the truth a few weeks back:
I then tried to e-mail them to get refund on the newsletters, she tried o start an arhument with me, got bitchy, and then very nicely said "yeah ok I'll send you a bankers draft" - havent seen anything yet though. I doubt I will. Oh well...gotta be acreful when listening to coast t coast, lot of good people come on, but also there's a lot of BS.
(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!



I *strongly* suggest you try reading the link - if you had done so you would see that Sean already tried to sue the website!! But, his case was thrown out instantly, because he could not prove that anything on the site was false. If it was a pack of lies, this would have been excessively easy. No, the things there do seem to click, and have now effectively been proved accurate in a court of law. As for right predictions, well we will see, but I dont think I can believe that. Maybe he is stealing off other people. But I do know there are people out there who have lost a lot of money because of him. Further he associates with people like Ghostwolf, other fraudsters. Now I have actually seen what he is like, I can further pick gaping holes in many of his other theories and predictions.
From what I can see, that website is mostly accurate. Although he does seem to lay in to ummmm wosshisname from CSETI.....Steven Greer! Which isn't really on IMO. But then, people like Hoagland and Morton deserve everything they get.
Its good that they do what they do, as someone has to root out the BS that plagues these fields. I haven't seen any others sites like it.

(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!
