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Messages - jackmac13

Welcome to Dreams! / dreams that really hurt?
September 25, 2010, 23:45:47
Hi everyone..
So I have a question about pain in dreams.
Firstly I don't usually have dreams that involve pain but over the last few nights I've felt the WORST pain in my life due to something thats happened in dreams. it has never been the same incident that causes the pain. I've been stung by a scorpion, shot in the stomach, stabbed in the chest and shot in the back. always a different scenario and always a pain I now am convinced is the one you feel when one of these things happens in waking life. not that I've ever had any of them happen. also, for some reason nobody ever seem to wants to help me, people seem to be more interested in getting me to lye down somewhere and shutup. So is there some kind of meaning to this kinda thing or what?
I can explain each dream in more detail if required or if anyone just want's to hear about it..
Thanks all :)
I think I have more or less the same thing..
I'll try to explain it as best i can.

To me it sounds almost like the vibration of a particular room itself, like all the sounds that where ever made in that room are still bouncing around and have become so entwined in eachother the they have become a single pitch/frequency made up of all these sounds, but you don't hear it in your ears, its more so in your head. sounds like the very resonation of the empyness of a room.
hehe, I've done the reverse!
the first time I ever got out I for some reason looked into my sisters room and saw my cat sleeping on her bed.. I went up and put my hand on the cat and she nearly hit the sealing she was so scared!
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: A dream about love :)
February 10, 2010, 04:49:23
sorry bout the delayed post lily.
actually I haven't seen her for quite a while now, she lives pretty close to me and hangs out in the same circle of friends, unfortunatly I haven't had a whole lot of time lately..
I'm wasn't aware that sort of spell actually existed! actually I don't know anything about spells. or past lives and reincarnation. I have a lot of reading to do lol.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: A dream about love :)
January 14, 2010, 03:33:29
Haha, way ahead of ya Xanth!  :wink:
thanks for the answers guys (or observations) hopefully it will help me to choose well when it comes time to go after the girl of my dreams  :-)
Either way that feeling was probably the single greatest in my life so far. :-)
Welcome to Dreams! / A dream about love :)
January 13, 2010, 07:47:19
Hi all, I haven't posted hear in a while but here goes..
A few nights ago I had a dream where I was about to get married! Now this is odd for 2 reasons, the first of which is that I'm an 18 year old male and we don't tend to dream much about marriage. the second is that i knew the girl in the dream, I quite like her but we aren't dating or anything..

Anyway, in this dream I felt the single most intense love for her i've ever felt in my life. Its very hard to explain but I'll try. I saw her standing there in her dress and instantly felt like i could not stand to be away from her for a second. i felt that we were connected in some profound way and that neither of us could survive without the other. I can only remember how i felt at the time, i can't imagine ever feeling the same way about anything or anyone. its quite strange.

So i have a couple of questions..

1. what does this dream mean? I've never looked at this girl and felt anything like it!

2. Why can i feel this whole new level of love in a dream but not the physical world.

Thanks for your time :)

wow, that does sound pretty weird!
and congrats for getting of the pot, good work mate :)
thanks for that guys:) very helpfull..
hi all,
I'm pretty new to this so Ithought I'd ask for some help here:)
I feel I need to spend some time doing energy raising. I would like to know how I can do this? some techniques I should use? if you have any suggestions or even a link to a good page it would be much appreciated if you could post em' up.
thanks, jack.
ahh thanks mate:) thats cleared a few things up for me..
when you say grounded, i assume you mean touching the ground right?
should i be grounded while meditating?
hi all,
Last night I began meditation while listening to the lifeflow thingy.
i downloaded a sample version just to test it out. this one runs for just 14 minutes.
almost as soon as the track stopped playing i felt some pretty strong vibrations. I'm pretty happy with this since its the first time it's ever happened to me :)
I've had an OOBE before but it was not induced consiously.
I have only being interested in AP for about 6 months or there about but i very rarly get a good chance to meditate due to noise or whatever else..
I feel that now i know exactly what I'm looking for i can reproduce this state fairly easily.
now for the questions..
1. once you can achive the vibrations and the trance state at will, how easy is it to consiously "get out"?
2. should i just practice this state for a while before I attempt to have an oobe consiously? I'm not sure if attempting now would be trying to "fly to high to fast" so to speak?
3. can someone please recommend me a good way to recharge my energy (if thats even nesisary)
sorry I'm still very much a noob lol.
4. lastly, does this sound like a resonable rate of progresion? slower/faster than normal?

thanks for your time, wisdom and effort to help out a noob :)
yes, breifly..
i can see where you going with this, and yes i recon it could be all in the mind..
still, it was a cool experiance.. even tho she was holding me by the head quite firmly i felt quite calm and collected.. something about those big green eyes :)
she was quite a strange being tho! never seen anything like her!
(for those who may be interested) she had an almost human from but very pale kinda grey skin, no hair on her head but instead a strange looking hat kinda thing that looked like it was attatched to the back of the head.
a very flat nose that was closer to a lump on her face with two nostrals. and a very oddly shaped mouth, also no ears..
i think i saw what your all talking about last night during meditation...
i was lying in bed listening to one of those audio tracks for meditation when out of nowhere i see a pretty strange looking woman, altho she looks more like and alien than a human but it feels like shes ment to be a woman. shes holding my head and staring into my eyes.. she has HUGE bright green eyes and she is surrounded by white light. then she is gone and all i see is blackness...
altho it wasn't like i saw her through normal eyes, she was more like a memory in my head...
forgive me if I'm wrong, but i think the answer your after here is to spend more time working on your crown chakra?
when your doing energy work, spend a bit more time drawing energy into your crown chakra.
could be wrong tho, thats just what I've picked up reading on here.
I got my hands on a bit of Mugwort (not western) a while ago, its seemed to REALLY help out with dreams. far more common and far easier to recal.
unfortunatly its proving to be a tad difficult to find down in the land of OZ.
hey all. well a couple of night ago I got home from work after a 15 hour shift. as you may imagine i was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open.
I walked in the front door and went straight to bed without doing anything else. at some point during the night i had what i thought was a dream. so I awoke the next morning and thought nothing of it. after i got home from work that day I over heard my sister say to the cat in that cute little animal and baby voice "you slept in my room last night didn't you shanny" (shanny is that cat)  and that's when i remembered the "dream" i had.
in the "dream" i walked past my sisters room and saw the cat lying on her bed beside her, both asleep.
i went in an put my hand on the cat to pat it. the cat woke up with a huge fright and in turn woke my sister up. i said sorry to her and left and thats all i remember.

now for the stuff that makes me think this was an OOBE and not just a dream.
1. my sister NEVER EVER leaves her door open at night and that night was no exeption, the door was closed all night. I'm thinking if I was in my astral self then the door's existance may just have been irrelevant to me.

2. the cat shanny NEVER sleeps in my sisters room ever, but she did for some reason sleep in there on that night, and i didn't know she had slept in there until the next day when my sister mentioned it. i think it may have been a little to coincidental to be just a dream.

3. i got everything right, i told my sister everything that i could remember in detail and everything was right. down to the position and the place they where both sleeping.

my sister had no memory of this so it wasn't sleep walking, i think I may have awoken her astral self and there for she doesn't remember it.

the other strange thing is that my cat never jumps if you pat her while shes sleeping, she only jumps if she doesn't see something coming and all of the sudden it hits her.

I'm pretty damn sure this was the real deal, which is rather exiting to me since it's my first OOBE!
what do you recon?

Ok, well it's nice to know I'm not crazy! :-)
does anyone know where this comes from or who the voices belong to?
and why only sometimes and not all the time?

I've heard some strange ones too! sentences that make no sense, questions directed at me and some that aren't, orders or directions. just about any kind of speech you can think of I've heard.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / hearing voices?
February 05, 2009, 04:49:40
hey all,
I'm not really sure if this is in the right place but here goes.
when i go to bed at night and close my eyes not meditating or anything, sometimes i can hear the voices of people. I know there not really there because I don't hear them with my ears, Its more like there in my head.
they don't say anything usefull or that even makes sence! and they aren't voices that are familiar to me. I don't know these people but their voices are in my head. they aren't even talking to me. its more like i tuned into one side of someone else's conversation for a couple of seconds and then a different one.

Does anyone else have this or am I just going nuts?
If you know what it is please shed some light, I have never known and just thought I was imagining things.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Too tired?
February 05, 2009, 03:31:15
Hey all, Is it possible to be to tired to project?
most of the time during the week I'm pretty tired because of work.
I've been meditating every night and every chance i get for the last week but i don't seem to be getting far.
Welcome to Dreams! / bit of a laugh.
February 04, 2009, 04:31:43
well heres a dream I had that I thought you all might get a laugh out of.

I was in the lounge room of a house I haven't lived in for a couple of years now, and I was arguing with a knite (yes the kind with armor). after several minuts of arguing we started punching on (fist fight)
ofcourse since he was wearing armor and I was not he was naturally winning. after a while of taking punches and throwing a few to his uncovered face I figered out I could not beat him and a new strategy was needed.
I put a foot behind him and pushed him over. he hit the floor right near a tile step leading into the kitchen so I a grabbed his head (if you don't like violence tune out now, not for the faint hearted) and started to bash his face into the step. he started to bleed heavily and his face no longer resembled a face.
I had now scared the hell out of myself since I'd just killed a man in a very violent manner.
it was a this point when I was holding this knite by the head sitting cross legged in my old house that the dream became lucid.
I stood up, went outside and tryed to project but failed for whatever reason. I went back into the house where the knite who was not dead after all was sitting on my couch watching T.V
I woke up thanks to my alarm.

Am I a little screwed up in the head or what?
I don't mean to pry or anything but I'd get a test if I were you. It does sound like its entirly possible.
just a question, but you couldn't actually be pregnant could you?
I meen It's possible your body is trying to tell you something?
plus if it was already on your mind, you'd think it might be easyer for it to make its way into your dreams?
i could be way off but I'm new to this so please forgive me.