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Messages - MindFreak

We can speak of an I or ego in conventional terms because we are limited by language. It is not the words themselves that are important just the meaning. You could call the true self, the universal mind I, or ego if you want, you could also call the personality I or ego if you want, but you wouldn't be refering to the same thing. It all depends on the meaning not the word.
Our true self is the pure universal mind, not our everyday mind which is rambling and moving here and there, which we listen to and follow endlessly. The Universal mind is that part of your mind that is not tainted by delusion.
Takes a while of watching the mind and you will notice that part of it that has always been there, watching, not the restless part that is always moving.
Id like to hear more about your form of Satanism. It sounds alot different than the kind Im familiar with.
I assume by your post that you are satanist? What kind do you follow, LaVeyan or Spiritual satanism? I am not that familiar with them but from what I've read I do agree with some of the beliefs of Spiritual satanism, but although the religion does promote good qualities in people I find they tend to go overboard in the rituals and their hatred of christianity.
Enlightenment and awakening are two words that describe the same thing. They both refer to "waking up" from the dream world that we all live in created by our minds. And it is a permanent experience, in that once you experience total awakening, you can never go back to your old way of percieving things. One monk described it as a rope breaking that can never be re attached.
You mentioned that being more grounded in reality creates more awareness. Ive found that maintaining constant self awareness, and awareness of the present moment helps me stay grounded in reality. Instead of always being lost in and following the constant ramblings of the mind.
Although, that is just another belief, or point of view, no different than the beliefs or point of views of religions. The only things that we can say are certainties have to do with immediate experience. Which is why I prefer not to speculate on god or beginings or things like that because they cannot be verified they require blind faith. Instead I prefer to study my own mind and consciousness and develop it through meditation. When the mind is highly developed you can learn things about reality that you cant with an undeveloped mind, and these can be verified because it comes from immediate experience. 
I have a comment. I apologize that I have not read everything in this post because, well, there's too much and I dont have the patience at this time but I just wanted to say, and I mean no offence, but for one, Mustardseed, saying that "Islam rules the mideast and the result is chaos" is a very ignorant statement. Islam IS a peaceful religion but many of the follwers F*ck it up and distort it, much like many, MANY christian follwers are not peaceful, kind people at all. And saying that most rapists are immigrants is also very ignorant. There are bad people in every country, in every religion, without exception. And there are many examples of GOD in the bible encouraging his followers to commit violence and there are verses that could support the opression of women.
And jeehad, I agree with you on certain things about christianity but you strike me as kind of an angry person. Im sure anyone can find flaws in any religion, including Islam.
Debate can be good, but this kind of seems more like bickering than debating. There are many similarities between both of your religions, whether you acknowledge them or not.

Again I apologize, I dont mean to offend and I havent read even half of this thread I just wanted to comment on the very few parts that I did read.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Shangri-La
May 23, 2007, 22:23:13
Shambala, also known as Gyanganj, is an isolated valley in the remote himalayas and is said to be a home for very accomplished yogis. Many buddhist texts explain how to find it but the valley is hidden in remote mountains and can only be reached by flying over them with the help of spiritual powers, or siddhis.
While Hilton's novel was inspired by the myth of Shambala, you can read an accurate account in the writings of Gopinath Kaviraj. he wrote a book called Siddhabhoomi Gyanganj
The Bible is taken from much older mythologies. The war between "god" and Lucifer/satan is taken from the war between the mesopotamian gods Enki and Enlil. Enlil was made to be "god" in the bible and Enki was the "rebel" that went against his brothers wishes, as Enlil was put in charge by their father. Enki wanted to make men like the gods, which is why he encouraged eating from the "tree of knowledge." Enlil wanted to keep mankind as subordinates. This caused the conflict leading to the war between those who sided with Enki and those who sided with Enlil.
I don't think its possible to know what our greatest goal is because, in my own opinion, even after one's final awakening from our current situation I personally believe that there are many more stages of development and much more to reality that can be understood by our limited minds. We can only deal with experience, immediate experience, and everything lies inside our own minds, but not the delusions and fantasies and random ramblings and movements of the mind but the mind itself .
Changing anything .. or everything .. externally, such as where you live, your surroundings, your friends, can only help so much. The real change needs to be made internally. The path to enlightenment lies in your own mind. And its rarely a quick and easy process.
I just cant bring myself to worship a carpenter.
What kind of god would send his son to die.
Thats right, morality does exist outside of religion. Following a moral code only because you are afraid that some god will punish you if you dont is not the point of morality. It is about respect and consideration for your fellow human beings not fear from some divine being.
Karma is conditioning, cause and effect. You do something or experience something and that conditions you to act or react in a certain way in similar situations in the future. When you do something or experience something it conditions you and creates habit energy.
Your higher self is your real self.
Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / Olimar's Tree
December 19, 2005, 18:50:23
You are over intellectualizing. Reality is subjective.
I dont understand why people believe it is Jesus' birthday. It doesnt say that anywhere in the bible.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Life
December 14, 2005, 18:39:29
Let go of all this worldy bullsh*t and just be in the present moment. Most of us live inside our heads rather than where we are right now.
If you are going to be a hippie you are going to have to find a good acid dealer.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Channeling God!!
December 08, 2005, 18:46:55
"some would say that what I stated earlier is not a theory at all but a fact of their lives and they know perfectly well the difference between what they experience and what a fantasy is. "

And some people may have different experiences that contradict yours, or perhaps they have had experiences that show them reality beyond any one god. But to clarify, I only refer to god as a supreme being that is higher than anything else in existence. Perhaps there are beings that believe they are this god and trick people into believing the same even though this god itself is not all-knowing.