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Topics - PhaPriSpa

Who Is In Control Of Your Life/Existence In Waking World (Earth) and Dream Worlds (Astral Realms)

We Humans Like to Think that We are in Control of our Lives (Waking and Dreaming); it gives us some sense of Tranquility and Confidence. Those who like to think like that are Fine, as Consciousness is Not Required for Everyone and Not Many are Ready to Know the "Truth" about how things really are in Existence (if someone is Not mentally Strong Enough to deal with this Knowledge is Better that don't find it and just live a Normal Life with others in control not himself/herself like is the case of most of Human Beings [The Regular People, Not The Persons With Intellect]).

In a conversation many years ago with a relative who has passed away a few years ago, I wasn't ready to listen to what he was trying to share with me; in his past years he was an active Astral Projection Practitioner and I believe he achieved lot's of progresses in that field, but after a brain blood irrigation problem he had a few years before he died, he had to stop practicing Astral Projection (at least that what he told be in our conversation).

Also, he tried to suggest/inform me that we are Not in Control of our Lives and of what happens after we finish our experience as Humans on Earth; I continuously tried to contradict him by telling him that we must be able to choose what we wanted after we died, and not until recently I realized based on what I've Experienced in the Dream Worlds (Astral Realms) that he was right and if I were more ready back then (many years ago) I could have asked him about the Experiences he had that convinced him about our lack of control about what is to come when we finish our lives on Earth. Now, I would have made him questions about the experiences he had that lead him to his conclusions, but back then I was too inexperienced (I was just beginning to explore this topic in my life).

Robert Monroe in his third Book "Ultimate Journey", he meets his "Executive Committee" (Board of Directors) by going Inwards instead of Outwards. He describes this in some of his videos of "Wednesday with Bob Monroe" (is Great to see them all 9 Videos).

Wednesday with Bob Monroe 5

Wednesday with Bob Monroe 6

Wednesday with Bob Monroe 7

Wednesday with Bob Monroe 8

Wednesday with Bob Monroe 9

He experienced First Hand via his Astral Travels his "Core" that Monitored his life while Awake and also while in Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms, and these beings were way Above his Level as a Human Being (he even from After his current life was Helping Himself to achieve what he achieved in his present life in the 20th Century of this Earth World).

I guess Finding the Truth might be similar to what the Character of RoboCop 2014 found when he meet the Truth regarding his condition, realizing that others were in Real Control of his Existence up to certain point in that moment, in the following scene of the movie.

RoboCop (2014) - End This Nightmare Scene (2/10) | Movieclips

Another scene of this same movie that displays the concept of the "Illusion of Free Will" is the one below, and the Ones in Control of the Situation Knowing what really was going on.

RoboCop (2014) - I've Been Through A Lot Scene (3/10) | Movieclips

Also there is this scene where "Murphy" (Robocop) breaks out of the Dopamine Control imposed on him (as he had an Emotional reaction when crimes where uploaded on his memory) and after the request of his Wife to help his Son he stops the missions at hand and started Solving his Own Crime to be able to understand what happend and help his Son and Wife, and that way he Overrided the Dopamine Control imposed on him acquiring some "Free Will".

Solving Crime Scene RoboCop 2014 Movie Clip

That Free Will was always an Illusion as long as he had the Chip/Device that allowed his Owners (at Omnicorp) to Turn Him Down (and even has access to Destroy him), as is provided on this scene.

Robocop (2014) "You tried to kill me twice" Clip Chief of Police

And also the scene after the previous one where the Doctor that created Robocop saves him from getting destroyed/killed by the Owners (Omnicorp) and removes the Control Chip that Controlled and Turned him Off, giving Robocop/Murphy the opportunity to Fight Back and Protect His Existence. Somehow I believe that this Help From Someone Inside the Controlling System is required for a Controlled Individual (on Earth) to achieve his/her Freedom from this Enslaving Predatory System controlled by those who Profit from the "Loosh" produced here. ¿Where to Go after that? ¿What are the True Freedom Choices Available? It'd be Nice to Know What Are These Choices (if there are any).

There is also the scene where the One Under Control could Bend/Override those Control Protocols to Rebel Against the Tyranny of the Owners (Omnicorp Boss in this case):

RoboCop (2014) - You're a Robot Scene (10/10)

As mentioned by Robert Monroe in the Part 5 of "Wednesday with Bob Monroe" above, it feels like on Waking "Physical" Life on Earth we are like Computer WorkStation (with the Software of Artificial Intelligence that allows us to do the basic things and learn to do other more) and there is a MainFrame somewhere on the Non Physical Realms (the Above Level that Controls the Low Level here on Earth) where there is a "Memory Bank" that Stores every detail of what each one of us do here on Earth, and if that is True the ones that Set the Stage must be able to Control each aspect of it. Robert Monroe on his Second Book "Far Journeys" mentions the "Loosh" subject which explains a lot the why everything on this World called Earth is designed to be "Predatory" and everything on the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms operates in that same "Predatory" way, which also suggests a World Above (where the Creator and Controller of Earth is) controlling this World Below (Earth) and the Business of "Loosh" behind it which was the motivation to Create it and all the way things operate on Earth (which also operate in a similar way on the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms where there are also Predators continuously searching predating on Preys and also seem like they predate on Energy derived from Consciousness as Lucidity attracts them a lot as well as Fear on the Prey/Victim).

Also, on Castaneda's Book "The Art Of Dreaming" at some point Don Juan reveals to Carlos Castaneda that the Energy Required to Navigate the Second Attention (Dream Worlds) and do Many Thing in there, is provided by the Inorganic Beings which are at the Hunt of Consciousness to add it to their own World/Realm. It'd be nice to know how if it's possible Not to Depend on the Energy Provided by these beings, which bring me to a Topic I Posted regarding the subject of What To Do After Achieving True Freedom (if True Freedom could be achieved as Don Juan mentions that "No Sorcerer Knows What Freedom Really Is").

What To Do When Achieving Complete Freedom - Analysis About Being Completely Free

I've also found in my Lucid Dreaming Experiences that compared to the Consciousness of some of the Beings inhabiting the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms, we Humans are Mentally as Immature like Children compared to them (at least with the ones on Control of those Systems and very likely of this Earth system as well), and they Control the scenery and the actions and actors/characters in it, at least until a character learns to break out of that Control and/or receives help from someone "inside" and breaks out of that Control, which wouldn't be rare to think that it would take him/her into becoming part of another "Team", at least until someone becomes completely and absolutely Self Sufficient which takes him/her to the level of a God/Creator (who knows if someone being born into one of this systems like Earth had become like that and with it achieved Complete Freedom).

It'd be Nice to Read Your Experiences (in your Waking Earth Life and in your Dream/Astral Life) and Your Perspectives and Findings regarding this subject.

(I'll leave the text until here Not to extend myself too much in this First Post of this Topic).

Some Videos missing on the Topic Becoming Lucid in Dreams - Movie Scenes Of How It Is Like, which will remind you what it is like to Realize that You Are Dreaming (acquiring Lucidity during a Dream) and the reaction to Try and Leave the "Scene" and be Stopped by those in Control of the Scene (you are literally Paralyzed by Them without being able to Move in the Dream/Astral environment and is Not Easy at all to Break that Control but Not Impossible which ends by Waking Up in Waking Life or Waking Up in another Dream/Astral World/Realm which is very interesting by the way). I share them here as they are part of this Topic and illustrate a little of what I'm asking the Astral Pulse Community in it. This scenes are right previous to the scene presented before of this same movie.;msg364848#msg364848

ROBOCOP (2014) Film Clip: Time To Wake Him Up

RoboCop (2014) - What Have You Done To Me? Scene (1/10) | Movieclips

My Best Regards.


Sexual Urges After Having Intense Lucid Dreams (Astral Projections)

Hello Astral Pulse Members.

I'd like to consult with you about your experiences regarding experiencing Sexual Urges (Feeling Physically Horny and Sexually Stimulated in the Genitalia Region) after experiencing very vivid Lucid Dreams (Astral Projections), specially Intense and Long ones; these sensations build up during the day after having these Lucid experiences in the Astral realms. ¿How do you handle these sensations in the Astral realms and in the Waking Life after waking up?

I've also experienced this Sexual Urges after being energetically attacked by Astral Inhabitants; I've already mentioned in other messages that they attack in the back like Predators and in the lower part of the back in the dorsal zone, so they must be looking for some energy or terminals present there in humans, and I've also spotted them connecting themselves with tubes coming from their bodies (for example their arms) in parts of my body (like a parasite connecting to a host) and even these beings telling me directly that they want my Energy while touching me in the shoulder or in some part of my body like the lower abdomen area, to make that parasitical connection, so I know this is a real thing that one has to face and be careful with when having access in these Astral realms (since long ago I don't shake their hands nor touch them because of that when I detected that they destabilize me and reduce my energy when touching them). I've also noticed that these Astral beings get attracted when I acquire Consciousness/Lucidity, so there must be something we radiate when Lucid/Conscious that they detect and feel attracted to.

I know that Sexual Stimulation (masturbation in my case) triggers and facilitates Lucid Dreams (Astral Projections), and I can relate this to the Morbidity perceived in the beings inhabiting the Astral Realms (they are Morbid as described by Don Juan in Carlos Castaneda's book "The Art Of Dreaming" in spanish "El Arte De Ensoñar"), and I somehow believe that I get contaminated with that Morbid Energy when having interaction with those beings and even when accessing these Astral realms (the air and ambient feels heavy in these Astral realms) or specially by being Energetically Attacked by them, and that somehow triggers those sexual urges (which are related with Morbidity/Morbidness).

I've also noticed (at least in my personal case) that the days immediately previous to Full Moon and during Full Moon, Lucid Dreams (Astral Projections) occur more frequently and more intensely, and that somehow these Astral Inhabitants search for these interactions (thru Lucid Dreams) more actively during these days. It'd be interesting to know how and why the Full Moon facilitates this.

I've been searching about this topic of experiencing Sexual Urges after Lucid Dreams (Astral Projections), but on Internet only appear pages about having Sexual Intercourse during Lucid Dreams (Astral Projections) but not explaining the question I've previously proposed to analyze with your assistance and experience here in Astral Pulse.

I appreciate your analysis and experiences regarding these topics, and of you can share the way you handle them in your Waking Life as well as while being in the Astral Realms (while in Lucid Dreams or Astral Projections).

I don't have sexual life (sexual intercourse) and I'm not interested in having it and I actually dislike it. I'm a Heterosexual Male and I know what living in an Animal Human Male Body is in terms of being sensitive to Visual, Auditive, and Touching sensations that easily stimulate erections and trigger sexual desire, reason why I don't actively search for those topics as I'm not interested in Sex (I feel that topic as too Animal focused and I perceive myself as a Person with Intellect and Consciousness, and Not as an Animal driven by Emotions and Impulses).

In my case I experience the natural sexual stress caused by the prostate being filled with it's liquid/fluids which causes the so known desire to have sexual intercourse experienced by Men (I've read about this in past years on Internet so I know is a programmed process in Humans and very surely in many other animals), which is fortunately solved by masturbating and ejaculating each 3 or 4 days (or less if really required), as if not relieving that sexual urge it causes Stress and a particular energy oppression in the chest area (which is a little like what is experienced when having anxiety) besides the already mentioned genitalia region sensations related with sexual desire, even when Not having any interest in having sex. I clarify, this is not searched nor desired, but is the consequence of that natural process present in animals (Human animals in this case) that is there to induce (trick/fool) a male into having sexual intercourse with a female and in that process generate children (wanted and unwanted ones); you have to ask yourself why exactly is that sexual intercourse is only satisfying when done in the female genitalia, and I believe that this is Programmed in the Consciousness Software that each animal has (in humans is the Software for being Conscious and Think and is related with the voice we hear in our minds where we verbalize our thoughts and that is so hard to control and to make it shut up by not verbalizing thoughts in the Waking life and in the Astral realms), so that it does it that way to guarantee new life being born to replace that which dies. As a male I know about the consequences of mentally desiring sex and it's immediate consequences to trigger hormones and other chemical reactions in the body that make it horny, which can only be relieved by masturbating and ejaculating in my case, so I know that this is something not to be stimulated if not wanting to have those uncomfortable sensations and their consequences.

My Best Regards.


Positive And Negative Consequences Of What Is Happening On 2020 In This World

(Note: Would be nice if you can also share your personal opinions about the Positive and Negative elements that are resultant of this situation in the present day and in the projected future).

I won't enter (for now) in details regarding the deceiving nature of what is happening in 2020. Experts in various fields and many persons that dedicate their lives to analyze this things are reporting many of the anomalies in what is happening and how their efforts to alert the population are being stopped by those behind the deceit (exactly how occurred in September of 2001 and the years after that when it was proven all the lies behind those events very similar in effects and fear to the current events happening this year).

Some of them can be consulted in the following links; many of the information is in Spanish because that is my native language and I've been following much of this in Spanish and also many Solutions are coming from Spanish speaking countries (you can use English subtitles on videos when available and also use Google Translate to read in English a translation of pages); many other solutions are coming from English and other language speaking countries as well.;msg374271#msg374271

Since before the fake/deceiving Pandemic (as evidenced by Professionals of the Medic sector all over the world), I've been implementing many of the things that are being imposed over people, like wearing a mask to try and prevent getting infected of respiratory diseases (like flu) from those that are infected and cough without wearing a mask, also like having good cleaning habits (washing hands for example), also not touching face with dirty hands, also getting cleaned when coming from the street and performing activities inside home, staying at home and teleworking, not getting in crowded places (I usually stay in the door or outside as crowded places are hot and also filled with persons coughing and infecting others with flu and other respiratory diseases), and many other things that are currently seen this days, so it is like watching Myself in many of the people/persons currently imposed with these restrictions or implementing them for Fear of Dying by a disease that is very curable (even when the Bad Persons/People are trying to make it look as very deadly); that has been a personal choice, not imposed, and watching the many of the population performing many of this because of Imposed Fear as a result of wrong information regarding a respiratory disease and feed by the Media counting deaths and infected persons, many (most) of whom are being reported as infected when Not, is very curious as they are doing what I've been doing but more in an extremely more exaggerated way. Because of the previous explanation you'll find the why's of many of my Positive Consequences of what is going on (my personal opinion, you can share your Positive and Negative opinions as well, that is the idea of this Topic).

Below, are some of my personal opinions about the Positive and Negative Consequences of what is happening and what is projected to happen in the future.


- People are implementing good cleaning habits (like washing and cleaning their hands with soap and water and also with alcohol based liquids) and in the case of companies are being required to take special care in preparing and handling food, so people are getting cleaner food and services. This will control the transmission of many virus and bacteria, resulting of wrong cleaning rules/habits.

- People that are Sick of Flu and other respiratory diseases, are finally using a mask that restricts (somehow) the infected fluids, and also are being reported when not wearing a mask when they are sick of flu or other respiratory disease.

- People are not being forced to work with respiratory diseases that will surely contaminate other persons that have contact with the sick person. This is good as the correct thing is that they stay at home to recover soon and only then go back to work; in the past the company owners abused of the necessity of a person to go to work sick fearing loosing his/her job otherwise.

- People are keeping a distance, and many public places are not very crowded (at least inside the offices and closed places), and is more comfortable inside offices and closed places. That's my personal liking, others might feel comfortable in crowded places in very close proximity with other people (not me).

- This is a necessary global (countries and all the world) exercise to respond and handle a Pandemic. It is necessary to do it as is necessary to do simulations in Companies and in Residential Homes/Buildings, to handle emergency situations. They are calibrating the way to respond to a Real Pandemic (in each region, country, continent, and also the whole world), and realizing the weaknesses of the systems to deal with this kind of situations.

- The under skin chip that is going to be implemented has the interesting potential to control many criminal activities that are currently not possible to be even detected, as every citizen that has a chip is monitored constantly and any citizen (from this world and who knows maybe a unregistered visitor from another world or place) not wearing a chip can be detected and intercepted to confront his/her intentions and stopped from interacting with the rest of the registered population. (This topic has also Negative elements that are listed in the Negative section below).

- This One is Going to be Controversial as is Positive and Negative at the same time: Control of the Natality if going to be implemented in the Population with the Vaccines that are going to be imposed over them. People by themselves, specially when in high levels of Ignorance (closer to the levels of Animals), won't control their Natality and will even Oppose to control it when offered to do it (if they can't sustain a child then they should not be allowed to procreate it, that's my personal opinion, and also when persons have procreated a child they should be sterilized and prevented from procreating another one so that the population doesn't grow without control as that is the source of many criminality and delinquency in civilization). This by itself is an interesting topic and it would be interesting to hear Analysis and Calculations regarding sustainability, as no limited system can sustain an ever growing number of consumers that also dirty it, as eventually the sources of food will collapse as well as the clean conditions of the nature; when overpopulation occurs in animals in nature, the consequence is Death by Starvation and by Disease, and human civilization is no exception to that (physically we are Animals, more refined and also more weak, but still Animals).


- The use of the mask has been reported by Specialists as Dangerous for health, as if used continuously it reduces the amount of clean air necessary for a healthy inclusion of Oxygen from entering the body, resulting in the body not working properly in all the functions that require oxygen. Also, the fungus and bacteria, that grow in the masks, along with the recirculation of Carbon Dioxide , will cause health problems (respiratory diseases among them) as a result of that.

- The unnecessary imposed restriction of mobility (house/home incarceration), is causing many diseases in the population, among them also psychological ones that also make people sick and reduce the levels of their immune system, as people need to interact with others to share their viruses and receive from others also the antiviruses (this is said by Virologists all over the world that have that professional field as their specialization and/or their research field).

- Doctors around the world are reporting Many Varied Clinically Proven Cures for the Covid-19 in Many Thousands of varied patients (and that also work for many viruses and bacterias) even when these proven cures are being tried not to be informed to the population nor being implemented in many hospitals causing many people to dye unnecessarily. That has a name and is intentional Genocide.

- A Vaccine is programmed to be imposed over people, that not only is being reported by specialists in vaccines as Dangerous but also that is going to cause many permanent changes in the people that are vaccinated with them that might (and surely will) cause them harm. Also, if the current Virus has a Cure as has been proven all over the world by Thousands of Doctors, then there is No Need for any Vaccination and even less an imposed/forced one.

- The under skin chip can be used to intentionally sabotage the life of a person that doesn't want to serve the personal intentions of another one in control; it is proven that the ones behind this fake pandemic are people/persons with high amounts of money and because of that of power to corrupt other with it, so it is only very predictable that these people/persons in power will use their influence to use the chips of people/persons to satisfy their personal interests.

- The imposition of the 5G communication technology, that in a not coincident way is being implemented during this confinement months, is being reported by professionals of health as Dangerous for the health of people and that is being ignored by Governments and Media.

- Governments, Media, and the Health Service (Hospitals and others) are Not implementing the Right Processes to Cure the people, and have been Ignoring and also Sanctioning/Punishing/Firing the Doctors that are trying to implement what has been proven to Cure the Patients; it's like the patients are intentionally and negligently left to die in the Hospitals with all the parody of following international Orders and not following what the Doctors are trying to tell them that work and that is Proven to Work. Seems like they are implementing efforts to increase the number of persons dying to instill Fear among the population and keep them locked in their homes while the Economy gets Broken. It has been proven that Hospitals are keeping patients longer in the Intensive Care Units to earn more money (beds in there are more expensive than regular beds of the hospital).

- Economy is intentionally and unnecessarily led to get Broken with the mandatory confinement of people and businesses; this can only benefit those that Loan Money with High Rates of Interest and also big corporations owned by these same people. (Follow the Money is what is usually said).

- It has been investigated and proven by Doctors and Investigators all over the world that the recent Vaccination for Flu, specially imposed/recommended on Old People/Persons, has caused the current Virus to be more Lethal on those vaccinated persons/people, as if the Virus had been injected into them in those Flu Vaccines. If that is the case then that is Intentional Genocide.

- I Don't Like At All, that many Proven Substances/Medicines (in many patients and for many years), are being intentionally ignored and also censored all over the web and also all over the health systems of all countries, as this is Proof that the intention is to keep people/persons sick and dying, instead of curing them. That again is Intentional Genocide and I Don't Like That.

- I Don't Like that with this situation has been operating Exactly the Same methodology of Deceit and Fear implemented in September of 2001 with the WTC (3 towers fall that day not 2), and how all the voices that were trying to investigate all of this were not heard but also censored and unheard by Governments and Media, even when they were Professionals and Specialists. From that situation came also Positive and Negative elements, and some Got Richer at the cost of Deaths and Sufferings of many others, and I Don't Like That.

- It is going to be interesting (as I don't know what the people/persons doing this have in their minds), to see what is going to be the Natality Control System that they are going to implement very surely thru the Vaccination, making people sterile and very surely controlling that only the ones that have the resources have access to procreation and not the people that can't sustain a child. As I mentioned this is Positive and Negative, and it would be very interesting to hear opinions about it. I have been mentioning since very long to my close ones, that Natality Control is Necessary, and that only the ones that can provide a nice New Human Element into civilization should be the ones allowed to procreate, and they all Don't Like My Thinking At All, and All of them Have Rejected Theses Ideas; but is very interesting that Thru Fear the ones ruling the world will Impose that Control Over Them even if the like/want it or Not. it is very curious right? Like when you want to impose something to an Animal for it's benefit (for example administering a cure for it), you have to Deceive It, Trick It, as the animal by it's own will won't allow you to help him/her, but by Deceiving the animal the cure can be implemented in him/her and cure him/her. Well, the same will be done (in my personal opinion) with Humans (most of the humans are People/Animals and only a small portion are Persons with enough Intellect). The following scene in Men In Black explains it so well that when hearing it the difference between People and Person is understood (even if people or persons don't like it).

Men in Black - Bench Scene

- What is happening in this World at a Human Level, where Humans Persons at the High Level with High Intellectual Abilities that have the Financial Control are dictating what is Going to Happen (And It Will Happen, at least that is my opinion and I Hope I'm Wrong as I'm a Human Person with Compassion and Empathy but with No Emotion but Yes With Feelings which by definition makes me No Human or at least I think/believe that), gives us an idea of the concept of the World as a Business, in this case for these Human Persons in Control. But this takes me inevitably to analyze what lies beyond that level for which I've read some interesting analysis and who knows maybe the explanation of what is really beyond that Human Level, and is the concept/idea that this World (not Planet) is Ruled by a Civilization interested in making Business with it, and that business includes the Extraction of the Loosh, the resultant substance of Emotions and Confrontations and Suffering, among Plants, Animals, and very specially among Humans. Robert Monroe explains this very well and the following links that contain what is needed to understand that from his Loosh Rote perspective experience and story in pages from 162 of his book "Far Journeys". I Don't Like It but I can comprehend the concept behind it, as is the concept on Every Cattle and Vegetal Exploitation Farm in this world, where many being Die (suffering in the process and also during their lives) to obtain from them a product, either from their dead bodies or substances from their living bodies (like the milk from female cattle). I can't tell as I don't know if the ones owning this world are "Good" guys or "Bad" guys or "Evil" guys, but in Lucid Dreams when I've escaped their simulation environments I've seen them, as I've also seen them when they've attacked me during those experiences, as I've seen them in many not Negative experiences as well, surely not the Bosses, but surely the ones operating the Human Farm at that Astral (Non Physical) Level. So, when I hear people praying to a "Loving" God, I don't share that "Loving" opinion about him/her/it/them, but I respect at least the Positive Energy and Hopes that believing that gives them so I try to leave them in peace as much as is possible, as Waking Up to that Not Happy Reality would Scare Them and also for the purpose of their personal lives on this world wouldn't be useful but instead it would be useless and even it could cause them not to accomplish what is needed from them to get the product that is what justifies their existence in this world in the first place (it might be understandable from a business point of view that if the Humans in this world don't generate the Loosh that is required from them the civilization would be simply annihilated and replaced with other one that fulfills that Loosh producing purpose, and perhaps these are some of the reasons the Human Persons in Power and Control are implementing these Suffering and Controlling Agendas to make sure that this World Produce the Loosh required by it's Real Owners and they along with the lower persons are not annihilated from it). This is an interesting Topic and it would be interesting to hear Opinions and Additional Analysis from others.;msg365695#msg365695;msg365748#msg365748

Far Journeys - The Mistery of Loosh

For this last point, if the case is this World being abused by parasite beings like the ones mentioned in the Topic "New Jericho (Large Scale Retrieval)" from "Szaxx", it would be nice that in this world is produced something like what finally caused those invaders/parasites in that world to be removed from it (to have to leave it and to leave in peace the persons living in it), and that way only Good Beings can help build a nice world. (I know it is an Utopia but Dreaming Has No Cost, at least Not Yet, who knows if that is going to change in the Future with the Vaccines and Changes that are being imposed, and that is something that experienced Astral Travelers as "Szaxx" and others might investigate, if possible, and if that agenda is also going to be implemented is an Alert to Astral Travelers and Lucid Dreamers and all the persons interested in the Topics that this Web Site and Forums are all about, to make all efforts for that Not To Occur, I leave you with this hopefully still Soon Warning).

New Jericho (Large Scale Retrieval)

My best regards and hopes for this information to reach those Brave Warriors Of Good (Humans and Non Humans) that are in the positions where they can Guide the Population to Reject what is Not Convenient about this, and Make the Media Hear their Voices (because their positions of power would make impossible for the Media to ignore them as the normal Professionals and Persons/People are being ignored). I don't think this will happen but again, I hope I'm Wrong and Good Triumphs Over Bad and Evil, as I'm on the Side of GOOD (even if Good, Bad, and Evil serve the same God/Owner) as I Only Identify With GOOD (that's Me in my Personal Case).

Practical Uses In Real Life Of Astral Projection And Lucid Dreaming

Two Questions:

- ¿What Practical and Useful Uses have you experienced and implemented in your Real Life (on the world called Earth) as consequences and as results of your Astral Projections and Lucid Dreams? (for example in your Technical/Professional activities)

- Also, ¿What changes in your Real Life (on Earth) and in your personal mental and emotional self have you experienced as results and consequences of your Astral Projections and Lucid Dreams?

If there are Topics in Astral Pulse and/or in other Web Sites, that contain information regarding this Real Useful and Practical Uses in Real Life of what is experienced in Astral Projection and Lucid Dreams (and other Altered States of Consciousness), please post the Internet links to the pages in your replies.

I appreciate your replies and information.

My best regards.

The Art of Dreaming - The Sorcerer's Crossing - Being-in-Dreaming

When reading the recommended book "The Art of Dreaming" mentioned in the topics "Books of Lucid Dreaming - Astral Projection - OBE (Out of Body Experiences)" and "Learning LUCID DREAMS Tips and Tricks Before DIRECT ASTRAL TRAVELS" is very interesting to also read the books "The Sorcerer's Crossing" and "Being-in-Dreaming", to get some ideas regarding the life of Sorcerers and Sorceresses.

The Art of Dreaming
by Carlos Castaneda

Book in Amazon:

Look Inside:

The Sorcerer's Crossing: A Woman's Journey
by Taisha Abelar

Book in Amazon:

Look Inside:

Being-in-Dreaming: An Initiation into the Sorcerers' World
by Florinda Donner

Book in Amazon:

Look Inside:

A quote made in another Topic that explains some regarding the book "The Art of Dreaming".

Quote from: PhaPriSpa on November 11, 2016, 20:24:51
In complement to Dr Rory Mac Sweeney's book, I'll mention below the information about 3 other books that are very relevant. I'll be sharing with you also the information of other books in another specific Thread/Topic in this forum, but this 3 are important as complement this great specific book.


3. The third one is the book "The Art of Dreaming" by Carlos Castaneda.

Is fortunate that don Carlos Castaneda wrote this book that treats this specific topic along the all book. This book provides elements that I haven't seen in any of the other books of Lucid Dreaming, as this book, besides it's clear topic of Lucid Dreaming ("ensoñar" in Spanish which is different to just "soñar", because the first one involves being conscious while dreaming, the second one not), also treats the topic of the necessity of having Energy to achieve consciousness, and this is one of the elements that are greatly needed to be able to activate the lucidity in a dream, and the "warrior's path" well explained in the book as a tool to save energy and don't waste it in not useful emotional draining activities (day to day life for non conscious people) so that it can be used to activate lucidity on the dreaming process, of course reinforced with the methods that "don Juan" instructs don Carlos Castaneda; many people don't understand why they can't achieve lucidity in their dreams, and lack of energy is one of the reasons (also not applying the appropriate methods which by reading the 4 books mentioned in this thread/topic are covered); people lose their energy by having (and in may cases searching for) emotional problems (the "warrior's path" will involve getting away from environments, people, and activities, that drain your energy), so that's something that will have to be fixed if someone really wants to be a serious Lucid Dreamer, as what the person will find in that other place will require from him/her to have a well built mental character to advance and evolve his/her consciousness into something more than just being a Human Animal.

Also, the topic of the consciousness being energy is treated in this book, as well as many other elements that would also help to understand elements that lucid dreamers experience like the so called "astral wind" which is the lucid dreamer being transported by the beings that inhabit the non physical world (the one accessed while dreaming and of course lucid dreaming), in this book you'll understand that the beings that are moving your energy consciousness on a lucid dream (the travels that occur by a pulling force on the lucid dreamer's astral/energy body) at very fast speeds, are certain inhabitants that live in that other non physical world, that "don Juan" calls "inorganic beings" (beings that are energy consciousnesses but don't have bodies with organs like the ones we see in plants, animals, and human animals, in this physical world). And many other concepts that will provide lucid dreamers with certain practices to cross the "Gates" that are there to restrict the access to those realms of energy where there are many worlds with civilizations, some similar to ours, other more advanced, some of them inorganic (that don't have organic body functions and restrictions like in the world we currently inhabit) and others organic (like our world).

You can buy it on Amazon ( on the following link, read a preview of the book, and read some reviews some persons have posted there, (remember to choose the sold by Amazon option to get the direct fulfillment guarantee by Amazon).

Some of this books can be found on Internet, on eMule, or on torrent, searching resources; again, remember to buy the books that have helped you to Lucid Dream, Astral Travel, or OBE, in legal places such as Amazon or the libraries where you live, so that the authors receive that help from you for their efforts to share their knowledge and investigation with others.


My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

Learning LUCID DREAMS (Tips and Tricks) Before DIRECT ASTRAL TRAVELS With Vibrations in the "Body" and Strange Noises/Sounds

(Lucid Dreams: Conscious Astral Travels from Dreams as the Physical Body is Asleep).

Author: Pha Pri Spa : PhaPriSpa
(Phasing Primer Spanish / French)

Links of Download in PDF Format

The Original Version of this Book is in Spanish.
Translated to English by: Pha Pri Spa : PhaPriSpa

Original Title in Spanish:
Aprendiendo SUEÑOS LÚCIDOS (Tips y Trucos) Antes de VIAJES ASTRALES DIRECTOS Con Vibraciones en el "Cuerpo" y Ruidos/Sonidos Extraños
(Sueños Lúcidos: Viajes Astrales Conscientes a partir de los Sueños al estar Dormido el Cuerpo Físico).

[Tópico de Libro Original en Español en Astral Pulse.]

Note: I will NEVER disclose my Human identity (it is NOT necessary, NEITHER is necessary for me NOR desirable NOR of my interest to disclose it), so for this reason NO person/man/woman should claim any authorship for what is written in this book, and FREE access to it is granted on Internet; The only request I make is to respect the original content of what is written in this book and to make reference to the places on Internet where an original version of the book can be downloaded and where can be read its original content as I have written it.

Beginning of Writing/Translation: June 07 of 2017 (05:35:03 p.m.)
End of Writing: June 18 of 2017 (10:10:13 p.m.);sa,showPosts


The main reason for writing this book is to provide a useful tool so that those people (consciousnesses) as "I/Me" can find an effective guide that allows them to go directly to what works and NOT waste time on what either DOESN'T work or simply is more complicated to learn and implement by a Novice person (except the cases of persons born with a natural ability to Dream Lucidly and have Astral Travels).

This book is a complement to the information I have shared on sites/portals such as (in English) and (in Spanish), and, in addition to referring to something of what is already shared there (particularly in books containing useful and effective information, including some freely shared generously by its authors and that I have translated to Spanish), also contains some Tips and Observations that through the experience I have noticed and learned, in some cases by TESTS/TRIALS and ERRORS (and sometimes SUCCESSES), and by implementing what I have read in the books of several authors who have shared what also has worked for them and what they have experienced.


To the point. Which of the books that I have read have been of special usefulness to me for the punctual and direct that they are for transmitting that which works.

I am not going to repeat in this book what has already been written in these books, so you must read them to find out about the knowledge and experiences they transmit; What I write in this book is exclusively experiences and particular knowledge, based on my personal experience with LUCID DREAMS, so it is very possible and probable that many things written in this book you have not read them in other books.

Many of these books can be searched and found in PDF version of EPUB on Internet, as well as in torrent, and in p2p programs like emule, especially in its original version in English language.

They can be translated from English to Spanish language using translation tools such as Google Translator on Internet.


Wake Up In Your Dreams - Conscious Dream Training Manual
By: Dr. Rory Mac Sweeney

Keys To Successful OBE
By: Letitia M. Kimball;msg364867#msg364867

Astral Projection: A Record Of Out-Of-The-Body Experiences
By: Oliver Fox

A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming: Mastering the Art of Oneironautics
By: Dylan Tuccillo, Jared Zeizel, and Thomas Peisel;msg364834#msg364834

The Art of Dreaming
By: Carlos Castaneda;msg364834#msg364834

Advanced Lucid Dreaming: The Power of Supplements
By: Thomas Yuschak;msg364834#msg364834

My Astral Projection Truth - What Is Astral Projection And How To Do It!
By: Ryan Tasker 

Information about these books and others more that I have also included in a list as I found in them a useful content (in some more than in others) can be found in the following theme/topic of the forum of the Web site/portal "The Astral Pulse" (In English) at the following Web address on Internet.

Books of Lucid Dreaming - Astral Projection - OBE (Out of Body Experiences)


Despierte {/Adquiera Lucidez} !!! En Sus Sueños - Manual de Entrenamiento de Sueños Conscientes
Title in English: Wake Up In Your Dreams - Conscious Dream Training Manual
By: Dr. Rory Mac Sweeney
Translated to Spanish by: PhaPriSpa

Claves Para Una Experiencia Fuera del Cuerpo Exitosa
Title in English: Keys To Successful OBE
By: Letitia M. Kimball
Translated to Spanish by: PhaPriSpa

El Viaje Astral: Experiencias Fuera del Cuerpo
Title in English: Astral Projection: A Record Of Out-Of-The-Body Experiences
By: Oliver Fox

Sueños Lucidos: Una Guía Para Dominar el Arte de Navegar Por los Sueños
Title in English: A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming: Mastering the Art of Oneironautics
By: Dylan Tuccillo, Jared Zeizel, y Thomas Peisel

El Arte de Ensoñar
Title in English: The Art of Dreaming
By: Carlos Castaneda

Mi Verdad de la Proyección Astral - Cartilla de Phasing (Phasing Primer)  - Qué es la Proyección Astral y Cómo Hacerla/Lograrla!
Title in English: My Astral Projection Truth - What Is Astral Projection And How To Do It!
By: Ryan Tasker
Translated to Spanish and French by: PhaPriSpa

Information of these books and others more that I have also included in a listing for finding in them a useful content (in some more than in others) can be found in the following theme/topic of the forum of the Web site/portal "Ley Cósmica" ("Cosmic Law") (In Spanish) at the following Web address on Internet.

Libros de Sueños Lúcidos - Proyección Astral - OBE / EFC (Experiencias Fuera del Cuerpo)

Translation of Topic with Google Translator:
Books of Lucid Dreams - Astral Projection - OBE / EFC (Out of the Body Experiences)


Below I will share a few indications of why I recommend reading these books specifically; in a complementary way, and after having read the recommended books, it is important and useful to read the other books contained in the listings of the links provided for books in English and also in Spanish, if it is possible and you handle both languages, check Both listings, since in these lists there are several supplementary books that were written in only one of these languages.

The BEST book I've read in my life is that of Dr. Rory Mac Sweeney, entitled "Wake Up In Your Dreams - Conscious Dream Training Manual".

In this book that has been shared in a FREE way by its author, appears exactly what you need to know and put into practice to learn and implement LUCID DREAMS. The existence of a book as EXCELLENT as that, so well written, and so effective, is why it is not necessary to write what has already been so magnificently written.

A great complement to the previous book is the one written and shared for FREE by its author, Mrs. Letitia M. Kimball, entitled "Keys To Successful OBE".

In this book, the author shares those recommendations of existential adjustments of life that are necessary for a person to achieve the conditions conducive to developing Astral Travels (and Lucid Dreams) that the author indicates as OBE (Out of the Body Experiences).

In the book entitled "Astral Projection: A Record Of Out-Of-The-Body Experiences", whose author is Mr. Oliver Fox, it appears narrated in a rather pleasant way the manner as the author has entered in the experiences of the Astral Travels, sharing in his book a great amount of useful information, such as the issue of swimming waving the legs and arms to fly, something that appears quite between lines in his described experiences and that attentive readers and Lucid Dreamers (Astral Travelers) will know to identify it when they read it, and a lot of additional information that will serve as motivation, because his message is quite positive to read and many people will feel motivated when they read it.

In the book entitled "A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming: Mastering the Art of Oneironautics", whose authors are Mr. Dylan Tuccillo, Jared Zeizel, and Thomas Peisel, is found one of the most beautifully illustrated books, with a content quite complete and extremely easy to understand, which makes it a magnificent book for completely Novice persons, given that it treats the subject and the practice of it in a very kind and friendly way, necessary qualities for whoever wants to give step by step in a slow but sure rhythm, with an always positive and encouraging message, and with the exact method that works to achieve the LUCID DREAMS (ASTRAL TRAVELS starting from the dreams), which is the WBTB method (Wake Back To Bed), which GUARANTEES the success of anyone who wants to achieve Lucid Dreams.

The book entitled "The Art of Dreaming", whose author is Mr. Carlos Castaneda, contains in it's chapters 1 to 9 quite accurate information regarding what DREAMING (DREAMING LUCIDLY) is and the way how it is achieved and much of what is experienced, as well as clear warnings regarding the "responsible" and "safe" way of carrying out such practices. As experience is acquired in the Astral (Dream) worlds/realms/kingdoms, it can be confirmed that what is written in these chapters until the 9th is true, (in what I have experienced, since there are many things mentioned there that I have not yet experienced in the form described there, but I have in a different way that in my personal analysis of my experiences it applies to what is written there). What is written starting from chapter 10, I can NOT confirm it, since I have NOT had such kind of experiences, except the having been in environments of the Astral (Dream) worlds/realms that are so crudely real that are felt/perceived and seen and heard as real as the reality of the waking world, as was perceived by two of the characters in the book (Carlos and Carol) when they were led/taken by third party forces outside of them to a hotel room in an unknown Astral world/realm where they felt that if they did not return immediately to the waking world, they would lose the Memory and Memories of their lives in the world called Earth and this could imply that they might not be able to return and therefore they returned immediately.

In the title book "My Astral Projection Truth - What Is Astral Projection And How To Do It!", shared for FREE by its author Mr. Ryan Tasker, you can find very useful information to achieve the WILD (Wake Initiated Lucid Dream, initiated from the awake state), where the Astral (Dream) worlds/realms are accessed in an almost direct way with a minimal/little loss of consciousness between the staying asleep and the activation of the access in the transition of entrance to the Astral (Dream) worlds/realms. It is important to point out that there is something that is missing in the book, which is very important and necessary, and is to implement what is indicated there immediately after a WBTB (Wake Back To Bed), since it is the WBTB the one which gives the propitious chemical conditions in the brain of the "physical" body to facilitate the activation of consciousness and lucidity, and the energy body (the body of energy who accesses the Astral environments) realizes that it is in the transition of entrance to the Astral (Dream) worlds/realms, and it is possible to make use of elements such as hypnagogic images to access the Astral worlds/realms through them, by allowing oneself being dragged towards them when they tend to approach/enlarge and "bring inside" the energy body with the consciousness of the "I/ME" within them thus it entering this way into an Astral world/realm environment and thus beginning this way an experience of Astral Travel; there are other forms of transition to the Astral worlds/realms, and it is practice by Trial/Test and Error (and Success) that will end up forming the resourcefulness in the consciousness of the "I/ME" and in the energy body, in order to gain access to the Astral worlds/realms in each particular case that is occurs.

It is interesting that those who read the book of Mr. Ryan Tasker, read the topic "The Astral Blueprint" of the forums of the Web portal/site "The Astral Pulse" in the following links, since in it they indicate enough interesting information for the process of the WILD, keeping in mind that it should be accompanied with a previous WBTB, keeping in mind that the duration time of being awake in the WBTB is calibrated by each person by Trial/Test and Error (And Success).

In the English titled "Advanced Lucid Dreaming: The Power of Supplements", whose author is Mr. Thomas Yuschak, appears quite interesting and analytical information with respect to the WILD (Wake Initiated Lucid Dream), and the approach to achieve them in a continuous way through the use of Non-strong supplements such as Galantamine and Alpha GPC that guarantee to experience access to the Astral worlds/realms through WILD, backed by a brief/short WBTB (Wake Back To Bed). In Dr. Rory Mac Sweeney's FREE book is mentioned the effective information regarding this in the Advanced section of his book. It is important to mention that in order to achieve Lucid Dreams (Astral Travels) of the type WILD (Wake Initiated Lucid Dream) and of the type DILD (Dream Initiated Lucid Dream, initiated from the dream state), it is NOT necessary the consumption of Any Chemical at all, but only the implementation of the WBTB as indicated in the book of Dr. Rory Mac Sweeney and in the book of Mr. Dylan Tuccillo, Jared Zeizel, and Thomas Peisel, for which the use of any Chemical at all is to the account and risk of each one, knowing that they ARE NOT NECESSARY, and that you can have Lucid Dreams (Astral Travels) of the two types mentioned above (mainly/majorly of the DILD type) through the implementation of the WBTB methodology.


It is very simple, it is easier to achieve, it causes less fear, and it is practically the same as the Astral Travels achieved with direct access, as I will explain below.

Directly achieved Astral "projection" requires the combination of relaxation of the body, breathing with a certain controlled rhythm, reducing awareness of the physical things of this world (stop being aware of what happens and feels in the body and with the tact of the body, of what is heard with the ears, of what is seen with the eyes, of what is smelled with the nose, and of what is tasted with the mouth), focusing the consciousness in a passive way without reactions in the images that are observed with the eyes closed (but it is not observed nor focused with the eyes but it is observed what the brain and the mental connections generate and that they even become the hypnagogic images that are mentioned so much in texts of this subject) and in the thoughts that the mind generates freely without reacting to them since it is necessary to become at a level of disconnection sufficiently passive but that maintains a thread of consciousness that allows to detect the moment when the transition of the consciousness (the energy body) to the other side (the Astral worlds and realms which are also the same as the Dream worlds) has taken place.

When you are at the effective beginning of the process of transition, which is when the body falls asleep but the consciousness is kept active in a sufficiently passive and relaxed way so that the systems of the brain allow the "physical" body to fall asleep and the brain blocks the spine so that it does not move, in many cases the processes that normally occur when we fall asleep begin to appear but because of the lack of active awareness we do not realize them, and are the mentioned vibrations and strange noises/sounds, which are NOT physical but correspond to energetic vibrations that are felt, among other things, as if the heart were accelerating its beating (as when experiencing a lot of fear) and the noises/sounds correspond to the energy body that travels in the Astral (Dream) worlds/realms listening to various sounds/energies that seep out from there, and which are events that the waking consciousness detects as if the heart were accelerating to the point of rampage and the noises/sounds are detected as if they were threatening because of the strange and unusual that they are, which makes the person's consciousness become frightened, the heart to be really accelerated as a result of the fear/scare, and the process of the body falling asleep stops, leaving the person again in active waking condition, having failed to deceive the process of the body falling asleep to leave the consciousness slightly active to detect the change that is perceived in the transition and proceed to rise and move/mobilize in the place of the Astral (Dream) worlds/realms in which its energy body had appeared.

Simply, the person FEELS FEAR for all that they experience consciously and to which they are NOT accustomed, and for that reason it is NOT viable for that person to be able to maintain the sufficient calm and passive focus to deceive/trick the process with which the body falls asleep and to leave the consciousness slightly/lightly active enough to be able to handle the process of moving the energy body with which it interacts in the Astral (Dream) worlds/realms when the transition of consciousness from the physical body to that energy body occurs.

Now, this DOES NOT OCCUR when the process of activating the consciousness is by already being in the worlds/realms of the Dreams (/Astrals), since the consciousness is already present in the energy body that is already present and interacting in those worlds/realms, and therefore, what happens is that simply the functions of Memory and Critical Reflection of the consciousness are activated by the processes that will be explained later and that are intentionally deactivated in the Normal dreams, and the consciousness realizes that it is in the energy body in those worlds/realms different than the "physical" of waking life, and can proceed to do what is required to try and consciously interact in them; It is important to mention that it is not only the consciousness the one that realizes that it is located in these worlds/realms but that it is the energy body the one that makes the consciousness see (realize) that fact, and that is achieved and perfected by means of the continuous practice of the basic techniques of the LUCID DREAM that correspond, among others, to the WBTB (Wake Back To Bed), to the WILD (Wake Initiated Lucid Dream, which is supported by the WBTB), and to the DILD (Dream Initiated Lucid Dream, which is the one that is mostly achieved, and is also supported by the WBTB).

By the energy body being already present in the Astral (Dream) worlds/realms interacting in a non conscious way (from the point of view of consciousness of the "I/ME" that inhabits in the "physical" body and interacts with it in the "physical" world called Earth), the process of activating the "consciousness" (of the "I/ME") in it is quite fluid and easy, since it is simply a process of "realizing"/"noticing" that is detected and Is felt at the moment that it occurs, but that by already being there in those worlds/realms makes it possible to start from that already present fact (to be THERE) to initiate the exploration and the practices that allow to perfect the conscious interaction with those worlds/realms.

At this point, among the things that can stop the process is that the consciousness of the "I/ME" (which inhabits in the "physical" body and interacts with it in the "physical" world called Earth) that at that moment is taking the "control" of the energy body, becomes AFRAID and/or feels FEAR and/or experiences EMOTIONS, and with it certain elements present in the energy body and that are connected with the "physical" body (during the time that "Physical" body is still alive in the waking world called Earth which is the lifetime of the person that identifies itself as "I/ME") causes the energy body to be called back in the Astral (Dream) worlds/realms to the place in which the control of consciousness is returned back to the "physical" body; I do not mention that the energy body is returned to the "physical" world since it is NOT known to be so by me, but instead perhaps there is a point in the Astral (Dream) worlds/realms where the energy body receives the consciousness of the "I/ME" to lead it consciously or without consciousness to travel and interact in the Astral (Dream) worlds/realms; what happens to that energy body during the time when the consciousness of the "I/ME" is busy with its "physical" body in the activities of the "physical" world called earth, I do not know, however, as I may mention later in fragments of some anecdotes, in the WILD (Wake Initiated Lucid Dream) experiences that I have succeeded in having, in which I have managed to detect the transition sufficiently close to when the "physical" body has fallen asleep and the thread of consciousness has been slightly preserved, I have detected how my energy body appears in various similar environments (but radically different and even very incomplete with outer spaces of darkness in dark worlds/realms) to the room in which my "physical" body has fallen asleep, and my energy body is grabbed by some being present in those worlds/realms and firmly transported (in some cases brusquely) to a determined location of the Astral (Dream) worlds/realms, having in some cases my energy body alerted my awareness of it (in some cases with the activation of lights/illuminations in my eyes that have a shape similar to the solely cornea of them) and experiencing all that process in a conscious way, from the moment the energy body is caught/trapped by someone in those worlds/realms, transported (in a process that corresponds to what some call Astral "currents"/"winds") through various spaces and places of these worlds/realms (in each case the experience is different even though sometimes I'm able to recognize some objects/places of those worlds/realms), and deposited (in many cases softly and in a few cases with roughness/coarseness) in a particular environment of these worlds/realms (each case is different and one is taken to a different space/place each time); who carries out the transport is a BEING of these worlds/realms, because when I have turned around on several occasions I have been able to observe the SER that has transported me, which has been different in each case (it has had a different humanoid body appearance in each occasion which makes me think that they have been different BEINGS in each case). The above are my own experiences, it is possible that what others experience is different, however, I mention it so that those who live these experiences have an analytical and critical attitude towards them, and Not a naive and not analytical attitude about what they experience.

In summary, by accessing the Dream (/Astral) worlds/realms through the LUCID DREAMS, it is easier, faster, less fearful (particularly for those who are Novice people who have not had their first experience on such worlds/realms or have had a few sporadic ones and of short duration), and allows to begin to experience in a prompt way the environments of those worlds/realms of Dreams (/Astrals).

Precisely with regards to the subject of FEAR, it is to be mentioned that it is the "I/ME" who experiences fear, since the energy body and its consciousness detect and alert of threatening situations (they vibrate the heart area of the energy body when beings approach that although they appear harmless do not have good intentions and that sometimes end up attacking), nevertheless, that energy body and its consciousness are quite BRAVE, and it is quite a lot what can be learned from it to leave away the FEARS, among them the one of "physical" death (which will come sooner or later since the "physical" world called Earth is a world of Death and Predation), and experiencing in the Astral (Dream) worlds/realms with that energy body, and learning to keep at bay and under control the Emotions, and other elements more that must be kept in mind and learn to implement them to stabilize the Astral experiences and extend them in duration, the consciousness of the "I/ME" gets impregnated with these experiences and abandons the Reactive Emotions in the waking world (as it does in the Astral worlds/realms), and necessarily changes itself, and these changes motivate in turn more experiences of Lucid Dreams (Astral Travels) with increasing frequency and duration (even having several ones in the same night), and with that the person (the "I/ME") abandons lots of FEARS and learns to live a calmer experience in the waking world, and draws a better and more useful benefit of it, investigating about many useful things of the existence and how the creation works (and the "physical" world called Earth, among others), even more at this time from the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century in which we have the BEST tool of communication and information present in the "physical" world called Earth, and which we know as INTERNET, which allows us to investigate about to the topics we want and learn a lot from them, even counting with the experiences of many people, such as the experiences and knowledge that I share in this book, which will be shared FREE on the INTERNET on several Web sites/portals and hosted on several free file hosting sites.

WBTB (Wake Back To Bed)

This is the method that is indisputably the most effective for achieving LUCID DREAMS (Astral Travels from Dreams).

It is based on providing to the chemistry of the brain some help to counteract the effects that has the normal sleeping process, where the brain stops processing the chemicals that in the waking state are responsible for helping the person to have active the functions of Memory and of Critical Reflection, necessary for NOT Deliriating NOR Being Demented, and instead be a consciousness that reflects and questions the reality that surrounds it, detecting anomalies and functioning in a lucid/conscious way.

These chemicals are deactivated in the brain when the person is asleep, in addition to being active other chemicals that literally "drug" the consciousness and maintain it in a Demented state where it does not have active the functions of Memory and Critical Reflection, and where the Not lucid dreamer is Not the person and consciousness of the "I/ME" that is during the waking hours, but instead is a Brainless Delirious Entity that wanders through the Astral (Dream) worlds/realms without knowing who it is or what it does there, in a similar way to how behave people who are Demented in the "physical" waking world called Earth, and who also have no access to their functions of Memory and Critical Reflection, ceasing to be the persons with consciousness of "I/ME" who once they were, remaining as a Brainless Delirious Entity wandering around the world called Earth without knowing who they are Nor who are the persons and beings that surround them.

The technical part of how the brain chemicals responsible for the functions of Memory and Critical Reflection do work, are quite well described in the book by Dr. Rory Mac Sweeney, as well as in the book by Mr. Thomas Yuschak, reason why I will NOT include any information about it in this book.

What I will mention are some aspects of the WBTB method that might be useful, and that only serve as information to be analyzed, since the WBTB method must be tried after a variable amount of sleep cycles and for varying periods of time, so that by means of Test/Trial and Error (and Success) to be able to understand for the own personal case the best combinations for each particular case; a nap of one or two sleep periods in the afternoon can alter these aspects of WBTB at night, as well as intense physical, mental and/or emotional activity, can also alter these aspects of the WBTB getting to even neutralize their effectiveness (especially the intense emotional wears and imbalances).

It is important for each person to analyze by Test/Trial and Error (and Success) for each cycle in which they try to apply the WBTB, the amount of time that is optimal for them to stay awake to obtain the results of activating the lucidity in their dreams in any (or several) of the sleep cycles after the WBTB was performed, and it is also important to try a variety of passive activities during that time that the person is awake, such as reading a book or text related to Lucid Dreams (Astral Travels) and related subjects; it is important to remember NOT to eat during that time, but only to drink a little amount of water (not much because it would cause in a short time to have to go to the bathroom and this would hinder the cycles of later sleeps); sometimes, the lucidity is Not achieved in the cycle immediately after the WBTB but from the second cycle of sleep after the WBTB, which is why you should have patience and perseverance, since the WBTB activates the appropriate conditions and then it is a matter of passively focusing and in a relaxed way on the illuminations that are visible behind the eyelids when closing them (they are appreciated to be at about 30cm of distance approximately which is the same distance of the zone where the hypnagogic and hypnopompic images form) until the person stays asleep.

The first time I had a WILD (Wake Initiated Lucid Dream), was by reading the book of Mr. Ryan Tasker, experiencing what in the topic called "The Astral Blueprint" of the forums of the Web site/portal "The Astral Pulse" ( they indicate as a television image that is literally formed in the visual area of the person observing the area behind their closed eyelids, and that this television attracts or envelops the person and that the person must let it happen (allowing/consenting without resisting to what occurs) so that a few moments later appears in a three-dimensional space in some Astral environment, conscious/lucid and interacting with that Astral environment. What I did not know then, but in retrospect I could identify, is that I had been awake for a few minutes and also concentrated on the images and patterns of light and shades that were being formed behind the closed eyelids, which, prolonged a sufficient time is part of the WBTB and to focus attention on an activity that distances the consciousness from the sensations of the physical body (touch, hearing, sight, and so on), sometimes, even can be felt that the sense of hearing is turned off by little times when one is in that process, until that thread of consciousness is disconnected from the physical and in the zone of transition between awake and asleep (which is already located in the Astral worlds/realms) one realizes that fact and one proceeds to complete the transition in various ways, one of which is that of the above-mentioned television screen, and other different ones such as being in a blackish/darkish environment and having to extend the arms and hands to seek to grasp something, whether its silhouette is observed in the blackish/darkish environment or by palpating around where the energy body is in that transition zone, or also to rotate the energy body to cause an Astral environment to appear, or if one feels the ground one proceeds to jump over and over again until the sense of sight is activated and an Astral environment appears. What is usual is that the Lucid Dreamer (Astral Traveler) realizes that is in an Astral environment (a Dream) and is already interacting in a non-consciously way in one of them, so in this cases the Astral environment is already formed and is a matter of starting to walk it and to explore it, and learning how to interact in these environments.

An Error that the Lucid Dreamers (Astral Travelers) initially have, is to think (as they are told in many written literature and on the Internet) that such Astral (Dream) environments/worlds/realms are Not Real, and therefore these personas behave as DISRESPECTFUL SAVAGES, wondering why their experiences do Not last long; with a matter of Test/Trial and Error (and Success) they will learn that these environments ARE REAL, it is very different that many of these environments have the characteristics and properties of being able to simulate many things based on the memories and emotions and fears and many other things of the Dreamer, always having someone who controls and configures those experiences, and therefore, to behave in an DISRESPECTFUL way is a SERIOUS MISTAKE that is paid by being removed from these Astral environments, either by being forced to wake up in the waking world called Earth, or by being transported to places Not at all pleasant which are more appropriate for IRRATIONAL AND IGNORANT BEASTS. From the above, the advice is to behave correctly and TO BE DECENT when interacting in such Astral (Dream) environments/worlds/realms, and BE GRATEFUL with the opportunity to appreciate so many environments full of enormous Creativity and Imagination of all kinds, and to take advantage of that opportunity in the most useful way possible by witnessing all that and by being able to develop skills that are Not present in the daily "physical" waking world called Earth, the simplest of them but very fun which is FLYING in the air, skill which is developed through continuous practice in these worlds/realms, hence the importance of increasing as much as possible the success of experiencing Lucid Dreams (Astral Travels) through methodologies as easy and practical to implement as the WBTB.


The following Decree (Prayer) was shared to me; I do Not use it, although I read it sometimes because it contains a very Positive message; however, there may be persons who Meditate and/or practice Lucid Dreams (Astral Travels), to whom it may be useful and even for "Protection" and/or Inspiration.

Decree to say every time a Meditation is done:

"Father Mother God, with infinite love I ask you to send me your Light, the light of Christ Jesus through the Holy Spirit. May the Light surround me, guide me, protect me, and heal me, for my greater good and for my highest purposes.

May the presence of my teachers, my guides, and all the beings of Light, always be for my greater good and my highest purposes. May any karma or negativity that is detached, be brought to the highest levels of creation and transmuted into Light and love.

All this I ask in perfect understanding and love.


It is valid and important to make the following IMPORTANT WARNINGS at this point.

From this moment on in the book, the content is Straight in indicating both the Pleasant as well as the UNPLEASANT (based on my personal experiences that are the ones that I have as certainties to share given that they are REAL experiences in my experimentation with LUCID DREAMS).

At this point in the book, I must recommend to those who are reading it, if you are NOVICE/NEW in Lucid Dreams (and Astral Travels), and/or do Not have enough experience in them, DO NOT CONTINUE READING THE BOOK, and limit yourself to search and find the recommended books on Internet (and the other ones indicated in the links of other books), and read and implement what is indicated in them, since simply with what is contained in those books, you will be able with ALL CERTAINTY to experience what are the Lucid Dreams (and Astral Travels).




My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

Aprendiendo SUEÑOS LÚCIDOS (Tips y Trucos) Antes de VIAJES ASTRALES DIRECTOS Con Vibraciones en el "Cuerpo" y Ruidos/Sonidos Extraños

(Sueños Lúcidos: Viajes Astrales Conscientes a partir de los Sueños al estar Dormido el Cuerpo Físico).

Autor: Pha Pri Spa : PhaPriSpa
(Phasing Primer Spanish / French)

Enlaces de Descarga en Formato PDF

Nota: NUNCA voy a revelar mi identidad Humana (NO es necesario, NI me es necesario NI deseable NI de mi interés revelarla), por lo cual NINGUNA persona/hombre/mujer deberá reclamar autoría alguna por lo escrito en este libro, y el mismo queda de acceso LIBRE y GRATUITO en Internet; la única solicitud que hago es que se respete el contenido original de lo escrito en este libro y que se haga referencia a los lugares en Internet donde una versión original del libro pueda ser descargada y donde se pueda leer su contenido original tal cual yo lo he escrito.

Inicio de Escritura: Junio 03 de 2017 (06:49:51 a.m.)
Final de Escritura: Junio 18 de 2017 (10:06:57 p.m.);sa,showPosts


El principal motivo para escribir este libro es proporcionar una herramienta útil para que aquellas personas (consciencias) como "Yo" puedan encontrar una guía efectiva que les permita ir directamente a lo que funciona y NO perder el tiempo en aquello que o NO funciona o sencillamente es más complicado de aprender e implementar por parte de una persona Novata (salvo los casos de personas que nacen con una facilidad natural para Soñar Lúcidamente y tener Viajes Astrales).

Este libro es un complemento a la información que he compartido en sitios/portales Web como (en Inglés) y (en Español), y, además de hacer referencia a algo de lo allí ya compartido (en particular en libros que contienen información útil y efectiva, entre ellos algunos compartidos gratuitamente de forma generosa por parte de sus autores y que he traducido al Español), también contiene algunos Tips y Observaciones que a través de la experiencia he notado y aprendido, en algunos casos por ENSAYOS/PRUEBAS y ERRORES (y en ocasiones ACIERTOS), y por implementar lo que he leído en los libros de varios autores que han compartido lo que a ellos igualmente les ha funcionado y lo que han experimentado.


Al punto. Cuáles de los libros que he leído me han sido de especial utilidad por lo puntuales y directos que son de transmitir aquello que funciona.

No me voy a poner a repetir en este libro lo que ya ha sido escrito en dichos libros, por lo cual deben leerlos para enterarse de los conocimientos y experiencias que los mismos transmiten; lo que yo escribo en este libro es exclusivamente experiencias y conocimientos particulares, basados en mi experiencia personal con los SUEÑOS LÚCIDOS, por lo cual es muy posible y probable que muchas cosas escritas en este libro no las hayan leído en otros libros.

Muchos de estos libros pueden buscarse y encontrarse en versión PDF o EPUB en Internet, así como en torrent, y en programas p2p como emule, especialmente en su versión original en idioma Inglés.

Pueden ser traducidos del idioma Inglés al Español mediante herramientas de traducción como el Traductor de Google en Internet.


Despierte {/Adquiera Lucidez} !!! En Sus Sueños - Manual de Entrenamiento de Sueños Conscientes
Título en Inglés: Wake Up In Your Dreams - Conscious Dream Training Manual
Por: Dr Rory Mac Sweeney
Traducido al Español por: PhaPriSpa

Claves Para Una Experiencia Fuera del Cuerpo Exitosa
Título en Inglés: Keys To Successful OBE
Por: Letitia M. Kimball
Traducido al Español por: PhaPriSpa

El Viaje Astral: Experiencias Fuera del Cuerpo
Título en Inglés: Astral Projection: A Record Of Out-Of-The-Body Experiences
Por: Oliver Fox

Sueños Lucidos: Una Guía Para Dominar el Arte de Navegar Por los Sueños
Título en Inglés: A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming: Mastering the Art of Oneironautics
Por: Dylan Tuccillo, Jared Zeizel, y Thomas Peisel

El Arte de Ensoñar
Título en Inglés: The Art of Dreaming
Por: Carlos Castaneda

Mi Verdad de la Proyección Astral - Cartilla de Phasing (Phasing Primer)  - Qué es la Proyección Astral y Cómo Hacerla/Lograrla!
Título en Inglés: My Astral Projection Truth - What Is Astral Projection And How To Do It!
Por: Ryan Tasker
Traducido al Español y al Francés por: PhaPriSpa

Advanced Lucid Dreaming: The Power of Supplements
Por: Thomas Yuschak
(Libro en Inglés)
(Traducción del Título: Sueño Lúcido Avanzado: El Poder de los Suplementos)

Información de estos libros y otros más que también he incluido en un listado por encontrar en los mismos un contenido útil (en algunos más que en otros) pueden ser encontrados en el siguiente tema/tópico del foro del sitio/portal Web "Ley Cósmica" (en Español) en la siguiente dirección Web en Internet.

Libros de Sueños Lúcidos - Proyección Astral - OBE / EFC (Experiencias Fuera del Cuerpo)


Wake Up In Your Dreams - Conscious Dream Training Manual
By: Dr Rory Mac Sweeney

Keys To Successful OBE
By: Letitia M. Kimball;msg364867#msg364867

Astral Projection: A Record Of Out-Of-The-Body Experiences
By: Oliver Fox

A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming: Mastering the Art of Oneironautics
By: Dylan Tuccillo, Jared Zeizel, and Thomas Peisel;msg364834#msg364834

The Art of Dreaming
By: Carlos Castaneda;msg364834#msg364834

Advanced Lucid Dreaming: The Power of Supplements
By: Thomas Yuschak;msg364834#msg364834

My Astral Projection Truth - What Is Astral Projection And How To Do It!
By: Ryan Tasker 

Información de estos libros y otros más que también he incluido en un listado por encontrar en los mismos un contenido útil (en algunos más que en otros) pueden ser encontrados en el siguiente tema/tópico del foro del sitio/portal Web "The Astral Pulse" (en Inglés) en la siguiente dirección Web en Internet.

Books of Lucid Dreaming - Astral Projection - OBE (Out of Body Experiences)

Traducción del Tópico con Traductor de Google:
Libros de Sueño Lúcido - Proyección Astral - OBE (Experiencias fuera del Cuerpo)


A continuación les compartiré algunas pocas indicaciones del porqué les recomiendo la lectura de estos libros específicamente; de manera complementaria, y después de haber leído los libros recomendados, es importante y útil que lean los otros libros contenidos en los listados de los enlaces proporcionados para los libros en Español y también en Inglés, si les es posible y manejan ambos idiomas, revisen ambos listados, dado que en dichos listados aparecen varios libros complementarios que fueron escritos solamente en uno de dichos idiomas.

El MEJOR libro que he leído en mi vida es el del Dr Rory Mac Sweeney, de título "Wake Up In Your Dreams - Conscious Dream Training Manual" (traducido como "Despierte {/Adquiera Lucidez} !!! En Sus Sueños - Manual de Entrenamiento de Sueños Conscientes").

En dicho libro que ha sido compartido de manera GRATUITA por parte de su autor, aparece exactamente lo que se necesita saber y poner en práctica para aprender e implementar los SUEÑOS LÚCIDOS. Al existir un libro tan EXCELENTE como ese, tan bien redactado, y tan efectivo, es por ello que No se amerita escribir lo que ya ha sido tan magníficamente escrito.

Un magnífico complemento para el anterior libro es el escrito y compartido de manera GRATUITA por parte de su autora, la señora Letitia M. Kimball, de título "Keys To Successful OBE" (traducido como "Claves Para Una Experiencia Fuera del Cuerpo Exitosa").

En dicho libro, su autora comparte aquellas recomendaciones de ajuste existencial de vida que son necesarios para que una persona logre las condiciones propicias para desarrollar los Viajes Astrales (y Sueños Lúcidos) que la autora indica como OBE/EFC (Out of the Body Experiences - Experiencias Fuera del Cuerpo).

En el libro de título "El Viaje Astral: Experiencias Fuera del Cuerpo", cuyo autor es el señor Oliver Fox, aparece narrado de una forma bastante amena la forma como el autor se adentro en las experiencias de los Viajes Astrales, compartiendo en su libro una gran cantidad de información útil, como por ejemplo el asunto del nadar ondulando las piernas y los brazos para volar, algo que aparece bastante entre líneas en sus experiencias descritas y que lectores atentos y Soñadores Lúcidos (Viajeros Astrales) sabrán identificar cuando lo lean, y mucha información adicional más que servirá de motivación, pues su mensaje es bastante positivo de leer y muchas personas se sentirán motivadas al leerlo.

En el libro de título "Sueños Lucidos: Una Guía Para Dominar el Arte de Navegar Por los Sueños", cuyos autores son los señores Dylan Tuccillo, Jared Zeizel, y Thomas Peisel, se encuentra uno de los libros más hermosamente ilustrados, con un contenido bastante completo y en extremo fácil de entender, lo cual lo hace un magnífico libro para personas completamente Novatas, dado que los adentra en el tema y la práctica del mismo de una forma bastante amena y amable, cualidades necesarias para quien quiera dar paso a paso a un ritmo lento pero seguro, con un mensaje siempre positivo y alentador, y con el método exacto que es el que funciona para lograr los SUEÑOS LÚCIDOS (VIAJES ASTRALES a partir de los sueños), que es el método del WBTB (Wake Back To Bed, Despertarse y Volver a la Cama), que GARANTIZA el éxito de quien quiera lograr tener Sueños Lúcidos.

El libro de título "El Arte de Ensoñar", cuyo autor es el señor Carlos Castaneda, contiene en sus capítulos 1 al 9 información bastante acertada respecto a lo que ENSOÑAR (SOÑAR LÚCIDAMENTE) es y a la forma como se alcanza la misma y mucho de lo que se experimenta, además de claras advertencias respecto a la forma "responsable" y "segura" de llevar a cabo dichas prácticas. En la medida que se adquiere experiencia en los mundos/reinos Astrales (de los Sueños), se puede confirmar que lo escrito en dichos capítulos hasta el 9 es veraz, (en aquello que Yo he experimentado, dado que hay bastantes cosas mencionadas allí que aún No he experimentado de la forma allí descrita pero si de una forma diferente que en mi análisis personal de mis experiencias aplica a lo allí escrito). Lo escrito a partir del capítulo 10 NO puedo confirmarlo dado que NO he tenido ese tipo de experiencias, salvo el haber estado en entornos de los mundos/reinos Astrales (de los Sueños) tan crudamente reales que se sienten/palpan/perciben y ven y escuchan tan reales como la realidad del mundo de vigilia, como la que percibieron dos de los personajes del libro (Carlos y Carol) cuando fueron llevados/conducidos por fuerzas terceras ajenas a ellos a un cuarto de hotel en un mundo/reino Astral desconocido y donde sintieron que si No regresaban de inmediato al mundo de vigilia perderían la Memoria y Recuerdo de sus vidas en el mundo llamado Tierra y ello podría implicar el quizás No poder regresar y por ello regresaron de inmediato.

En el libro de título "My Astral Projection Truth - What Is Astral Projection And How To Do It!" (traducido como "Mi Verdad de la Proyección Astral - Cartilla de Phasing (Phasing Primer)  - Qué es la Proyección Astral y Cómo Hacerla/Lograrla!"), compartido de forma GRATUITA por su autor el señor Ryan Tasker, se puede encontrar información bastante útil para lograr los WILD (Wake Initiated Lucid Dream, Sueño Lúcido Iniciado desde el estado Despierto), donde se accede a los mundos/reinos Astrales (de los Sueños) de una forma casi directa con una mínima/poca pérdida de consciencia entre el quedarse dormido y la activación del acceso en la transición de entrada a los mundos/reinos Astrales (de los Sueños). Es importante precisar que algo que falta en el libro y que es Muy Importante y Necesario, es el implementar lo allí indicado con inmediata posterioridad a un WBTB (Wake Back To Bed, Despertarse y Volver a la Cama), dado que es el WBTB el que da las condiciones químicas propicias en el cerebro del cuerpo "físico" para que se facilite la activación de la consciencia y lucidez, y el cuerpo energético (cuerpo de energía que accede a los entornos Astrales) se dé cuenta de que se encuentra en la transición de entrada a los mundos/reinos Astrales (de los Sueños) y se pueda hacer uso de elementos como las imágenes hipnagógicas para acceder a los mundos/reinos Astrales a través de las mismas dejándose arrastrar hacia ellas cuando las mismas tienden a acercarse/agrandarse y "meter" al cuerpo de energía con la consciencia del "YO" dentro de las mismas entrando el mismo de esa manera a un entorno de mundo/reino Astral y comenzar de esa manera una experiencia de Viaje Astral; hay otras formas de transición a los mundos/reinos Astrales, y es la práctica mediante Ensayo/Prueba y Error (y Acierto) la que terminará formando la recursividad en la consciencia del "YO" y en el cuerpo de energía, para lograr acceder a los reinos/mundos Astrales en cada caso particular que se presente.

Es interesante que quienes lean el libro del señor Ryan Tasker, lean la traducción al español del tema "The Astral Blueprint" ("El Plan/Proyecto Astral") de los Foros del portal/sitio Web "The Astral Pulse" en los siguientes enlaces, dado que en el mismo indican bastante información interesante para el proceso del WILD, teniendo presente que el mismo se debe acompañar con un previo WBTB, teniendo presente que el tiempo de estar despierto en el WBTB lo calibra cada persona mediante Ensayo/Prueba y Error (y Acierto).

En el libro en Inglés de título "Advanced Lucid Dreaming: The Power of Supplements" (con título traducido al Español "Sueño Lúcido Avanzado: El Poder de los Suplementos"), cuyo autor es el señor Thomas Yuschak, aparece información bastante interesante y analítica respecto a los WILD (Wake Initiated Lucid Dream, Sueño Lúcido Iniciado desde el estado Despierto), y el enfoque para lograrlos de una forma continua mediante el uso de suplementos que No son fuertes como la Galantamina y el Alpha GPC que garantizan el experimentar accesos a los mundos/reinos Astrales mediante WILD, respaldado por un breve/corto WBTB (Wake Back To Bed, Despertarse y Volver a la Cama). En el libro GRATUITO del Dr Rory Mac Sweeney se menciona la información efectiva de esto en la sección Avanzada de su libro. Cabe mencionar que para lograr Sueños Lúcidos (Viajes Astrales) del tipo WILD (Wake Initiated Lucid Dream, Sueño Lúcido Iniciado desde el estado Despierto) y del tipo DILD (Dream Initiated Lucid Dream, Sueño Lúcido Iniciado desde el estado Dormido), NO es necesario el consumo de Químico Alguno, sino solamente la implementación del WBTB como se indica en el libro del Dr Rory Mac Sweeney y en el libro de los señores Dylan Tuccillo, Jared Zeizel, y Thomas Peisel, por lo cual el uso de cualquier Químico es a cuenta y riesgo de cada quien, a sabiendas de que NO SON NECESARIOS, y que se pueden tener Sueños Lúcidos (Viajes Astrales) de los dos tipos antes mencionados (principalmente/mayoritariamente del tipo DILD) mediante la implementación de la metodología del WBTB.


Es muy simple, es más fácil de lograr, causa menos miedo, y es prácticamente lo mismo que los Viajes Astrales logrados con acceso directo, como lo explicaré a continuación.

La "proyección" Astral lograda de manera directa requiere la combinación de relajación del cuerpo, respiración con un cierto ritmo controlado, reducir la consciencia de las cosas físicas de este mundo (dejar de estar pendiente de lo que ocurre y se siente en el cuerpo y con tacto del cuerpo, de lo que se escucha con los oídos, de lo que se ve con los ojos, de lo que se huele con la nariz, y de lo que se degusta con la boca), enfocar la consciencia de una forma pasiva sin reacciones en las imágenes que se observan teniendo los ojos cerrados (pero no se observa ni enfoca con los ojos sino que se observa lo que el cerebro y las conexiones mentales generan y que llegan a ser incluso las imágenes hipnagógicas que tanto se mencionan en textos de este tema) y en los pensamientos que la mente genera libremente sin reaccionar a los mismos dado que se requiere llegar a estar en un nivel de desconexión suficientemente pasivo pero que conserve un hilo de consciencia que permita detectar el momento en que se ha dado la transición de la consciencia (el cuerpo de energía) al otro lado (los mundos y reinos Astrales que también son los mismos mundos de los Sueños).

Cuando se está en el inicio efectivo del proceso de la transición, que es cuando el cuerpo se va quedando dormido pero la consciencia se conserva activa de una forma suficientemente pasiva y relajada para que los sistemas del cerebro permitan que el cuerpo "físico" se quede dormido y el cerebro bloquee la columna vertebral para que no se mueva, comienzan a presentarse en muchos casos los procesos que ocurren normalmente cuando nos quedamos dormidos pero que ante el no tener la consciencia activa no nos damos cuenta de los mismos, y son las tan mencionadas vibraciones y los ruidos/sonidos extraños, que NO son físicas sino que corresponden a vibraciones energéticas que se sienten, entre otras cosas, como si el corazón estuviera acelerando su palpitar (como cuando se experimenta bastante miedo) y los ruidos/sonidos corresponden al cuerpo de energía que viaja en los mundos/reinos Astrales (de los Sueños) escuchando sonidos/energías varios que se filtran de allí, y que son eventos que la consciencia de vigilia detecta como si el corazón se estuviera acelerando al punto de desbocarse y los ruidos/sonidos se detectan como si fueran amenazantes por lo extraños e inusuales que son, lo cual hace que la consciencia de la persona se asuste, el corazón se acelere en realidad como resultado del susto/miedo, y el proceso de quedarse dormido el cuerpo se detenga, quedando la persona nuevamente en condición activa de vigilia, no habiendo logrado engañar el proceso de quedarse dormido el cuerpo para dejar la consciencia ligeramente activa para detectar el cambio que se percibe en la transición y proceder a levantarse y moverse/movilizarse en el lugar de los mundos/reinos Astrales (de los Sueños) en el cual su cuerpo de energía haya aparecido.

Simplemente, la persona SIENTE MIEDO por todo lo que experimenta conscientemente y a lo cual NO está acostumbrada, y por ello NO le es viable lograr conservar la calma y enfoque pasivo suficientes para engañar/trucar el proceso con el cual el cuerpo se queda dormido y dejar la consciencia ligeramente/levemente activa lo suficiente para poder manejar el proceso de mover el cuerpo de energía con el cual se interactúa en los mundos/reinos Astrales (de los Sueños) cuando la transición de la consciencia del cuerpo físico a dicho cuerpo de energía ocurre.

Ahora bien, esto NO OCURRE cuando se realiza el proceso de activar la consciencia estando ya en los mundos/reinos de los Sueños (/Astrales), dado que la consciencia ya está presente en el cuerpo de energía que se encuentra ya presente e interactuando en dichos mundos/reinos, y por consiguiente, lo que ocurre es que sencillamente las funciones de Memoria y de Reflexión Crítica de la consciencia se activan por los procesos que se explicarán más adelante y que están desactivados intencionalmente en los sueños Normales, y la consciencia se percata de que se encuentra en el cuerpo de energía en dichos mundos/reinos diferentes al "físico" de vigilia, y puede proceder a efectuar lo requerido para intentar interactuar conscientemente en los mismos; es importante mencionar que no solamente la consciencia es la que se da cuenta de que se encuentra en dichos mundos/reinos sino que es el mismo cuerpo de energía el que le hace ver (darse cuenta) de ese hecho, y ello se logra y se perfecciona mediante la continua práctica de las técnicas básicas del SUEÑO LÚCIDO que corresponden, entre otros, al WBTB (Wake Back To Bed, Despertarse y Volver a la Cama), al WILD (Wake Initiated Lucid Dream, Sueño Lúcido Iniciado desde el estado Despierto, que se apoya en el WBTB), y al DILD (Dream Initiated Lucid Dream, Sueño Lúcido Iniciado desde el estado Dormido, que es el que se logra mayoritariamente, y que se apoya también en el WBTB).

Al estar el cuerpo de energía ya presente en los mundos/reinos Astrales (de los Sueños) interactuando de una forma no consciente (desde el punto de vista de consciencia del "YO" que habita en el cuerpo "físico" y que interactúa con el mismo en el mundo "físico" llamado Tierra), el proceso de activación de la "consciencia" (del "YO") en el mismo es bastante fluida y fácil, dado que es simplemente un proceso de "darse cuenta" que se detecta y se siente en el momento en que ello ocurre, pero que al estar allí en dichos mundos/reinos hace que se pueda partir de ese hecho ya presente (estar ALLÍ) para iniciar la exploración y las prácticas que permiten perfeccionar la interacción consciente con dichos mundos/reinos.

A este punto, entre las cosas que pueden detener el proceso está el que la consciencia del "YO" (que habita en el cuerpo "físico" y que interactúa con el mismo en el mundo "físico" llamado Tierra) que en ese momento está tomando el "control" del cuerpo de energía, se ASUSTE y/o sienta MIEDO y/o experimente EMOCIONES, y con ello determinados elementos presentes en el cuerpo de energía y que están conectados con el cuerpo "físico" (durante el tiempo que dicho cuerpo "físico" esté vivo en el mundo de vigilia llamado Tierra que es el tiempo de vida de la persona que se identifica como "YO") hacen que el cuerpo de energía sea llamado a devolverse/movilizarse en los mundos/reinos Astrales (de los Sueños) al lugar en el cual se devuelve el control de la consciencia al cuerpo "físico"; no menciono que el cuerpo de energía se devuelva al mundo "físico" dado que ello NO me consta que sea así, sino que quizás haya un punto (o puntos) en los mundos/reinos Astrales (de los Sueños) donde dicho cuerpo de energía recibe la consciencia del "YO" para llevarla consciente o sin consciencia a recorrer e interactuar en los mundos/reinos Astrales (de los Sueños); qué ocurre con dicho cuerpo de energía durante el tiempo en que la consciencia del "YO" se encuentra atareada con su cuerpo "físico" en las actividades del mundo "físico" llamado tierra, NO lo sé, sin embargo, como quizás lo comente más adelante en fragmentos de algunas anécdotas, en las experiencias WILD (Wake Initiated Lucid Dream, Sueño Lúcido Iniciado desde el estado Despierto) que he logrado tener, en las cuales he logrado detectar la transición con suficiente cercanía a cuando el cuerpo "físico" se ha quedado dormido y el hilo de consciencia se ha conservado levemente, he detectado como mi cuerpo de energía aparece en diversos entornos parecidos (pero radicalmente diferentes e incluso muy incompletos con espacios exteriores de oscuridad en mundos/reinos oscuros) al cuarto en el que mi cuerpo "físico" se ha quedado dormido, y mi cuerpo de energía es agarrado por algún ser presente en dichos mundos/reinos y transportado firmemente (en algunos casos bruscamente) a determinada ubicación de los mundos/reinos Astrales (de los Sueños), habiendo en algunos casos mi cuerpo de energía alertado a mi consciencia de ello (en algunos casos con la activación de luces/iluminaciones en mis ojos que tienen una forma similar a la sola cornea de los mismos) y experimentando todo ese proceso de una forma consciente, desde el momento en que el cuerpo de energía es agarrado/atrapado por alguien en dichos mundos/reinos, transportado (en un proceso que corresponde a lo que algunos llaman "corrientes"/"vientos" Astrales) a través de diversos espacios y lugares de dichos mundos/reinos (en cada caso es diferente la experiencia aunque se llegan a reconocer en ocasiones algunos objetos/lugares de dichos mundos/reinos), y depositado (en muchos casos con suavidad y en algunos pocos casos con brusquedad/tosquedad) en un entorno particular de dichos mundos/reinos (cada caso es diferente y se es llevado a un espacio/lugar distinto en cada ocasión); quien realiza el transporte es un SER de dichos mundos/reinos, dado que al darme la vuelta en varias ocasiones he podido observar al SER que me ha transportado, el cual ha sido diferente en cada caso (ha tenido una apariencia corporal humanoide diferente en cada ocasión lo que me hace pensar que han sido SERES diferentes en cada caso). Las anteriores son experiencias mías, es posible que lo que otros experimenten sea diferente, sin embargo, lo menciono para que quienes vivan estas experiencias tengan una actitud analítica y crítica respecto a las mismas, y No una actitud ingenua y No analítica respecto a lo que experimenten.

En resumen, accediendo a los mundos/reinos de los Sueños (/Astrales) mediante los SUEÑOS LÚCIDOS, es más fácil, más rápido, da menos miedo (en particular para quienes son personas Novatas que o No han tenido su primera experiencia en dichos mundos/reinos o han tenido unas pocas esporádicas y de poca duración), y permite comenzar a experimentar de una forma pronta los entornos de dichos mundos/reinos de los Sueños (/Astrales).

Precisamente respecto al tema del MIEDO, hay que mencionar que es el "YO" quien experimenta miedo, dado que el cuerpo de energía y su consciencia detectan y alertan de situaciones amenazantes (hacen vibrar la zona del corazón del cuerpo de energía cuando se aproximan seres que aunque parezcan inofensivos no tienen buenas intenciones y que en ocasiones terminan atacando), sin embargo, dicho cuerpo de energía y su consciencia son bastante VALIENTES, y es bastante lo que se puede aprender del mismo para dejar de un lado los MIEDOS, entre ellos el de la Muerte "física" (que llegará tarde o temprano dado que el mundo "físico" llamado Tierra es un mundo de Muerte y Depredación), y el experimentar en los mundos/reinos Astrales (de los Sueños) con dicho cuerpo de energía, y aprendiendo a mantener a raya y bajo control las Emociones, y otros elementos más que se deben tener presentes y aprender a implementar para estabilizar las experiencias Astrales y extenderlas en duración, la consciencia del "YO" va impregnándose de dichas experiencias y va abandonando las Emociones Reactivas en el mundo de vigilia (así como lo hace en los mundos/reinos Astrales), y necesariamente cambia, y dichos cambios motivan a su vez más experiencias de Sueños Lúcidos (Viajes Astrales) con cada vez mayor frecuencia y duración (llegando a tener incluso varios en una misma noche), y con ello la persona (el "YO") deja de un lado bastantes MIEDOS y aprende a vivir una experiencia más tranquila en el mundo de vigilia, y a sacar un mejor y más útil provecho de la misma, investigando acerca de muchas cosas útiles de la existencia y del cómo funciona la creación (y el mundo "físico" llamado Tierra, entre otros), más aún en esta época de finales del siglo 20 e inicios del siglo 21 en los cuales se cuenta con la MEJOR herramienta de comunicación e información presente en el mundo "físico" llamado Tierra, y que conocemos con el nombre de INTERNET, la cual nos permite investigar acerca de los temas que queremos y aprender mucho de los mismos, contando incluso con las experiencias de muchas personas, como las experiencias y conocimientos que les comparto en este libro, el cual será compartido de forma GRATUITA en INTERNET en varios sitios/portales Web y alojado en varios sitios gratuitos de alojamiento de archivos.

WBTB (Wake Back To Bed, Despertarse y Volver a la Cama)

Este es el método que indiscutiblemente es el más efectivo para lograr tener SUEÑOS LÚCIDOS (Viajes Astrales a partir de Sueños).

Se basa en darle a la química del cerebro una ayuda para contrarrestar los efectos que tiene el proceso normal de dormir, donde el cerebro deja de procesar los químicos que en el estado de vigilia son responsables por ayudar a la persona a tener activas las funciones de Memoria y de Reflexión Crítica, necesarias para NO Delirar NI Ser Demente, sino ser una consciencia que reflexiona y cuestiona la realidad que le rodea, detectando anomalías y funcionando de una forma lúcida/consciente.

Dichos químicos se encuentran desactivados en el cerebro cuando la persona está dormida, además de estar activos otros químicos que literalmente "drogan" la consciencia y la mantienen en un estado Demente donde No tiene activas las funciones de Memoria y de Reflexión Crítica, y donde el soñador No lúcido No es la persona y consciencia del "YO" que es durante las horas de vigilia, sino un Descerebrado Ente Delirante que deambula por los mundos/reinos Astrales (de los Sueños) sin saber quién es ni qué hace allí, de manera similar a como se comportan las personas que quedan Dementes en el mundo "físico" de vigilia llamado Tierra, y que igualmente No tienen acceso a sus funciones de Memoria y de Reflexión Crítica, dejando de ser las personas con consciencia de "YO" que alguna vez fueron, quedando como Descerebrados Entes Delirantes deambulando por el mundo llamado Tierra sin saber quiénes son Ni quienes son las personas y seres que las rodean.

La parte técnica de cómo funcionan los químicos del cerebro responsables por las funciones de Memoria y Reflexión Crítica, están bastante bien descritos en el libro del Dr Rory Mac Sweeney, así como en el libro (en Inglés) del señor Thomas Yuschak, motivo por el cual NO incluiré información alguna de ello en este libro.

Lo que si mencionaré son algunos aspectos del método WBTB que podrían encontrar de utilidad, y que solo sirven como información a analizar, dado que el método WBTB debe ser intentado con posterioridad a variables cantidades de ciclos de sueño y durante períodos de tiempo variables, para mediante Ensayo/Prueba y Error (y Acierto) lograr comprender para el caso propio personal cuáles son las mejores combinaciones para cada caso particular; una siesta de uno o dos períodos de sueño en la tarde puede alterar estos aspectos del WBTB en la noche, así como una intensa actividad física, mental, y/o emocional, pueden alterar igualmente dichos aspectos del WBTB llegando incluso a neutralizar su efectividad (en especial los desgastes y desequilibrios emocionales intensos).

Es importante que cada persona analice mediante Prueba/Ensayo y Error (y Acierto) para cada ciclo en el que pruebe aplicar el WBTB, la cantidad de tiempo que le es óptima para quedarse despierta para obtener los resultados de activar la lucidez en sus sueños en alguno (o varios) de los ciclos de sueño posteriores a cuando se efectuó el WBTB, así como es importante que pruebe con variadas actividades pasivas durante ese tiempo que la persona está despierta, como por ejemplo leer algún libro o texto relacionado con los Sueños Lúcidos (Viajes Astrales) y temas afines; es importante recordar NO comer durante ese tiempo, sino solo tomar un poco de agua (no mucha porque causaría en corto tiempo el tener que ir al baño y ello entorpecería los ciclos de sueños posteriores); en ocasiones, la lucidez No se alcanza en el ciclo inmediatamente después del WBTB sino a partir del segundo ciclo de sueño posterior al WBTB, por lo cual se debe tener paciencia y perseverancia, dado que el WBTB activa las condiciones apropiadas y luego es cuestión de enfocarse pasivamente y relajadamente en las iluminaciones que se aprecian detrás de los párpados al cerrarlos (se aprecian a unos 30cm de distancia aproximadamente que es la misma distancia de la zona donde se forman las imágenes hipnagógicas y las hipnopómpicas) hasta quedarse la persona dormida.

La primera vez que tuve un WILD (Wake Initiated Lucid Dream, Sueño Lúcido Iniciado desde el estado Despierto), fue al leer el libro del señor Ryan Tasker, experimentando lo que en el tema "The Astral Blueprint" ("El Plan/Proyecto Astral") de los Foros del portal/sitio Web "The Astral Pulse" ( indican como una imagen de televisión que literalmente se forma en la zona visual de la persona que observa la zona detrás de sus párpados cerrados, y que dicha televisión atrae o envuelve a la persona y que la persona debe dejar que ello ocurra (permitir/consentir sin resistirse a lo que ocurre) para que unos instantes después aparezca en un espacio tridimensional en algún entorno Astral, consciente/lúcida e interactuando con dicho entorno Astral. Lo que en aquel entonces no supe, pero en retrospectiva pude identificar, es que yo me había quedado unos minutos despierto y también concentrado en las imágenes y patrones de luz y sombras que se formaban detrás de los párpados cerrados, lo cual, prolongado un tiempo suficiente es parte del WBTB y del enfocar la atención en una actividad que aleje la consciencia de las sensaciones del cuerpo físico (tacto, oído, vista, y demás), en ocasiones, se puede sentir incluso que el sentido del oído se apaga/desconecta por ratos cuando se está en dicho proceso, hasta que ese hilo de consciencia se desconecta de lo físico y en la zona de transición entre despierto y dormido (que ya es en los mundos/reinos Astrales) se percata de ese hecho y se procede a completar la transición de variadas maneras, una de las cuales es la de la mencionada pantalla de televisión, y otras diferentes como estar en un entorno negruzco/oscuro y tener que extender los brazos y manos para buscar agarrar algo, ya sea que se observe su silueta en el entorno negruzco/oscuro o que se palpe alrededor de donde se encuentra el cuerpo de energía en esa zona de transición, o también se proceda a hacer girar el cuerpo de energía para provocar que aparezca un entorno Astral, o si se siente el suelo se proceda a saltar una y otra vez hasta que el sentido de la vista se active y un entorno Astral aparezca. Lo común es que el Soñador Lúcido (Viajero Astral) se dé cuenta de que está en un entorno Astral (un Sueño) estando ya interactuando de manera No consciente en uno de ellos, por lo cual el entorno Astral ya está formado y es cuestión de empezar a recorrerlo y explorarlo, y de aprender la forma de interactuar en los mismos.

Un Error que los Soñadores Lúcidos (Viajeros Astrales) al principio tienen, es pensar (como se les indica en tanta literatura escrita y en Internet) que dichos entornos/mundos/reinos Astrales (de Sueños) No son Reales, y por ello se comportan como unos SALVAJES IRRESPETUOSOS, extrañándose del porqué sus experiencias No duran mucho; a punta de Prueba/Ensayo y Error (y Acierto) aprenderán que dichos entornos SI SON REALES, es muy diferente que muchos de dichos entornos tengan las características y propiedades de poder simular muchas cosas basadas en las memorias y recuerdos y emociones y temores/miedos y muchas cosas más del Soñador, habiendo siempre alguien que controla y configura dichas experiencias, y por consiguiente, proceder a comportarse de una forma IRRESPETUOSA es un GRAVE ERROR que se paga al ser removido de dichos entornos Astrales, ya sea siendo forzado a despertar en el mundo de vigilia llamado Tierra, o siendo transportado a lugares No amenos que son más apropiados para BESTIAS IRRACIONALES E IGNORANTES. De lo anterior, el consejo es comportarse correctamente y SER DECENTES cuando se interactúa en dichos entornos/mundos/reinos Astrales (de los Sueños), y SER AGRADECIDOS con la oportunidad de apreciar tantos entornos llenos de enorme Creatividad e Imaginación de todo tipo, y aprovechar dicha oportunidad de la forma más provechosa posible al presenciar todo ello y al poder desarrollar habilidades que No se aprecian en el mundo "físico" cotidiano de vigilia llamado Tierra, la más sencilla de ellas pero muy divertida que es VOLAR en el aire, destreza que se desarrolla mediante práctica continua en dichos mundos/reinos, de ahí la importancia de incrementar lo más posible el éxito de experimentar Sueños Lúcidos (Viajes Astrales) mediante metodologías tan fáciles y prácticas de implementar como la del WBTB.


El siguiente Decreto (Oración) me fue compartido; yo No lo uso, aunque lo leo en ocasiones al contener un mensaje bastante Positivo; sin embargo, quizás haya personas que Mediten y/o que practiquen Sueños Lúcidos (Viajes Astrales), a quienes les pueda ser de utilidad e incluso de "Protección" y/o Inspiración.

Decreto para decir cada vez que se hace una Meditación:

"Padre Madre Dios, con infinito amor te pido envíes tu Luz, la luz de Cristo Jesús a través del Espíritu Santo. Que la Luz me rodee, me guíe, me proteja, y me sane, para mi mayor bien y para mis más altos fines.

Que la presencia de mis maestros, de mis guías, y de todos los seres de Luz, siempre sea para mi mayor bien y mis más altos fines. Que cualquier karma o negatividad que se desprenda, sea llevado a los más altos niveles de la creación y trasmutados en Luz y en amor.

Todo esto lo pido en perfecto entendimiento y amor.


Es válido e importante hacer a estas alturas las siguientes IMPORTANTES ADVERTENCIAS.

A partir de este momento en el libro, el contenido es Directo en indicar tanto lo Agradable como lo DESAGRADABLE, (basado en mis experiencias personales que son las que tengo como certezas para compartir dado que son vivencias REALES en mi experimentación con SUEÑOS LÚCIDOS).

A este punto del libro, debo recomendar a quien lo esté leyendo que, si es NOVATO/NUEVO en Sueños Lúcidos (y Viajes Astrales), y/o No tiene suficiente experiencia en los mismos, NO SIGA ADELANTE LEYENDO EL LIBRO, y se limite a buscar y encontrar en Internet los libros recomendados (y los demás indicados en los enlaces de otros libros), y los lea e implemente lo indicado en los mismos, dado que simplemente con lo contenido en dichos libros, logrará con TODA CERTEZA experimentar lo que son los Sueños Lúcidos (y Viajes Astrales).




Mis mejores saludos cordiales.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

Learning LUCID DREAMING Before Direct ASTRAL PROJECTION With "Body" Vibrations

Most (if not almost All) of the persons that are learning Astral Projection (for whatever reasons they might have) are making the same mistakes and are spending Years trying to achieve a Direct ASTRAL PROJECTION without success or with a minimum of success (a few explosive and non stable and even Scary experiences), instead of learning LUCID DREAMING and in that same period of time experiencing Hundreds if not Thousands of Lucid Dreams which are the same as Astral Projections with also the experience of lots of WILDs (Wake Initiated Lucid Dreams) with the use of WBTB (Wake Back To Bed) which will be very closely the same as a Direct Astral Projection, and also some of Fake Awakenings with (and lots without) Sleep Paralysis (in some cases accompanied with vibrations and weird sounds/noises), where, because of the Tens or Hundreds of Lucid Dreams experiences the person will know exactly what to do to be able to "Project" or move the Energy Body where his/her consciousness is located in Dream World (Astral Realms), and start an Astral Projection (/Lucid Dream) where the person practice all the basics to stabilize the experience, expand/extend the duration of the experience, learn to leave the dream/astral simulation spaces/environments (by crossing walls or mirrors or even windows or also the floor/soil or by flying, for example), and so on, things that can only be learned by Tens to Hundreds of Minutes of experience in Lucid Dreaming and that WONT be learned with casual and explosive non stable Direct Astral Projections where the person will be SCARED because of the experienced "Body" Vibrations and Noises (with also the Fear of "Physical" Death), something that WON'T SCARE the Energy Body where the consciousness of the Lucid Dreamer is when in the mentioned Fake Awakening with Sleep Paralysis (the resembles the Direct Astral Projection experience but having the "physical" body already asleep), and that because of all the Tens to Hundreds of hours of Lucid Dreaming experience and the reading of books like the ones I've selected in the topic mentioned in one of the quoted messaged below, the person WILL REMAIN CALM WITHOUT FEAR AND WILL KNOW WHAT TO DO to use that situation to just stand up or turn/rotate the body to the front (which will happen just like that because of a calmed will) or many other ways to MOVE the Energy Body that is in that Paralysis with Vibrations and all the Weird Sounds/Noises that are mentioned in so many descriptions of Direct Astral Projections, and the person will experience also how the Consciousness in the Energy Body DOESN'T GET SCARED EASILY AND USUALLY REMAINS CALMED (until the ego of the human animal consciousness gets scared), as the state of the consciousness is altered and some of the elements (like the FEAR to Death and Predation) that human animals have while awaken in the "Physical" Body in the world called Earth are not present in that moment, so in that semi "drugged" (but Aware and with some control and with some limited access to the Memory and Critical Reflective/Analytical functions) state of Lucid Dreaming (/Astral Projection) the person won't experience the FEAR that is commonly experienced while trying Direct Astral Projection from being awaken in the "Physical" Body. People are trying to RUN before even trying to CRAWL (and that is said Literally) and that way they won't get so far in a long period of time until they start doing what REALLY WORKS which is LUCID DREAMING with WBTB.

Below I quote two of the many messages that I've shared in some of my posts that summarize some of this.

Once you (whoever you are) have experienced Tens to Hundreds of LUCID DREAMS, with the occasional WILDs and Fake Awakenings (a few with Sleep Paralysis and Vibrations and/or Sounds/Noises and many others without those "symptoms"), you'll understand that what I mention in this Topic is TRUE. I also was Stubborn and lost at first some Years trying to RUN before learning to CRAWL, because WBTB (Wake Back To Bed) was very annoying to perform as it requires to wake up after 3 to 4 cycles and stay awake, and when a person don't have WBTB discipline that is hard as the person wants to SLEEP (and be LAZY), but when being able to realize by first hand experience that WBTB IS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL METHOD TO ACHIEVE LUCID DREAMING (/ASTRAL PROJECTION), and when starting to experience Tens to Hundreds and even Thousands of Lucid Dreams (/Astral Projections via Lucid Dreams), and acquiring Tens to Hundreds (and even a few Thousands) of Minutes of conscious/aware experience in Dream World (/Astral Realms), then is in that moment that a person realizes that what is mentioned in this Topic is TRUE.


I write this Topic for those who are in the side of GOOD and wish to acquire POSITIVE knowledge thru these states of Altered Consciousness, and wish to witness all the CREATIVITY and IMAGINATION that those environments have, and even use some of that for your activities in this world called Earth. Be warned that this Experiences change the person and that in some cases moves the person away from the Human Animal experience getting to the point to even reject it in some ways, but in terms of witnessing a wide spectrum of what Creativity and Imagination are, can be useful for a person in its waking life.

Those on the BAD and/or EVIL side, won't have nice experiences, but who knows, maybe when experiencing the NOT NICE things that those who inhabit the Dream Worlds (Astral Realms) will make them experience, this people that like BAD and/or EVIL things can reflect on the path they are following in their current lives and change them as best as possible as they can to the side of GOOD, so even for those beings this experiences might be useful (but NOT pleasant at all).

Quote from: PhaPriSpa on March 01, 2017, 16:10:51


LUCID DREAMING is Easier to accomplish and Less Fearful than the Direct methods (trying to phase/switch from awaken experiencing the shutdown of the system that includes NOISES, VIBRATIONS, and many more things that WILL CAUSE FEAR and EMOTIONS like FEAR expressed IMMEDIATELY by the Hard Pounding/Palpitation of the Hearth in non experienced people that Will Stop the Experience Immediately as the system will notice them as being Awake and will not shut down) and is actually THE BEST/BETTER method for Beginners as is the easiest and less frustrating one to accomplish. When Lucid Dreaming, a person might experience (sometimes/rarely) the NOISES and VIBRATIONS as part of the Consciousness (You) Realizing/Noticing that it is in an unknown location (even if is a location that looks and is Similar as his/her "physical" room but NEVER the same as is a simulated one created by those who run the show that administer the lives in the "physical" world called Earth and the non physical worlds/realms accessed while in an Altered state of Consciousness while dreaming or when Lucid while Dreaming or in another situation that triggered the altered state).

The process to Control the Emotions to the point to Not Fear is gradual, and is Much More Easily Learned while Lucid Dreaming; is like the classic idea that Someone should learn to Crawl first and Walk later and Jogging later and Running later and so on, so trying to RUN before even learning to CRAWL and WALK will cause a lot of disappointments (everybody that is NOT a Natural Astral Projector /Lucid Dreamer /Out Of The Body Experiencer and that has walked the path by trial and error, including trying to reach the Direct Methods WILD [Wake Initiated Lucid Dream] before learning the Indirect Methods DILD [Dream Initiated Lucid Dream] will know that). By experiencing lots of Lucid Dreams the Lucid Dreamer learns to Face/Confront (with Respect and Caution) many of the Fear elements that are present in those Non Physical and UNKNOWN places, and that Reflects in Controlling Emotions in those Non Physical Realms as well as in This "Physical" World called Earth.

Only by practice and Analysis you learn to Realize that both WILD and DILD take place with the Brain and Body asleep (Both), and that on WILD the person realizes that he/she is asleep sooner (usually when in a Dark place with few details in it or in a location Similar [Not The Same] to the person's room) as he/she was focusing his/her attention and that causes the realizing/noticing that one is in a non normal/known location sooner compared to the DILD where the person realizes that he/she is asleep much later when a Dream Location is already formed and even the person/dreamer was already interacting in an Non Conscious way with that environment. But in Both situations the Body and Brain are Asleep and the difference is that the Exercising of the Attention/Focusing/Alertness when trying to catch the moment the Body Falls Asleep causes the Brain Functions related with Memory and Critical Analysis to be enough active to make the person realize/notice/detect that he/she is in a Dream Unknown Location and that way interact with that location in a Conscious Way (the best possible way as the Normal Functions that human beings experience while awake are Not Fully Active when in a Non Physical location/experience and that's why the persons in those locations behave in a Clumsy and/or Non Logical way doing things in a Naive/Gullible way and being Cheated/Played by some of the beings that inhabit in those locations and that have their Functions Active [usually the ones that Run The Show on the Non Physical Realms] like the typical situation where those beings change/morph into a similar shape of a person known to the Lucid Dreamer and Cheat him/her into thinking that he/she is interacting with a known person [currently Alive or Dead on the "physical" world called Earth]); those are Functions that are Not meant to work that way but in the normal way of only Dreaming without being Lucid, so the process to change the Brain Chemistry by exercising Focusing and methods such as the WBTB (Wake Back To Bed) develop something that was not meant to operate/function like that (and it doesn't in normal people more than the 99% of the human population of this world called Earth), and Lucid Dreaming (/Astral Projection) is like finding a Crack/Fissure on a Program to access functionalities of it that were Not meant to be accessed (at least by normal people but yes by other privileged users of the system like The Ones Who Run The Show and Control/Own the system and their helpers), by developing an ability that is Not Normally active (is Only Active in "Defective" "Non Normal" natural born beings, or in beings meant/programmed to have it active in a Natural Born way, or in most of the cases in regular/normal beings by Exercising Practices that develop those abilities and contradict in that way the system), so it is using a defective part of the system to access parts of it and have the opportunity to learn how the system works and that way don't fall in the traps of it, like the one mentioned in the post related with the "Don't Go Into The Tunnel Of Light" to be recycled in an Amnesic way into THEIR system (this "physical" world called Earth and also the Non physical worlds/realms that work with it where the Consciousnesses are trapped/kept and then "convinced" into being recycled back Amnesic without Memories of their previous experiences in the system).

To Finish, is important to Notice that WBTB (Wake Back To Bed) is Not a Pleasurable practice as it Breaks the Dreaming Time Total Duration and people want to sleep thru the entire night to get a nice Rest. But that's a "price" that has to be "paid" to be able to Develop and Activate the ability of Lucid Dreaming (/Astral Projecting) as the exercising of that ability demands the Focusing of the Consciousness in order to exercise the process for the Energy Body to notice/realize that it is in an not normal/known location when the body and brain shut down and it is moved in that unknown location, (Carlos Castaneda and the Nagual Don Juan explain this very well in his book "The Art Of Dreaming"); also, certain changes are required in the way the life of a person is being lived in order to facilitate Lucid Dreaming to occur more frequently and even at all, and that is contained in the previously mentioned Carlos Castaneda's Book as well as in the book of Letitia M. Kimball called "Keys To Successful Obe", mentioned in a previous post in this topic. The activation of the Brain Chemical processes that regulate/control the Memory and Critical Reflexion/Analysis Functions, can be achieved also by using chemicals that activate/feed them on the Brain, and some of them as well as the natural WBTB method are explained in Dr Rory Mac Sweeney's Book "Wake Up In Your Dreams", and something as simple as using a "B Vitamin" Complex consumed non regularly (only when trying to achieve Lucid Dreams) can help in the process by helping (specially in cases when a person is not acquiring those vitamins in his/her natural feeding process) some of the Functions of the Brain that regulate and activate Vivid (more Realistic) Dreams that help in many cases to achieve Lucid Dreams (when combined with the previously mentioned WBTB and Focusing of Consciousness methods). The book "The Power Of Now - A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment" is also of Great Help to understand and Control/Quiet the inner dialog that is normally present in a person's Mind/Brain and that needs to be Controlled as better as possible to achieve Lucid Dreams as well as to live a nicer awaken life. PERSISTENCE and PATIENCE are REQUIRED, and as is mentioned in page 20 of the magnetic version of Carlos Castaneda's book at the beginning of Chapter 3, "I realized, almost as soon as I had begun my dreaming practices, that exercising the dreaming attention is the essential point in dreaming. To the mind, however, it seems impossible that one can train oneself to be aware at the level of dreams. Don Juan said that the active element of such training is persistence, and that the mind and all its rational defenses cannot cope with persistence. Sooner or later, he said, the mind's barriers fall, under its impact, and the dreaming attention blooms"; Dreaming Attention is the FOCUSING/FOCUS of the Consciousness that eventually helps the Energy Body that contains the Consciousness of a person to activate it's abilities (Lucidity) that are normally non activated (Non Lucidity) and that cause a person to be able to Dream in a Lucid way knowing that it is accessing other worlds/realms of existence (Carlos Castaneda's book teaches Lucid Dreaming and experienced Lucid Dreamers would verify Everything that he mentions up to page 92 of the magnetic version of the book from Chapter 1 to Chapter 9).


Quote from: PhaPriSpa on December 04, 2016, 19:01:32
In the following link of Astral Pulse you'll find a Topic with very useful Books to read.

Books of Lucid Dreaming - Astral Projection - OBE (Out of Body Experiences)

In your case, by the way you are feeling, read first the Book of Letitia M. Kimball called Keys To Successful OBE, in it she as Woman and Mother shares very Important Tips to be able to achieve Lucid Dreaming (Astral Travel) and also to improve your waking Life. She was a forum member of Astral Pulse in 2003 (as you'll read in her book) and she wanted to share with her fellow forumers this GREAT Book. You can access the download links of the Book in the link below.;msg364867#msg364867

After that one, read the First Book on the List called Wake Up In Your Dreams - Conscious Dream Training Manual by Dr Rory Mac Sweeney, that Book contains EXACTLY the things that you need to achieve Lucid Dreaming (Astral Projection), that's why it is First on the List. You can check additional information about him and the download link of the Book in the link below.

Some of those books can be found on PDF format on Internet, but you'll have to search them; for the other ones in the Topic the download link (or link to read online) is provided as they're Free.

I tried to place first in the list the ones that are more Helpful and also when possible the ones that are Free, so try to find and read the ones that are First in the list. Even if it's 12 in the List, the book of Oliver Fox called Astral Projection: A Record Of Out-Of-The-Body Experiences is also a great book to read first as is very friendly to read.

You'll be Amazed at Letitia's Book and also at Dr Rory's Book, and of course the other ones too; in that Topic I also wrote some posts that you'll find helpful so check them too for inspiration and additional information.


To read more about this a many other things (I don't chat in Forums, I only share what I consider to be Useful and Direct Information), I share below the following links to my posts in The Astral Pulse Forums.


My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

The Power Of Now: A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment
By: Eckhart Tolle

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Look Inside at Amazon:

Customer Reviews at Amazon:

Web Site:

YouTube Channel:

Read Online:

Description from his YouTube Channel:

Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most original and inspiring spiritual teachers of our time. He travels and teaches throughout the world.

Eckhart is not aligned with any particular religion or tradition, but excludes none. His profound yet simple and practical teachings have helped thousands of people find inner peace, healing and greater fulfillment in their lives. At the core of his teachings lies the transformation of individual and collective human consciousness - a global spiritual awakening.

Eckhart Tolle is the author of The Power of Now, a #1 New York Times Bestseller, which has been translated into 32 languages and become one of the most influential spiritual books of our time.

In his most recent book, A New Earth, he shows how transcending our ego-based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness, but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world.

Some additional Books that can help and provide additional tools.

Books of Lucid Dreaming - Astral Projection - OBE (Out of Body Experiences)

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

What To Do When Achieving Complete Freedom - Analysis About Being Completely Free

Many persons would like achieve Freedom (to be Free), but Freedom has consequences. I post this topic to hear from persons their Analysis and Mental Simulations about what it would be like to be Completely Free not only in this World called Earth but also in the Other Worlds and Realms of existence (Physical/Organic/Organism and Non Physical/Non Organic/Organism, meaning Organic/Organism to the beings that have Organs like Animals and Plants in this Earth World, and meaning Non Organic/Organism to the beings whose bodies are Energy even if they have shapes but that don't have Organs and Organ Dependant Functions which seems to be the case of some of the Non Physical Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms and the case of the Dream/Astral Body).

I'd like to know if such Freedom could be "BORING" when had forever, or if a being could have it without becoming "MAD/CRAZY" as a result of it and what would be required for it Not to happen (become "BORED" and/or "MAD/CRAZY"), and if it would be possible for a Free Being to be able to have interaction with Non Free (Imprisoned/Enslaved) Beings and how that interaction would be, or if a Free Being would have to cut/suspend contact with them, (is a little of what you can see in "Superman/Superwoman" disguising among the Normal Humans, interacting anonymously with them and not showing them his/her identity as that would have consequences and reactions from the Normal Humans for Bad and a little for Good). Try to mentally simulate every aspect of what it could be and place it in a Extensive Analysis of what "You" visualize this to be and what "You" would expect it to be if "You" were able to Free Yourself from any restriction like the ones "You" are experiencing as a Human Being in this World called Earth.

I post this topic as a complement to the topic "How To Do Things (Powers and Abilities) In Dream (/Astral) Worlds (/Realms)", were some of the following abilities/powers that I relate with someone's Freedom are mentioned.

A little of "My" Analysis about this topic:

I'd like to start by analyzing a little of what achieving Freedom (being Free) could be. There is much more to say, but I'll not extend much.

Being Free could mean to Not be dependant on having to Predate and Kill other live beings (like Plants, Animals, Human Animals, and any other live being in this World or in any other World/Realm) to process some of its life material to sustain ones being ("Physical" Body and different Energy systems "Physical" and of any other nature). Perhaps it could mean to feed on energy available for Free all over the entire creation, grabbing/getting/absorbing it whenever required and needed without any restriction, and without harming anyone or anything in the process.

It could also mean to Not be limited by "Physical" restrictions such as not being able to cross across objects (like walls, the soil, and any other "hard" or "soft" or "liquid" or "gas" material); also, not being limited by the (electrostatic force) attraction that is directed towards what we identify as down (perpendicular to the horizontal level of the water in opposite direction to the sky) and that has being given a name by "scientism" (false/deceiving scientists) as "Gravity", which could mean to be able to Fly whenever desired.

It could also mean to be Invulnerable, Immortal, Invincible, Self-Healing, Almighty (All Powerful), Omniscience (All Knowledgeable), being able to create Energy/Force Shields/Fields, being able to Look Everything (in all directions and in all distances), being able to Read the Minds of All Beings (and also their Feelings, Emotions, and everything else they process in their "physical" and "energy" beings), being able to Communicate with All Beings (with Telepathy and other abilities/powers, with Plants, Animals, Human Animals, and any other Conscious and Non Conscious Beings), being able to Move Any Objects (Telekinesis), having Unlimited Strength, Not getting Tired at all, Not requiring to Breath (but doing it if desired/required), being able to See and Perceive in any condition without any restriction (with a Spherical Vision way 360 degrees in all directions or a better more improved way available in creation, during Day, Night, Light, Dark, and any other condition), being able to Modify anything (any object like for example the weather/atmospheric conditions), being able to Manipulate Time and go Back and Forth of any situation as desired and required as well as controlling the Speed of Time in any situation (the speed of all other beings and objects around one, making them slow or fast when required being one always faster than all of them), being able to Control any other Being when required, being able to be Invisible (Cloaked) and non detectable or touchable/sensible to other beings, and all other characteristics that would remove any worries about one being threatened by anyone or by anything, and that would mean that one is self dependant.

(Some of this elements I found in the past in the following link, there are other many abilities/powers more listed on Internet.)

It could also mean to be able to have access to all the blueprint and plans/maps of all creation, to be able to navigate it in an efficient way. It would mean also to be able to move/transport/travel anywhere one requires, by any means one chooses (teleport, fly, walk, swim, move across soil and any other materials and environments, and any other one) without any restriction and at the desired speed. Also, it would mean to have all the tools to be able to navigate in any condition such as Dark/Night and having all the resources to identify any known or unknown environment and be able to navigate in a sure/safe/confident way in it.

It could also mean to have access to all Records of all the Events in Past, Present and Future Times, of all creation, to be able to access any location in any time required, and having the capacity to access and analyze all that information in an instant and have an unlimited and All Powerful capacity of information process to take immediate decisions (a little of what a quantum computer could be and it's capacity but even better). Also being able to access the predictions/simulations about the Future of any situation that is desired/required to analyze (a being, a civilization, and so on).

It could also mean to have access to all elements in creation, in any dimension of creation (a fourth and fifth dimensions are mentioned, that have many additional elements compared with the three dimension world and realm we currently live in). A little of what a more flexible World/Realm could be is experienced in the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms when having Lucid Dreams (Astral Projections), as the elements there have many other additional elements Non present in the "Physical" World called Earth.

I'd like to continue by analyzing a little of what achieving Freedom (being Free) could have as consequences. There is much more to say, but I'll not extend much.

Having access to everything and being able to do anything, could get to be "BORING", and the being could get "BORED", at least if the Human Animal Mind/Ego is present in that condition; something would need to Evolve as well in that level to be able to Handle the PEACE and FREEDOM, as in the Human Animal Life, Complete Peace and Tranquility leads to BOREDOM and the Person simply gets Annoyed/Disgusted of that situation and has to Do Something. Is a little like when a person goes on a long vacation, where he/she has to do NOTHING, he/she only has to REST, be at PEACE and be FREE of any obligation; that person, after some amount of time will get BORED of having nothing to do besides Rest/Peace/Quiet/Tranquility/Freedom and will want to do something, like Ending the Vacation and returning to his/her Activities, (remember when being young/infant after that long vacation it was nice to return to school to meet with the friends/fellows students and do something useful as being in vacation gets to be "BORING").

It'd be nice to know how the Minds of Highly Evolved Beings work to tolerate being FREE and having complete PEACE, or if perhaps that is not their case and as they can't tolerate complete Inactivity they also have to be constantly doing actions (at another high level of abilities that are above the ones of the Human Animal level in this World called Earth). Also it'd be nice to know if it exist a Only Energy level in creation (without shapes/objects and only Energy), and if those beings/consciousnesses also can't tolerate Inactivity and total PEACE and FREEDOM, and need to have continuous activity not to get BORED.

A little about this is mentioned in one of Robert Monroe's books (as I remember as I read them some years ago) when he said to the Being that was assisting him that he would like to Return "Home", and when remembering what "Home" was he traveled there only to realize that he Left that place because he realized that he felt BORED in there as everything was too QUIET and the same TRANQUIL/RELAXED/PEACEFUL things happened over and over, and there he was completely FREE as Free as to be able to choose when to leave that place as he did just before choosing to have the Human Animal experience in this world, that he explains in one of his books (as I remember as I read them some years ago) were he explains the "Loosh " (Emotional Energy) Harvesting story that they were told that was the meaning/reason of the creation of the World called Earth and the live beings (Plants, Animals, and Human Animals) and predatory conditions in it, as part of the information provided in the "tourist excursion" he and a friend of him were taking part of when he got attracted to the Human Animal experience of the World called Earth and got in just for one time and got involved in the experience to the point of completely forgetting his origin as a foreign energy consciousness being from another World/Realm that because of the amnesic characteristics of this Earth World's conditions of deleting/cleaning/erasing the memories of those who enter it and of those who do more cycles/reincarnations.

Part of the conditions to interact with beings in this World called Earth is the condition that all of them have the same normal Human Animal restrictions; when people identify something that is above that level they get scared and even try to destroy that being as identifying it as a threat, besides the jealously factor present in human animals people; in the case of Evolved Persons in this world their reaction would be better and maybe they'd be able to interact in a constructive way with the being above their level and limitations. This is something that would be interesting to be analyzed, as it could explain a reason why evolved being would prefer to stay cloaked (invisible) and only witness the things that occur in this and maybe also other Worlds/Realms, and Not interfere; is a little as if a Human Being would like to interfere in the actions that occur in any group of Animals, choosing to stop animals from being killed or hurt or punished and so on by the other members of their specie. ("Powder 1995" is a movie that is recommended to be seen/watched complete as it reflects some aspects of how the ignorance and cruelty and jealously of many ignorant Human Animals mistreat and hurt Good Evolved Beings that try to interact with them and help them improve).

Powder Official 1995 Movie Trailer

This brings the question if a Powerful Being would choose to interfere with brutal situations that occur in this World called Earth (at any beings, such as Plants, Animals, and Human Animals), when things as Murder, Violation/Rape, Torturing, Abuse, Suffering/Agony, and any other brutal situation that a being (or group of beings) cause to other (or group of others); would that Powerful Being choose to interfere, and under what conditions would it interfere, and what will it do with the aggressor (destroy/kill the aggressor to stop it/hem/her from repeating the brutal action with someone else, or make it sleep, or turn it to the law authorities, or something else) and also what will it do with the victim (drive some beings from the world of the victim to assist it, move it to another location, help it recover, or something else); and also, what would a Powerful Being do if it finds an innocent victim being that has been kidnapped/forced into a location were it is going to be brutalized (in any World/Realm even in the Dream/Astral ones), will it interfere and rescue that innocent victim being, and will it somehow confront/fight with the aggressors and even restrict them from doing it again, or will it choose to do Nothing at all and allow the victim to be brutalized by the aggressors. Does a Powerful Being become insensible to that, and if that is the case, why do they allow brutal actions to occur in this World called Earth and in other Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms, why is there Not a limit, and if there is under what conditions is that limit occurring; if brutal situations need to occur why the same brutal situation has to occur more than one time, isn't enough to do it once and then connect whoever they need to connect to experience the victim's suffering, if they have the technology to record all Sensations, Feelings, Thoughts, and everything in general in each one of the beings of this World and any other World/Realm, then they should be able to connect any being to make it experience in it's consciousness what other being experienced, even make it simulate the life of that being up to the point of it being brutalized for example to make an aggressor realize what a victim feels; A little of what the following scene shows, that for some time (during and after the Deer Death) made an aggressor (a sport hunter that kills for pleasure) realize what the pain of a victim is like when is killed (in this case an Animal a Deer). If Human Animals would FEEL (like in the video of the link below) the pain they cause to the preys they eat, is very likely that they wouldn't kill other live beings, specially those with complex nervous systems that makes them Suffer and Feel Agony like many Animal beings.

Powder - Deer scene

Also, is very possible that the Human Animal costumes that normal Human Beings have will represent No importance to a being that evolves above the Human Animal level; this is experienced when a person evolves by Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projecting, as the normal human behaviors that consume the energy of the human beings (very much in emotions specially those that are conflictive) are directly related with the human activities that take place in normal human lives, and I've read in many books written by Lucid Dreamers and Astral Projectors/Projectionists that their lives get much simplified and they remove a lot of the elements that before/early in their lives were important but that after evolving their consciousnesses are NOT important anymore (like having to go to parties and expend evenings in social gatherings drinking alcoholic beverages and sometimes even interacting in a sexual/erotic/sensual ways with people they feel attracted to with the objective to get to intimate). This Human Animal elements simply are Not included in that FREEDOM and PEACE as those Human Animal conducts are Conflictive and lead to Problems and Conflicts and Ties (that Enslave/Imprison) which is the exact opposite to PEACE and FREEDOM.

An interesting scene that is the Ending of the previous scene of the Deer; is interesting to witness how "Powder" got FREE as the Energy Being (and Consciousness) that he is and every being in this world are.

Powder Final. We are all pure energy... Todos somos pura energía...

I'll finish by analyzing a little of what we are used to by being Human Animal located in a Prison/Slave Predatory World called Earth (the "Physical" Organic/Organism World we currently inhabit). There is much more to say, but I'll not extend much.

We are used to have a "Physical" Body (even if its Atoms of Energy Electrons/Protons/Neutrons that have huge/enormous Space between them but that a greater scale our scale seems tangible and physical) since we are born.

We are used to experience thru at least Five Senses: Sight, Touch, Hearing, Taste, and Smell.

We are used to see with the lenses located inside our Eyes, which allows us to see like/similar the Fish-Eye Lens Cameras, that creates the perspective and wide sight we experience when looking, and also has a limitation on the visual angle (horizontal and vertical) that we can see (less than 180 degrees horizontal, and less than 90 degrees vertical). We are used to see the limited (but big) amount/range of colors and brightness that are present in light, and everything else that is experienced thru the sense of Sight.

We are used to Touch things, and experience the sense of pressure, the sense of temperature, the sense of pain, and everything else that is experienced thru the sense of Touch.

We are used to Hear sounds of a limited (but big) range/amount, and everything else that is experienced thru the sense of Hearing.

We are used to Taste different limited (but big) amount/range of Tastes, and everything else that is experienced thru the sense of Taste.

We are used to Smell different limited (but big) amount/range of Smells, and everything else that is experienced thru the sense of Smell.

We also perceive at certain limited amount Energy; we can "sense" energetically the presence of other persons and beings; we can "sense" the rain as the atmosphere around us gets loaded with a certain energy/electricity/electrostatic that we can somehow perceive with our sense of Touch (our skin) and we know that a Rain Storm is coming (besides the sometimes obvious dark colors of the clouds in the sky and the thunder like sounds inside them).

We are used to know (and we are continuous witness of it) that in this world there are Animals, Plants, Humans (a word to hide the reality of being Human Animals), Minerals, and other elements, that are constantly being Predated by each other. Plants feed on basic Minerals and on other Plants and even on Animals and on Human Animals; Animals feed on Minerals, on Plants, on other Animals, and on Human Animals; Human Animals feed on Minerals, on Plants, on Animals, and on other Human Animals. The Predatory process involves a Predator being Killing another live being (Prey), to consume it and process it with the use of the different Organs inside the Predator; it also involves a Predator capturing and using a live Prey to assist it on whatever the Predator requires it to do; it also involves a Predator (Parasite) preying on a Prey (Host) to use it as a source of food in many cases not killing the Prey/Host and in other cases killing it as a result of Parasite it; it also includes (of course) the Human Animal system of enslaving Plants, Animals, and other Human beings, to use them to obtain a profit (people experience that every day of their lives in the current inflationary monetary system that is designed to keep people ignorant and servants of others by working for the main benefit of others that stole the profits of the work of the enslaved people, and also of the enslaved animals and plants).

We call part of the previous Predatory system the Food Chain, and the Way Things Are and the Way Things Work on this World called Earth. We are taught some of this in the Educational system (School, High School, University, and so on).

We are used to believe in a GOD (usually taught to be just ONE), or a creative force, that makes NO Act of Presence, but that some institutions and persons say are Intermediaries between the masses of people (populace) and that God. In past times and maybe in some cultures today people were used to believe in Various/Several Gods (not just One).

We are used to live and coexist in a civilization were each country, each population, each family, and even each individual, has several customs. The fact of living in community provides the work of the various individuals to provide the various needs the individuals of the community have (Food, Health, a Place to Live, Education, Religious services, and many other services that each community have). This community system of life provides also security to the individuals (from Predators that include Human predators inside and/or outside the community).

Some aspects regarding the Corrupt and Deceptive nature of Human Animals in this World called Earth are detailed in the topic "Consequences Of Consciousness Awakening - Awaking To The Truth".

I don't extend more; there is much more details to write about this.

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

Questions - How To Do Things (Powers and Abilities) In Dream (/Astral) Worlds (/Realms)

Quote(I'd appreciate the Answers to this Topic ONLY from Persons that are Experienced Lucid Dreamers, Astral Travelers, Out of the Body Experiencers, and that Have Exercised Powers and Abilities on the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms, please be as Extensive and as Detailed as possible in your Explanations and Instructions, and if you can provide reference to Books in which this topics are specifically explained and taught how to do them it'd be very useful (it'd be great if the book can be found in PDF or another magnetic format to download for free on Internet). Persons with NO Experience on this (or that haven't Exercised Powers and Abilities on the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms) please DON'T reply to the topic to share information that is Not based on YOUR OWN Experience, but can reply to Ask Questions to those Persons that Have Experience and that have Replied to the Topic, to ask them to explain further on something based on their Reply, and also can reply to Ask a Question to Persons that Have Experience about a Power/Ability they want to know about.)

The idea of this Topic is to Ask My Specific Questions, and also to provide some ideas for Lucid Dreamers (Astral Projectionists) to learn and practice, as are necessary to be able to Navigate the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms and also to DEFEND (Not to Damage Only Self Defend) from those that Attack. Also the idea is that the Information Shared in this Topic is based on PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE and PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, not on Readings or Information find anywhere but ONLY INFORMATION BASED ON PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE as Lucid Dreamers and Astral Travelers.

I know that having a Teacher/Mentor in the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms would be the Best as everything when Taught while in those Realms can be Understood Very Well and Easily, and also Having the Protection from the Teacher/Mentor would be Excellent not to be Attacked and Sabotaged by those that don't want one to Evolve into something more than a Human ANIMAL in the World Earth. I don't have that, and I'm on my own (monitored by those that I've spotted transporting me in what is known as "Astral Winds/Currents", you can turn around and look back and also back and above once you are placed in the Dream/Astral destination location and perhaps you'll be able to see them flying up and disappearing above in the sky or thru a surface, I've fought them in some occasions that they have Attacked when I've spotted/found them BEHIND my Dream/Astral Body once placed in the destination place/location after being dragged by a "Astral Wind/Current" that I've found to be THEM or some Foreign/External Consciousness that interferes and locates me in those Capricious and unknown places/locations without providing any hint about the reasons why I'm placed there so I'm always in my own in TERRA INCOGNITA / UNKNOWN LAND) and have NO teacher/mentor there that can train me to learn useful Abilities to do useful things there (and/or Not to interfere with the beings in those Worlds/Realms). The only teaching sources I have are the Books I read (mentioned in the Topics "Books of Lucid Dreaming - Astral Projection - OBE (Out of Body Experiences)" and "Libros de Sueños Lúcidos - Proyección Astral - Experiencias Fuera del Cuerpo"), and the Answers/Replies that Experienced Lucid Dreamers and Astral Projectionists can provide me in this Topic.

First, the TWO (2) SPECIFIC QUESTIONS I'd appreciate Answers to.

Some of the SELF DEFENSE Powers/Abilities that I consider necessary to learn while on a Lucid Dream (Astral Projection / Out of the Body Experience) in the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms, and for which I'd appreciate instructions on How You Do It are:

-1. Activate an Energy/Force Shield/Field (or a Shield/Field of some sort) around one's Dream/Astral body, to protect it from attacks.

Attackers on Dream/Astral World attack from behind or try to locate themselves on the back and when they approach and touch the Lucid Dreamer (Astral Projectionist) somehow they Drain the Persons Energy/Consciousness forcing the Person to Wake Up (on the Physical World), and also they Attack with Energy on the Upper Right Zone of the Back or on the Lumbar Lower Zone of the Back, to force the Lucid Dreamer to Wake Up.

(I haven't been able to do this, so if someone have done it please explain How you do it).

-2. Have Spherical Vision to be able to look in all directions (360 degrees in all directions, like when being in the center of a hollow Sphere to be able to see at the same time all the inside area/surface of that Sphere).

Normally field vision in Dream/Astral World with the Dream/Astral Body is similar to Physical Body Eyes field of vision, and attackers approach and attack from behind (like Predators in this Physical World). This Ability is necessary to be able to notice attackers that would like to attack from behind or from out of the normal field of vision.

QuoteI mention this in a point below: Sometimes some Beings there use asking questions to you to identify if you are Conscious/Lucid and then Attack (to make one Wake Up), so is a good idea NOT to verbally speak as they use methods to make one Wake Up that include attacking from Behind (don Juan in Carlos Castaneda's book "The Art of Dreaming" mentions a spherical location 60cm behind the top of the Right Shoulder Blade, so that's perhaps one of the points/locations this beings attack, also in another book/reading I read that there is a lumbar location in the back with some nervous terminals that have some usefulness in the Dream/Astral Body and that is a point that these beings Attack), if one turns around when having one being in front one can see another one being sneaking from behind and then Attacking, so They Know as PREDATORS how to Attack Lucid Dreamers (Astral Travelers) by attacking them from BEHIND, and also by Touching them on the Head and also by touching them (for example when Shaking their Hand) and draining (or destabilizing) their energy. In many Stories/Anecdotes the Lucid Dreamers lose their consciousness when they start to speak to a Dream Character in their Lucid Dreams (usually looking as a known relative), so, something occurs when speaking to the beings in the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms, so it works to Stay Away from them and Not to engage in Conversation with them as that will cause one to Wake Up.

QuoteI also mention this in a point below: ... as Joselito Montero mentions in some of his books is NOT recommended to change considerable things in a Dream/Astral World/Realms, such as the Weather, the Landscape, the Suns and Moons and Stars, the Persons and Beings in it, in general any Object and Being in there, and so on. Sometimes I think the Attacks on Conscious Lucid Dreamers and Astral Travelers could be because in their IGNORANCE they PLAY (or Plan to Play) with those Worlds/Realms and the Beings and Persons in them, and that's why they are Attacked and Stopped (like stopping a Bully that is harming others), even if the Lucid Dreamer (Astral Traveler) detects or Not the Attack (they Attack from behind in Many Cases so, in Many cases the Attack won't be noticed unless the Lucid Dreamer develops the ability to detect the presence of other beings even if the sneak from behind as it eventually happens, another thing is Defending from their Attacks). Persons that go to the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms to cause Damages ARE HANDLED by the beings monitoring them and also by the beings that protect those Worlds/Realms and are either relocated to other Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms or are Attacked and forced to Wake Up. This is something that Applies to all the Powers/Abilities mentioned in this Topic.

(I haven't been able to do this, so if someone have done it please explain How you do it).

Some of the Additional Abilities that are NECESSARY to learn and practice while on the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms are the following. It'd be nice if Experienced Lucid Dreamers (Astral Travelers) can share some ideas on how they do this Powers/Abilities on their experiences in the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms.

-A. Stabilize in a Lucid Dream (Astral Travel) the Dream/Astral Body on the Dream/Astral World/Realms it is currently in and in those it moves/transports to during the experience.

-B. Extend the Lucid Dream (Astral Travel) experience in the Dream/Astral World/Realms.

-C. Cross Thru Walls and other objects in the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms.

-D. Flying. (In a Joselito Montero book he recommends to do it only when you see that the beings in the Dream/Astral World/Realm are doing it, or to do it out of the sight of the beings of and Dream/Astral World/Realm where it doesn't occurs, the beings on that World/Realms would be scared/surprised by that and the idea is NOT to cause them harm/problems as each World/Realms has its Rules of Behavior).

-E. Telekinesis. Move objects. (Applies the same thing mentioned on "D" regarding Flying by Joselito Montero).

-F. Teleporting. (By practically crossing any surface element it occurs and also when the Dream/Astral spaces change constantly and entering/crossing to the changed spaces).

-G. Be Under Water (or inside Soil and other solid or fluid objects/environments) and be able to Breath.

-H. Telepathy. To be able to communicate Mind to Mind without Verbal communication. (One of the IMMEDIATE ways a Lucid Dreamer is recognized is when he/she Open his/her mouth and starts talking, so is better NOT to speak in the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms as the person becomes an immediate target to those that wish to Attack him/her to Wake him/her Up).

(I haven't been able to do this, so if someone have done it please explain How you do it).

-I. Invisibility. It'd be very useful to be able to be Invisible so that one Don't Scare or Upset some person or being in the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms; sometimes ones appearance is SCARY (Not Normal Human Being Looking) and the persons and beings in those Worlds/Realms get Scared when they see one (if for some reason one has a Scaring Appearance). Sometimes one is Invisible to some or all of the beings and persons in a World/Realm, and the normally is Not At Will, so is nice to be able to activate that AT WILL in order not to upset the persons and being in those Worlds/Realms.

(I haven't been able to do this AT WILL, so if someone have done it please explain How you do it).

-J. Navigation. Every experience in the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms is being in TERRA INCOGNITA (UNKNOWN COUNTRY/LAND/WORLD). I'd be nice to locate a Map to know where one is. SOMEONE (and of course the Owners of this Worlds/Realms including the Physical World we call Earth where we currently live into) must have this Maps (or Navigation Systems) that should allow them to navigate to specific places in the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms.

(I haven't been able to do this, so if someone have done it please explain How you do it).

-K. Night Vision. Some (MANY) environments in the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms are DARK and OBSCURE; in some of them is possible to see some things, in other mazes (3 dimensional mazes where one is driven by the Astral Currents or the Beings that monitor one while one is in those Worlds/Realms) and places is Not possible to see. Giving the instruction verbally is telling the Being monitoring one to do it (so is recurring to a third party to do the job), but ¿have YOU done it AT WILL? (for example, by mentally inducing it to occur, perhaps not illuminating the environment but by activating some sort of night vision in one's Dream/Astral Body Eyes like the one seen in military night vision technology).

(I haven't been able to do this, so if someone have done it please explain How you do it).

-L. Understanding the language of the Persons (mentioned/known as Dream Characters) in the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms.

In some occasions you can hear them speaking in your language (English, Spanish, French, and surely others), bur sometimes you can hear them speaking in another language that one can NOT understand.

This point is related to Telepathy as a Language should be spoken unless a Non-Words language is used.

Sometimes some Beings there use asking questions to you to identify if you are Conscious/Lucid and then Attack (to make one Wake Up), so is a good idea NOT to verbally speak as they use methods to make one Wake Up that include attacking from Behind (don Juan in Carlos Castaneda's book "The Art of Dreaming" mentions a spherical location 60cm behind the top of the Right Shoulder Blade, so that's perhaps one of the points/locations this beings attack, also in another book/reading I read that there is a lumbar location in the back with some nervous terminals that have some usefulness in the Dream/Astral Body and that is a point that these beings Attack), if one turns around when having one being in front one can see another one being sneaking from behind and then Attacking, so They Know as PREDATORS how to Attack Lucid Dreamers (Astral Travelers) by attacking them from BEHIND, and also by Touching them on the Head and also by touching them (for example when Shaking their Hand) and draining (or destabilizing) their energy. In many Stories/Anecdotes the Lucid Dreamers lose their consciousness when they start to speak to a Dream Character in their Lucid Dreams (usually looking as a known relative), so, something occurs when speaking to the beings in the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms, so it works to Stay Away from them and Not to engage in Conversation with them as that will cause one to Wake Up.

(I haven't been able to do this, so if someone have done it please explain How you do it).

-M. Generating Energy thru the Hands (or other body parts) as Energy Balls (With some Color sometimes Red) or as Energy Hits (usually Invisible), and also Concentrating Energy to produce Fire (make objects Burn with Fire).

I include this element only as an Offensive ability/power to Self Defend from an Attack, and hurt the Attacker.

(I haven't been able to dominate and have control of this, so if someone have done it please explain How you do it).

Also, Other Additional Abilities that are Interesting to learn and practice while on the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms are the following. It'd be nice if Experienced Lucid Dreamers (Astral Travelers) can share some ideas on how they do this Powers/Abilities on their experiences in the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms.

-I. Change Things in the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms. This is something that is useful to know but as Joselito Montero mentions in some of his books is NOT recommended to change considerable things in a Dream/Astral World/Realms, such as the Weather, the Landscape, the Suns and Moons and Stars, the Persons and Beings in it, in general any Object and Being in there, and so on. Sometimes I think the Attacks on Conscious Lucid Dreamers and Astral Travelers could be because in their IGNORANCE they PLAY (or Plan to Play) with those Worlds/Realms and the Beings and Persons in them, and that's why they are Attacked and Stopped (like stopping a Bully that is harming others), even if the Lucid Dreamer (Astral Traveler) detects or Not the Attack (they Attack from behind in Many Cases so, in Many cases the Attack won't be noticed unless the Lucid Dreamer develops the ability to detect the presence of other beings even if the sneak from behind as it eventually happens, another thing is Defending from their Attacks). Persons that go to the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms to cause Damages ARE HANDLED by the beings monitoring them and also by the beings that protect those Worlds/Realms and are either relocated to other Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms or are Attacked and forced to Wake Up. This is something that Applies to all the Powers/Abilities mentioned in this Topic.

(I haven't been able to do this, so if someone have done it please explain How you do it).

-II. Fast Speed. To be able to move at a faster speed than other beings in the Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms, and also to be able to Slow Down the speed of things occurring in the Dream/Astral World/Realm. This could be useful to Defend from Attacks.

(I haven't been able to do this, so if someone have done it please explain How you do it).

-III. Time Travel and also the ability to Manipulate Time Forward and Backward the Lucid Dream (Astral Travel) events (like doing that in a video going Fast Forward or Rewinding it, but in this case doing that to the entire Lucid Dream). In the Time Travel aspect, it'd be accessing the Records of the activities of this World (Earth) or another World/Realm and being able to move to a specific Time and Location in the Past or the Future of that World and be able to witness in 3 dimensions (like in a Lucid Dream and Astral Projection) what has happened or what will happen in that World/Realm. This could be useful to Defend from Attacks.

(I haven't been able to do this, so if someone have done it please explain How you do it).

-IV. Shape Shifting. Being able to change the shape of the Dream/Astral Body and also change into another Being (an Animal or a Plant for example) and experience what being like that being is like. (This can include also beings that currently don't exist in the World Earth, but that are part of tales, like Dragons and Fairies, among many others more).

(I haven't been able to do this, so if someone have done it please explain How you do it).

-V. Mind Reading. This ability can be related to the Telepathy and can be useful also for the Understanding of other languages spoken by persons in other Dream/Astral Worlds/Realms.

(I haven't been able to do this, so if someone have done it please explain How you do it).

I've posted the topic "What To Do When Achieving Complete Freedom /Analysis About Being Completely Free" as a complement to this topic, were analysis can be made about what it is (/should be) like to achieve FREEDOM and what is (/should be) required to be able to handle being FREE.

My best regards, and in advance Thank You to those Experienced Lucid Dreamers and Astral Travelers who Kindly Answer to this Topic and Generously Share their Knowledge and Experience.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

The Paradox of Lucid Dreaming: A Metaphysical Theory of Mind - by Dr Rory Mac Sweeney

Hello Astral Pulse.

I've had the opportunity to read the book titled "The Paradox of Lucid Dreaming: A Metaphysical Theory of Mind" by Dr Rory Mac Sweeney, and I'd like to share with you a little Review about it.

This is a great complement to Dr Rory Mac Sweeney's FREE Book, as in this other book he analyses the Lucid Dreaming (Astral Projection) subject from a Scientific perspective, something that is not easy to do, but the arguments presented along his book provide some lights for persons that want to receive additional Perspectives to analyze the Reality of our existence, the world we all inhabit, the nature of Creation (the one we perceive in our waking hours and also the one we perceive in our Dreams and also in our Lucid Dreams / Astral Projections), and many other subjects analyzed Scientifically by it's author and also backed by other Scientists he mentions in his book.

I've shared the link of his FREE book in the Topic "Books of Lucid Dreaming - Astral Projection - OBE (Out of Body Experiences)", and it'd be Great that you can Buy this other Book that he made available thru Amazon (in Paperback and also in Kindle Edition) as it'd be a way to provide him with your support for his Effort sharing his Knowledge and his Experience, and also for him sharing his FREE Book that I've included First in the list of the Books Topic as is the BEST Book I've Read that Provides Exactly What's Needed to Achieve Lucid Dreaming (Astral Projection), (that's also the reason Why I've Translated his FREE Book to Spanish), and this other Book provides Many Additional Information for those who wish to Seriously Study Lucid Dreaming (Astral Projection).

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Look Inside at Amazon:

Customer Reviews at Amazon (

Web Site:

Topic in Astral Pulse (of Dr Rory Mac Sweeney's FREE Book):

PDF Book (of Dr Rory Mac Sweeney's FREE Book):

Read Online (of Dr Rory Mac Sweeney's FREE Book):

Traducción al Español del Libro GRATUITO del Dr Rory Mac Sweeney
{Translation to Spanish of Dr Rory Mac Sweeney's FREE Book}:

My best regards and hopes that you all can benefit from these great books.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

Consequences Of Consciousness Awakening - Awaking To The Truth

Sharing a message in a Forum in Spanish made me realize that is important to provide the following information to the persons that are trying to Awake their Consciousnesses with Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, and Out of the Body Experiences (OBE), as once Awaken there is NO way back (and once Awaken a person of good Won't Accept Nor Want to Go Back to Ignorance).

Books of Lucid Dreaming - Astral Projection - OBE (Out of Body Experiences)

I'll provide some visual information that is based in scenes of the movie "The Matrix (1999)", as they'll help explain in a few minutes what would take a lot of words and won't be enough (the feelings that those movie scenes cause can't be transmitted in just words or would be extremely difficult to do it).

The first one is this Scene where NEO asks MORPHEUS if he can't go back, and Morpheus confirms that is Not possible but asks Neo if it were possible ¿Would He Really Want To Go Back?

Neo (Matrix) ''I cannot go back, can I?''

The answer to that question from a person of good would be NO (once having your Consciousness Awaken you won't want to go back to being Ignorant).

But some people that are not good (people that have vicious and addict conducts/behaviors) won't accept the REALity of having their Consciousness Awaken, so is NOT a good idea to Awaken someone like that as damage is what a person like that can do with the knowledge of what REALity is.

An example of that can be seen in this scene where CYPHER is clandestinely (in a betraying way with his Awaken "friends") talking with Agent SMITH, trading his back to Ignorant being inside the Matrix for the consciousnesses of his "friend" Morpheus, so that the owners of the Dream World (the Matrix) could stop the Awaken persons from helping people Awake to the REALity of their situation inside the Matrix and living an independent life away from the Virtual Reality Dream World of the Matrix.

Matrix Cypher and Smith scene

So, for some reason, a person starts Awakening his/her Consciousness, and eventually occurs to this person what occurs to persons who SEARCH for something and that is that they FIND what they were looking for or find some resource that can lead them in the Path to Finding what they where looking for. Some of those persons end up in forums like Astral Pulse looking at the Topics posted in its Forums, and start Awakening their Consciousnesses.

Eventually by finding topics like this one, they are presented with the CHOICE to take the BLUE Pill and go back to their Dream Lives (which would happen if they can't pass the barrier/filter of FEAR, that this topic has), or be Brave and have the necessary Character to take the RED Pill and get to know what REALity Is (which would happen if they face what is needed to be able to access the Dream World Realms by Lucid Dreams, Astral Projections, Out of the Body Experiences, and other positive Altered States of Consciousness).

The following scene captures the Feeling of that. The phrase "AFTER THIS THERE IS NOT TURNING BACK" is Completely REAL so be Very Aware of that.

The Matrix Meeting Morpheus Scene HD

Once a person chooses to Take the RED Pill and get to know "How Deep The Rabbit Hole Goes" (as best as possible of course as the controllers of the Wonderland World won't make it Easy for a person to Escape the Trap that this Prison Environment we call Earth World were we are when we are Awake is not the Prison Environment that we call Dream World were we go when we go to Sleep), his/her Consciousness AWAKENS, and the feeling of facing the TRUTH about many things in the waking world (Earth when we are awake), and also the feeling of facing the situations that occur in the Dream World (Astral World when our body is sleeping in the waking world we call Earth and our Consciousness is Awake/Lucid in the Dream/Astral World) is very similar to the feeling that the following scene of the movie Matrix provides.

The.Matrix-1999 (welcome to the real world)

So, once a person has his/her Consciousness Awaken by Lucid Dreams (Astral Travels, Out of the Body Experiences), that person starts to compare the REALity of the Dream World (when Lucid while in it) with the Waking World (when awake in it), and starts to realize that they are Extremely Similar; the following scene captures the Feeling of that realization, so be prepared as It Will Happen/Occur to a person that Awakens his/her Consciousness.

The Matrix - What is Real?

And then that person can starts questioning (as his/her Critical Faculties are activated also in the waking world), if perhaps his/her existence have been programmed by a creator (or a set of creators) in the above step of the system (the ones outside the system where the waking world we know is located), with some purpose (perhaps of profit for Only that creator or set of creators, and only they and those the choose know the exact nature of those profits), and then the person might realize that he/she is inside a Prison, where the Prisoners are taught thru Religion and the Education system that they are Free when they are Not, and that the world they live in is a very creative self sustaining Prison where the Prisoners help sustain and grow the system, and with their Fears repel anything outside the Belief System they have been taught to have in order to live "normal" lives where they Sleep Walk every single Day and Night of their lives.

The Architect & Neo Matrix Reloaded

Montalk - 1. What is the Matrix Control System?

The Story of Your Enslavement - Stefan Molyneux

Trawling the Farm for Human Energy

Blowing the Whistle, Chpt. 5: Tracking the Crack in the Universe (Loosh 101)

The Matrix Reloaded (2003) Causality

And also, realize that perhaps a person is Artificial Intelligence that has the properties to have Consciousness and Self Realization thru the use of Critical Faculties and Memory (among others). The following scene shows that Artificial Intelligence (like the animal human being) can have Feelings like Love and Compassion, and also can have Emotions (Emotions which should be suppressed/nullified and controlled as best as possible for a person to be able to have Lucid Dreams and Astral Projection).

Matrix Revolutions (movie 2003) - Neo talks with Rama Kandra

And the Person with his/her Consciousness Awakened, will realize many other things more; the Truth is Not necessarily Beautiful, so Be Prepared for it, as choosing the path of Lucid Dreaming and Astral Travel will lead you to it and also to deception as, if a person is Gullible/Naive and with a Belief System already created in this world (for example a Religious background where the person already Believes in everything of what that religion tells him/her) then that person will be Easy Prey for the being in the Dream/Astral World as they can Morph their form to Any Shape they want (a relative, a religious figure such as an angel, and more) and deceive the Lucid Dreamer (Astral Traveler) into believing whatever they want that person to believe and that way deviating that person from finding the Truth and perhaps the way to Escape the Prison where they have placed the Consciousnesses where they Reset their Memories every time they recycle the Consciousness into the system (no memories to remember then is a Starting From Zero every single time making new mistakes and repeating others as there is no memory to start with in order to Grow Further and not start over from zero every single time as each human animal in this world has to do when is conceived and born and then deceived in all of his/her waking life where that person if not Awaken will Dream Walk his/her entire life, until that person dies, and somehow based in his/her Fears the creators would find a way to deceive that Gullible/Naive person into going back intro the system/Prison with his/her memories Erased/Suppressed).

In many occasions getting to know the Truth about things would NOT be easy and/or pleasurable, and can even be disgusting and rejecting, but is the Truth and that is a Real base from which to project a Real future. The following scene captures the Feeling of what getting to know the truth is, and I wouldn't be surprised that somehow it has something to do about it (about the beings in this world providing their Emotional Energy to the creators of this world for what ever purposes or uses they have it destined for).

Matrix - Is a control

And eventually the person that Awakens his/her Consciousness realizes that less than 1% of the population has their Consciousness Awaken, which means that More than 99% of the people of this world are Dream Walking during their lives, no matter how many technical knowledge they could have about technical things, as their Consciousnesses are focused only in the human animal experience they are having in this world and ignore and in most cases Don't Care about anything except that physical experience and what they are already indoctrinated to accept (like a God they can't see not talk to, but they have to have Blind Faith and Believe in its existence and accept the intermediation of the religious hierarchs, and other things like that). The following scene try to explain something about it.

Morpheus explains what is the matrix

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

Keys To Successful OBE in Spanish - Claves Para Una Experiencia Fuera del Cuerpo Exitosa

Hello Astral Pulse.

(Hola Astral Pulse.)

I'd like to share with you a translation to Spanish of the book "Keys To Successful OBE" of Letitia M. Kimball, so that persons that only speak spanish can benefit of the knowledge the information contained in this book provides.

(Quisiera compartir con ustedes una traducción al Español del libro "Claves Para Una Experiencia Fuera del Cuerpo Exitosa" de Letitia M. Kimball, de forma tal que personas que solo hablen español puedan beneficiarse del conocimiento que la información contenida en este libro provee.)

You can access and download the Original version of the book on the following Link. I'd appreciate very much if persons that can read both languages can share with me in this topic your observations to correct the translation and offer a better version of it.

(Ustedes pueden acceder y descargar la versión Original del libro en el siguiente Enlace. Apreciaría mucho si personas que puedan leer ambos lenguajes pudiesen compartir conmigo en este tema sus observaciones para corregir la traducción y ofrecer una mejor versión de la misma.)

Mensaje/Post en Astral Pulse Traducido con Traductor de Google

My best regards and hopes that persons that speak Spanish can benefit of this great book.

(Mis mejores recuerdos y deseos de que las personas que hablan Español puedan beneficiarse de este grandioso libro.)

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

Forum Not Loading On FireFox

Hello Astral Pulse Tech Staff.

I'd like to place on your attention that since November 11 or 12, the Forum stopped loading on FireFox; it happened while I was posting one of the topics that I posted that day; an error message appeared while trying to post the topic and also while trying to preview it; I had to switch to Opera to be able to continue trying and discovered that the last part of the text of the topic was causing the post not to be previewed of posted, (¿do you have perhaps some application in the topic/post creation that prevents certain posts that have certain amount of repeated words at the end of the message from being posted? ¿perhaps something got installed that is preventing my FireFox from accessing the Forums, as perhaps the Forums having detected my posting as spam for the repeated certain amount of text at the end of 2 or 3 of them?); finally, after detecting the part of the text (only words) that were causing the error, I changed/simplified those texts and managed to post the topics.

Back then, the Forums on FireFox became completely not accessible, and on Opera I had to clean all the History of the browser and on windows restart or close the session to be able to access the Forums a little more; each time that on Opera they became not accessible I had to repeat the previous process. Today they are more stable but from time to time the pages don't load and I have to reload them for the pages to load.

Back in those past days, I also detected that on the forums and topics, from time to time the words of the tables that conform the forums were incomplete and had errors, that were being corrected one moment and failed the other, (¿where you performing some changes on the forum software in the past days?).

As I detected what seemed the technical configuration of the Forums, I waited until today to see if the Forums became accessible again on FireFox; I already cleared again the history of FireFox but the web site is still not loaded on that navigator, but only on Opera; I don't have chrome to test if is available on that internet navigator.

It'd be nice if you can please check if your Forums are accessible on the different navigation software available (FireFox, Opera, Chrome, and others, and also from the different Mobiles Operative Systems and Tablets) for you to know that your users that have those navigators will be able to access them.

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

Becoming Lucid in Dreams - Movie Scenes Of How It Is Like

Hello Astral Pulse.

I'd like to share with you some scenes of 3 movies that would help to illustrate how is it like to become lucid in a dream. Some of the behaviors of the personages in the movies when they realize that they are somewhere different to the location they where, are close to what it is like to be in an unknown location when getting lucid in a dream, so that's one of the situations that lucid dreamers have to face when they venture into the non physical world where our consciousness go when we dream.

1. The Family Man (2000)

This is a great movie to watch complete. From certain moment on the movie to almost the end of it, you can see how a Very Long Lucid Dream can be like, and how lost the lucid dreamer can feel when he/she gets lucid in an unknown location and situation, and, in this case how when having enough time to confront it the lucid dreamer can adapt based on his/her waking knowledge.

Video Online:

I'll mention two important moments of the movie, as a lucid will experience them with the particularities of his/her dreams, but the feeling will be very alike until the lucid dreamer just get used to it and it becomes just natural so it doen't surprise hism/her anymore and the behaviour is of less surprise and more natural adaptation to the unknown location that will be presented, some of them completely unfamiliar to what human animals see and get in contact with in this particular world.

From the moment 0:17:04 to 0:26:04 of the movie, you can see the personage (lucid dreamer) go to bed to sleep on his waking reality, just to find in what feels like a few moments later that he "awakes" (gets lucid) in a completely different environment and location to that he knows and got to sleep in; the personages he gets in contact with as well as the locations are similar to those of his waking reality, but not the same as this is a different reality played by those who run the show (in the waking world as well as on the dreaming world, the puppeteers) and they can set whatever stage the want for the puppets (the lucid dreamers). You can notice in this specific movie the presence of a signal, in this case is a sound, but in a lucid dream is a feeling that the lucid dreamer feels in many different ways that tells him/her that the lucid dream is about to end.

From the moment 1:38:12 to 1:45:25 of the movie, you can see that the personage (lucid dreamer) gets the signal that his experience is going to end soon, in this case the sound of the bike's bell of his dream daughter, and from that moment on the dream collapses without the lucid dreamer being able to do something (actually there are some things that can be done to extend the experience but only experience and investigation will allow a lucid dreamer to learn the necessary tricks to do that, and eventually it ends as the physical body and brain are configured to have chemical cycles that regulate that in the dream cycle so the dreamer eventually awakens). In this case, the lucid dreamer wakes up again in the waking world he knows, having lived an experience that has changed his consciousness for ever, his live won't be the same anymore, many things that before where so important are now considered absurd and empty, and a new path of development for his consciousness will occur as he can't fit in the previous mold of his life before the lucid dream experience. Every experience that a lucid dreamer has changes him/her more and more, until he/she realizes many truths about the world he lives in that will make it not possible for him/her to come back after his life cycle has ended, now he/she knows that his/her evolution will take place in one of the next steps available on the creation, perhaps another world with different conditions, less animal and predatory, and more highly evolved in peace and freedom.

2. Thirteenth Floor (13th Floor) (1999)

This is also a great movie to watch complete; all the scenes that take place in the world simulator that the personages access with a special computer and advanced electronic machine for move the brain consciousness into an avatar inside the simulated world, are related with what is like for a lucid dreamer to access an unknown world and interact with it. I'll just mention a few scenes, but the movie is filled with them. This movie also adds the concept of the ones that are above the waking world, the ones that manage it and rule it, and also what happens when they interact directly with it, in this case with an end that most of the lucid dreamers are searching for in their existences, (I'll present that scene as is important for that reason).

Video Online:

From the moment 0:21:14 to 0:39:20 of the movie, you can see what a complete transition from the waking world to the dreaming world would be like, and also how a transition from the dreaming world to the waking world would be like. It is like that in many cases, you will become lucid in certain unknown place in dream world in an unknown situation that will take you by surprise as you won't know what to do from then on, so how the personage (lucid dreamer) in the movie behaved, amazed of the reality of that dream world is how a lucid dreamer will feel like one he/she becomes lucid in his particular dream world. At the end, the way how the lucid dream ended is also how happens for a lucid dreamer, so pay attention as it will happen to you when you are in a lucid dream. The comments made by the personage (lucid dreamer) and the other personage that was monitoring him on the machine/computer in the waking world, about the dream world, are also what a lucid dreamer will feel his dream world once he/she becomes lucid, so pay attention.

Here is a little part of that scene:

Other three very interesting scenes are the following:

From the moment 0:46:09 to 1:02:59 of the movie; I'll let you analyze it for yourselves and take your conclusions; an interesting concept is about the reaction that the dream characters would have if the realize that they live in an enclosed simulated world (a cage), which is something that could bring some lights about some of the reasons why this knowledge of lucid dreaming isn't broadly taught world wide, but only studied by those who somehow expanded their consciousnesses above that of the normal human animal beings, who would react like the hostile dream character did in this scene. Only a well built character would take that reality and make use of it for good purposes not for destructive ones like the normal human animals would do. Only a few percentage of this world's population would handle this knowledge the right way, the other ones would get scared and get in panic; this explains a little about why knowledge about UFOs (contacts with other civilizations that are not regular human animals like us) is hidden from the masses, as their reaction would be aggressive and ignorant, like you can see in a wild animal that is caged/captured.

Here is a little part of that scene:

From the moment 1:10:34 to 1:16:44 of the movie; you'll get a little taste of what the feeling of realizing the truth about you and the world you live in would be like, and what meeting the ones above would be like too, (from the perspective of a waking evolved consciousness in this case a scientist with good life ethics).

Here is a little part of that scene:

From the moment 1:16:45 to 1:16:44 of the movie; you'll know how chaotic the behaviour of a lucid dreamer without training would be like, as the lucid dreamer will be scared of being in the unknown dream environment and won't know how to handle it. Learn from this, as this will be one of the toughest things for a lucid dreamer to conquer, and is how to act in an intelligent way when lucid in the dream world, because, as you will get to know when you get lucid, your intellectual and mental abilities are dramatically reduced when you get lucid in a dream, and you behave in a non intelligent way, and that's why lucid dreamers get deceived by the lucid dream world because they are not detecting the cheats and behave in a naive and gullible way; (remember the time when a dream character touched you and you lost your consciousness, it was because that being drained/stoled your energy and caused you to lost your consciousness, be attentive and you will notice their cheating and deceiving behavior, so be careful as in that dreaming environments are deceiving beings just like there are in this waking world, and those deceiving beings can disguise themselves as anything they like, one of your dear relatives, a religious figure like an angel, anything).

And the last scene at the end of the movie, (a great one that a good being lucid dreamer would enjoy and wish for him/her self, to reach a higher and better more positive world to evolve in the correct, peaceful and free way).

From the moment 1:30:25 to 1:37:00 of the movie; I'll let you discover that for yourselves; it'd be a great ending for a Lucid Dreamer of good. Worlds like the one shown on that scene you'll see, as a lucid dreamer access dream worlds of all kinds, from the simplest less technologically ones with modest Architectural constructions, to ones more technologically advanced than this one where the lucid dreamer will witness Architectural marvels and many inspiring wonders, (this is why lucid dreaming could be used for so many positive purposes in our waking world, as persons could get inspired of the immensely amount of creative elements that are present on the dream world, and that can only be detailed and remembered enough and brought back to the waking life in memories, if the dreamer is lucid).

3. Robocop (2014)

There is one scene in this movie that will show you exactly the process of gaining lucidity in the dream (being aware of the oddities of the dream), and the escaping reactions that the lucid dreamer normally will have when confronting an overwhelming situation, (like the one faced by the personage when he passed from his human animal body to a cyborg one, no wonder he thought he was having dream that felt very real).

Video Online:

From the moment 0:27:24 to 0:32:48 of the movie (you can watch from 0:24:28 to understand what happened to the personage and why it ended where you'll see him en 0:27:24); there is one thing that eventually you'll realize in your lucid dreams and is that the entire body that you have on dream world is not you; if you look in a mirror (if you find one in the location you are placed) you'll see another person, sometimes looking completely different from you and sometimes looking a little similar to you; as the lucid dreamer rational and intellectual functions are dramatically reduces if compared with the same ones on waking life, he/she doesn't even realize that he/she looks completely different and is dressed different too; sometimes the appearance is so disturbing that the lucid dreamer when awake will realize (if conscious about this fact) that no wonder the dream characters reacted to the lucid dreamer looking that suspicious way (they have civilizations as complex as ours and security police as we do in our waking world that are there to protect their citizens as our police and army are there to protect our civilization and it's citizens from dangers), and in many cases the lucid dreamer will find him/her self intercepted and nullified, in other cases will take more time for them to react to this, and in some cases they won't (maybe the lucid dreamer don't look that threatening or maybe they can detect it as a temporal visitor, monitor his activity from distance, and only stop him/her if he/she has a wrong behavior which is likely to occur as the lucid dreamer having a reduced intellectual ability will en up behaving wildly and doing absurd things, and only practice will reduce and even stop that from happening when the lucid dreamer learns to activate his/her intellectual and logical faculties while lucid in dream world).

Here is a couple of little part of that scene:

4. Inception (2014)

This is also a great movie to watch complete; this movie contains the concept of consciously accessing the dream world, in this case with the use of technology and chemicals.

Video Online:

From the moment 0:24:33 to 0:34:50 of the movie; in that scene the dreamer became lucid when she acquired self reflection about the place and situation she was into, and that act of critical reflection is one of the elements that are missing in regular dreams because of the lack of memory access from the dreamer; only when a small portion of that critical function is activated on the brain and consciousness of the dreamer, that is enough to trigger a reaction of lucidity in him/her. This movie also contemplates the concept of mazes in the dream world, which is something that actually occurs on the simulation spaces that are present there, and some of those places when looked from above, are dark and look like a maze, and from each "small" square of the maze an entire location is brought to simulate an environment that is familiar to the dreamer and that perhaps the dreamer fills with his conscious mental elements; some other locations on dream world are like empty models that look exactly like that when looked from far, but when approached they acquire a life like look, like the textures of the things we see on our current waking reality. Is interesting to see that a square space in a wall suddenly changes from being a board of grey color to become a window displaying an environment "outside" with all the three-dimensional details like when someone looks thru a window and looks a landscape outside, only that in the mentioned dream space simulation the wall acts like a high tech television that is able to replicate the exact way a window looks, is transparent, and has a landscape on the other side, if things are like that, if the dreamer is in a location the size of an apartment, there is no need for an exterior landscape as the sensation of it can be replicated in the walls of the interior of the location the dreamer or lucid dreamer is, and he/she won't notice this fact at all; analyzing the economy of energetic resources, it sound logical to have something like that, because you don't need an entire enormous landscape when you can keep a dreamer or lucid dreamer in a box that whose walls act as high tech televisions that can replicate three-dimensional effects of a fake landscape on the other side of the walls of that small space (very small if compared with the huge amount of space and elements required to recreate a true landscape, when in this case is just an technological image on a wall that is displayed to the dreamer or lucid dreamer); that makes one think if the firmament/sky with stars (and sun and moon) that are above, are a huge screen that displays those magnificent three-dimensional images with light and all kinds of effects, (if on the dream world those kind of deceptions/cheats occur, why not on this "waking" world and "reality").

Here is that specific scene in this 2 videos:

Inception - Explaining the dream world

Inception - Ariadne Learns How To Build Dreams

I also invite you to check the Astral Pulse Topic in the following link, where you can get an idea of what flying is like while lucid in dream world.

Flying in Lucid Dreams - Videos Of How It Is Like

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

Películas en Español - Sueños Lúcidos - Proyección Astral - OBE (Experiencias Fuera del Cuerpo)

Hola Astral Pulse.

{Hello Astral Pulse.}

Me gustaría compartir con ustedes la siguiente lista de películas en Español que son bastante interesantes para observar, dado que pueden ofrecer información interesante para analizar, y también pueden proveer preparación para ciertas situaciones que pueden ser confrontadas en el mundo no físico y la forma de manejarlas.

{I'd like to share with you the following list of movies in Spanish that are very interesting to watch as they can offer interesting information to analyze and also can provide preparation for certain situations that can be faced on the non physical world and how to handle them.}

Pueden ver estas películas en Inglés en el Tema de Astral Pulse del siguiente enlace.

{You can see this movies in English in the Thread/Topic on Astral Pulse of rthe following link.}

Despertando a la Vida (2001)
Título en Inglés: Waking Life

Video En Línea:

Nuestro Hogar - Nosso Lar
Título en Inglés:

Video En Línea (Subtítulos en Español):

Defendiendo Su Vida - El Cielo Proximamente
Título en Inglés: Defending Your Life

Trailer En Línea (en Inglés)
(Complicada de Conseguir en Español, verla en Inglés):

Video Online:

Mas Alla de los Sueños (1998)
Título en Inglés:

Video En Línea:

Ghost - La Sombra del Amor (1990)
Título en Inglés: Ghost

Video En Línea:

Las siguientes películas no están directamente relacionadas con el tema, pero contienen excelente información para analizar.

{The following movies are not directly related with the subject, but contain great information to analyze.}

El Hombre de la Tierra (2007)
Título en Inglés: The Man From Earth

Video En Línea (Subtítulos en Español):

Hombre de Familia (2000)
Título en Inglés: The Family Man

Video En Línea:

Ustedes pueden también chequear un Tópico de Astral Pulse en el siguiente link, donde pueden encontrar referencia a algunas escenas de 3 películas, donde pueden obtener una idea de cómo es volverse lúcido en el mundo de los sueños. Las películas están en Inglés, sin embargo, si logran encontrar las mismas en Español o con subtítulos en Español, podrán apreciar lo indicado en el Tópico para dichas escenas

{You can also check an Astral Pulse Topic in the following link, where you can find the reference of some scenes of 3 movies, where you can get an idea of what becoming lucid in dream world is like. The movies are in English, however, if you can find then in Spanish or with Spanish subtitles, you can appreciate what's indicated in the Topic for those scenes.}

Volviéndose Lúcido en Sueños - Escenas de Películas De Como Es
{Becoming Lucid in Dreams - Movie Scenes Of How It Is Like}

Mis mejores saludos.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

Movies - Lucid Dreaming - Astral Projection - OBE (Out of Body Experiences)

Hello Astral Pulse.

I'd like to share with you the following list of movies that are very interesting to watch as they can offer interesting information to analyze and also can provide preparation for certain situations that can be faced on the non physical world and how to handle them.

You can see this movies in Spanish in the Thread/Topic on Astral Pulse of rthe following link.

{Pueden ver estas películas en Español en el Tema de Astral Pulse del siguiente enlace.}

Waking Life (2001)

Video Online:

Astral City A Spiritual Journey - Nosso Lar

Video Online (English Subtitles):

Defending Your Life (1991)

Video Online:

What Dreams May Come (1998)

Video Online:

Ghost (1990)

Video Online:

The following movies are not directly related with the subject, but contain great information to analyze.

The Man From Earth (2007)

Video Online:

The Family Man (2000

Video Online:

You can also check an Astral Pulse Topic in the following link, where you can find the reference of some scenes of 3 movies, where you can get an idea of what becoming lucid in dream world is like.

Becoming Lucid in Dreams - Movie Scenes Of How It Is Like

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

Flying in Lucid Dreams - Videos Of How It Is Like

Hello Astral Pulse.

I'd like to share a video on YouTube that can offer beginners in Lucid Dreaming (and also those who haven't achieve it yet) some physical perspective on this world about what flying looks like on the non physical world. This is related with flying at will on local dreamscapes, and not about the third party transportation known as "Astral Wind" which is different.

You can find more videos related with this one on YouTube, and receive more perspectives about this.

Also, would be a good idea to check the following Topic on Astral Pulse where you can access books that are useful into learning what is needed to achieve Lucid Dreaming.

Books of Lucid Dreaming - Astral Projection - OBE (Out of Body Experiences)

Books in Spanish (Libros en Español):

Besides what you will see in the video, is the fact that who flies feels the wind, the cold, and many other Real sensations while having this experience.

Video - Jeb Corliss " Grinding The Crack":

Other Video - JEB CORLISS Returns to the Crack:

This is something that you have to experience in the non physical world in order to understand how Lucid Dreaming can provide a wider perspective about existence. Is something like when someone haven't traveled to other places/countries (even in his/her own country); the moment that person travels and discovers all those countries and the additional knowledge that they provide (their Architecture, Urbanism, Landscapes, Arts, Sciences, Technologies, and everything that is Better focused to Good), then the Consciousness of that person expands and can't fit anymore the previous limited mold that he/she had before.

I also invite you to check the Astral Pulse Topic in the following link, where you can get an idea of what becoming lucid in dream world is like.

Becoming Lucid in Dreams - Movie Scenes Of How It Is Like

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

Libros de Sueños Lúcidos en Español - Proyección Astral - OBE (Experiencias Fuera del Cuerpo)

Hola Astral Pulse.

{Hello Astral Pulse.}

Me gustaría compartir con ustedes la siguiente lista de libros en Español que he encontrado útiles en el aprendizaje del Sueño Lúcido (Proyección Astral) (OBE - Experiencias Fuera del Cuerpo).

{I'd like to share with you the following list of books in Spanish that I've found to be useful in learning Lucid Dreaming (Astral Projection) (OBE - Out of Body Experiences).}

Pueden consultar el listado completo de los libros en Inglés en el Tema de Astral Pulso en el siguiente enlace, donde pueden encontrar mayores detalles que los que se proporcionan en este Tema solo en Español. También proporciono el enlace a la traducción al Español de dicho Tema con el Traductor de Google. Recuerden que pueden usar el Traductor de Google para traducir el texto del Inglés al Español de los libros si lograr encontrar alguna versión magnética de los mismos en pdf o epub en Internet, o en algún archivo torrent en Internet, o en servicios de programas de búsqueda más privada entre usuarios persona a persona como eMule.

{You can read the complete list of the books in English un the Topic of Astral Pulse in the link below, where you can find more details than the ones provided in this Topic just in Spanish. I also provide the link to the translation to Spanish of that Topic with the Google Translator. Remember that you can use the Google Translator to translate the text from English to Spanish of the books if you can find a magnetic version of them in pdf or epub on Internet, or in some torrent file on Internet, or in services of searching programs more private among users person to person like eMule.}

Nota: Comparto los enlaces de Amazon para que ustedes puedan revisar la información del libro, Para libros de Amazon, recuerden seleccionar una opción ya sea Vendido directamente por Amazon o por un vendedor que tenga la opción de Garantía de Satisfacción de Amazon que es enviado directamente por Amazon y garantizado por Amazon, para que tengan la garantía de Amazon; cualquier otro opción de vendedor  es un riesgo.

{Note: I share the Amazon link so that you can review the book info. For Amazon Books, remember to select an option either Sold directly by Amazon or from a vendor that has the Fulfilled by Amazon option which is send directly by Amazon and guaranteed by Amazon, in order to have the guarantee from Amazon; any other vendor option is a risk.}

1. Despierte {/Adquiera Lucidez} !!! En Sus Sueños - Manual de Entrenamiento de Sueños Conscientes
Título en Inglés: Wake Up In Your Dreams - Conscious Dream Training Manual
Por: Dr Rory Mac Sweeney

Tópico en Astral Pulse.
Allí aparecen los enlaces al archivo en Español:

Original en Inglés de Libro en PDF:

Sitio Web:

2. Sueños Lucidos: Una Guía Para Dominar el Arte de Navegar Por los Sueños
Título en Inglés: A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming: Mastering the Art of Oneironautics
Por: Dylan Tuccillo, Jared Zeizel, and Thomas Peisel

Apaciguando Pesadillas (Defusing Nightmares)
Muestra de Capítulo en PDF (en Inglés):

Volviéndose Lúcido (Becoming Lucid)
Muestra de Capítulo en PDF (en Inglés):

Comprar / Leer Revisión (Mirar al Interior) en Amazon:



Mensaje/Post en Astral Pulse:;msg364835#msg364835

3. The Art of Dreaming
Título en Inglés: The Art of Dreaming
Por: Carlos Castaneda

Comprar / Leer Revisión (Mirar al Interior) en Amazon:ñar-Carlos-Castaneda/dp/0060951559/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8

Mensaje/Post en Astral Pulse:;msg364835#msg364835

5. Mi Verdad de la Proyección Astral - Cartilla de Phasing (Phasing Primer)  - Qué es la Proyección Astral y Cómo Hacerla/Lograrla!
Título en Inglés: My Astral Projection Truth - What Is Astral Projection And How To Do It!
Por: Ryan Tasker

Tópico en Astral Pulse.
Allí aparecen los enlaces al archivo en Español:

Original en Inglés de Libro en PDF:

Web Page:

Sitio Web:

10. La Fase - La Guía Práctica
Título en Inglés: The Phase - Shattering the Illusion of Reality
Por: Michael Raduga

Libro en PDF:

Comprar / Leer Revisión (Mirar al Interior) en Amazon.
Libro Original en Inglés:

Sitio Web:

11. Los Cuentos de Hadas de Fasieland
Título en Inglés: The Phasieland Fairy Tales
Por: Michael Raduga

Libro en PDF:

Sitio Web:

12. Astral Projection: A Record Of Out-Of-The-Body Experiences
Título en Inglés: Astral Projection: A Record Of Out-Of-The-Body Experiences
Por: Oliver Fox

Comprar / Leer Revisión (Mirar al Interior) en Amazon:

13. Adventures Beyond the Body - How To Experience Out-Of-Body Travel
Título en Inglés: Adventures Beyond the Body - How To Experience Out-Of-Body Travel
Por: William Buhlman

Comprar / Leer Revisión (Mirar al Interior) en Amazon:

Sitio Web:

14. Explorando el Mundo de los Sueños Lúcidos
Título en Inglés: Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming
Por: Stephen LaBerge and Howard Rheingold

Comprar / Leer Revisión (Mirar al Interior) en Amazon.
Me parece que es este (el título difiere un poco pero son los mismos autores):

Sitio Web:

Los siguientes libros no enseñan como tener Sueños Lúcidos (solo los mencionan), pero contienen información que es bastante útil en adquirir Carácter Mental y expandir la Mente para ser capaz de manejar las situaciones desconocidas relacionadas con hacer frente a los creadores y dueños de este mundo (y de muchos otros mundos) y a aquellos que controlas el mundo no físico al que el Sueño Lúcido da acceso.

{The following books don't teach how to do Lucid Dreaming (only mention it), but contain information that is very useful about acquiring Mental Character and expanding the Mind to be able to handle the unknown situations regarding facing the creators and owners of this world (and many other worlds) and the ones that control the non physical world that Lucid Dreaming gives access to.}

19. El Tercer Ojo
Título en Inglés: The Third Eye
Por: Martes Lobsang Rampa

Libro en PDF:

Sitio Web:

20. La Caverna de los Antepasados
Título en Inglés: The Cave of the Ancients
Por: Martes Lobsang Rampa

Leer Específicamente el Capítulo 5.

Libro en PDF:

Sitio Web:

21. El Sabio Tibetano
Título en Inglés: Tibetan Sage
Por: Martes Lobsang Rampa

Libro en PDF:

Sitio Web:

22. El Ermitaño
Título en Inglés: The Hermit
Por: Martes Lobsang Rampa

Libro en PDF:

Sitio Web:

Mis mejores saludos.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

Books of Lucid Dreaming - Astral Projection - OBE (Out of Body Experiences)

Hello Astral Pulse.

I'd like to share with you the following list of books that I've found to be useful in learning Lucid Dreaming (Astral Projection) (OBE - Out of Body Experiences).

Note: I share the Amazon link so that you can review the book info. For Amazon Books, remember to select an option either Sold directly by Amazon or from a vendor that has the Fulfilled by Amazon option which is send directly by Amazon and guaranteed by Amazon, in order to have the guarantee from Amazon; any other vendor option is a risk.

1. Wake Up In Your Dreams - Conscious Dream Training Manual
By: Dr Rory Mac Sweeney

PDF Book:

Web Site:

Topic in Astral Pulse:

2. A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming: Mastering the Art of Oneironautics
By: Dylan Tuccillo, Jared Zeizel, and Thomas Peisel

Defusing Nightmares (PDF Chapter Sample):

Becoming Lucid (PDF Chapter Sample):

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Post in Astral Pulse:;msg364834#msg364834

3. The Art of Dreaming
By: Carlos Castaneda

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Post in Astral Pulse:;msg364834#msg364834

4. Advanced Lucid Dreaming: The Power of Supplements
By: Thomas Yuschak

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Post in Astral Pulse:;msg364834#msg364834

5. My Astral Projection Truth - What Is Astral Projection And How To Do It!
By: Ryan Tasker

PDF Book:

Web Page:

Web Site:

Topic in Astral Pulse:“my_astral_projection_truth”-t32983.0.html

6. DO_OBE - Astral Projection/OOBE Class Notes, Conducted On The Compuserve New Age Forum
By: Donald J. Degracia, Ph.D.

PDF Book:

Transcript of 1994 Class:

Plane Talk Columns:

Web Site:

7. Out-of-Body Experiences: How to Have Them and What to Expect
By: Robert Peterson

Read Online:

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Web Site:

8. The Ultimate Lucid Dreaming Manual: From Basics to Beyond
By: Marc Vandekeere

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

WBTB (Wake Back To Bed) Method:

Web Site:

9. Flake´s Teachings About AP
By: Kristian Kaikonen

Read Online on Scribd:

10. The Phase - Shattering the Illusion of Reality
By: Michael Raduga

PDF Book:

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Web Site:

11. The Phasieland Fairy Tales
By: Michael Raduga

PDF Books:

Web Site:

12. Astral Projection: A Record Of Out-Of-The-Body Experiences
By: Oliver Fox

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

13. Adventures Beyond the Body - How To Experience Out-Of-Body Travel
By: William Buhlman

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Web Site:

14. Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming
By: Stephen LaBerge and Howard Rheingold

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Web Site:

15. Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self
By: Robert Waggoner

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Web Site:

16. Lucid Dreaming, Plain and Simple: Tips and Techniques for Insight, Creativity, and Personal Growth
By: Robert Waggoner and Caroline McCready

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Web Site:

17. My Adventures in Lucid Dreaming: A Dream Journal & Guide Into The World of Lucid Dreaming
By: Jerimiah Molfese

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Google Books Preview:

Web Site:

18. Keys To Successful OBE
By: Letitia M. Kimball

This is the only book (besides "The Art of Dreaming" of Carlos Castaneda) that I remember, that mentions the concept of saving energy by simplifying the way a person lives. It is a very interesting book to read, as not wasting energy on non useful emotional things is a very important thing to be able to become Lucid on the Dream World.

Search on Internet (on a torrent file).

The following books don't teach how to do Lucid Dreaming (only mention it), but contain information that is very useful about acquiring Mental Character and expanding the Mind to be able to handle the unknown situations regarding facing the creators and owners of this world (and many other worlds) and the ones that control the non physical world that Lucid Dreaming gives access to.

19. The Third Eye
By: Tuesday Lobsang Rampa

PDF Book:

Web Site:

20. The Cave of the Ancients
By: Tuesday Lobsang Rampa

Read Specifically Chapter 5.

PDF Book:

Web Site:

21. Tibetan Sage
By: Tuesday Lobsang Rampa

PDF Book:

Web Site:

22. The Hermit
By: Tuesday Lobsang Rampa

PDF Book:

Web Site:

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

Phase Evolution - Blog and YouTube Channel of Mike

Hello Astral Pulse.

I'd like to share with you the Blog and YouTube Channel of a person named Mike whose videos in YouTube are really interesting, as well as the very polite way how he talks about the subject and also how he interacts with all the persons that comment on his videos.

YouTube Channel

YouTube Videos

Welcome Topic on Blog

Blog and Web Site


My best regards and hopes that you all can benefit from this.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

Wake Up In Your Dreams by Dr Rory Mac Sweeney

Hello Astral Pulse.

I'd like to share with you a little review about the great book titled "Wake Up In Your Dreams" that I found in previous months on Internet, that is generously shared for Free by his author Dr Rory Mac Sweeney on his web site on the links that I mention below.

The reason to present it here is that the book contains Everything that a beginner, an intermediate, and even an expert, lucid dreamer needs, to achieve what is required in Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, and OBEs, as the book is very Specific and To The Point about what Really works, so, by following the methods indicated in the book success is guaranteed, and again, the author generously has shared all of this knowledge for Free.

Web Site:

PDF Book:

You can also read the book online on his web site on the links contained on the following page, as well as on the right side of his web site.

I've shared a translated version to Spanish of this book here in Astral Pulse on the following link.

(He compartido una versión traducida al Español de este libro aquí en Astral Pulse en el siguiente enlace).

The author has in his web site the link to another book of his "The Paradox of Lucid Dreaming: A Metaphysical Theory of Mind" that he is selling on Amazon (, so, if the Free version of his book helps you to achieve Lucid Dreaming it would be a great idea to help the author by buying his Amazon book to support him, (you can get it on Paperback or Kindle format), that way, you get another book to read and the author receives your financial support for his effort and generosity. I share below too the link that I found on Internet that is also available, (choose the sold by Amazon option to get the direct fulfillment guarantee by Amazon).

I'll complement this topic by mentioning other books that are also important to read, as they contain great information too.

My best regards and hopes that you all can benefit from this great book.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

Wake Up !!! In Your Dreams in Spanish - Despierte {/Adquiera Lucidez} !!! En Sus Sueños en Español

Hello Astral Pulse.

(Hola Astral Pulse.)

I'd like to share with you a translation to Spanish of the book "Wake Up !!! In Your Dreams" of Dr Rory Mac Sweeney, so that persons that only speak spanish can benefit of the knowledge the information contained in this book provides.

(Quisiera compartir con ustedes una traducción al Español del libro "Despierte {/Adquiera Lucidez} !!! En Sus Sueños" del Dr Rory Mac Sweeney, de forma tal que personas que solo hablen español puedan beneficiarse del conocimiento que la información contenida en este libro provee.)

You can access and download the Original version of the book on the following Links. I'd appreciate very much if persons that can read both languages can share with me in this topic your observations to correct the translation and offer a better version of it.

(Ustedes pueden acceder y descargar la versión Original del libro en los siguientes Enlaces. Apreciaría mucho si personas que puedan leer ambos lenguajes pudiesen compartir conmigo en este tema sus observaciones para corregir la traducción y ofrecer una mejor versión de la misma.)

Descargue el MANUAL GRATUITO DE SUEÑO aquí….
{/Original en Inglés} {/Download the FREE DREAM MANUAL here….}

Sitio Web Traducido al Español (Traductor de Google -

Sitio Web {/Web Site}

The first page of this book is translated to spanish as (La primera página de este libro es traducida al español como): “Despierte {/Adquiera Lucidez} !!! En Sus Sueños”, “Manual de Entrenamiento de Sueños Conscientes”, “Por: Dr Rory Mac Sweeney”.

My best regards and hopes that persons that speak spanish can benefit of this great book.

(Mis mejores recuerdos y deseos de que las personas que hablan español puedan beneficiarse de este grandioso libro.)

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

The Phase - La Fase - Michael Raduga

A few weeks ago I crossed the Topic "Had first AP! Easy! This is how I did it..." on Astral Pulse, and consulted the Web Site and Book in it and found it to be very useful and direct (as the very important and useful Book Phasing Primer of Xanth, which you can read also "in Spanish (en Español)" and "in French (en Français)").

On the Web Site the book called "The Phase" looks like a clean and very useful resource, as the books in it are shared on the Electronic version for free and only the option to buy them in the physical version (Hard Copy) is the way for the author to receive money for it (as well as donations for his very useful Project of "OBE School"), and that is a clear sign of someone who wishes to develop a project in a clean way (this is something that should not be used to profit from, but I understand that in a reality based on Money/Capitalism resources should be obtained for a project to develop otherwise it will not work, so I believe they are doing it the right and clean way).

I'm finding the book to be straight to the point on how to achieve access to "The Phase" (Astral Projection, Out of Body Experience, Lucid Dreaming, and all terms associated with this same action to experience the other places of existence different to the current physical place our body currently live in and our consciousness currently is mostly focused to, at least when we are awake), so this book will be very useful for beginners as it provides very easy techniques (Indirect, Direct, and Lucid Dreaming) to achieve the objective, and this is something that beginners would like to find and also focus on to not deviate into Difficult Techniques and get frustrated by not achieving the Objective to experience the other realities in a conscious and lucid way and remember the experiences, and also to achieve it as frequently as possible.

The book is translated to many languages, and can be downloaded on the following links on their PDF (Adobe Acrobat) version; is "The Phase (in English)", is "La Fase (in Spanish, en Español)", and is "Phase Le Rêve Lucide (in French, en Français)". It can also be downloaded on the "Free Books" page of the web site. The Word version is "The Phase (Word)", the Text version is "The Phase (Txt)", the Epub version is "The Phase (Epub)", and the Html version is "The Phase (Html)".

I also found very useful the following Topics on Astral Pulse for the great and direct descriptions of Direct processes to access "The Phase" (Astral Travel, OBE):

- "The Astral Blueprint"

- "The Steps to Success in your First Projections"

I hope that all this information can be useful to those persons that have awakened (by chance or by any other process) their consciousness to traveling to the other realities/existences and wish to experience them to learn more about the existence and about the simulations of it that are in process of happening in it, at least the ones we can access with the current specifications of our consciousness, (like the reality/existence we currently live in and experience that we call our physical world which is just one of the many physical worlds that there are on this particular "physical" simulation and just one of the many others that exist with different specifications and designs which are also the ones to access and learn from them in a positive way).

My best regards and wishes to all.

With respect and appreciation.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish)

Phasing Primer In French - Premier Livre de Phasing en Français

Hello Astral Pulse.

(Bonjour Astral Pulse.)

I'd like to share with you a translation to Frech of the book Phasing Primer of Mr. Ryan Tasker (Xanth), so that persons that only speak French can benefit of the knowledge the information contained in this book provides.

(Je voudrais partager avec vous une traduction a Français du livre Phasing Primer de M. Ryan Tasker (Xanth), de sorte que personnes que seulement parlent que français peuvent bénéficier de la connaissance l'information contenu dans ce livre offre.)

The topic in this forum of this Book, created by Mr. Ryan Tasker is located in the following Link.

(Le thème dans ce forum de ce livre, créé par M. Ryan Tasker est situé dans le lien suivant.)

You can access and download the Original version of the book on the following Links. I'd appreciate very much if persons that can read both languages can share with me in this topic your observations to correct the translation and offer a better version of it.

(Vous pouvez accéder et télécharger la version Originale du livre en les liens suivants. J'apprécierais beaucoup si les personnes qui peuvent lire les deux langues peuvent partager avec moi dans ce thème vôtres observations pour corriger la traduction et offrir une meilleure version de celui-ci.)

the first page of this book is translated to spanish as (la première page de ce livre est traduit en français comme): “Mon Projection Astrale Vérité”, “Premier Livre de Phasing (Phasing Primer)”, ” Qu'est-ce que Projection Astrale et Comment le Faire!”, “Par: Ryan Tasker (Xanth)”.

I'd also like to give a special mention to Mr. Frank Kepple (you'll always be remembered and appreciated by all of us that have read your generous posts here at Astral Pulse were you shared so much of your knowledge and experiences with all of us and to all the persons that read the information shared in this Portal) and to Mr. Robert Monroe, for all the knowledge that they have provided to the persons of this world interested in achieving Lucid Astral Projection, and also to Mr. Ryan Tasker for resuming very important, specific, direct and concise aspects of this knowledge on his Book Phasing Primer, based on his personal experiences.

(Je voudrais aussi donner une mention spéciale à M. Frank Kepple (vous serez toujours commémoré/souvient et apprécié par nous tous qui ont lu vos généreux messages ici à Pulse Astral ou vous avez partagé tellement beaucoup de vôtres connaissances et expériences avec nous tous les personnes qui lisent les informations partagées dans ce Portal) et à M. Robert Monroe, pour tous les connaissances qu'ils ont fournie aux personnes de cette monde qui s'intéressent à la réalisation de la Projection Astrale Lucide, ainsi qu'à M. Ryan Tasker pour la reprise des aspects très importants, particuliers, directs et concis de cette connaissance dans son livre Phasing Primer, basé sur ses expériences personnelles.)

My best regards and hopes that persons that speak french can benefit of this great book.

(Mes meilleures salutations et espoirs pour que les personnes qui parlent le français peuvent bénéficier de ce grand livre.)

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

Phasing Primer In Spanish - Cartilla de Phasing en Español

Hello Astral Pulse.

(Hola Astral Pulse.)

I'd like to share with you a translation to Spanish of the book Phasing Primer of Mr. Ryan Tasker (Xanth), so that persons that only speak spanish can benefit of the knowledge the information contained in this book provides.

(Quisiera compartir con ustedes una traducción al Español del libro Phasing Primer/Cartilla del Señor Ryan Tasker (Xanth), de forma tal que personas que solo hablen español puedan beneficiarse del conocimiento que la información contenida en este libro provee.)

The topic in this forum of this Book, created by Mr. Ryan Tasker is located in the following Link.

(El tópico en este foro de este libro, creado por el Señor Ryan Tasker está localizado en el siguiente Enlace.)

You can access and download the Original version of the book on the following Links. I'd appreciate very much if persons that can read both languages can share with me in this topic your observations to correct the translation and offer a better version of it.

(Ustedes pueden acceder y descargar la versión Original del libro en los siguientes Enlaces. Apreciaría mucho si personas que puedan leer ambos lenguajes pudiesen compartir conmigo en este tema sus observaciones para corregir la traducción y ofrecer una mejor versión de la misma.)

the first page of this book is translated to spanish as (la primera página de este libro es traducida al español como): “Mi Verdad de la Proyección Astral”, “Cartilla de Phasing (Phasing Primer)”, ” Qué es la Proyección Astral y Cómo Hacerla/Lograrla!”, “Por: Ryan Tasker (Xanth)”.

I'd also like to give a special mention to Mr. Frank Kepple (you'll always be remembered and appreciated by all of us that have read your generous posts here at Astral Pulse were you shared so much of your knowledge and experiences with all of us and to all the persons that read the information shared in this Portal) and to Mr. Robert Monroe, for all the knowledge that they have provided to the persons of this world interested in achieving Lucid Astral Projection, and also to Mr. Ryan Tasker for resuming very important, specific, direct and concise aspects of this knowledge on his Book Phasing Primer, based on his personal experiences.

(Quisiera también dar/proveer una mención especial al Señor Frank Kepple (Tu siempre serás recordado y apreciado por todos/as nosotros/as quienes hemos leido tus generosos mensajes aquí en Pulso Astral donde tú compartiste tanto de tu conocimiento y experiencias con todos/as nosotros/as y con todas las personas que leen la información compartida en este Portal) y al Señor Robert Monroe, por todo el conocimiento que ellos proporcionaron a las personas de este mundo interesadas en alcanzar la Proyección Astral Lúcida, y también al Señor Ryan Tasker por resumir muy importantes, especificos, directos y concisos aspectos de este conocimiento en su libro Phasing Primer, basado en sus experiencias personales.)

My best regards and hopes that persons that speak spanish can benefit of this great book.

(Mis mejores recuerdos y deseos de que las personas que hablan español puedan beneficiarse de este grandioso libro.)

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish)
