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Messages - beav31is

Welcome to Magic! / What is magic?
June 23, 2003, 11:47:46
Cool a new forum.

Is magic anything we cant explain? What if we explain it later with increased paranormal knowledge, is it still magic? Or is magic anything paranormal? Or is it a card game?

I think all magic can be explained and understood by an entity of sufficient intelligence and experience. I consider telekinesis to be magic.

I think some of the great magicians like david copperfield did real magic, not tricks, and they not only didnt want to give their secret away, but also couldnt because most people wouldnt understand the paranormal.
I've never been afraid of negs. They dont bother me. A few times they've come to me but left quickly.

You dont need protection. If you think you do, you reduce your natural defense, which is in the form of thoughts.

Water, certain rocks, and other physical objects might have some power (I dont know, havent tried), but even if they do, they will help you mostly because you THINK they will. I have seen this happen. I thought a certain medicine helped me do telekinesis. I tried for 20 minutes but nothing happened. I was about to use the medicine when telekinesis started stronger than it usually is with the medicine.
This is my theory. If you've heard it elsewhere, I havent...

Dream = astral. Spacetime (where we are) is a cross-section of astral. Anything you can do in a dream, you can do here with more difficulty. Why is it harder? Because there are many people controlling it with their thoughts, and they think the laws of physics always work, we cant fly without wings, etc. But I still have some control over this dream. I can do telekinesis and I do it the same way I control dreams. I have had rapid psychic development since I've realized earth=dream. Before, I was confused, not knowing how to proceed, but then I remembered its easy. All I have to do is use dream actions here.
General-Army has more energy than me. I cant even make a psi ball.
Paul_kcn's mom "God gave you a body for a reason, [AND THAT REASON IS] not to leave it"

I didnt realize she speaks for "god". Tell her that.
frequency = oscillations / time

No time in astral. Frequency undefined.
40 wpm is more than enough for most people, but you might want to work on that 85% (1 in 7 letters is a typo).
[}:)] [}:)] [}:)] [}:)] [}:)] [}:)] [}:)] [}:)] [}:)] [}:)] [}:)]

I will go to hell, and laugh at all the people there who dont realize they are creating hell by thinking they are there. Then I will tinkle on satan's face, declare myself the new ruler of hell, and leave.

[}:)] [}:)] [}:)] [}:)] [}:)] [}:)] [}:)] [}:)] [}:)] [}:)] [}:)]
"Actual being or persistence of dream figment?"

Theres a difference?
I'm from a place past the astral. Were you expecting earth?
I had a typing class in junior high school where I learned to type 10 words per minute. It was basically just saying a letter and pushing the button repeatedly. Because I use computers a lot, I can type about 70, or 100 for short times (fingers get tired).

Accuracy, at 70 wpm its about 99%, at 100 95%. But thats not important because I can use backspace fast without taking my eyes off the screen.
madness is the excrement, but only if you get to choose the units.
Asking humans to be consistent is like asking a monkey to do calculus. Whoever made this language are retards.

The main problems with english are:
silent letters
  (whore should be spelled hor)
multiple definitions for 1 word
  (Burn all fags could mean burn homosexuals or cigarettes)
multiple words for 1 definition
  (I'm going to take a excrement, a dump, a crap, a load...)
Considering that I havent seen her in years and this letter doesnt know who she is, it is my professional opinion that you're full of excrement.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Ethics/morals
June 27, 2003, 19:15:04
Squeek "Society has set rules on everything without us even realizing it, and I'm set to break them."

Raise hell!!!

"When you see me at one of those big awards shows, I will not be wearing a $500 tux. You'll see me wearing a T-shirt and shorts. Which cost like 20 bucks. I tells ya it's so stupid."

Suit and tie is ugly, thick, hot, expensive, inconvenient to clean, and uncomfortable. The only good thing about it is the other shmucks with suits will pay whore me to wear it.
could have been the past. Those clocks tend to repeat times every 12 hours.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / ,
June 27, 2003, 08:07:51
Loneliest Star29
"I heard a distinctly different voice saying "in good time."
"that voice popped up, laughing, and said "not even close."

Any common ghost could say those things, and I've heard they like to impersonate things humans believe in because its funny (I would if I were dead). That was probably not "god". You just want it to be. Just because you try to say it to "god" doesnt mean the message goes to "god" and nobody else.
"They believe that time is only a means of measurement (like distance)."

Its not LIKE distance, it IS distance. 1 second = 299700000 meters.

"In any event there is some correlation between time in the physical and time in the astral/ethereal."

only in the lower astral
its no more distorted than a normal perception
Dont ever think anything. Sit on a couch and stare at a wall.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / anti Christ
June 26, 2003, 09:41:30
Bush is the antichrist.
KP, I prefer to eat cat excrement, NOT bull. How could hands help TK? Have you ever done TK?
Because I am crazy, I must believe that. It does not mean Out of Body Experience.
I've been trying to get better at telekinesis for months. One reason is so I can eventually lift my body to fly on earth. So far, the most force I put on anything is about half a pound, once.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / ,
June 26, 2003, 09:22:35
what has "god" said to you? How do you know its not somebody pretending to be "god"?