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Messages - Voyager

Welcome to Dreams! / UFO's in the sky
December 30, 2021, 12:40:19

to remember everything has its negative side:
I remember when I was 10, I stole some money from a store.
Today I am very sorry about that, I really regret it.
Sometimes I tell myself "That time, you were a child, so nobody can make you responsible for that."
I have looked for the owner of the shop, to give his money back (20 times more than I stole, including interest) But I couldn't find him.

But a positive side was, I found out almost the whole truth in my life:
I found out that most of my friends (I shouldn't call them friends, if you have such friends you do not need
enemies) are liar, (to be a liar may be least harmful state, in contrast what they have done (I prefer not to mention it here.)
I am not a fool, who only believes in his memory, I told myself "You have to prove the whole story from each of them, otherwise you are a liar, the worst liar who lies to oneself."
And I have proven it, I waited for the proper moment for each of them,
and when the moment came,
I just told each of them to their face what they have done in the past.
It is an another story, how I knew what they have done (it is mixed with my memory and lucid dream)
As a result, no one of them could answer me back, they just stared at me, not having a
word to defend themself. If you don't or cannot defend yourself (although you are able to do it)
then you are accepting everything as it said. And those were very bad accusations from me.
Since that no one of them talked to me 1 word, they always avoid me when they see me.
That was anyway my wish, they should avoid me their whole life.

I heard from other people, they talked about me "How was I able to know that?"
without mentioning what they have done.
(They anyway would never believe, how I found the truth)

I have proven the story to myself, and to them
and Today my trouble is:
I cannot prove it to the law, never ever maybe I won't be able to do it.
There is just me, who can make a statement, nobody else, although many other people know the truth
as well, but they are not courage enough, and many of them would loose their face, because they are involved in that crime. They have to hide their face, maybe lifelong.

well, I didn't know till yesterday what did "lucid dream" mean.
I often had lucid dream in the past. I always do that
It happens before I fall asleep.
but it is very short, maybe 20 seconds maximum.
Because I get scared, as soon as I get scared, I wake up.
But there is nothing to get scared.

is it possible to go into someone elses dream, than giving him messages?
or scare him?
(I did it, when I was 3 or younger, do not laugh at me
I can remember anything since my birth without a gap, even my dreams I don't forget)
But I don't know any longer, how I did it. (I have forgotten the technique)

Don't tell me, if I remember everything then how I forget the method.
well, If you give me a phone number, surely after some days I will have forgot the number,
but I never forget the evident in itself.

But even after 30 years I remember all people voices again, who I knew before for few months, no matter if I met them or not within the 30 year.
People voices never changes, the same like fingerprint (but in the old age it does change, but there
is still some similarity to the youth or middle age)

Another proof(for me) for my good memory is: (maybe that will sound very queer for you)
when I came 1980 the first time to Germany, you must understand, I didn't know even one word German.
But today I almost talk and understand German perfectly.

That time in school I didn't understand the teacher, I didn't know what the other students talked about me in class. But every word what they told, I have saved in my memory, absolutely unconsciously.
and Today I understand them all, each word. Because that day I was not able to understand German,
but today I am.

I do not know, what should I do with that memory, but I think there must be a reason, why
I can remember evrything almost perfect ?
and I do not know about my lucid dreams, for what they are good to use?

In my childhood, not far outside the village in the wilderness, from time to time, I sat myself on the ground, and thought "Do never forget this place, this time, this moment"
But why?
Did I do some mental stops, for time travelling, maybe with astral body?
I believe that that sound is a signal from alien, in which is information we cannot
understand, but the subconscious does, or the brain resolves it during the sleep.
Well, I was interested in Aysha that time (1983) today I am not. I don't know where she is.
I want to get in touch with the teacher, this is more important for me. I wrote her and her man, I sent
her flowers as well, I wrote down the story in the letter, first I phoned her, she got nervous on the phone
She told "good night" and hang up.
She could not remember me. But her man could.
I wish I was a story or fairy tale teller.
maybe I should do that.
joking apart!

I do not have such a big fantasy, I never heard such a story before
not in movies not in novells (or did you hear such a story?)

it's been over 3 years now, I am still confused, some people laugh about my story,
some people believe me (or they do as if they believe me)
whatever, I am still in search of why and how. I can't just forget the story.
If I knew that !?
I wouldn't ask it here  :?
surely there will be existing another number,
but not such often then three, and not such significantly events.
for example: there is a big different being to be the third man, the third son-in-law...
than bonking 5 times!?
I am the third man in the family.
I was the third son-in-law. (They will not have a fourth, though that would possible)
I have three drivers license (motorbike, car, couch) all made in three years of intervalls. (not on purpose)
I know three languages.
I have three occupations.
I was born on the 3. of Sept., and 9 is 3 x 3

I was married once, and I think in the future a second, and a third time I will be.
(but I do not hope this)
In the village I live, I had 3 woman (it seems there will be no fourth from the same village)

There are many other things in my life, concerning that three.
which I just discovered a few months ago.

and why? why not fourth, fifth...
I do not know an answer.

I today don't know yet, how I did it,
how I was able telling the future, (many of them already came true)
how I knew under trance where some hidden substances are,
why I forgot every word, after I woke up, and why only for 2 years I can remember
what I have said....

The story happened in summer 2003.
I was in the house of my parents-in-law
One day I told them "tomorrow morning at 9:00 pm I will deliver a speech to you all,
and I am expecting you all to be there in the room."
The next day 8:50 my wife shouted me, that they already awaiting me.
I went into the living room, in which they already were inside, waiting for me, some
of them were sitting on couch, some on the ground.
(Before I opened the door, I set myself under full trance (autohypnosis) this is case 1
I don't know how I did it)

When I opened the door "Turn off the camera!" said I, which was hidden in the glass case
and was recording, I took it out of the glass case, turned it off and put it above the glass case.
There was a tape-recorder on the table which was recording the voice as well, hidden under a cloth. (This is case 2, I cannot explain where I knew about the hidden camera and tape-recorder.) They whispered to each other "have you told him about the camera?..."

Then I went to them, set myself on the ground.
"Well, now I will take a speech to you about the future, of yours, of mine and of the world."
said I. Then they suddenly began laughing at me.
"Was that the reason why you gathered us together?" asked my father-in-law, with a jeered face. Then I began explaining the past of him, the past of his sister who were sitting next to him. Stories which happened 50 years ago (but which I didn't know, and couldn't know)
Then his sister began begging me to stop telling further details. So I stopped to talk.
I just have done this to prove them that I know events, I was not supposed to know.
(Today I cannot explain how I knew about their past, as well as the future)
After that they listened to me very carefully.

"You have tried several times poisoning me (that I didn't know) and after that speech
you will try it again and again, you hadn't success in the past, and you never will have success
in the future." They got in panic, after I said that.
"What do you think, that I married your daughter, look to her! how ugly she is.
Well after 2 years I will divorce your daughter" said I.
"For what reason?" asked my father-in-law
"The reason, you should know better than everyone here." said I. there Followed a long silence after I said that.
"3 Years after the divorce, I will find out by accident, that she has cheated me every day."
said I. "Is that not true?" asked I. Then only long silence followed until I began again to speak. "And later after I find out that, all of you will get in big trouble."
Then I talked just nonsense. My father-in-law said, "now you speak only nonsense,
I go out smoke a cigarette" after he went out I said "I did this in purpose, so he
should go out" after 5 minutes when he went in, my sister-in-law said "Father, he said
what you have done to his wife when she was a child." He became red in face,
(I today cannot remember what I have said) and he asked "How can he know that? Who has told him that?" then silence again...

"Half an hour later I will forget every word what I have said.
And I warn you all, nobody of you should dare remind me any word of this speech,
anyway you will not do that. The day will come I will remember myself."

For two years I can remember that event what happened above.
Not only that event, I can remember everything since my birth.
And all of the events came true I predict.

Later, I found out that the sons of my father-in-law
are members of al-qaida, I went to the police and gave a compliant.

Today I still don't know what, how, why I have done this at that time.
Or who, or what for a power/energy/force lead me.
Well guys,
I didn't change anything in the past nor in the future.
I think this is not possible.
And I am not here making you believe me, thats not my purpose!
I believe to myself, and that's enough for me, you needn't do that.
I am still confused about that phenomenon, maybe I will confused for the rest of my life,
If so, I hope to get a total Alzheimer's disease. Then I forget everything in my life.

I do not need people hearing, that the story is true, or a lie
both cannot change anything in me.
I am not in search of any acknowledgement. That wouldn't help me to understand the story.

I am a technician, I believe in things that I see, hear, touch, feel...
We can make a call from US to Australia or anywhere in the world.
But how is it possible that you make a call to yourself from 2009 to 1983
And why I know that in year 2009, and not in 1983

Quote from: Jarrod on April 30, 2011, 23:28:00
Disagreement is useful.  It brings us closer to the truth.  Which points did your opinion differ on?  I agree which what you said in the above quote.

That I think, subconciousness and consciousness are not the same
@ Jarrod
I don't agree with you in some points.
Yes, we only have one mind.
The subconscious of us knows things that we don't know.
It is able to do things which are extraordinary.
Is it possible to be one with the subconsciousness?
I think that the subconsciousness has more power than anything on earth.
In contrast the consciousness is like a nought.
Who controls whom in fact?
Is it the consciousness or the subconsciousness?

The subconsciousness is much able to do things than people think.
But how to get the key to set it in motion?
Well guys,
think what you want.
But you're both right! If anyone tell me such a story I had,
and if I hadn't  experienced that, I never would believe him a word!

And I am not here to make you believing in me!
I just wanna know, if anybody here had had such an experience like mine.
I am gonna mad.
How is such an event possible?
There is nobody who can verify, I experienced.

I say to myself: I must have had hallucination, but in other way I have the recall
of the rose, then the event in which Ali has beaten me,
then I think: maybe it was just a gift, and Ali maybe made a mistake,

But there was the Cell Phone nr. "0151...." I gave to Aysha, and her father
showed it to me. And my e-mail adress, which I gave to that time (1982/83)

(At that time 1982/83 the father of Aysha said "01 is Berlin's area code")
A few months ago I found out that Berlin has not the area code "01"
so I began to think, that I had a dream/hallucination
But later I found out that Berlin had had the area code "01" and they changed it as "03"
since they have here cellphones. Because the cellphones are beginning here with "01"

So I think that I can not dreamed, but I ask myself, How is that possible?
And whats the sense of that story in itself? / what was the aim/purpose of the teacher?

The speech was 2003
we are divorced since 2005.
And the accident happened 2008,
And I can remember all that story a few months after the accident.
I found out about the poisoning and hypnosis after the accident, because my memorys
came back. I told them about that all,
I went here in Germany to a lawyer, he told me that I do not have any proofs
But they were lying here in hospital I said, its that not a proof?
He said, then they maybe will say, that you had poisoned them. And thats long years ago,
you both will not win the try.

In the year 2003 I said them a lot of things, but as I said I forget every word after the speech
ended. Before and after the speech I didn't know that she has cheated me.
I don't know where I knew about their past and future.
I found all that out after the accident 2008.
In the past I was several times under hypnosis against my wish.
Beetween the years 1996 - 2003
A witch has done it. (The aunt of my wife) After I woken up I couldn't remember what was happened.
Not a word, nothing, not even I didn't know that I was under hypnosis.

2 years ago I had an accident. Somebody hit with a beater on my forehead.
I only stayed for 2 days in hospital. There was nothing bad, I only had a laceration.
But months after the accident, something unbelievable happened to me.
I could remember everything in my live since my birth.
All situations, all speech, all events, even my dreams in the past...
Thats not all, I could remember the events in which I was under hypnosis against my wish.
I could remember each word which the whitch asked to me, I could remember each word what
I answered her.

The unbelievable thing in that story is:  How was I able to know what will happen in the future under hypnosis, most of them what I predicted already happened, there is only
3, 4 events which still not happened.

(that all happened in turkey and of course in turkish)
When I was under hypnosis, sometimes I stood, sometimes I sat. I answered them (the family of my wife) everything what they asked to me. I couldn't lie, I hadn't got the necessity to lie.
They asked me a lot of crazy questions. There I began to predict for the future.
I said "Tell me, what about the dog? (to my wife) Why it copulate you and not your sister?"
Another sister of her asked "Do you mean with –dog- an animal or a man?"
I said "Sureley it's an animal"
My mother-in-law behind me said "The man is for 7 years my son-in-law, and I never heard him lying, he says the true. And your mother (to her man) was the same, do you think I don't know that she bonked with dogs in the fields."
I couldn't laugh after I heard that. But today I do it after remembering that event.

(6 months later when we were back to Germany, me, my wife and her sister went in a park
near our house to the train. There suddenly came a dog and began to copulate my wife.
I thought it will attack her, and scared it away.
Her sister asked "Sister, tell me, why the dog don't copulate me, and only you?"
Then she suddenly shut her mouth with her hand and said "Oh my god, he said that in Turkey when he was under hypnosis."
My wife "Be quiet!"
I looked into her eyes and could understand nothing.)

Back to above: The witch asked me "Why are we not able to kill you?"
(They tried several times poison me in the past, but every time they poisened accidentally
themselves. That events I learned 2 years ago)
Some questions I just ignored, sometimes I talked absurd words (I think so)
I said them "What in the hell you are all believing I married your daughter? Look to her,
she's looking like a monkey! Do you believe I love her? No, never!
What do you believe I married her? It was gods wish! He sent me to you, to warn you!
Because you do in the family sister and brother marriages! If you don't stop doing that
you will get big trouble.
Father-in-law said "We do it no longer, we sweared off not to do it again."

After a few days I said them "Tomorrow evening at 9:00 I will have a speech to you,
Everybody has to come."
The next day at 8:50 I sat in the garden, from the balcony my wife shouted to me "We are all complete, and waiting for you!"

(Today I don't know who spoke to them, it was me, my body and my mouth. But I don't know how I could say things about the future and from their past)

When I came above, I opened the door and entered in the room they are in. I opened the glass cupboard behind the door, there was a camera hidden and it was already in recording.
I took it and turned it off, put it over the cupboard. I said "Away with the cam"
They whispered to each other "Did you told him about the cam?"  "No, no"
And there was on the table a tape-recorder which recorded a cassette, hidden under a blanket.
I turned it off to. (Today I still don't know how and where I knew that there was a hidden cam and a tape-recorder)
I sat myself close to them on the ground.
I began "It's not me speaking to you! After the speech, I will forget every word what I said
to you. And in the future nobody of you shouldn't dare to remember me to this speech.
Woe to you, if you even try it. The day will come, I will remember me by myself."
They began to laugh, and didn't take me seriously. But as soon as I began to speak beginning with the witch's past, all of them espacially the witch got very frightened. She begged me
"Please stop! Don't go on! Please!" I said "I don't know what happened later."
Then she was very glad after hearing that.

"After 2 years I will divorce your daughter" I said to my father-in-law
He asked "Why? What's the reason?" I said "The reason, you know very well
than everybody here." He said not a word.
Then I began to speak again in purpose absurd words,
My father-in-law became very bored about that. He said, he wanna go out to smoke.
After he went out, I said "I spoke all that absurd in purpose, in order to get him out."
After a few minutes when he came back, the sister of my wife said to him "Father
he told us, what you have done to his wife when she was a child." (Today I still don't
know what he has done, but I can imagine it.) He asked "How he can know that?"
Then I go on to tell "Well, 3 years after our divorcing, I will find out that your daughter
has cheated me constantly. Then, woe to you all"
"After 6 months, the woman, who made a match beetween us, will die by an accident.
You still will try kill me, but you never will have success. Now my speech is ended.
I warn you again, I will forget every word what I have said today. And nobody of you
mustn't remember me!"

Today I can remember 80% of the speech. I don't know what will happen to them.
I don't know how I knew about their past and about the future.
I am a little afraid not to know the rest.    

Quote from: blis on November 19, 2010, 18:12:12
Could you make last weeks lottery winner give me their ticket please?

I don't know whether I can do that, first I have to see the winner.

Quote from: blis on November 19, 2010, 18:12:12
Seriously though, I assume you already remembered the person doing the thing before you actually made them do it. So how do you know you actually made them do it?
I remembered that situation after years, just in my thoughts I only thought, then they did it.

Quote from: blis on November 19, 2010, 18:12:12
To pick a historical event everyone knows, lets say you had made Oswald shoot JFK from the future. From your perspective it's already happened. How could you know you're not just deluding yourself? Would'nt it be a better test to choose not to make him do it and see if history changes?
Nobody can change the history, as well as the future, both already happened!
In the past (10, 15, 20 ... years ago) I made strange things.
Nobody could explain that, and I couldn't that too.
(My memory is almost perfect (I can remember almost everything since my birth))
After years I find out why I did it. I don't know if it was me from the future

Another phenomen is:
20 years ago I influenced/controlled some people just for test. (Not bad or illegal things)
(But at that time I didn't know it was me who had control about the people)
They did very strange things, (just for a few seconds) which they never have done in their live.
I influenced them from the future (from now)
Because I can remember very good that situation 20 years ago.
I just let work my thought, and they at once did it without any hesitation,
they did exactly that what I wanted.
I controlled them from the future, which happened in the past.
I know thats difficult to understand.

I don't know how that's possible.

But, what I know is: the time does not exists!
Not for me!
Quote from: CFTraveler on November 02, 2010, 19:22:40
I'm going to approach the situation a little differently. Why were they trying to make a word move?
How can a word move in your mouth?
What people?  Who? How do you know this is true?
Are you saying that speaking a negative word can hurt yourself, and a positive word can help someone else or yourself?
What makes you think this is true?

Well, with "move a word into mouth" I wanted to translate a German saying
into English, if you ask me that, so I know now this is not possible.
how shall I explain it, they wanted let me say a word, in purpose to damage
what people? my ex-wifes aunt, and later some crazy people, who
got order from her and her aunt.
What makes you think this is true?
well this is a long story, I will explain it if I have some time.

it is a long long story.
I can remember everything from the past (since my 2. age, since the accident I had 2 years ago)
But I can't remember that word. So I can not spit it out.
And if I would find the answer, I wouldn't tell it.
I am looking only for one word,
my teacher told me that word, when I was 12
But she let me forget it,(I think with hypnosis) because I could misuse it.
Yes man,
you're telling the true!

somewhere, I don't know where, deep inside of me, I surely knew, that she wasn't the right woman for me.
I surely knew that she cheated me.
But don't blame me,
Do you know, I was young, and stupid, I only believed in things what I saw, and nothing else.
Today I know, believe in nothing what you see.