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Messages - Hans Solo

Quoteasked for help and got yanked by my ankles once and never, ever, asked again

LOL!  ME too.  Some entity grabbed my ankles and I went with it for a while and felt movement, then I tried to turn around and fight this entity.  I was fairly new at this point, but now I would know to just go with it.
Don't be discouraged that was a big step.  You just have to give into the vibrations, totally submit to them and you should then some kind of movement...then you are on your way.

QuoteI've wandered off in the web you've pointed out, but it seems, looking at the forum, that it's more intended to bodybuilders, or the like. Don't you have a resume of it?

I wouldn't read the forums if I were you I would just look at the old Manual and the new Manual someone else wrote. 

Old Manual Relaxation:

You can see the new Manual by going here: Take a look at part 3 (bullet point 2 if you are in a hurry) and part 9 and tell me that kind of control wouldn't be beneficial in AP-especially 11.5.1 )

Maxalding is basically the art of controlling all voluntary and involuntary muscles in the body by creating a better mind-body connection.  The reason these guys were extremely muscular is because they also lifted weights and did hand balancing.  The muscle control itself is just establishing a better nerve connection between the mind and the muscle.  The nerve becomes stronger and the signals travel between the two better.  In the process your muscles will also become more supple and stronger with less daily residual tension.
QuoteI'm going to take advantage of this thread to ask some questions about F10:

-I've being trying to achieve it, and I think I've got to it once, time ago. I felt not detached from my physical body, my "body" started to fly! as suspended in the air, while the head was held in the ground.

-Since that time I have had serious troubles to relax the body, I mean, I would need more time to relax certain parts of my body (more time that Monroe gives).

-My mind, I think, as developed some trick not to practice it, because I get too excited when trying to do so. Maybe my sub has prejudiced it, or I've interiorized a bad feeling linked to it.

So, is body's feeling TOTALLY suspended from your consciousness on F10? How the hell do you relax your neck and face so rapidly? Is there any precondition to fulfill before exercising?

Thanks a lot! I think I'm really stuck.

You may want to start an exercise from Maxalding.  You can go to to see the website.  There is a technique they do before starting their muscle control routine that they say with practice allows one to relax at will.  First they stand up, sometimes in front of a bed in case they fall over, and use progressive relaxation to relax their whole body.  You should get to the point where only your skeletal system is holding you up.  Then, after you are relaxed completely you flex every muscle in your body.  You will notice that not all your muscles are flexing properly when you are first doing this exercise.  This just means you don't have necessary control over this area of your body.  So you then concentrate on this part of your body until the muscle is flexed.  After all muscles seem to be flexed (include facial), do the relaxation part again.  This exercise will show you where your weaknesses are in your body and will help you to develop a better mind-body connection, and in a short amount of time you will be able to relax to a certain degree which gets better each time you do the exercise.

After the exercise shake out all parts of the body.  First shake your arm, you will at first feel tension and your arms will not shake a whole lot, command the muscle to relax until you arms are flaccid and wobbling this way and that (you sometimes see swimmers do this before they get on the block, or boxers before a match).  You will be very relaxed after doing this a few times, especialy after getting the hang of it.

This is just the first exercise of Maxalding but if you continue with the program you will see more benefits.  These old strongmen could control every muscle on their body to a remarkable degree.  The could make every muscle dance, breathe fluidly by opening up the chest cavity by building up the intercostal muscles, control their heart and nerves, and increase your will power and concentration.

Give it a shot
QuoteI wouldn't be able to tell you... I don't subscribe to any of the phasing models beyond Focus 12... Frank's model makes sense, but it's too arbitrary, and the same data could be interpreted in many different ways that would be just as valid.

Focus 12 is Robert Monroe's.....I know, I know a slight difference but I wanted to make that clear to the newer members.

I do agree with what kiwibongo wrote above.  Focus 12 is just a further seperation, or moving your focus away from physical thoughts, feelings, and senses.  Sometimes it can feel as if you "Click" into a clear minded "superconsciousness" and may see dull colored "swirls, clouds,etc" in your minds eye (not behind your eyes).  The blackness also seems to engulf you more than in focus 10, this happens because you are no longer focused behind your eyes but into your mind (you should shift that focus asap).  These are all just signs that your focus is moving away from the physical.  The only real "tech" I know of to transition into focus 12 is the Gateway series by the Monroe institue, other than that it is just a road sign into deeper levels of mind.

Good luck,

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: klini bed
March 04, 2007, 11:49:41
is there a link to a photo?  I searched Google and can't readily find one.

B&N won't have it, you probably need to go to  To move past the RTZ read this post:;msg163687#msg163687

Read Frank's post, he was very adept at traveling in the inner realms.

awesome, thanks!  I realized that the top was made from plastic cardboard after I read the instructions closer.  That would be great because of the weight. Also, I saw that the top seperates from the bottom, which will be great when trying to move it through a standard size doorway.  I have just purchased these instructions through paypal and will start building in about a month or so. 

We'll see

QuoteSo, was this a dream, or OBE

Definitely an OBE.  If you were aware then you were most likely out of body.  The thing about OBE's is that sometimes they feel hazy like a dream and can be a bit hard to remember.  It is sort of like a volume knob on a stereo, sometimes they are extremely vivid(like turning the volume louder) and sometimes they are very fragmented and dreamy like (like turning the volume down). 

The key thing you want to do is keep the volume high so to speak.  The way to create more awareness in an OBE is to ask for more clarity, "Clarity increase!", or something like that.  Also, you can do exercises in the physical that will help a great deal in the nonphysical realms.  You could practice being in the moment, or increase everyday awareness, in the physical.  This awareness will usually carry over into the non physical.  Another exercise you could do is practice concentration exercises, which will also help enormously in your everyday life, and in projecting.  They say that you can increase your concentration so much that one is able to merge their consciousness with an object, this is called Samadhi.  After mastering concentration they say that one can sit for an hour with out a single thought running through their mind....(ohh, I have so very far to go  :-()

The best book on concentration is Mouni Sadhu's "Concentration: A guide to Mental Mastery".  It's tough to find but well worth the price.  Also, the book by Ernest wood is also very good.

It is very common for people to ask "Was it a dream or an OBE?", and sometimes they are disappointed.  They have to remember that they will get better at perceiving the non physical realms as they are there more, and that some realms have a different quality than others.  Most people start of in the RTZ.


have you checked out the plans from :

I really don't like the look of the final tank in these plans, but at least the top is flat.  On the plans from : the top is rounded which seems harder to the lay builder.

I just don't see how they could be that difficult. Take a look at Samadhi's Eco tank made of cardboard:

Wow, Thanks!  You'll have to tell me all about it.  I'll try and answer any question you have, but I doubt I'll be that much help once you actually learn how to get out.  I have so many questions I could ask people who are far more advanced than me.

QuoteI would awaken to a paralyzed, immediately become fearful because I knew what was about to happen, and suddenly I was seized by hands

  This is also how it started for me, and numerous other people.  If you read Robert Monroe's book Far journeys he talks about how guides usually appear in a black sort of shadowy robe.  After awhile the robe disappears but they are still there.  You are interpreting the foreigness of these entities as being hostile just because they are so "alien" (not in the literal term). 

Next time this happens you have to allow yourself to go with the experience and try and make contact with these entities, or simply express an intent once you are out of your body (sometimes it helps more to feel the intent rather than speak it). You just have to keep your fear in check.

For me, once i really started to delve into this subject these experience stopped.  Which reminds me... I need to ask for help more often.

I just sent a request for more information for the used one from Tenn. on  She sent back pictures and the tank looked great except it looked awfully big.  I am not sure I will be able to get it up a staircase and into my den.

We'll see.....I have to have one of these things

By the way, the ECO tank from Samadhi is made of heavy duty cardboard and shipped perfectly but will cost 4000 dollars.  $4000 dollars for cardboard!!!! Somebody is making a killing (or maybe not if the price is too high).  I looked at that same cardboard and it cost $15 dollars per 8' X 4 sheet, too bad I am not as handy nor have enough tools to do it myself.

Quotehard work, but definitely worth it

The hard part is allowing yourself to go with the flow and change your focus.  In the beginning, you will probably start to feel yourself tense up a bit when you allow yourself to go with flow and block your progress, however, with practice you will allow yourself to go further and further.  I remember just a year ago I was "trying" to go here and go there, unconsciously trying to force myself out and made little progress.  Now I have made a lot of progress just being in the moment at whatever state I am in and "playing" with the subtle energies (something that does not come natural to a left brainier like me).  You almost have to use your intuition in order to even feel this energy.

At focus 10 I already assume I am out of body, but I don't force it too much...I just bask in this state and try and get a feel for its properties, I guess you would call it a more inquisitive attitude instead of "I am going to get out of my body damnit" attitude.

This is the hardest part...a softer attitude toward the process


I didn't give any creedence to this in the past, but have changed my opinion.  Robert Monroe talks about it, so does Edgar Cayce and a few other.  Those people know a whole lot more than me, so I will try it in the future.  I just hope my room setup doesn't look wierd. :wink:

QuoteBut tell me something. Do you get to F21 exclusively by using the Gateway techniques? Could a person reach F21 using Bruce's methods as described in MAP

Sure.  F21 has been called many things in the past by many different authors.  For instance, robert bruce talks about how a wind sucks him up into blackness, a void of sorts.  He says just to say in it until something comes along (I think he is talking about another dream environment in F2, but it sounds like he has also been to F3).  I have not read MAP, only skimmed through it.

QuoteJust so you know where I'm at, I worked with the 6 Gateway Waves for a year and never got a full blown OBE, which doesn't mean I didn't need it. I'm sure it advanced me in many other ways. My problem was  probably that I just got ahead of myself

Are you using fileshared downloaded ones?  I have heard that the loss in audio quality has something to do with the lack progress, but it could be just to stave off the sharing.  A tape will not get you anywhere unless you shift your focus away from anything physical, this is why Frank created a run give the tapes a little more power to capture his focus.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: focus 10...
February 28, 2007, 16:12:17
Quotethanks for all the great info... especially the part about noticing the mental blackness and not the behind the eyes.  I think that might be one of my biggest problems.

I think this is a big stumbling block for most due to the fact we are sight creatures by nature.  I still have problems with my physical eyes trying to latch on to mental images.

Quoteat what focus level is it possible to project, is it the full 21?  or can it be done at say 12

good question, but i guess the answer depends on your view of an OBE.  I would say that there would be little arguement that at focus 21 you are "out of body".  That is once you actualy merge into the 3d blackness instead of gazing at it from the point of view of your body or mental screen.

QuoteA tapestry of points of colored light 

IS this 3d, where this "place" looks like a night sky? IF so, that is Focus 21

Samadhi is where you can merge your consciousness with an object, or at least I think it is.  A better source of information on this would be by reading Mouni Sadhu's book "Samadhi".  Mouni Sadhu is a great no nonsense author.

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: focus 10...
February 28, 2007, 10:10:51
Go to focus 12.  FOcus 12 is where you feel like you Plug in, like a snap of superconsciousness, and are all mental (may not always be that pronounced but you should strive for this clarity).  Any feeling of your body is long gone, you may be vaugely aware of where your body is but all or almost all sensation is gone. Monroe said that this state is mainly a theta state, focus 10, and focus 12 is where you increase the overlying beta waves (awareness).  ONce here notice the blackness of your mental screen, NOT behind the eyes (keep them out of it), and notice any changes.  You may feel slight movement, see blotches of color (don't let your physical eyes focus on these), feel pressure in your head, etc.  Don't TRY and do anything here besides notice and ALLOW yourself to be taken for the ride to Focus 21.

You have to notice subtle energies and allow yourself to go with the flow.  Trying to GET "out of your body" from focus 10 will be very frustrating and will probably block your process.  Instead, gently play with the subtle energies that are around you in this state (kind of like if you were blind and you were navigating around an unfamiliar room) and ALLOW yourself to go with the flow. 

I guess sunlight negatively affects our subtle bodies then... :roll:

I would chalk it up to a New Age loon who distrust technology and has no clue what in the hell they are talking about.  How does he/she know this?  The fact more than likely is that she doesn't and is just spouting off a nonsense.

I wouldn't give it a second more consideration.  Far infrared sauna's have many DOCUMENTED health benefits.  I have personally used a Far Infrared device myself and only experienced positive results.  In fact, this sauna would more than likely put your body in a more relaxed state helping your projecting efforts.

Vegetarianism is NOT healthy for you!!

Look at this study:

"The vegetarians of Southern India eat a low-calorie diet very high in carbohydrates and low in protein and fat. They have the shortest life span of any society on Earth, and their bodies have an extremely low muscle mass. They are weak and frail and the children clearly exhibit a failure to thrive. Their heart disease rate is double that of the meat eaters in Northern India. HL Abrams. Vegetarianism: An anthropological/nutritional evaluation. Journal of Applied Nutrition, 1980, 32:2:53-87. The optimal diet for humans can be determined by anthropological research studies that show humans have primarily been meat-eaters. Anthropological Research Reveals Human Dietary Requirements for Optimal Health   by H. Leon Abrams, Jr., MA, EDS"

BTW, Monroe called the vegetarian and low fat activist "Nurtition Nazi's" and persisted on having meat at TMI because he personally loved meat.
QuoteAs this was happening I noticed a familiar high pitched whine in my ears.   It's something that is frequently noticeable during the day but can only be intently listened to when you're lying down and relaxed

Amazing post!  I think you are on to more than you could have ever imagined.  I JUST posted about this in this post:

In the chapter of John in the bible John talks about the WORD:  This whine in your ears is the word (as you ascend it becomes more beautiful). This is the word that can not be said that only the highest Masons ever get to here. Read "The Path of the Masters" by Julian Johnson, it is all about this.  Jesus says something like the direction of heaven is that of the high wind (something along those lines, the exact quote is in the above book).  The "voice of silence" in Blavatsky's book is the same.

Anyway, Sant Mat is a yoga dedicated to soley listening to this "audible life stream" in order to transverse the inner realms.  This high pitched whistle is the KEY to projection. 

QuoteThe best times I've had and the closest I've got to projection have been in the sensory deprivation tank

I have done research on these and I WILL have one in the near future. 

I am surprised you didn't get more replies,

Are you guys serious?  If so that would be awesome.  I have about a gazillion question to ask him.  Why didn't you have him take you anywhere? 

Keep me updated if you do it again

Hey everyone-

  What is the title of this painting (link below). I have tried to find the real name of this painting forever and have come up short.  The painting is here :

I love it because it show a person who is looking into the inner realms after apparently going through the Fzero, focus 21 state of the star light sky.  Brilliant representation

Any help would be appreciated,

Ps. Sorry mods if this is in the wrong location
QuoteHey I just had my first conscious experience with vibrations last night...It was a pretty freaky feeling, like my entire body was some huge electric generator and it was vibrating at a phenomenal rate which i found out I could control how fast. 
Very weird indeed, I have projected many times and never before have felt this sensation, I generally feel that readiness of seperation and open my astral sight.  I figured that the readiness was somehow described as vibrations, but no, its VERY different! haha

This is a good description.  When people first start out they think the slightest tingling could be the "vibes", but once you really have them there is no mistaking them. It usually feels like you stuck your finger in a light socket.

If you get the vibes here is what you do to "get out" (although, you are not getting out or "going" anywhere--but I digress)

1.  Let them consume you like a previous poster said
2.  Change the frequency.  Sometimes the vibes may be strong but a little "Clunky" feeling, like all the waves are not vibrating at the same frequency.  So, you WILL them to vibrate at a "finer", higher rate. It just take a few moments to get the hang of this.
3.  Allow yourself to go with the feeling of movement, I usually end up in the "Real Time Zone"
4.  Once in the RTZ use Franks "slats" technique to move into Fzero, or the 3d blackness (sorry don't have time to find the post). 

Also, listen in the stillness of your mind for a high "whistle" sound.  It may come right before the vibes and also helps brings on the vibes.  I am comming to realize that this high "whistle", screatching wind sound, may be the holy grail of astral projection.  I am still tinkering around with it however.

Hope that helps,