After the first two german book editions of my text sold well in germany (despite the free onlineversion), i plan to distribute my third edition in english too.
The english edition of this book will have aprox 315+ pages and contains, like the german edition, only the maintext (analysis of the supernatural), which can also be read online: . The book has been made for people like me, who prefer to have the content also in paper.
How the first two german editions looked, can be seen here (scroll down to see images, ignore german text):
I could talk alot about the book, but i think, the table of content does it better.
Here is the table of content:
(0.2) Table of contents Here are the most important groups and points mentioned.
"-" Title
"0" Introduction
"0.1" Notes to the text
"0.2" Table of contents
"0.3" Preface
"0.4" Instructions for the use of the informations of this text
"0.5" Common fallacies to the topics of the supernatural
"1" Experiences, basics and properties of the supernatural
"1.1" Properties and basics of the supernatural (energy properties), influences and astral beings
"1.1.1" Basic "Physical Properties of the energy
"" Definitions and basics
"" Properties of "free" energy
"" Energy fields and energy flows (energy links)
"" Mutual influencing of energy and matter
"" Theory of a 12 dimensional universe (properties of the energy in the astral world)
"1.1.2" Energy properties under specific conditions
"" Properties of the body's own energy system
"" Definitions and basics
"" Cycle of energy
"" Properties of the energy intensity (sensation)
"" Properties of the energy storaging
"" Properties of the shifting of body's own energy
"" Blockades and other disruptions
"" Definitions and basics
"" Effects of blockades
"" Effects of the removal of blockades by exercises
"" Properties of the controllability of the body's own energy
"" The properties of the controllability of the own body's own energy
"" The properties of the controllability of body's own energies of several persons among themselves.
"" Influencing of the body's own energy by emotions
"" Reactions between body's own energy and matter
"" Reactions of energies of several persons among each other
"" The layers of the thoughts
"" First layer
"" Second layer
"" Uncertainty- and balance phenomenon
"" Origin and properties of the balance phenomenon
"" Avoiding of the balance phenomenon
"" Environmental influences on the energy
"1.1.3" Basics of astral beings and astral travelers and influence of these (And of physical forms of life and other people)
"" Species
"" Encounters
"" Basics of influencing by astral beings, astral travelers and physical living beings (Other people, animals, aliens,...)
"" Types of influencing
"" What one can do against unwanted influences and/or their effects
"" Detection of influences of astral beings, astral travelers and physical living beings (Other people, animals, aliens,...)
"" Getting rid of undesired astral beings
"1.1.4" Wishes to the "universe"
"" Fulfilling by oneself
"" Fulfilling by astral beings
"1.1.5" Basics of the supernatural perceptions (information gathering, receiving of telepathic communication,...)
"" Kinds of application of supernatural perceptions
"" Kinds of percepted informations
"" The process and the reliability of supernatural perceiving of the informations
"" Basics of the percepting of the informations
"" Reliability of the gathered informations
"" How one receives informations
"1.1.6" Basics of the supernatural influencing
"" Where are supernatural influences applied
"" What can be influenced
"" How one can influence
"" Basics of the process of the influencing
"" Reliability of the influencing
"" How one influences
"1.1.7" Properties of the astral body in the astral world
"1.1.8" Properties of the body in the (real) dream world
"1.1.9" Properties of the astral world
"1.1.10" Properties of the dream world
"1.1.11" Properties of the thoughts, concentration and imagination
"" Kinds of thinking and kinds of concentrations
"" Remembering and memories
"" Abilities of the concentration
"" Disruptions and errors of the concentration
"" Concentration and thinking under certain circumstances
"1.2" Supernatural experiences
"1.2.1" Tactile supernatural experiences
"" (Rather) direct sensing of energy
"" Surface sensations
"" Simple perceptions
"" Perception of energy links
"" Inner sensations
"" Changes of consciousness and similar changes of the state
"" Perceptions of the position and the form of the body and the body parts
"" Apparent movements
"" Vibrations
"" Temperature perceptions
"" By separation of the astral body and the physical body caused experiences
"" Smooth (and mostly only partial) separation experiences
"" Faster till extreme by separation and falling back caused experiences
"" Experiences, which occur most once or a few times at irregular intervals
"" Rare experiences, which often occur several times in a row
"" Rather indirect feeling of energy (aftereffects and side effects)
"" Side effects under normal circumstances in the everyday live
"" Side effects of interruptions of relaxation states
"" By wrong charge state caused Energy side effects
"1.2.2" Visible supernatural experiences
"" Visible supernatural experiences, which are not images (viewing of own energy, energy from other people (animals,...) and astral beings,...)
"" Aura 0
"" Aura 1 A and similar effects
"" Aura 1 B and similar effects
"" Aura 2 and similar effects
"" Aura 3 and similar effects (contains some visible fatigue effects)
"" Uncertain visible supernatural experiences
"" AE X3 A and B
"" AE X4
"" AE X5
"" Other pointlike visible supernatural experiences and other visible supernatural experiences
"" Other pointlike visible supernatural experiences
"" Other visible supernatural experiences
"" Possible transdimensional perceptions (AE X1)
"" Visible supernatural experiences, which are images or contain images
"" By supernatural influences caused images
"" Energetic images, which are not bound on the environment
"" By supernatural influences caused images, which are bound to the environment
"" Dreamlike generated images
"" By simple imagination triggered images
"" Hypnagogic images
"" Other experiences, which are related to the observation of visible supernatural experiences
"" Visibility and viewing techniques
"" Concentration on the field of view
"" Visual perception changes
"1.2.3" Supernatural experiences, which are related to hearing and thinking
"" Real audible supernatural experiences
"" Experiences, which are dependent on real noises
"" Experiences, which are independent from real noises
"" Supernatural experiences, which are related to thinking
"" Experiences, which are related to the thinking itself
"" Experiences, which are related to the ability to remember
"" Perception of time
"" Vision of the future
"1.2.4" Various indirect supernatural experiences
"" Physical experiences
"" Emotional experiences
"" Influences on dreams
"" Unintentional influences on the environment
"1.2.5" Supernatural experiences, which are related to specific abilities (and thematic basis)
"" Vision of the aura
"" Remote viewing (remote perception, clairvoyance, remote investigation of matter)
"" Perception by imagination
"" Perception by hypnagogic images
"" Perception by the by supernatural influences caused images
"" Perception by application of the energy shift
"" Perception by tactile supernatural experiences
"" Perception by mental imagination
"" Out of body experiences (OBE), meditation and relaxation
"" The relaxation process
"" Tactile relaxation experiences
"" Temperature perceptions during the relaxation
"" Visible relaxation experiences
"" Visible relaxation experiences, which are not images.
"" Visible relaxation experiences, which are images or contain images.
"" Relaxation experiences related to hearing and thinking
"" Audible relaxation experiences
"" Relaxation experiences, which are related to thinking and thoughts
"" Vibration phase
"" Signs of the exit phase
"" Faster till extreme by separation and falling back caused experiences
"" Experiences, which occur mostly once or a few times at irregular intervals
"" Rare experiences, which often occur several times in a row
"" The actual exit of intentional out of body experiences
"" Exiting by own action
"" "Automatic" exiting
"" Exiting and behavior during unconsciously out of body experiences (false awakening,...)
"" During the out of body experience
"" Experiences, which are related to the environment and environmental events
"" Experiences, which are related to encounters and contacts (with astral beings, physical people and out of body experiencing people, (the spirits / souls of) dead people,... and the own physical body)
"" Actions and interactions with the environment and with objects during an out of body experience
"" Kinds of locomotion and modes of locomotion
"" Experiences, which are related to thinking, memories and remembering, emotions and the consciousness
"" Other not visible experiences, which are related to the physical perceptions (smelling, tasting, tactile experiences)
"" Other Experiences, which are related to the viewing and the sense of viewing
"" Other audible experiences and Experiences, which are related to hearing
"" Supernatural perceptions (supernatural experiences) and supernatural actions during an out of body experience
"" Other experiences and conclusions
"" Dizziness and nausea phenomenon
"" Ending of out of body experiences
"" The Return and the awakening
"" After the Return and the awakening
"" Sleep paralysis
"" After sudden interruption of the out of body experience attempt
"" Additional properties of out of body experiences and dreams
"" Successive out of body experiences and dreams
"" The sleep
"" Conditions during the sleep
"" Temporal distribution of the sleeping
"" Amount of sleep
"" Encounters
"" Effects of supernatural methods and energy methods on dreams
"" External and internal influences on dreams
"" Periodicity
"" Disruptions of the ability to act
"" Repetitions
"" Dreams
"" Properties of dreams
"" Basic properties of dreams
"" Additional properties of out of body experiences and dreams These properties are listed in the group "", to which this referencing double entry belongs.
"" Kinds of dreams
"" "Normal" dreams
"" Normal single dream
"" Episode dreams
"" Dreams of the future
"" Lucid dreams and half-lucid dreams
"" Dreams with "pre OBE phenomena" and "out of body experience-experiences" (astral dreams)
"" Nightmares
"" Supernatural transmission (contact to hereafter, telepathy) and energy links between persons, astral beings,...
"" Conditions for the supernatural transmission
"" Possible applications of the supernatural transmission
"" Energy shift
"" Encounter with astral traveling normal persons and with astral beings and empathy (The empathy concerns also physical persons)
"" Empathy (concerns also physical persons and currently not astral traveling persons, animals,...)
"" Suspecting of future things and events
"" Self-healing and healing of others
"" Altering the state of consciousness
"" Influencing Matter (telekinesis)
"2" Illusions
"2.1" Visible illusions
"2.2" Tactile illusions
"2.3" Audible illusions
"M" Methods
"M.1" Out of body experience Methods
"M.1.1" Tips and tricks for out of body experiences
"M.1.1.1" Before the attempt
"M.1.1.2" The out of body experience attempt
"M.1.1.3" Additional tips
"M.1.1.4" Tips for the evaluation of out of body experiences
"M.1.2" Out of body experience methods
"M.1.3" Advanced basics of the out of body experience methods
"M.1.3.1" "Active" and "passive" components
"M.1.3.2" Exit techniques
"M.1.4" Methods for the application during the out of body experience
"M.1.4.1" Methods to remove or avoid problems
"M.1.4.2" Methods for the influencing of the environment
"M.1.4.3" Methods for the locomotion during the out of body experience
"M.1.4.4" Keeping an out of body experience stable
"M.2" Energy method
"M.2.1" Building of the bodies own energy
"M." Sub exercise "Blocking of external influences"
"M.2.1.9" Sub exercises "self healing" and "removing of blockades"
"M.2.1.12" Sub exercise "Energy shift"
"M.2.2" Risks and Warnings
"M.3" Other methods
"M.3.1" See and feel aura and energy
"M.3.1.1" Simple observing
"M.3.1.2" Viewing with closed eyes
"M.3.1.3" Observing of the during light visible supernatural experiences
"M.3.1.4" Vision with the third eye
"M.3.1.5" Vision during the deep relaxation
"M.3.1.6" Vision with energy
"M.3.1.7" Observation after waking up or after sudden interruptions of relaxation states
"M.3.1.8" Vision of specific aura layers or kinds of energy
"M.3.2" Communication with astral beings (contact to hereafter)
"M.3.3" Sending and receiving of supernatural influences (telepathy)
"M.3.3.1" Image transmission
"M.3.3.2" Transmission of energy sensations and emotions
"M." Transmission of pure emotions
"M." Healing
"M.3.3.3" Transmission of thoughts (telepathy)
"M.3.4" Silence of thoughts
"M.3.5" Meditation
"M.3.6" Remote viewing (remote perception, clairvoyance, remote investigation of matter)
"M.3.6.1" The first strategy to combine the kinds of perceptions to recognize unknown targets
"M.3.6.2" The second strategy to combine the kinds of perceptions to recognize unknown targets
"M.3.7" Detection of telekinetic influences
"M.3.8" Tips to prevent nightmares, to abort out of body experiences and similar
"M.3.9" Finding and exploring of the second layer of thoughts
"M.3.10" Concentration on points within and near of the own body
"X" General informations about this text
"X.1" Version and date of this text
"X.2" Copyright
"X.3" History of this text
The english edition of this book will have aprox 315+ pages and contains, like the german edition, only the maintext (analysis of the supernatural), which can also be read online: . The book has been made for people like me, who prefer to have the content also in paper.
How the first two german editions looked, can be seen here (scroll down to see images, ignore german text):
I could talk alot about the book, but i think, the table of content does it better.
Here is the table of content:
(0.2) Table of contents Here are the most important groups and points mentioned.
"-" Title
"0" Introduction
"0.1" Notes to the text
"0.2" Table of contents
"0.3" Preface
"0.4" Instructions for the use of the informations of this text
"0.5" Common fallacies to the topics of the supernatural
"1" Experiences, basics and properties of the supernatural
"1.1" Properties and basics of the supernatural (energy properties), influences and astral beings
"1.1.1" Basic "Physical Properties of the energy
"" Definitions and basics
"" Properties of "free" energy
"" Energy fields and energy flows (energy links)
"" Mutual influencing of energy and matter
"" Theory of a 12 dimensional universe (properties of the energy in the astral world)
"1.1.2" Energy properties under specific conditions
"" Properties of the body's own energy system
"" Definitions and basics
"" Cycle of energy
"" Properties of the energy intensity (sensation)
"" Properties of the energy storaging
"" Properties of the shifting of body's own energy
"" Blockades and other disruptions
"" Definitions and basics
"" Effects of blockades
"" Effects of the removal of blockades by exercises
"" Properties of the controllability of the body's own energy
"" The properties of the controllability of the own body's own energy
"" The properties of the controllability of body's own energies of several persons among themselves.
"" Influencing of the body's own energy by emotions
"" Reactions between body's own energy and matter
"" Reactions of energies of several persons among each other
"" The layers of the thoughts
"" First layer
"" Second layer
"" Uncertainty- and balance phenomenon
"" Origin and properties of the balance phenomenon
"" Avoiding of the balance phenomenon
"" Environmental influences on the energy
"1.1.3" Basics of astral beings and astral travelers and influence of these (And of physical forms of life and other people)
"" Species
"" Encounters
"" Basics of influencing by astral beings, astral travelers and physical living beings (Other people, animals, aliens,...)
"" Types of influencing
"" What one can do against unwanted influences and/or their effects
"" Detection of influences of astral beings, astral travelers and physical living beings (Other people, animals, aliens,...)
"" Getting rid of undesired astral beings
"1.1.4" Wishes to the "universe"
"" Fulfilling by oneself
"" Fulfilling by astral beings
"1.1.5" Basics of the supernatural perceptions (information gathering, receiving of telepathic communication,...)
"" Kinds of application of supernatural perceptions
"" Kinds of percepted informations
"" The process and the reliability of supernatural perceiving of the informations
"" Basics of the percepting of the informations
"" Reliability of the gathered informations
"" How one receives informations
"1.1.6" Basics of the supernatural influencing
"" Where are supernatural influences applied
"" What can be influenced
"" How one can influence
"" Basics of the process of the influencing
"" Reliability of the influencing
"" How one influences
"1.1.7" Properties of the astral body in the astral world
"1.1.8" Properties of the body in the (real) dream world
"1.1.9" Properties of the astral world
"1.1.10" Properties of the dream world
"1.1.11" Properties of the thoughts, concentration and imagination
"" Kinds of thinking and kinds of concentrations
"" Remembering and memories
"" Abilities of the concentration
"" Disruptions and errors of the concentration
"" Concentration and thinking under certain circumstances
"1.2" Supernatural experiences
"1.2.1" Tactile supernatural experiences
"" (Rather) direct sensing of energy
"" Surface sensations
"" Simple perceptions
"" Perception of energy links
"" Inner sensations
"" Changes of consciousness and similar changes of the state
"" Perceptions of the position and the form of the body and the body parts
"" Apparent movements
"" Vibrations
"" Temperature perceptions
"" By separation of the astral body and the physical body caused experiences
"" Smooth (and mostly only partial) separation experiences
"" Faster till extreme by separation and falling back caused experiences
"" Experiences, which occur most once or a few times at irregular intervals
"" Rare experiences, which often occur several times in a row
"" Rather indirect feeling of energy (aftereffects and side effects)
"" Side effects under normal circumstances in the everyday live
"" Side effects of interruptions of relaxation states
"" By wrong charge state caused Energy side effects
"1.2.2" Visible supernatural experiences
"" Visible supernatural experiences, which are not images (viewing of own energy, energy from other people (animals,...) and astral beings,...)
"" Aura 0
"" Aura 1 A and similar effects
"" Aura 1 B and similar effects
"" Aura 2 and similar effects
"" Aura 3 and similar effects (contains some visible fatigue effects)
"" Uncertain visible supernatural experiences
"" AE X3 A and B
"" AE X4
"" AE X5
"" Other pointlike visible supernatural experiences and other visible supernatural experiences
"" Other pointlike visible supernatural experiences
"" Other visible supernatural experiences
"" Possible transdimensional perceptions (AE X1)
"" Visible supernatural experiences, which are images or contain images
"" By supernatural influences caused images
"" Energetic images, which are not bound on the environment
"" By supernatural influences caused images, which are bound to the environment
"" Dreamlike generated images
"" By simple imagination triggered images
"" Hypnagogic images
"" Other experiences, which are related to the observation of visible supernatural experiences
"" Visibility and viewing techniques
"" Concentration on the field of view
"" Visual perception changes
"1.2.3" Supernatural experiences, which are related to hearing and thinking
"" Real audible supernatural experiences
"" Experiences, which are dependent on real noises
"" Experiences, which are independent from real noises
"" Supernatural experiences, which are related to thinking
"" Experiences, which are related to the thinking itself
"" Experiences, which are related to the ability to remember
"" Perception of time
"" Vision of the future
"1.2.4" Various indirect supernatural experiences
"" Physical experiences
"" Emotional experiences
"" Influences on dreams
"" Unintentional influences on the environment
"1.2.5" Supernatural experiences, which are related to specific abilities (and thematic basis)
"" Vision of the aura
"" Remote viewing (remote perception, clairvoyance, remote investigation of matter)
"" Perception by imagination
"" Perception by hypnagogic images
"" Perception by the by supernatural influences caused images
"" Perception by application of the energy shift
"" Perception by tactile supernatural experiences
"" Perception by mental imagination
"" Out of body experiences (OBE), meditation and relaxation
"" The relaxation process
"" Tactile relaxation experiences
"" Temperature perceptions during the relaxation
"" Visible relaxation experiences
"" Visible relaxation experiences, which are not images.
"" Visible relaxation experiences, which are images or contain images.
"" Relaxation experiences related to hearing and thinking
"" Audible relaxation experiences
"" Relaxation experiences, which are related to thinking and thoughts
"" Vibration phase
"" Signs of the exit phase
"" Faster till extreme by separation and falling back caused experiences
"" Experiences, which occur mostly once or a few times at irregular intervals
"" Rare experiences, which often occur several times in a row
"" The actual exit of intentional out of body experiences
"" Exiting by own action
"" "Automatic" exiting
"" Exiting and behavior during unconsciously out of body experiences (false awakening,...)
"" During the out of body experience
"" Experiences, which are related to the environment and environmental events
"" Experiences, which are related to encounters and contacts (with astral beings, physical people and out of body experiencing people, (the spirits / souls of) dead people,... and the own physical body)
"" Actions and interactions with the environment and with objects during an out of body experience
"" Kinds of locomotion and modes of locomotion
"" Experiences, which are related to thinking, memories and remembering, emotions and the consciousness
"" Other not visible experiences, which are related to the physical perceptions (smelling, tasting, tactile experiences)
"" Other Experiences, which are related to the viewing and the sense of viewing
"" Other audible experiences and Experiences, which are related to hearing
"" Supernatural perceptions (supernatural experiences) and supernatural actions during an out of body experience
"" Other experiences and conclusions
"" Dizziness and nausea phenomenon
"" Ending of out of body experiences
"" The Return and the awakening
"" After the Return and the awakening
"" Sleep paralysis
"" After sudden interruption of the out of body experience attempt
"" Additional properties of out of body experiences and dreams
"" Successive out of body experiences and dreams
"" The sleep
"" Conditions during the sleep
"" Temporal distribution of the sleeping
"" Amount of sleep
"" Encounters
"" Effects of supernatural methods and energy methods on dreams
"" External and internal influences on dreams
"" Periodicity
"" Disruptions of the ability to act
"" Repetitions
"" Dreams
"" Properties of dreams
"" Basic properties of dreams
"" Additional properties of out of body experiences and dreams These properties are listed in the group "", to which this referencing double entry belongs.
"" Kinds of dreams
"" "Normal" dreams
"" Normal single dream
"" Episode dreams
"" Dreams of the future
"" Lucid dreams and half-lucid dreams
"" Dreams with "pre OBE phenomena" and "out of body experience-experiences" (astral dreams)
"" Nightmares
"" Supernatural transmission (contact to hereafter, telepathy) and energy links between persons, astral beings,...
"" Conditions for the supernatural transmission
"" Possible applications of the supernatural transmission
"" Energy shift
"" Encounter with astral traveling normal persons and with astral beings and empathy (The empathy concerns also physical persons)
"" Empathy (concerns also physical persons and currently not astral traveling persons, animals,...)
"" Suspecting of future things and events
"" Self-healing and healing of others
"" Altering the state of consciousness
"" Influencing Matter (telekinesis)
"2" Illusions
"2.1" Visible illusions
"2.2" Tactile illusions
"2.3" Audible illusions
"M" Methods
"M.1" Out of body experience Methods
"M.1.1" Tips and tricks for out of body experiences
"M.1.1.1" Before the attempt
"M.1.1.2" The out of body experience attempt
"M.1.1.3" Additional tips
"M.1.1.4" Tips for the evaluation of out of body experiences
"M.1.2" Out of body experience methods
"M.1.3" Advanced basics of the out of body experience methods
"M.1.3.1" "Active" and "passive" components
"M.1.3.2" Exit techniques
"M.1.4" Methods for the application during the out of body experience
"M.1.4.1" Methods to remove or avoid problems
"M.1.4.2" Methods for the influencing of the environment
"M.1.4.3" Methods for the locomotion during the out of body experience
"M.1.4.4" Keeping an out of body experience stable
"M.2" Energy method
"M.2.1" Building of the bodies own energy
"M." Sub exercise "Blocking of external influences"
"M.2.1.9" Sub exercises "self healing" and "removing of blockades"
"M.2.1.12" Sub exercise "Energy shift"
"M.2.2" Risks and Warnings
"M.3" Other methods
"M.3.1" See and feel aura and energy
"M.3.1.1" Simple observing
"M.3.1.2" Viewing with closed eyes
"M.3.1.3" Observing of the during light visible supernatural experiences
"M.3.1.4" Vision with the third eye
"M.3.1.5" Vision during the deep relaxation
"M.3.1.6" Vision with energy
"M.3.1.7" Observation after waking up or after sudden interruptions of relaxation states
"M.3.1.8" Vision of specific aura layers or kinds of energy
"M.3.2" Communication with astral beings (contact to hereafter)
"M.3.3" Sending and receiving of supernatural influences (telepathy)
"M.3.3.1" Image transmission
"M.3.3.2" Transmission of energy sensations and emotions
"M." Transmission of pure emotions
"M." Healing
"M.3.3.3" Transmission of thoughts (telepathy)
"M.3.4" Silence of thoughts
"M.3.5" Meditation
"M.3.6" Remote viewing (remote perception, clairvoyance, remote investigation of matter)
"M.3.6.1" The first strategy to combine the kinds of perceptions to recognize unknown targets
"M.3.6.2" The second strategy to combine the kinds of perceptions to recognize unknown targets
"M.3.7" Detection of telekinetic influences
"M.3.8" Tips to prevent nightmares, to abort out of body experiences and similar
"M.3.9" Finding and exploring of the second layer of thoughts
"M.3.10" Concentration on points within and near of the own body
"X" General informations about this text
"X.1" Version and date of this text
"X.2" Copyright
"X.3" History of this text