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Topics - CaCoDeMoN

EDIT: I found out that this meditation can open you up to the demonic influence, and cause geat harm that cannot be undone easily. Please don't try it, and avoid the whole JoS pages at all costs.
For more info:


Recently I've found these voice based meditations, and after trying them I can say that results achieved with them in a few days can be compared to years of work using  visualization.
It is taken from , and only hosted by site not worth of entering)
My experiences with meditation:

Third eye meditation:
For me after 2 days of meditating(10 min. per day) my third eye opened, I've started seeing many random pictures and colors when in trance, and seeing very detailed Negs in dark rooms in normal state of consciousness. It was extreme fun. Also it became possible to see astral RTZ directly from the physical world.
Other meditations were not as effective, because I didn't wait 7 days after using this one, although my solar plexus chakra was extremely stimulated too. I'll wait 7 days and try again.
This was originally posted at by user named Oazaki, I have his permission to repost it on Astral Pulse. I would be glad if anyone would check if this really works. I've tried to stimulate energetic pathways he described(with method used in NEW), and this gives strange results:

"This is a repost of a thread, now deleted due to hacking, originally posted on on 10th January 2004.

The Eternal Youth Technique

First off, take a look at my thread "The Chakras: their nature and meditation upon them" where the location of the various charkas which will be referred to in this thread is given. That thread has been reposted here:

Now, it is the speed and force of the upward spiral of the energy though the chakric system which determines how awake and alive you feel. And the difference between a young person and an old one is that the young person has a powerful, substantial and fairly fast upward flow of energy through this spiralling inter-chakric path, whilst the old one does not. So far so good. The thing to realize now is that this upward spiral of energy is fed by a specific type of energy originating within your base (Saturn) chakra which in Taoist terminology is referred to as pre-natal Chi. Ordinarily your quantity of pre-natal Chi is set at birth and is finite in quantity. You use it up in your day-to-day life as portions of it spiral upwards through your chakric system, giving power to the karmic process. Once you've used it all up, that's it you die. Use it up faster (which you will do the stronger and the faster the upward spiral of your energy is) and eventually you will have significantly less to draw on and so will age faster. In the meantime though, whilst you're burning up your pre-natal Chi through a powerful and fast upward inter-chakric spiral, you'll feel and be more awake and alive. This is why people who live strongly and intensely tend to grow old faster than those who live life in an insipid, undemanding way. Though of course there are exceptions as the quantity of pre-natal Chi with which each person is blessed at birth does vary greatly.
For our purposes the important point to realize is that – contrary to traditional esoteric theory and its Taoist misnomer – pre-natal Chi can in fact be both replaced and increased. But you must go about it in the right way and to do so it is necessary to understand the phenomenon of inter-chakric energy spin in more detail.
You will recall that the inter-chakric energy spin in men spirals upwards in a clockwise direction whilst in women it does so in an anticlockwise direction. This upward spiral does in fact follow a very specific path.
For men:

Starting at the front of the Saturn chakra the energy spirals:
Up the right side of the pelvis to the back of the Jupiter chakra
Up the left side of the abdomen to the front of the solar plexus chakra
Up the right side of the thorax to the back of the heart chakra
Up the left side of the upper chest to the front of the throat chakra
Up the right side of the neck to the Erectheus chakra
Up the left side of the head to the Sun chakra

That is to say, the flow performs a half-spin (180˚) as it moves up from one chakric level to the next. In the head the flow spins all the way around several times or more (depending on other factors) and touching both the Sun and the Moon chakras. But for our purposes it is sufficient to finish the up-flow at the Sun chakra upon its arrival there from the Erechtheus chakra.
For women this upwards path flows in a counter-clockwise direction and is as follows:

Starting at the back of the Saturn chakra the energy spirals:
Up the left side of the pelvis to the front of the Jupiter chakra
Up the right side of the abdomen to the back of the solar plexus chakra
Up the left side of the thorax to the front of the heart chakra
Up the right side of the upper chest to the back of the throat chakra
Up the left of the neck to the point of the chin (Admeitus chakra)
Up the right side of the head to the Moon chakra

In woman too, the energy flow performs a half spin (180˚) as it moves up from one chakric level to the next. In the head the flow spins all the way round several times, touching both the Sun and the Moon chakras. But for our purposes it is sufficient to finish the up-flow at the Moon chakra upon its arrival there from the Admeitus chakra.
Now, the big secret to all of this is that corresponding to this very specific upwards spiralling inter-chakric path there is also a very specific downwards spiralling inter-chakric path. And the energy drawn in through this downwards spiralling path all the way to the base chakra will become pre-natal Chi.
For men the downwards flowing path spirals anti-clockwise and follows the same course as the female upwards-flowing path. It is just that the energy within it flows from down to up instead of from up to down. For the sake of clarity though:
For men, the downwards flow of inter-chakric energy spin takes the following path, flowing anti-clockwise:

Starting at the Moon chakra the energy spirals anticlockwise:
Down the right side of the head to the point of the chin (Admeitus chakra)
Down the left side of the neck to the back of the throat chakra
Down the right side of the upper chest to the front of the heart chakra
Down the left side of the thorax to the back of the solar plexus chakra
Down the right side of the abdomen to the front of the Jupiter chakra
Down the left of the pelvis to the back of the Saturn chakra

Again, note that the energy flow performs a 180˚ spin as it moves from one chakric level to the next.
For women, the downwards flow of inter-chakric energy spin takes the following path, flowing clockwise:

Starting at the Sun chakra the energy spirals clockwise:
Down the left side of the head to the Erechtheus chakra
Down the right side of the neck to the front of the throat chakra
Down the left side of the upper chest to the back of the heart chakra
Down the right side of the thorax to the front of the solar plexus chakra
Down the left side of the abdomen to the back of the Jupiter chakra
Down the right side of the pelvis to the front of the Saturn chakra

Here too note that the energy flow performs a 180˚ spin as it moves down from one chakric level to the next.
So, energy moving through the upwards flow uses up pre-natal Chi whilst energy moving through the downwards flow replenishes pre-natal Chi. Consequently, if you get the downwards flow flowing as fast and as powerfully as the upward flow then you won't age. If you get the downward flow flowing faster and more powerfully than the upward flow you'll actually get younger. However, this most emphatically does not mean that you should slow down the flow of the energy in the upwards-spiralling path. The speed and force of the upwards path is what makes you feel and quite literally be alive and youthful. The trick is to get both the up path and the down path flowing rapidly and powerfully. Then, if you want to get younger, whilst still maintaining the speed and strength of the energy flow in the upwards path, make the energy in the downwards path flow even more strongly and more forcefully.
Ultimately, the aim is to get both paths flowing freely and powerfully at the same time, one going upwards and the other downwards. And that, succinctly stated, is the key to physical immortality and eternal youth. It is a relatively complex internal process though and because of this will take some time to master. This mastering is best done through meditation.
As your practice deepens other factors worth bearing in mind are:
1) Neither the upwards nor the downwards flows passes through the very centre of the central route in either men or women. Consequently no spiralling inter-chakric energy flow ever passes through the very centre of any of the chakras.
2) The spiralling inter-chakric energy flows change colour as they move from one chakra to the next, reflecting the colour of the chakras themselves: from red at the base (Saturn chakra), to orange at the Jupiter level, yellow at the solar plexus, green at the heart, blue at the throat, a darker blue at the Admeitus/Erechtheus level, purple at the Sun/Moon level and white if you continue it up into the crown.

These factors are however, just details to add in later as your meditation deepens and you become familiar with the esoteric processes involved. For now just concentrate on getting both the basic upward and the basic downward flow moving freely and powerfully.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

(the majority of the above post is an slightly edited extract from a book I have due for publication in 2005. It is not currently available anywhere else on the net nor in stores). Such extracts are © 2003 Quaral Trading Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduced here by permission of the copyright holders.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In order to get the technique detailed here working effectively, your energetic system has to be very open, very developed and almost or totally free from blockages. Consequently, if you yourself are interested in pursuing the technique given here it would profit you greatly and massively speed up the attainment of your desired end, if you also became breatharian. The technique as to how to do so is given on my thread "The 21-day Breatharian Transformational Process" located here:
(not anymore though still available in google's cache)

Finally remember, just reading about something benefits you little. You have to actually use and apply any knowledge so gained in order for practical benefits to be reaped. And the practical benefits on offer with this one are very great indeed.

all the best all,
Congratulations on being able to breathe again!!!

You may get a dozen answers, but only you can know which one would be 'right' if any.

Would you have studied NEW if you didn't have asthama?  Did Asthama help your energy/spiritual progression in any way?  How many people have had a physical condition that lead them to a spiritual awakening?  Scary concept, isn't it?  Did you un/sub-conciously choose something that would force you to grow in order to deal with it?

A Yogi Master can climb into a 2'x2'x'2 airtight box and stay at the bottom of a pool for an hour, then emerge unharmed (as seen on US TV).  So is it any wonder that you choose to excercise control over your own body about Asthama.  Think of the possibilities open to you along these same lines......what else can you change?
I know it is possible to help someone die... I don't know about the magic equation.  I am reading the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche and this topic is what the book is about.  

In the beginning of the book, he tells a story about how when he was a young child, he was traveling with his master and several other monks.  One of the men fell ill and was ready to die.  His Master helped him through the process since they hadn't much time and needed to move on.  I haven't gotten very far into it yet but I know there are ways to help people go through this ttransition.  

Originally posted by CaCoDeMoN

I'm having some neg problems. I've read about Robert Bruce's core image removal, but I don't know how to perform it correctly. If anyone used it with sucess, please describe how you did it...

Start with making a list of 'traumatic' events in your life. I can be anything. Also try to remember the perspective you had THEN and not now (for example when you were a child and someone said that santa claus doesn't exist, IMAGINE THE TRAUMA OF IT! [:D]). When you have made up a list of them rate them from 1-10 (or some other scale). After that start moving through them one at a time. Go into a trance like state and imagine yourself in that situation when the memory happened, then shrink the image to the size of a stamp and use your awareness hands and force the picture to turn around. If there is anything out of ordinary on the other site, slash and dice it and then burn it. (You can make an astral flaming sword by feeling how the sword feels and then thinking it is a s concrete as whatever physical object, same thing for example flamethrower / other weaponry [8D] ).

You can get extra power by blessing your sword and flame with something holy, like God, Prophet names, Angels names, Higher self etc.

When you have removed the thing that were under the image then imagine there being a void left afterwards, then WARD the void with some holy symbol, or imagine Angels with swords guarding it. (I myself ward the voids with a glowing YHWH pentagram that I draw with my awareness hands, RB mentions in Psychic Self-defense that you should begin drawing the pentagram from down-right point, up to the topmost point, then down to down-left point, then left point, right point and down-right) After that I draw a circle to encompass the pentagram and  maybe bless it. (The main thing is to draw the pentagram in a clockwise order, as it is said to affect the outcome in a more powerful way).

When you encounter a real core-image, make a separate 'active core image list' where you keep a diary of the specified core images.
Then you can daily go through them and check if there are any reattachments.

If you know a specific spot on your energy body of an attachment you can just you NEW to remove it. Or then you can do like me and command your astral energy sword to not hurt your energy body but everything else that comes from outside, and then just insert the sword at the affected point.

There are also passive countermeasures like using garlic, incense, you might also draw a YHWH pentagram on your door pointing upwards. Also read about what the pentagram really symbolises to get a more powerful effect on it.

Remember, try to not show any emotions to the Neg. Do not either show some LOVE towards them. Of course it will only make matters worse heh.
You can show love towards some 'lost souls' who don't know where/what they are and try to guide them to the light, but this does imo. NOT work with Beings who are consciously draining energy for their own purposes from someone. They are more to be compared to an insect that follows its own nature. This is the reason they are not evil, they only follow their own nature, and good&evil is only a mere human definition.

I found out the BEST 'attitude' or emotion is a Burning Holy Rage(tm), a sort of spiritual fire which burns my whole self, that is WHILE I
charge them with my blue flaming sword.

You can also apply as passive countermasure a basin of water and bless it (do it with strong intention and it works much better), then put it under your bed and change it daily.
Two possibilities, imho.
Either a hypnogogic vision or astral sight.
It's not remote  viewing since you report seeing something that isn't there anymore.
I'd go with astral sight though. Can you be more specific with the details and quality of the event?

2cents & L&L

Welcome to the Astral Pulse! [:)] I'm not sure where it is that you are trying to buy the book from so I'll give a list of a few options.

First try Hampton Roads Publishing, the publisher of Astral Dynamics. Here is their link:

Also try They have a UK website that should ship to Poland. The book is usually available from them. See

Lastly, try: then type in "Astral Dynamics" and perhaps the word "buy" as well. You should then be able to view a list of vendors.

Very best,
Welcome to Astral Chat! / please help
January 23, 2004, 13:20:11
Move to another country? [:P]