Hallo peoples,
While browsing this site I noticed all the focus and phasing talk and I'm trying to get some understanding of the concept, but I'm failing, it's not at all easy to get an understanding of. I'm currently reading adrian's book, which is great I think, but it doesn't seem to be (in my mind) anything like what frank and others are talking about so that doesn't help either.
But!, I have a plan, I figure it is basically useless for me to try and figure this whole thing out, it would cause me a major information overload. So ill take a small bite at a time as not to get to many things together in my mind, and not create a mess in my mind.
So to start, if someone could clearly explain to me what F2oC means, a detailed explanation would be nice.
While browsing this site I noticed all the focus and phasing talk and I'm trying to get some understanding of the concept, but I'm failing, it's not at all easy to get an understanding of. I'm currently reading adrian's book, which is great I think, but it doesn't seem to be (in my mind) anything like what frank and others are talking about so that doesn't help either.
But!, I have a plan, I figure it is basically useless for me to try and figure this whole thing out, it would cause me a major information overload. So ill take a small bite at a time as not to get to many things together in my mind, and not create a mess in my mind.
So to start, if someone could clearly explain to me what F2oC means, a detailed explanation would be nice.