From my view if you beleive that u are evil you are and btw who defines are you good/evil who said that it's really defined by rate of your vibration, it's just a belief. If from childhood you were said that having low vibration makes you a good person you would have that beleief now.
Basiclly in this good/evil stuff there is for me 2 things.
1) There is universal law/truth call what ever u want which defines who u are so like something above you, which judges all your actions creates all values and you have to follow them ( Like God,Source or call what ever u like)
2) Everything this is made by us humans and there is 0 difference between good and bad, and the only person who draws a line between this 2 things is you and everything is made up by personal beleiefs.
If you wanna hear my opinion this is really just made by you what you beleive is your truth, we all have our truth and i really doubt someone has found universal truth.
I would say so create your own values and don't be chained by values of others because u can't know are these values really "real truth" or it was just made to enslave you or made by someone who will like to use these rules for his own needs.
Example that u are using values created by others, u began post with saying : "So, it's generally known that negative entities have low vibrations and positive entities have high vibrations."
Sometimes people tell me that my texts are passive agressive u will feel like that just know there was no attempt of being agressive or deceiveing/manipulating you into dirrection i want, everything above was my subjective opinion,tip or advice.
Basiclly in this good/evil stuff there is for me 2 things.
1) There is universal law/truth call what ever u want which defines who u are so like something above you, which judges all your actions creates all values and you have to follow them ( Like God,Source or call what ever u like)
2) Everything this is made by us humans and there is 0 difference between good and bad, and the only person who draws a line between this 2 things is you and everything is made up by personal beleiefs.
If you wanna hear my opinion this is really just made by you what you beleive is your truth, we all have our truth and i really doubt someone has found universal truth.
I would say so create your own values and don't be chained by values of others because u can't know are these values really "real truth" or it was just made to enslave you or made by someone who will like to use these rules for his own needs.
Example that u are using values created by others, u began post with saying : "So, it's generally known that negative entities have low vibrations and positive entities have high vibrations."
Sometimes people tell me that my texts are passive agressive u will feel like that just know there was no attempt of being agressive or deceiveing/manipulating you into dirrection i want, everything above was my subjective opinion,tip or advice.