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Messages - Lasher

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Dream sharing?
September 07, 2003, 11:08:59
Hi guys,

I wasn't quite sure where to post this.  It wasn't a lucid dream, so i didn't put it there.  But it was certainly unusual.

Yesterday morning I awoke with the memory of a dream.  In the dream, my wife and I were packing to move.  At one point she suggested that I pull some items out of one box because they could be carried separately.  I was anxious to get going, so I said that they were fine in the box.  In the dream, we were moving to a town called Bernard.

I told the dream to my wife as we still lay in bed, and she said that she had just had a dream that we were packing to move too!  She said that she was packing up the kitchen and that I was trying to hustle things along.  In the middle of the packing, our Newfie/St Bernard Mix had puppies.  In the dream, Peg had taken note that one of the puppies looked completely like a St Bernard.

Coincidence?  I don't think so.  I think that this was a clear example of some sort of psychic communion.  We both find it pretty mindblowing.  We've been together for 15 years and nothing like this has ever happened with us before.

I would love to have any thoughts on this that anyone might be willing to share.


Welcome to Book Reviews! / Lon Milo Duquette...?
August 19, 2003, 22:48:39
Anyone read his work?
From the reviews I've read, he is described as being very knowlegeable about magic and very hilarious at the same time.
I've just purchased his book that goes with his Tarot of Ceremonial Magic.  But he's got several other ones out there.  I wish my reading list was not already so huge.  One good thing, though.  I just got hired to work at Borders Books and Music in Los Gatos, CA.  So at least I can get my employee discount on all future additions to my rapidly growing, unread library. [:P]

Hi All!

Lasher here.  Sorry I have been absent so long.  I've been driving cross country with my wife and pets from Maine to California.  We took our time and saw some great sights like Niagra Falls, The Badlands of South Dakota, and Devil's Tower! (you know, that creepy looking mountain in the movie, Close Encounters)

Now, we're happily esconced in our tiny cabin amidst the redwoods of Los Gatos.  No broadband yet, but it's coming next week.  [:)]

I had an interesting Sleep Paralysis experience yesterday morning.  I woke up paralyzed for the first time in quite a long while.  My eyes were closed, but I could hear birds and things chirping outside.  I thought I heard voices outside the cabin.  I figured I should get up in case it was my landlord.  But, I couldn't move, of course.

Here is where the interesting part happened.  In every other sleep paralysis incident I can remember, my entire body was paralyzed.  This time, I found that I had completely free movement of my left arm and hand.  So I proceded to poke and slap at my face and my right arm to try to wake up.  My face and arm seemed to have no feeling, but I could feel them with my left hand.  

Anyway, I wasn't having much success waking up the rest of my body.  Then I kind of lost consciousness or mentally fell back asleep.  Then I woke up normally.  The odd thing was that when I awoke, I felt sure that I had been poking myself with an astral arm or dream arm, rather than my physical arm.  At the time it was happening, I thought it was my real arm.

So that was my most recent paranormal experience.  
Just to refresh, I've yet to have a remembered projection or lucid dream of any kind.  So far, this is about as exciting as things have gotten.  [:P]  

Glad to be back!  I'll be on sporadically 'til we get the broadband hooked up.  Then I will get more involved with the board again.  Take care!!!


When my wife and I move out to California next week, we are thinking of purchasing a radio dog fence.  This is a radio transmitter that sends out radio waves and lets a dog know when he has reached the edge of your property.  I'm curious about any unintended effects such a system might have, particularly in regard to OBES and Negs.
The radio waves generated would be much less powerful than, say, a radio tower.  Has anybody read anything about the effects of radio transmitters on the astral dimensions or even the effects on health in general?  I would be very interested in any information.  Thanks!

I keep hearing about these Focus Levels and I was wondering if I could get some descriptions from people's personal experiences as to what each level feels like and looks like when you are there.  Unfortunately, all of my books, including Astral Dynamics, are packed because I am moving from Maine to California in two weeks.

I've heard bits of descriptions here and there, some of which I have experienced (the basic stuff like swirling patterns and the occasional pop or noise).  But I would love to get a clearer idea of the attributes of each level so that I can figure out how far along I am, and what comes next.

Thank you for any input!
I'm moving to a cabin in a redwood forest.  If I'm ever going to project, that should be the place to do it!!!  [8D]

I have a question for those who have successfully projected.
Can you project if you are in physical contact with another person or even a pet?

I had an experience a couple weeks ago where I felt sort of loose in my body after some body-rush type vibrations.  I felt like I might be able to project.  But I was also very aware that my wife was spooning me and had her arm around me.  It seemed to be a barrier to my projecting.

Also, sometimes my wife travels on business.  But when she is gone, the dogs inevitably sleep on the bed.  They don't SPOON me.[:O]  
But when they curl up, then tend to do it leaning against me.  Everytime they breathe or pant or move to a new postion, it distracts me.

I could just shut them out of the bedroom, but then they would pace back and forth in front of the door whining.  

This has long been a problem.  There's nothing like being seated in deep meditation, and having your Newfie/St Bernard Mix saunter up and begin lapping aggressively at your ear.  

Hi There,

This is my first post on any Astral Pulse Forum.
My name is Dave Lasher.

At present I am reading Astral Dynamics, but I just purchased Psychic Self Defense today.  I've been lurking in these forums a little bit and I read a few things that got me thinking...

And I have a question.  About 20 years ago in my crazy youth, I had a disturbing experience which I am now wondering about.  I was at a rock concert and under the influence of mescaline, pot, and probably some beer too.  

I suddenly became aware that I had a HUGE (hallucinatory) mosquito attached to the back of my neck.  It was about the size of a large bird, like a crow.  It had it's giant proboscis stuck in the back of my neck on the left side and it was just sucking away. I blinked, but it didn't go away.  I tried to shoo it away, but to no avail.  It was a weird hallucination because it did not change or go away.  I just stood there for the rest of the concert with this giant mosquito feeding on me.  

I'm not sure exactly when I stopped being aware of it.  Probably when I went out to the restroom.  I've always just written it off as a strange hallucination.  But now, after reading this forum, I wonder if it may have been something more.  Any thoughts...?


P.S.  I stopped doing drugs many years ago.
Originally posted by Mohamed

I have tried to OOBE with the Monroe institutes OOBE CD's, but with no luck.  I believe I am closer than ever to having a full OOBE, but I have not had one yet.  I will keep you updated.


It's sounds like you are indeed getting close.  That's very encouraging!  Keep up the good work!

Originally posted by Mustardseed
Lived in India for 10 years people dont hardly fart there without consulting their astrologer [;)].

I don't know about that.  But it might be worth consulting a meteorologist to find out which direction the prevailing winds will be blowing.

Originally posted by Tisha


Now that is too bizarre.
I'm sending the image to my printer to see if they still move on the printed page.  If they do, I will be cheerfully checking myself in at the nearest asylum.  [:P]

Originally posted by Calypso

Libra here [:D]

Finally a Libra!!!

Originally posted by Tisha

I'm a triple taurus, can I vote three times?  MOOOOOOOO!

Okay, Tisha.  Since you are a triple cow, I feel obliged to give you the following link.  However, please do not click on it unless you have a decidedly twisted sense of humor.  Most folks I know find it hilarious.  However, I could see where someone might get offended.  Anyway, click at your own risk...

No Libras?
Where are all the Libras???
My wife's a Libra.
Does that count, or does it have to be a board member?
I could add her to the poll to get the Libras on the board.

We're all unbalanced!!!
We need someone to balance us!!!  [:P]

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Dream sharing?
September 07, 2003, 18:53:23
Originally posted by Vallk

What you had is probably what is called a mutual dream. I read a lot about it a while ago.

Thank you, Valk.  And thank you too Kodemaster.  It's the thought that counts. [:)]
I seem to remember reading in a Richard Bach book, years ago, that he and his wife were experimenting with this.  Each night before they went to sleep they would tell each other, "Remember to remember."

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Dream sharing?
September 07, 2003, 11:25:12
Originally posted by Adrian
In your case it seems you shared your dream with your wife [:)]

The next level is a full Astral projection in the Astral proper.

 How exciting!  I might be getting closer to a conscious OBE.  Thanks for your input, Adrian.

Originally posted by Kristina
Send me an e-mail if you are interested in the tapes/cd's.  I started writing up something about them but it sounded like I am trying to sell them and I am not.  I don't want anyone to think that.  I just reeeeeeally like them.  So e-mail me and I'll tell you all about it!

If you don't mind, could you mention the name of the CD's in this thread?  You don't have to describe them if you don't want.  But I'm sure that there are others like myself who would be interested in tracking them down and checking them out. [:)]



P.S. Congrats on your wonderful reunions!!!
Welcome to the Healing place! / My Son
August 22, 2003, 14:30:39
Originally posted by Spirit_k9

I won't ask for much, as I don't know the abilities of you all :-), but I ask that you take a moment if you can to send my son Shaun healing or a little prayer for his recovery.

I'm sorry to hear of your son's ordeal.
I will definitely say a prayer for his quick recovery.

Welcome to Book Reviews! / Lon Milo Duquette...?
August 20, 2003, 21:23:36
Going once...
Originally posted by Gandalf

Regarding Golden Dawn and AP,
I know that Golden Dawn tought a technique which is actually a form of phasing and predated Monroe by about 70 years. It involves visualising certain shapes, like a yellow circle on a blue background (not exactly that but you get the idea) and so on. If the individual visulised these for long enough he/she would find them selves able to move within it (in their mind's eye) and from there into the astral itself. There was a whole series of these shapes which opened up to various parts of the astral.

That sounds a lot like the Magical Tattwa Cards I bought recently.  Unfortunately, I've not had time to work with them yet.  But the book that comes with them is fascinating.  Here's a link to more info on the cards:

Welcome to Astral Chat! / HI
August 17, 2003, 09:54:29
Originally posted by T_Kman0610

hey just for a try i would like to get one of those flamin folders so can at least 25 people reply to this with anything they wish to say or talk about? thanx

You could try stopping by a San Francisco Laundromat...

Originally posted by superhumankiman

my dog is a doberman pincher and her name is stormie. The type of cancer she has is something called limphobia so her limphobe's are swelled up. Sorry about the spelling, Try to figure it out.

Hi Dylan,
That is indeed a tough cancer for a vet to treat.
With our dog, we tried to stay very in tune with how he was feeling so that we would know when he wanted to "go".  It was hard because we didn't want to let him go.  But we didn't want him to suffer either.  I really feel for you.

But, thank you for telling a little bit about Stormie.  I am going to say a prayer and visualize healing energy around her.  I'm sure that other people here will do the same, even if they don't post.  Lots more people read than post.  Stormie will be getting a lot of healing love energy from near and far.

Originally posted by Aerostars

The reason that I have kept my body at a nuetral state or alkaline for the past year and have not had to worry about this happening ..this is body PH  and 1 soda takes 14 glasses of water to nuetralize the amout of acid from that 12 oz. can...CAn you iamagine those indivuals that dring soda by the liter.....LOL

That's very interesting.  I used to work as a courier driving the backwoods of Maine.  That used to happen to me a lot.  Many times when I "came back", I would experience severe disorientation as to what road I was on, what direction I was headed, etc.

Coincidentally (or maybe not so coincidentally), I used to drink a lot of Coca Cola for the sugar and caffeine to keep me alert.


P.S.  What are you doing to keep your PH neutral?  Lately, I get horrible heartburn any time I drink citrus juice or am late for a meal.
Originally posted by pod3

No. We are given freedom of choice whereas servitors are not.

If they don't have freedom of choice, then what makes them go around causing havoc?

Originally posted by pmlonline

Yes, I believe John Edwards is for real.  His history with so many people and tests runs so deep that IMHO anyone who studies his past would be foolish to think otherwise.

Well, I cannot say that I've studied his past.  But I have watched him on numerous occasions and he and Sylvia Browne seem to be cut from the same cloth.  Maybe they do have "abilities".  But both of them seem to play manipulative games with people to make the audience perceive far more accuracy than is really occurring.

Edwards throws a ton of stuff against the wall and then hammers on the stuff that sticks while the vast majority of the stuff falls off.  

And I think Browne sometimes actually bullies people into agreeing with what she's saying.  You can see it on their faces.  She acts like it is their fault when she makes a mistake.

I think they are both carney-types preying on suckers.
It's too bad because folks who encounter this kind of stuff may end up thinking it's all bunk.
